Sahara je nekoć bila plodna

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Sahara je prije nekoliko tisuća godina bila vlažno tropsko područje s bujnom vegetacijom, u kojem su živjeli nosorozi, žirafe, slonovi i krokodili, a biljni i životinjski svijet nestajali su postupno, utvrdili su njemački znanstvenici.

Mnoštvo biljnih i životinjskih vrsta nije odjednom nestalo iz Sahare, kako se dosad smatralo, nego je njihov nestanak bio postupak, ustanovio je Stefan Kroepelin i njegovi kolege sa sveučilišta u Koelnu.

Njihovo istraživanje, objavljeno u najnovijem broju časopisa Science, pokazuje da je Sahara u svoje sadašnje stanje došla prije 2700 godina.

U doba "zelene Sahare", koje je započelo prije otprilike 10.500 godina i potrajalo do prije 7300 godine, današnja najveća svjetska pustinja bila je posvuda naseljena, izjavio je Kroepelin, koji već 30 godina istražuje promjene klime i okoliša u istočnoj Sahari.

Na kraju dugog procesa preobrazbe Sahara je postala ono što danas jest, prava pustinja bez oborina.

Pretpovijesni nalazi pokazuju da je južni dio Sahare prije nekoliko tisućljeća bio prekriven šumom, a sjeverni travom, tvrdi geoarheolog Kroepelin. U južnom su dijelu brojne riblje vrste živjele u rijekama i jezerima. Današnje Čadsko jezero svojedobno je bilo najveće na svijetu, a danas je od njega preostalo manje od jedan posto izvorne veličine.

Najvažnije spoznaje Kroepelinova je ekipa dobila bušenjem u 26 metara dubokom jezeru u predjelu Uunianga u Čadu, najdubljem jezeru u Sahari. Nalaz u bušotini služi za rekonstruiranje razdoblja od 6000 godina.

Pretpovijesni nalazi dokazuju da su prije nekoliko tisuća godina gotovo posvuda u Sahari živjeli ljudi, koji su svršetkom doba "zelene Sahare" postupno selili na njezin južni rub. Slično se dogodilo i sa životinjama, koje su prije otprilike 7300 godina počele selidbu na jug.

Stoljetni proces prirodnog širenja pustinje obustavljen je u proteklih 20 godina zbog globalnih klimatskih promjena. "Na rubovima pustinje sve je više oborina, a u nenaseljenoj pustinji možemo promatrati trend ponovne pojave biljaka", izjavio je Kroepelin.


Iran misli da je Barbie destruktivna

Uvoz lutaka Barbie i drugih zapadnih igračaka imat će razorne kulturne i društvene posljedice po Iran, izjavio je u ponedjeljak glavni iranski tužitelj.

Iranske islamske vlasti često ustaju protiv opasnosti koje vide u kulturi i potrošačkom društvu koje potiču Sjedinjene Države, označujući ih kao "trovanje Zapadom".

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Mladi Iranci, međutim, gorljivi su potrošači takbe glazbe, filmova i drugih roba sa Zapada. Poznate igračke mogu se kupiti u dječjim prodavaonama u Teheranu i drugdje.

"Pojava likova poput Barbie, Batmana, Spidermana i Harryja Pottera i ...računalnih igara i filmova su poziv na opasnost za dužnosnike u kulturnoj areni", rekao je glavni tužitelj Ghorba Ali Dori Najafabadi u pismu potpredsjedniku Parvizu Davoudiju objavljenom u dnevniku Mardom Salary.

Najafabadi, visokopozicionirani svećenik, kazao je kako je Iran treći po količini svjetski uvoznik igračaka i ukazao kako to predstavlja opasnost na "osobnost i identitet" mlade generacije.



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28.06.2007., četvrtak

Eating Your Profits?

"What's for dinner tonight, Mom?"
"Joe Smith's account on the grill and Sheila Jones' smothered with butter and a sprinkling of paprika."
"Sounds great!"

We often to refer to our meals as the account we land, but if for some home businesses, families can literally eat the profits Those who cannot manage their home businesses well often find themselves wondering where the profits went, and will over look the eight-dollar t-bone staring them in the face. How can home businesses keep from eating their profits.
First and foremost, the home business owner must keep his business funds separate from his home funds. He must establish a separate checking account altogether. "But that's too much work!" some whine.

Tough. Deal with it. When you absorb your business expenses and income into your home checking account, you manage your business finances poorly. You have no way of determining what your profit is if you're making a profit at all. So first and foremost, establish a separate account where you will deposit all business income and from where you will pay all business expenses.

Pay yourself from this business account. However, do not empty the account to pay yourself. If you do this, you are your most expensive employee, and you should fire yourself or shut down the business. When you pay yourself, do not take home the full hundred percent of the paycheck. Instead, deduct 25 percent of the paycheck and set it aside in a separate account, like a savings account, for taxes. Those who neglect to set money aside for taxes often do not have taxes. Plan for taxes. They should surprise no one when they roll around every quarter.

Learn to live and work within your means. The basic concept of money management lies on the principle that one never spends more than he earns. Figure out an estimated monthly income, and then spend that income on paper before you let the dollar bills slip through your fingers.

This means at home writing down all of your expenses, including anticipated expenses such as dentist bills, gifts, and car repairs. When you have the expenses and savings amounts written down, they should equal your take home pay. If they do not, adjust them so that they do, and learn to live within that budget. Then do the same at work. Learn to operate your business within the framework of your written budget. If you need someone to be accountable to, consider hiring an accountant that can help you with the budgeting process or recruit a friend that will go through the numbers with you.

Those who learn to manage their money wisely, both at home and with their home business, will always find themselves on top. No longer will you be eating Joe Smith's account on the grill or Sheila Jones' smothered with butter and sprinkled with paprika. Instead, you will find yourself savoring the profits that you know you have.

- 10:51 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

26.06.2007., utorak

How to Find the Best Home Internet Business

The first and most important rule to remember when you are selecting the best Internet business idea is the one that works for you. Often times the best Internet business, idea you can come up with is one that you will have fun doing.

A founder who has enthusiasm will often help a business thrive and survive far beyond other companies in the same field. However, you cannot have enthusiasm to keep your business running if you don’t like your job.

In addition, modern technology and Internet has made it possible and easy for almost anybody to thrive with an Internet based business. As long as you love your idea and you understand it then you will have a thriving business.

The second rule you should remember when selecting the best home internet business is if there is a good marketing system in place. You need to have an advanced plan or idea that will help generate the best possible traffic to your business or subscribers to your email newsletter. While you run your business always, keep in mind that without traffic you don’t have a business no matter how good your idea is.

When selecting the best home internet business you should be on the look out for some advantages that only the best internet business opportunities would have. These advantages may not look very important at first but they will eventually make the difference between early some spending money from your business opportunity and regularly taking home a six-figure check every month from your business opportunity without ever having to leave the house.

The best of the Internet business opportunities usually have a long and detailed section on affiliate information. Go to this section and check out the details. These details should provide you all the information you need to know how best to sell the Internet business opportunity. Having a large affiliate section is important since you won’t make any money off your business without sales. The larger the affiliate section the easier it will be for you to make an income off your home internet business. Some of the best opportunities even have a list of key contacts.

It is also a good idea to go with Internet business opportunities that have a detailed and specific payment policy and preferably one that allows you to be paid for second and even third tier affiliate sales. This means you are paid for sub affiliates that you introduce to the business program. This way you can earn an income off both your direct sales and those of the ones who have joined the program. This can make a big difference in the size of the paycheck you receive.

- 10:57 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

22.06.2007., petak

Starting Up Out of the Hole

Computer? Check. Paper? Check. Pencils? Check. Motivational picture of Einstein? Check. Starting a business takes plenty of supplies and an equal amount of dough. However, what does a new home business really need for supplies? After all, it is a home business. Beyond the office itself, does a home business need that much? Home business owners must always consider the vast amount of supplies they will need, starting with the basics.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usFirst and foremost, the home business will need some basic hardware. Inevitably every home business will need a basic computer. This tool alone will save the savvy home business owner oodles. With a computer the home business owner can manage and track orders and contracts, draw up official documents, create ads and other materials with appropriate graphics, not to mention communicate with clients via e-mail. The home business will also need basic office supplies such as paper, pencils and pens, paper clips, envelopes, and stamps. The home business owner should complete a full "needs" inventory before heading off to the office supply store. Home business owners should also create a budget for hardware and then stick to it so that he does not allow himself to be allured by the leather office chair on sale for "90 days same as cash."

Secondly, the home business owner must consider how a home office will affect his utilities. Will his electric bill changes? Heating bill? Water? Will he need an internet connection or a faster connecting speed? If no one stayed at home during the day in the past, several utility bills will ultimately be affected by a person working at home on a regular basis. Lights will stay one, water will run, and the business will need internet.

Finally, the home business owner should seek legal counsel to determine if he or she will need a specific license to run a business from their home. Do they need a small business license from the state? Will they need a tax identification number? Each of these things will take a small chunk from the initial budget along with the legal fees that ensure the business will run legally.

Beginning a home business is a big, scary step. It means leaving the security of a full-time job or beginning a brand new adventure into an unfamiliar world. However, it doesn't have to be scary. Consider these items when you consider the cost of starting a home business. You can best determine these costs by talking to others. Run a search for a forum of small business owners or visit with those in your area. Regardless of the start up costs, always start with cash. Do not charge or go into debt to begin your job. Then you can start out on top instead of in the hole.

Recommended: Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

- 10:28 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

19.06.2007., utorak

Home-Based Businesses: Your Computer and Opportunity

The rapid expansion of the Internet has made the world a smaller place. With billions now connected to the information superhighway, the internet is poised to explode as the business medium of the new millennium. Many of the barriers to international trade are now disappearing, and today it is possible for people from different parts of the globe to interact, connect, and go into business together.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usBecause the Internet has grown so quickly, opportunities to make money within its framework have increased as well. If you have a computer, an internet connection, and perhaps a few business ideas, you can make money on the Internet. There are a variety of ways you can go about this, but if you are just starting out, you might consider becoming a freelancer.

A freelancer is someone who does not work for any specified company or employer. He finds and engages in work on a project-by-project basis and receives payment in generally the same way. A freelancer does not receive a stable salary; however, he may have certain advantages over salaried employees. For instance, freelancers are often free to choose which type of work to engage in, and how much time and effort they will put into it.

The freelance work market is relatively easy to get into; there are almost no barriers to entry. You can join a few sites (many of them are free), scan the jobs and projects they have available, and basically choose the ones that you think are promising. The difficulties only really arise when you are working on the project itself: make sure you pick work that is well suited to your natural abilities and capacity for work. If you are a certified accountant, for instance, do not make the mistake of taking on a project on web design. (Unless of course you are equally proficient in that area.) Remember that even though you are a freelancer, when you take on a project you are working for somebody else, and it is your responsibility to give your employer the best you can give. If you finish your assignments promptly, chances are high that you will be contacted again when more work needs to be done. Past employers may even recommend you to their own contacts if your work is truly of outstanding quality.

Never forget that being a freelancer actually means that you are running your own home-based business. You will have to find your own work, negotiate your own terms, hound down payments, and pay your own taxes. You are self-employed; therefore the success of your business depends entirely on you. Be sure, then, that you do all that you can to help yourself succeed. Scout for your own opportunities. Never stop learning, especially about things that pertain to your particular field or profession. Advertise your services. Build your own networks. But most of all make sure that the quality of your work is worth its weight in gold. That is the best form of promotion; and in the long run it will make all the difference in your career as a freelancer.

Recommended: Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

- 14:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

11.06.2007., ponedjeljak

Your $100/month can go a long way !

PIPS is just one of the great programs out there. If it is working for you, work on it and concentrate with residual income promoting the products inside - SFI, host4profit, etc.....

Internet marketing, just like any offline business, requires dedication and commitment. That's why 98% of marketers will fail because its our nature to assume for a fast track wealth to retire in 30, 60 days without knowing the concepts involved on how the online business works.

Your $100/month can go a long way.

Just like what great guru i admire, John delaVera always emphasize, internet marketing is like playing "war craft" game. If you are an avid gamer, you may know how this concept works.

Using your $100/month budget, you will come out a bit of income here and there : from your blog, classified ads (whether paid or free), adsense, ppc ads, etc.

Here is how the game of internet marketing works : if you are starting to see good results (that is money started to come in), set it aside as a "fuel" to go on with your advertising to make more money. Set it aside to buy more "arsenal" to make more money. Set it aside to buy more programs that could give your residual income. Set it aside to join quality membership site that could give you another arsenal to grow bigger. Set it aside to buy and create more website that could build your list faster, etc, etc.

See how the system works?

Truth is, we can make real money and good income from the internet. I have seen some guys started with nothing. They struggle, some with no income for as long as 2 years - yet they focus and now i have seen some of them making new programs here and there, creating JV with other gurus and are very successful. Believe me or not, dozens of them - started just like you and me - are now making $10,000 to as much as $30,000 per month. To name a few : John dela Vera, Russell Brunson, Richard Legg, Dylan Loh, Kyle and Carson (the Wealthy Affiliates) and dozens more too many to mention ......

And they keep on investing what they earned to buy more "fuel", more "resources" to stay ahead in this marketing game.

$ 100 /month !! Business !

My 2 cents....

- 11:25 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Ways to start a home business under $100

So, are you looking for ways to start a home business because you are feeling that there has to be something better out there then where you work right now? Well, there probably is and I am the person who will help share 5 home business ideas that are under the cost of $100. It is easy, as long as you have the patients and just a little. Information Professional is one of the businesses under $100. If you like searching the internet and love working with people this job is definitely for you. You find information for different clients; it can range anything from history facts to medical statistics. It does not take a lot to start this business.

A few things you would need to have are Business cards, Internet access, mail, printer, fax and the will to keep going even when other people turn you down. Another, business under $100 would be Public Relations Consultant. If you enjoy communicating and the written word, this job might be for you. You will need internet access, business cards, mail, fax, email.

These are essential tools in succeeding in any business. Your main job is to help new business come into the market. This can be done by research and networking. In conclusion there are many ways to brake into home business. If you dislike working from 9-5 there is a way out. All it takes is some patients and some research. It takes time, it will not happen over night. Just have some patients and some will of not giving up on hope because there’s always hope when you need it.

Many people start there business for the wrong reasons instead of for the right reasons that’s why they adventure out in start there business because they want to succeed in life in make a better place for the family’s. You have some business that get rich off of false advertising and products that’s not even on the market in you have some real business that helps you get the things you need to start your own business without going over your budget rather it’s a $100.00 dollars or a $1000.00 dollars you can start your business under that cost without feeling you need to go over your spending budget.

Many people start a small business than work there way up to a corporate business that will allow them to have mega income but this start up business ideals under $100.00 dollars will allow you to earn money as well without the need of thinking your business want succeed.

Having business ideals mean you can create whatever business you choose to create.

Recommended: Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

- 09:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

07.06.2007., četvrtak

Need A Cheap Way to Promote Your Home Business Website?

One of the most inexpensive, convenient, and effective ways to advertise yourself and your business is by using e-mail in web site promotion. There are two basic ways to do this.

First, using e-mail in web site promotion can be done with the entire e-mail itself. Perhaps someone has visited your site and signed up for an informative e-mail. The first e-mail you send him or her will be filled to the brim with information about your web site and your business. Every e-mail that follows will be addressing customer concerns, announcing web site or product upgrades or changes, and keeping readers up-to-date with everything else that is going on regarding your web site and your business. The greatest thing about this way of using e-mail in web site promotion is that the recipients of the e-mails actually signed up for them. They want to read what you send them.

Second, you can incorporate business information at the end of all of your emails—business or personal. These little bits of information are called signature files, and although small, they have the ability to pack major punch. Not exceeding six lines write the most important business and contact information in your signature. You may be tempted to cram in as much information as you can, but remember—your signature file will be directing the readers to your web site where they will find all the information they could ask for.

Since most web sites starting out are on a budget of some sort, using e-mail in web site promotion makes sense. It’s free, it’s easy, yet it’s effective. After all, e-mails are also free and they can be sent to anyone with an e-mail account. Remember, using e-mail in web site promotion is most effective when the recipient has requested the information. Don’t push yourself too hard. Signature files included in e-mails are like a friendly reminder, and you should consider including them at the end of every email you send.

Recommended: Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

- 12:01 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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Uz skorašnji Majčin dan američki mediji objavili su priču o 41-godišnjoj ženi iz Arkansasa, koja nosi svoje 18. dijete koje bi se trebalo roditi na 1. siječnja.

Michelle Duggar majka je sedam djevojčica i desetorice dječaka, a među njih 17 dva su para blizanaca. Najstarijem djetetu je 20 godina, a najmlađem devet mjeseci. Brzorastuća obitelj živi u Tontitownu na sjeverozapadu Arkansasa u domu od 650 četvornih kvadrata. Imena sve djece počinju slovom J i djeca ne pohađaju školu već nastavni program prate u vlastitoj obitelji.


Istraživanje će dokazati trebaju li žene u menopauzi jesti čokoladu svaki dan

Čokolada bi mogla spasiti život nekim ženama, kažu znanstvenici. Oni, naime, vjeruju da bi određena vrsta čokolade mogla biti korisna određenom tipu žena.
Ova će teorija biti ispitana posebnim istraživanjem tijekom kojeg će 150 dobrovoljki jesti čokoladu svaki dan, i to godinu dana.

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Znanstvenici Sveučilišta East Anglia vjeruju da bi čokolada bogata posebnim biljnim spojem mogla pomoći ženama koje su prošle menopauzu, a imaju dijabetes tipa 2. Njima bi čokolada mogla pomoći očuvati srce.

Flavonoidi, biljni sastojci koji se nalaze u kakau i soji, dokazano smanjuju rizik od izloženosti srčanim bolestima. Stručnjaci za dijete uposlili su tako belgijskog proizvođača čokolade da proizvede čokoladice bogate flavonoidima. Klasičan postupak proizvodnje čokolade, naime, uništava većinu flavonoida.

"Postoje neke stvari za koje smo sigurni da smanjuju rizik od bolesti srca. Jedenje čokolade nije nešto za što bismo mogli pomislili da ćemo raditi svaki dan", rekao jedan od sudionika istraživanja.

Potvrdi li teorija, dakle, čokolada bi mogla biti uvrštena među obveznu hranu za zaštitu srca žena nakon menopauze. Ovo bi, konačno, bio "recept" koji bi sa zadovoljstvom poštovale mnoge žene.


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