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Kleine boeren garantie voor voedselzekerheid – ‘Oekraïense landbouw is te veel op export gericht’ – Foodlog
Never Mind: $500 Million Deal to Save the Weinstein Company Is Kaput
Glimpse inside a graphene sandwich
Watch Sophie Turner Star In True-Crime Drama “The Staircase” – Grazia
Support Utah Writers on Independent Bookstore Day
Amitabh Bachchan: আর্থিক কষ্ট অমিতাভ বচ্চনের! বাড়ির কর্মচারীদের কাছ থেকে ধার করে খাবার কিনতেন ‘শেহনশাহ’!!
El amor de Scarlett Johansson por la moda masculina inspiró un momento de alfombra roja a juego con Colin Jost – Inicio
Monica Bellucci on ‘Memory,’ Liam Neeson, and Working with the Wachowskis on ‘The Matrix Reloaded’ and ‘The Matrix Revolutions’
Could Ewan McGregor Stick Around The Star Wars Universe After Obi-Wan Kenobi? The Actor Has Thoughts
Rebel Wilson reveals the prank that once made her high school teacher cry

MagpieRSS Object
    [parser] => 0
    [current_item] => Array

    [items] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [title] => Kleine boeren garantie voor voedselzekerheid – ‘Oekraïense landbouw is te veel op export gericht’ – Foodlog
                    [link] => https://movies.movs.world/lifestyle/kleine-boeren-garantie-voor-voedselzekerheid-oekraiense-landbouw-is-te-veel-op-export-gericht-foodlog/
                    [dc] => Array
                            [creator] => Holly June

                    [pubdate] => Fri, 29 Apr 2022 04:39:54 +0000
                    [category] => LifestyleboerenexportFoodloggarantiegerichtKleinelandbouwOekraïenseveelvoedselzekerheidvoor
                    [guid] => https://movies.movs.world/?p=97498
                    [description] => Bij Oekraïne denken we vooral aan grote bedrijfsmatig geleide voormalige kolchozen gefinancierd door (buitenlandse) investeerders. Het landbouwbeleid van de Oekraïense regering is ook vooral op deze bedrijven gericht en voor kleine en middelgrote bedrijven is nauwelijks aandacht. Sterker nog, boeren met minder dan 100 hectare worden niet eens als boer aangemerkt door de regering. Volgens ... Read more
                    [content] => Array
                            [encoded] => 

Bij Oekraïne denken we vooral aan grote bedrijfsmatig geleide voormalige kolchozen gefinancierd door (buitenlandse) investeerders. Het landbouwbeleid van de Oekraïense regering is ook vooral op deze bedrijven gericht en voor kleine en middelgrote bedrijven is nauwelijks aandacht. Sterker nog, boeren met minder dan 100 hectare worden niet eens als boer aangemerkt door de regering. Volgens Ecoruralis, dat 17.000 kleine boeren vertegenwoordigt, is dat niet terecht.

Kleine agrarische bedrijven hebben 12% van het landbouwareaal in Oekraïne in gebruik. Daarop produceren ze 52,7% van de bruto binnenlandse landbouwproductie: 98% van de totale aardappelproductie, 86% van de groenten, 85% van het fruit en 81% van de melk

Grote bedrijven bieden geen zekerheid
Kleine agrarische bedrijven variërend in grootte van minder dan één hectare tot iets meer dan 100 hectare hebben 12% van het landbouwareaal in Oekraïne in gebruik volgens Ecoruralis. Daarop produceren ze 52,7% van de bruto binnenlandse landbouwproductie. Van de totale aardappelproductie komt 98% van deze relatief kleine bedrijven, 86% van de groenten, 85% van het fruit en 81% van de melk.

De grote agribedrijven bewerken ongeveer twee derde van het Oekraïense landbouwareaal. Door het uitbreken van de oorlog is het werk op veel van de – grotendeels door oligarchen gecontroleerde – bedrijven stil gevallen. “Niemand heeft het echt over wie er op de boerderij is gebleven”, zegt Attila Szocs van Ecoruralis in Euractiv. “Maar wie zijn degenen die nu in Oekraïne boeren, wie beheert de voedselzekerheid van het land? Dat zijn de kleine boeren die veel van deze voedingsmiddelen produceren en die nu op het land blijven en de bevolking daadwerkelijk voeden.”

In tijden van vrede is de focus op de grote bedrijven misschien te rechtvaardigen, volgens Mykola Pugachov, adjunct-directeur van het Oekraïense Instituut voor de Agrarische Economie. “Tijdens een crisis is het vooral belangrijk om de voedselzekerheid en efficiëntie van de particuliere boeren, de individuen te waarborgen”, zegt Pugachov. Het Oekraïense landbouwbeleid is gericht op de grote agrobedrijven en die produceren voor de export. Daarmee is Oekraïne in feite de export aan het subsidiëren, aldus Szocs.

Om de eigen voedselzekerheid veilig te stellen moeten volgens beide experts de kleine en microbedrijven meer betrokken worden bij het agrarisch beleid. “Daarmee creëer je werkgelegenheid op het platteland en draag je tegelijkertijd bij aan betere fysieke en financiële toegang tot agrarische goederen”, volgens Pugachov.

Dit artikel maakt deel uit van de contentsamenwerking tussen Foodbusiness, Foodlog en Boerenbusiness.

We wish to say thanks to the writer of this article for this amazing material

Kleine boeren garantie voor voedselzekerheid – ‘Oekraïense landbouw is te veel op export gericht’ – Foodlog

) [summary] => Bij Oekraïne denken we vooral aan grote bedrijfsmatig geleide voormalige kolchozen gefinancierd door (buitenlandse) investeerders. Het landbouwbeleid van de Oekraïense regering is ook vooral op deze bedrijven gericht en voor kleine en middelgrote bedrijven is nauwelijks aandacht. Sterker nog, boeren met minder dan 100 hectare worden niet eens als boer aangemerkt door de regering. Volgens ... Read more [atom_content] =>

Bij Oekraïne denken we vooral aan grote bedrijfsmatig geleide voormalige kolchozen gefinancierd door (buitenlandse) investeerders. Het landbouwbeleid van de Oekraïense regering is ook vooral op deze bedrijven gericht en voor kleine en middelgrote bedrijven is nauwelijks aandacht. Sterker nog, boeren met minder dan 100 hectare worden niet eens als boer aangemerkt door de regering. Volgens Ecoruralis, dat 17.000 kleine boeren vertegenwoordigt, is dat niet terecht.

Kleine agrarische bedrijven hebben 12% van het landbouwareaal in Oekraïne in gebruik. Daarop produceren ze 52,7% van de bruto binnenlandse landbouwproductie: 98% van de totale aardappelproductie, 86% van de groenten, 85% van het fruit en 81% van de melk

Grote bedrijven bieden geen zekerheid
Kleine agrarische bedrijven variërend in grootte van minder dan één hectare tot iets meer dan 100 hectare hebben 12% van het landbouwareaal in Oekraïne in gebruik volgens Ecoruralis. Daarop produceren ze 52,7% van de bruto binnenlandse landbouwproductie. Van de totale aardappelproductie komt 98% van deze relatief kleine bedrijven, 86% van de groenten, 85% van het fruit en 81% van de melk.

De grote agribedrijven bewerken ongeveer twee derde van het Oekraïense landbouwareaal. Door het uitbreken van de oorlog is het werk op veel van de – grotendeels door oligarchen gecontroleerde – bedrijven stil gevallen. “Niemand heeft het echt over wie er op de boerderij is gebleven”, zegt Attila Szocs van Ecoruralis in Euractiv. “Maar wie zijn degenen die nu in Oekraïne boeren, wie beheert de voedselzekerheid van het land? Dat zijn de kleine boeren die veel van deze voedingsmiddelen produceren en die nu op het land blijven en de bevolking daadwerkelijk voeden.”

In tijden van vrede is de focus op de grote bedrijven misschien te rechtvaardigen, volgens Mykola Pugachov, adjunct-directeur van het Oekraïense Instituut voor de Agrarische Economie. “Tijdens een crisis is het vooral belangrijk om de voedselzekerheid en efficiëntie van de particuliere boeren, de individuen te waarborgen”, zegt Pugachov. Het Oekraïense landbouwbeleid is gericht op de grote agrobedrijven en die produceren voor de export. Daarmee is Oekraïne in feite de export aan het subsidiëren, aldus Szocs.

Om de eigen voedselzekerheid veilig te stellen moeten volgens beide experts de kleine en microbedrijven meer betrokken worden bij het agrarisch beleid. “Daarmee creëer je werkgelegenheid op het platteland en draag je tegelijkertijd bij aan betere fysieke en financiële toegang tot agrarische goederen”, volgens Pugachov.

Dit artikel maakt deel uit van de contentsamenwerking tussen Foodbusiness, Foodlog en Boerenbusiness.

We wish to say thanks to the writer of this article for this amazing material

Kleine boeren garantie voor voedselzekerheid – ‘Oekraïense landbouw is te veel op export gericht’ – Foodlog

[date_timestamp] => 1651207194 ) [1] => Array ( [title] => Never Mind: $500 Million Deal to Save the Weinstein Company Is Kaput [link] => https://movies.movs.world/movie-production-companies/never-mind-500-million-deal-to-save-the-weinstein-company-is-kaput/ [dc] => Array ( [creator] => Sally Scully ) [pubdate] => Fri, 29 Apr 2022 04:39:03 +0000 [category] => Movie Production CompaniesCompanyDealKaputmindSaveWeinstein [guid] => https://movies.movs.world/?p=97492 [description] => Salvation has evaded the Weinstein Company yet again. Though the flailing company was previously set to be rescued by a reported $500 million deal led by businesswoman Maria Contreras-Sweet and billionaire Ron Burkle, it appears the deal has ultimately fallen apart. In a statement Tuesday, Contreras-Sweet revealed that the her plan to salvage the studio ... Read more [content] => Array ( [encoded] =>

Salvation has evaded the Weinstein Company yet again. Though the flailing company was previously set to be rescued by a reported $500 million deal led by businesswoman Maria Contreras-Sweet and billionaire Ron Burkle, it appears the deal has ultimately fallen apart. In a statement Tuesday, Contreras-Sweet revealed that the her plan to salvage the studio has been terminated.

“All of us have worked in earnest on the transaction to purchase the assets of The Weinstein Company,” her statement begins. “However, after signing and entering into the confirmatory diligence phase, we have received disappointing information about the viability of completing this transaction. As a result, we have decided to terminate this transaction.”

The decision brings an end to T.W.C.’s shaky past few months, when the organization teetered somewhere between total bankruptcy and potential rescue after Harvey Weinstein’s catastrophic downfall. Rumblings of the deal with Contreras-Sweet began back in January, with rumors that she was planning to revamp the company by installing a majority female-led board and changing its soiled name. However, shortly after that, a letter from T.W.C.’s board revealed that the deal was going poorly; the board claimed that the deal was “illusory,” ultimately “charting a financial path that will fail.” The board then declared that T.W.C. would file for bankruptcy. Not even a week later, Contreras-Sweet released a statement declaring that the deal was back on the table. But now, just four days after that, the deal has evaporated once again; filing for bankruptcy appears to be the company’s next option.

In her latest statement, the businesswoman says the team will “consider acquiring assets that may become available in the event of bankruptcy proceedings.”

“I remain committed to working to advance women’s business ownership in all sectors and to inspire girls to envision their futures as leaders of important companies,” she adds.

Here is the statement in full:

“All of us have worked in earnest on the transaction to purchase the
assets of The Weinstein Company. However, after signing and entering
into the confirmatory diligence phase, we have received disappointing
information about the viability of completing this transaction.

As a result, we have decided to terminate this transaction.

I would like to thank the employees and the board of The Weinstein
Company for pursuing this opportunity with us and Attorney General
Eric Schneiderman for playing a crucial role at a critical time. I
especially want to thank Ron Burkle and The Yucaipa Companies for
their advice, showing faith in this deal, and taking an unusual step
of subordinating many typical investor board rights to the women who
would have led this company. I would like to thank Lantern Asset
Management for their early capital commitment and Len Blavatnik for
his willingness to look at creative options on the debt side. Lastly,
I would like to thank Tarak Ben Ammar.

I believe that our vision to create a women-led film studio is still
the correct course of action. To that end, we will consider acquiring
assets that may become available in the event of bankruptcy
proceedings, as well as other opportunities that may become available
in the entertainment industry.

I remain committed to working to advance women’s business ownership in
all sectors and to inspire girls to envision their futures as leaders
of important companies.”

We would love to say thanks to the author of this short article for this amazing web content

Never Mind: $500 Million Deal to Save the Weinstein Company Is Kaput

) [summary] => Salvation has evaded the Weinstein Company yet again. Though the flailing company was previously set to be rescued by a reported $500 million deal led by businesswoman Maria Contreras-Sweet and billionaire Ron Burkle, it appears the deal has ultimately fallen apart. In a statement Tuesday, Contreras-Sweet revealed that the her plan to salvage the studio ... Read more [atom_content] =>

Salvation has evaded the Weinstein Company yet again. Though the flailing company was previously set to be rescued by a reported $500 million deal led by businesswoman Maria Contreras-Sweet and billionaire Ron Burkle, it appears the deal has ultimately fallen apart. In a statement Tuesday, Contreras-Sweet revealed that the her plan to salvage the studio has been terminated.

“All of us have worked in earnest on the transaction to purchase the assets of The Weinstein Company,” her statement begins. “However, after signing and entering into the confirmatory diligence phase, we have received disappointing information about the viability of completing this transaction. As a result, we have decided to terminate this transaction.”

The decision brings an end to T.W.C.’s shaky past few months, when the organization teetered somewhere between total bankruptcy and potential rescue after Harvey Weinstein’s catastrophic downfall. Rumblings of the deal with Contreras-Sweet began back in January, with rumors that she was planning to revamp the company by installing a majority female-led board and changing its soiled name. However, shortly after that, a letter from T.W.C.’s board revealed that the deal was going poorly; the board claimed that the deal was “illusory,” ultimately “charting a financial path that will fail.” The board then declared that T.W.C. would file for bankruptcy. Not even a week later, Contreras-Sweet released a statement declaring that the deal was back on the table. But now, just four days after that, the deal has evaporated once again; filing for bankruptcy appears to be the company’s next option.

In her latest statement, the businesswoman says the team will “consider acquiring assets that may become available in the event of bankruptcy proceedings.”

“I remain committed to working to advance women’s business ownership in all sectors and to inspire girls to envision their futures as leaders of important companies,” she adds.

Here is the statement in full:

“All of us have worked in earnest on the transaction to purchase the
assets of The Weinstein Company. However, after signing and entering
into the confirmatory diligence phase, we have received disappointing
information about the viability of completing this transaction.

As a result, we have decided to terminate this transaction.

I would like to thank the employees and the board of The Weinstein
Company for pursuing this opportunity with us and Attorney General
Eric Schneiderman for playing a crucial role at a critical time. I
especially want to thank Ron Burkle and The Yucaipa Companies for
their advice, showing faith in this deal, and taking an unusual step
of subordinating many typical investor board rights to the women who
would have led this company. I would like to thank Lantern Asset
Management for their early capital commitment and Len Blavatnik for
his willingness to look at creative options on the debt side. Lastly,
I would like to thank Tarak Ben Ammar.

I believe that our vision to create a women-led film studio is still
the correct course of action. To that end, we will consider acquiring
assets that may become available in the event of bankruptcy
proceedings, as well as other opportunities that may become available
in the entertainment industry.

I remain committed to working to advance women’s business ownership in
all sectors and to inspire girls to envision their futures as leaders
of important companies.”

We would love to say thanks to the author of this short article for this amazing web content

Never Mind: $500 Million Deal to Save the Weinstein Company Is Kaput

[date_timestamp] => 1651207143 ) [2] => Array ( [title] => Glimpse inside a graphene sandwich [link] => https://movies.movs.world/healthandscience/glimpse-inside-a-graphene-sandwich/ [dc] => Array ( [creator] => Tony Grantly ) [pubdate] => Fri, 29 Apr 2022 04:35:56 +0000 [category] => Health And ScienceGlimpsegraphenesandwich [guid] => https://movies.movs.world/?p=97487 [description] => Journal Reference: Maine Christos, Subir Sachdev, Mathias S. Scheurer. Correlated Insulators, Semimetals, and Superconductivity in Twisted Trilayer Graphene. Physical Review X, 2022; 12 (2) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevx.12.021018 Since the first successful fabrication of a two-dimensional structure of carbon atoms about 20 years ago, graphene has fascinated scientists. A few years ago, researchers discovered that two layers ... Read more [content] => Array ( [encoded] =>

Journal Reference:

  1. Maine Christos, Subir Sachdev, Mathias S. Scheurer. Correlated Insulators, Semimetals, and Superconductivity in Twisted Trilayer Graphene. Physical Review X, 2022; 12 (2) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevx.12.021018

Since the first successful fabrication of a two-dimensional structure of carbon atoms about 20 years ago, graphene has fascinated scientists. A few years ago, researchers discovered that two layers of graphene, slightly twisted against each other, can conduct electric current without loss. In recent years, this discovery has prompted scientists to explore such layered materials in greater detail. A recent notable example is mirror-symmetric twisted trilayer graphene, where three layers of graphene are stacked with alternating twist angles. It is the first moiré system that can both be efficiently tuned with a perpendicular electric field and was demonstrated experimentally to exhibit robust superconductivity, alongside various other phases. “This establishes trilayer graphene as an exciting platform for complex many-body physics, but the nature of the observed interaction-induced insulators, semi-metals, and superconductivity remains unknown,” says Mathias Scheurer from the Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Innsbruck.

In a paper published in Physical Review X, a team led by Scheurer numerically and analytically studied the phase diagram of this system for different numbers of electrons per moiré unit cell and as a function of electric field. “This is a very challenging problem as the system has both flat and highly dispersive bands,” says the theoretical physicist. “Nonetheless, we managed to show that the ground state of the system in the absence of a field decouples into a product of the ground state of graphene and the ground state of twisted bilayer graphene,” a property that has subsequently been confirmed by experiments. Their results further establish the dominance of insulating and semi-metallic phases in the presence of an electric field which are unique to the trilayer system, i.e., are not realized in twisted bilayer graphene. “We are able to use our resulting phase diagram for the correlated normal states to constrain the form of the superconductor,” says Scheurer. “Among other aspects, the resulting two superconducting candidate states we get are consistent with the unexpected stability of the superconductor in magnetic field seen in experiment.”

The relevance of the findings for the physics of twisted trilayer graphene is further attested by a subsequent collaboration with the group of Abhay Pasupathy from Columbia university. In a recent paper in Science, they report scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) data on this system. “We show that the measured tunneling spectra exhibit significant interaction effects that can be qualitatively captured by the numerics of our work,” says Mathias Scheurer.

We want to say thanks to the writer of this article for this amazing material

Glimpse inside a graphene sandwich

) [summary] => Journal Reference: Maine Christos, Subir Sachdev, Mathias S. Scheurer. Correlated Insulators, Semimetals, and Superconductivity in Twisted Trilayer Graphene. Physical Review X, 2022; 12 (2) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevx.12.021018 Since the first successful fabrication of a two-dimensional structure of carbon atoms about 20 years ago, graphene has fascinated scientists. A few years ago, researchers discovered that two layers ... Read more [atom_content] =>

Journal Reference:

  1. Maine Christos, Subir Sachdev, Mathias S. Scheurer. Correlated Insulators, Semimetals, and Superconductivity in Twisted Trilayer Graphene. Physical Review X, 2022; 12 (2) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevx.12.021018

Since the first successful fabrication of a two-dimensional structure of carbon atoms about 20 years ago, graphene has fascinated scientists. A few years ago, researchers discovered that two layers of graphene, slightly twisted against each other, can conduct electric current without loss. In recent years, this discovery has prompted scientists to explore such layered materials in greater detail. A recent notable example is mirror-symmetric twisted trilayer graphene, where three layers of graphene are stacked with alternating twist angles. It is the first moiré system that can both be efficiently tuned with a perpendicular electric field and was demonstrated experimentally to exhibit robust superconductivity, alongside various other phases. “This establishes trilayer graphene as an exciting platform for complex many-body physics, but the nature of the observed interaction-induced insulators, semi-metals, and superconductivity remains unknown,” says Mathias Scheurer from the Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Innsbruck.

In a paper published in Physical Review X, a team led by Scheurer numerically and analytically studied the phase diagram of this system for different numbers of electrons per moiré unit cell and as a function of electric field. “This is a very challenging problem as the system has both flat and highly dispersive bands,” says the theoretical physicist. “Nonetheless, we managed to show that the ground state of the system in the absence of a field decouples into a product of the ground state of graphene and the ground state of twisted bilayer graphene,” a property that has subsequently been confirmed by experiments. Their results further establish the dominance of insulating and semi-metallic phases in the presence of an electric field which are unique to the trilayer system, i.e., are not realized in twisted bilayer graphene. “We are able to use our resulting phase diagram for the correlated normal states to constrain the form of the superconductor,” says Scheurer. “Among other aspects, the resulting two superconducting candidate states we get are consistent with the unexpected stability of the superconductor in magnetic field seen in experiment.”

The relevance of the findings for the physics of twisted trilayer graphene is further attested by a subsequent collaboration with the group of Abhay Pasupathy from Columbia university. In a recent paper in Science, they report scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) data on this system. “We show that the measured tunneling spectra exhibit significant interaction effects that can be qualitatively captured by the numerics of our work,” says Mathias Scheurer.

We want to say thanks to the writer of this article for this amazing material

Glimpse inside a graphene sandwich

[date_timestamp] => 1651206956 ) [3] => Array ( [title] => Watch Sophie Turner Star In True-Crime Drama “The Staircase” – Grazia [link] => https://movies.movs.world/movie-actors/watch-sophie-turner-star-in-true-crime-drama-the-staircase-grazia/ [dc] => Array ( [creator] => Tom Pauler ) [pubdate] => Fri, 29 Apr 2022 04:34:24 +0000 [category] => Movie ActorsdramaGraziaSophieStaircaseStartruecrimeTurnerWatch [guid] => https://movies.movs.world/?p=97481 [description] => Credit: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images For Louis Vuitton If you’ve managed to burn your way through every true-crime drama on Netflix, firstly, we’re extremely impressed. Secondly, you’ll probably need something new to binge. With a release date just days away, HBO Max is preparing to unveil The Staircase starring Sophie Turner, Colin Firth and Toni Collette. Some would ... Read more [content] => Array ( [encoded] =>

If you’ve managed to burn your way through every true-crime drama on Netflix, firstly, we’re extremely impressed. Secondly, you’ll probably need something new to binge. With a release date just days away, HBO Max is preparing to unveil The Staircase starring Sophie Turner, Colin Firth and Toni Collette.

Some would be able to recall that ultra compelling case involving novelist Michael Peterson who was accused of murdering his wife, Kathleen Peterson. For the uninitiated, Kathleen was found dead at the bottom of the stairs at her family home in North Carolina in 2001. Suspicions arose that Michael had instead killed her and staged it to look like an accident.

HBO The Staircase Trailer
Credit: HBO

The chilling case was the subject of a 2018 Netflix docuseries of the same name. The upcoming HBO series will comprise of an eight-episode adaption which is written and executive-produced by Antonio Campos (known for his work on The Devil Of All Time) and Maggie Cohn (American Crime Story). With this kind of lineup both on and off the screen, you know it will be good.

The Staircase will drop from May 5, 2022 on HBO Max in the US and for Australian viewers, you can stream the series from BINGE.

Turner (who recently revealed her second pregnancy!) has also appeared the 2022 films Broken Soldier and Survive. The 26-year-old is also slated to appear in the upcoming teen movie Stranger which is currently in post-production.

If you’re looking for another true-crime series in the interim, may we also suggest The Girl from Plainville. Starring lead actress Elle Fanning, the series follows the intriguing true story of Michelle Carter who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter of the suicide of her then-boyfriend, Conrad Henri Roy III when he was encouraged to take his own life in 2014.

Weekend plans, sorted.

We would like to give thanks to the author of this article for this amazing web content

Watch Sophie Turner Star In True-Crime Drama “The Staircase” – Grazia

) [summary] => Credit: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images For Louis Vuitton If you’ve managed to burn your way through every true-crime drama on Netflix, firstly, we’re extremely impressed. Secondly, you’ll probably need something new to binge. With a release date just days away, HBO Max is preparing to unveil The Staircase starring Sophie Turner, Colin Firth and Toni Collette. Some would ... Read more [atom_content] =>

If you’ve managed to burn your way through every true-crime drama on Netflix, firstly, we’re extremely impressed. Secondly, you’ll probably need something new to binge. With a release date just days away, HBO Max is preparing to unveil The Staircase starring Sophie Turner, Colin Firth and Toni Collette.

Some would be able to recall that ultra compelling case involving novelist Michael Peterson who was accused of murdering his wife, Kathleen Peterson. For the uninitiated, Kathleen was found dead at the bottom of the stairs at her family home in North Carolina in 2001. Suspicions arose that Michael had instead killed her and staged it to look like an accident.

HBO The Staircase Trailer
Credit: HBO

The chilling case was the subject of a 2018 Netflix docuseries of the same name. The upcoming HBO series will comprise of an eight-episode adaption which is written and executive-produced by Antonio Campos (known for his work on The Devil Of All Time) and Maggie Cohn (American Crime Story). With this kind of lineup both on and off the screen, you know it will be good.

The Staircase will drop from May 5, 2022 on HBO Max in the US and for Australian viewers, you can stream the series from BINGE.

Turner (who recently revealed her second pregnancy!) has also appeared the 2022 films Broken Soldier and Survive. The 26-year-old is also slated to appear in the upcoming teen movie Stranger which is currently in post-production.

If you’re looking for another true-crime series in the interim, may we also suggest The Girl from Plainville. Starring lead actress Elle Fanning, the series follows the intriguing true story of Michelle Carter who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter of the suicide of her then-boyfriend, Conrad Henri Roy III when he was encouraged to take his own life in 2014.

Weekend plans, sorted.

We would like to give thanks to the author of this article for this amazing web content

Watch Sophie Turner Star In True-Crime Drama “The Staircase” – Grazia

[date_timestamp] => 1651206864 ) [4] => Array ( [title] => Support Utah Writers on Independent Bookstore Day [link] => https://movies.movs.world/scream-away/support-utah-writers-on-independent-bookstore-day/ [dc] => Array ( [creator] => Harry World ) [pubdate] => Fri, 29 Apr 2022 04:19:15 +0000 [category] => Scream AwayBookstoredayIndependentsupportUtahWriters [guid] => https://movies.movs.world/?p=97475 [description] => A selection of prominent Utah writers from the Utah@125 project—a collection of 125-word essays and poems to celebrate Utah—will present eight simultaneous readings (plus a ninth virtual reading) at independent book stores around the state on Saturday, April 30, 2022 (Independent Bookstore Day, duh). The event is (we think) the first-ever simultaneous series of readings ... Read more [content] => Array ( [encoded] =>

A selection of prominent Utah writers from the Utah@125 project—a collection of 125-word essays and poems to celebrate Utah—will present eight simultaneous readings (plus a ninth virtual reading) at independent book stores around the state on Saturday, April 30, 2022 (Independent Bookstore Day, duh). The event is (we think) the first-ever simultaneous series of readings at multiple bookstores across the state. Among the readers will be former Utah poet laureates, national award-winning slam poets, prominent Utah journalists (including Salt Lake magazine’s editor Jeremy Pugh), award-winning fiction writers, poets, and essayists.

More than 45 writers, five or more in each location, will read their 125-word pieces at seven Utah bookstores at 3 p.m. The readings will take place on Saturday, April 30 in Logan, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Sandy, and Provo bookstores. Plus: There will be a virtual Zoom reading (link here) at 3 p.m. hosted by Torrey House Press, and an additional Salt Lake City reading at 5 p.m. at Weller Book Works.

“The cool thing about these readings is the idea of Utah stories being told by writers across the state—at the same time,” said Anne Holman, co-owner of The King’s English Bookshop, who partnered with the Utah Department of Cultural & Community Engagement to schedule the events. “I can’t think of a better way to represent the diversity of Utah’s literary voices, as well as the strength of our bookstores.”

All of the Utah@125 readings—commissioned as part of the state’s Thrive125 celebration—are free.


  • 3 p.m. — Logan’s The Book Table, 29 S. Main St.
    Writers: Shawn Bliss, Ben Gunsberg, Kimberly Ence, Willy Palomo and Chadd VanZanten
  • 3 p.m. — Ogden’s Queen Bee Giftery, 270 25th St.
    Writers: Tyler Chadwick, Jayrod Garrett, Michael Gross, Joel Long and Sydney Salter
  • 3 p.m. — Salt Lake City’s Ken Sanders Rare Books at The Leo, 209 E. 500 South
    Writers: Rob Carney, Stephen Dark, Lance Larsen, Jeremy Pugh and Kathryn Knight Sonntag 
  • 3 p.m. — Salt Lake City’s The King’s English Bookshop, 1511 S. 1500 East
    Writers: Bill Dunford, Dawn Houghton, Lynn Kilpatrick, Elaine Jarvik, Julie Jensen and Kimberly Johnson
  • 3 p.m. — Sandy’s The Printed Garden, 9445 S. Union Square, Ste. A
    Writers: Karin Anderson, Jai Bashir, Lisa Bickmore, Reb Cuevas and Lindsay Eagar
  • 3 p.m. — Park City’s Dolly’s Bookstore, 510 Main St.
    Writers: Lee Benson, Phyllis Barber, Lyn McCarter and Teri Orr
  • 3 p.m. — Provo’s Pioneer Book, 450 W. Center St.
    James Goldberg, Julie Nichols, Tiana Smith, Tim Slover, Larkin Weyand and Maleah Day Warner
  • 5 p.m. — Salt Lake City’s Weller Book Works, 607 Trolley Square
    Writers: Lisa Carricaburu, Amy Donaldson, David Pace, Rosie Gochnour Serago, Sylvia Torti, RJ Walker and Bryan Young
  • Virtual event at 3 p.m. — On Zoom, hosted by Torrey House Press
    Writers: Marilyn Abildskov, Danielle Beazer Dubrasky, Taylor Fang, Todd Robert Peterson, Erica Soon Olsen, Natasha Saje, and Brooke Williams

See all of our A&E coverage here and while you are hanging around subscribe already and get the best of life in Utah.

We wish to say thanks to the writer of this write-up for this awesome web content

Support Utah Writers on Independent Bookstore Day

) [summary] => A selection of prominent Utah writers from the Utah@125 project—a collection of 125-word essays and poems to celebrate Utah—will present eight simultaneous readings (plus a ninth virtual reading) at independent book stores around the state on Saturday, April 30, 2022 (Independent Bookstore Day, duh). The event is (we think) the first-ever simultaneous series of readings ... Read more [atom_content] =>

A selection of prominent Utah writers from the Utah@125 project—a collection of 125-word essays and poems to celebrate Utah—will present eight simultaneous readings (plus a ninth virtual reading) at independent book stores around the state on Saturday, April 30, 2022 (Independent Bookstore Day, duh). The event is (we think) the first-ever simultaneous series of readings at multiple bookstores across the state. Among the readers will be former Utah poet laureates, national award-winning slam poets, prominent Utah journalists (including Salt Lake magazine’s editor Jeremy Pugh), award-winning fiction writers, poets, and essayists.

More than 45 writers, five or more in each location, will read their 125-word pieces at seven Utah bookstores at 3 p.m. The readings will take place on Saturday, April 30 in Logan, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Sandy, and Provo bookstores. Plus: There will be a virtual Zoom reading (link here) at 3 p.m. hosted by Torrey House Press, and an additional Salt Lake City reading at 5 p.m. at Weller Book Works.

“The cool thing about these readings is the idea of Utah stories being told by writers across the state—at the same time,” said Anne Holman, co-owner of The King’s English Bookshop, who partnered with the Utah Department of Cultural & Community Engagement to schedule the events. “I can’t think of a better way to represent the diversity of Utah’s literary voices, as well as the strength of our bookstores.”

All of the Utah@125 readings—commissioned as part of the state’s Thrive125 celebration—are free.


  • 3 p.m. — Logan’s The Book Table, 29 S. Main St.
    Writers: Shawn Bliss, Ben Gunsberg, Kimberly Ence, Willy Palomo and Chadd VanZanten
  • 3 p.m. — Ogden’s Queen Bee Giftery, 270 25th St.
    Writers: Tyler Chadwick, Jayrod Garrett, Michael Gross, Joel Long and Sydney Salter
  • 3 p.m. — Salt Lake City’s Ken Sanders Rare Books at The Leo, 209 E. 500 South
    Writers: Rob Carney, Stephen Dark, Lance Larsen, Jeremy Pugh and Kathryn Knight Sonntag 
  • 3 p.m. — Salt Lake City’s The King’s English Bookshop, 1511 S. 1500 East
    Writers: Bill Dunford, Dawn Houghton, Lynn Kilpatrick, Elaine Jarvik, Julie Jensen and Kimberly Johnson
  • 3 p.m. — Sandy’s The Printed Garden, 9445 S. Union Square, Ste. A
    Writers: Karin Anderson, Jai Bashir, Lisa Bickmore, Reb Cuevas and Lindsay Eagar
  • 3 p.m. — Park City’s Dolly’s Bookstore, 510 Main St.
    Writers: Lee Benson, Phyllis Barber, Lyn McCarter and Teri Orr
  • 3 p.m. — Provo’s Pioneer Book, 450 W. Center St.
    James Goldberg, Julie Nichols, Tiana Smith, Tim Slover, Larkin Weyand and Maleah Day Warner
  • 5 p.m. — Salt Lake City’s Weller Book Works, 607 Trolley Square
    Writers: Lisa Carricaburu, Amy Donaldson, David Pace, Rosie Gochnour Serago, Sylvia Torti, RJ Walker and Bryan Young
  • Virtual event at 3 p.m. — On Zoom, hosted by Torrey House Press
    Writers: Marilyn Abildskov, Danielle Beazer Dubrasky, Taylor Fang, Todd Robert Peterson, Erica Soon Olsen, Natasha Saje, and Brooke Williams

See all of our A&E coverage here and while you are hanging around subscribe already and get the best of life in Utah.

We wish to say thanks to the writer of this write-up for this awesome web content

Support Utah Writers on Independent Bookstore Day

[date_timestamp] => 1651205955 ) [5] => Array ( [title] => Amitabh Bachchan: আর্থিক কষ্ট অমিতাভ বচ্চনের! বাড়ির কর্মচারীদের কাছ থেকে ধার করে খাবার কিনতেন ‘শেহনশাহ’!! [link] => https://movies.movs.world/movies/amitabh-bachchan-%e0%a6%86%e0%a6%b0%e0%a7%8d%e0%a6%a5%e0%a6%bf%e0%a6%95-%e0%a6%95%e0%a6%b7%e0%a7%8d%e0%a6%9f-%e0%a6%85%e0%a6%ae%e0%a6%bf%e0%a6%a4%e0%a6%be%e0%a6%ad-%e0%a6%ac%e0%a6%9a%e0%a7%8d/ [dc] => Array ( [creator] => Sally Scully ) [pubdate] => Fri, 29 Apr 2022 03:54:17 +0000 [category] => MoviesAmitabhBachchanঅমতভআরথককছকনতনকরকরমচরদরকষটখবরথকধরবচচনরবডরশহনশহ [guid] => https://movies.movs.world/?p=97469 [description] => দেশের সব থেকে বড় তারকা অমিতাভ বচ্চন (Amitabh Bachchan)। যার নামটাই যথেষ্ট। তাঁর স্টারডম নিয়ে নানা কথা শোনা যায় বিভিন্ন মহলে। বিগ বি ল্যাভিশ লাইফস্টাইলের কাহিনী বিভিন্ন সময় উঠেএসেছে সংবাদ শিরোনামে। পাশাপাশি একটা সময় বেশ আর্থিক সংঙ্কটের মুখ পড়তে হয় বলিউডের (Bollywood) শেহনশাহকে। তিনি তাঁর জীবনে সাফল্য যেমন দেখেছেন তেমনই ব্যার্থতাও তিনি দেখেছেন একইভাবে। একটা ... Read more [content] => Array ( [encoded] =>
দেশের সব থেকে বড় তারকা অমিতাভ বচ্চন (Amitabh Bachchan)। যার নামটাই যথেষ্ট। তাঁর স্টারডম নিয়ে নানা কথা শোনা যায় বিভিন্ন মহলে। বিগ বি ল্যাভিশ লাইফস্টাইলের কাহিনী বিভিন্ন সময় উঠেএসেছে সংবাদ শিরোনামে। পাশাপাশি একটা সময় বেশ আর্থিক সংঙ্কটের মুখ পড়তে হয় বলিউডের (Bollywood) শেহনশাহকে। তিনি তাঁর জীবনে সাফল্য যেমন দেখেছেন তেমনই ব্যার্থতাও তিনি দেখেছেন একইভাবে। একটা সময় নিজের জীবনে নেওয়া বেশ কিছু সিদ্ধান্তের কারণে ঠকতে হয়েছিল বিগ বি কে।

Amitabh Bachchan: “টাকা পেয়েছি, তাই করেছি”, পানমশলার বিজ্ঞাপন নিয়ে অকপট অমিতাভ!
বহু স্টারদেরই বিভিন্ন সময় আর্থিক অনটনের মুখে পড়তে হয়েছে। কিন্তু অমিতাভ বচ্চনের এই কাহিনী সবার থেকে আলাদা। শুনলে অবিশ্বাস্য অবাস্তবও মনে হতে পারে। পরিস্থিতি এমন হয় যে খাবার টেবিলে কর্মচারীর দের থেকে টাকা ধার করে খেতে হয়েছিল। কিন্তু কেন এমন দিন দেখতে হল বচ্চন পরিবারকে।

eisamayAmitabh Bachchan Trending News:‘প্রয়াত’ Big B! খবর ছড়িয়ে পড়তেই তোলপাড় নেটপাড়া
আসলে অমিতাভ (Amitabh Bachchan) যখন মধ্যবয়স্ক সেই সময় তিনি প্রযোজনা সংস্থা খোলার সিদ্ধান্ত নেন। যার ফলে বাজারে বেশ ধার দেনাও করতে হয়। কিন্তু সেই ব্যবসা একেবারে মুখ থুবড়ে পড়ে। এবং চূড়ান্ত ক্ষতির সম্মুখীণ হতে হয় বিগ বি কে। সেই তাঁর এই অর্থনৈতিক সঙ্কটের প্রভাব পড়ে অভিষেক বচ্চনের উপর। বিদেশে পড়তে গিয়েছিলেন অভিষেক। তবে বাড়িতে এই পরিস্থিতির কথা ভেবে পড়াশোনা না করেই দেশে ফেরেন অভিষেক। সেই সময় বাবার পাশেই থাকতে চেয়েছিলেন অভিষেক। অসম্ভব স্ট্রাগলের মধ্যে দিয়ে যেতে হয় গোটা বচ্চন পরিবারকে।

eisamayKhaike Paan banaraswala: ছোট্ট অভিষেককে নকল করেই ‘খাইকে পান বানারসওয়ালা’ নেচেছিলেন বিগ বি!
eisamayবুড্ঢা হোগা তেরা বাপ! লাথি মেরে দেওয়াল ভাঙলেন ৮০-র বিগ বি
একটি সাক্ষাৎকারে অভিষেক (Abhishek Bachchan) জানিয়েছিলেন, পরিস্থিতি একটা সময় এমন হয় যে খাবার টেবিলে বাড়ির কর্মচারীদের কাছ থেকে টাকা ধার করতে হয় খাবার কেনার জন্য। তবে যখন এই দুঃসময়ের মধ্যে দিয়ে যাচ্ছিল বচ্চন পরিবার সেই সময় এগিয়ে আসেন সোনি প্রযোজক সংস্থা। শুরু ভারতীয় টেলিভিশনের মোড় ঘোরানো কুইজ শে কৌন বনেগা কড়োরপতি (Kaun BanegaCrorepati)।সেখান থেকে ফের সুদিন শুরু বচ্চন পরিবারের। তারপর থেকেই জীবনে দ্বিতীয় ইনিংস শুরু হয় বিগ বি-র। বয়স আশি ছুঁই ছুঁই এখনও পর্যন্ত সুপার অ্যাক্টিভ চুটিয়ে কাজ করে যাচ্ছেন অভিনেতা। বর্তমানে বচ্চন ফ্যামিলিতে (Bachchan Family) ‘অল ইজ ওয়েল’।
আগামীদিনে একাধিক ছবির কাজ রয়েছে অমিতাভ বচ্চনের হাতে। তালিকায় রয়েছে ব্রহ্মাস্ত্র (Brahmastra), কন্নড় ছবি বাটারফ্লাই (Butterfly), গুড বাই (Good Bye), অজয় দেবগণ (Ajay Devgn) পরিচালিত Runway 34 এবং নাগ অশ্বিনীর নাম না হওয়া ছবি। এছাড়াও কিছুদিন আগেই মুক্তি পেয়েছিল তাঁর ছবি ঝুন্ড (Jhund)।

We wish to give thanks to the author of this write-up for this incredible material

Amitabh Bachchan: আর্থিক কষ্ট অমিতাভ বচ্চনের! বাড়ির কর্মচারীদের কাছ থেকে ধার করে খাবার কিনতেন ‘শেহনশাহ’!!

) [summary] => দেশের সব থেকে বড় তারকা অমিতাভ বচ্চন (Amitabh Bachchan)। যার নামটাই যথেষ্ট। তাঁর স্টারডম নিয়ে নানা কথা শোনা যায় বিভিন্ন মহলে। বিগ বি ল্যাভিশ লাইফস্টাইলের কাহিনী বিভিন্ন সময় উঠেএসেছে সংবাদ শিরোনামে। পাশাপাশি একটা সময় বেশ আর্থিক সংঙ্কটের মুখ পড়তে হয় বলিউডের (Bollywood) শেহনশাহকে। তিনি তাঁর জীবনে সাফল্য যেমন দেখেছেন তেমনই ব্যার্থতাও তিনি দেখেছেন একইভাবে। একটা ... Read more [atom_content] =>
দেশের সব থেকে বড় তারকা অমিতাভ বচ্চন (Amitabh Bachchan)। যার নামটাই যথেষ্ট। তাঁর স্টারডম নিয়ে নানা কথা শোনা যায় বিভিন্ন মহলে। বিগ বি ল্যাভিশ লাইফস্টাইলের কাহিনী বিভিন্ন সময় উঠেএসেছে সংবাদ শিরোনামে। পাশাপাশি একটা সময় বেশ আর্থিক সংঙ্কটের মুখ পড়তে হয় বলিউডের (Bollywood) শেহনশাহকে। তিনি তাঁর জীবনে সাফল্য যেমন দেখেছেন তেমনই ব্যার্থতাও তিনি দেখেছেন একইভাবে। একটা সময় নিজের জীবনে নেওয়া বেশ কিছু সিদ্ধান্তের কারণে ঠকতে হয়েছিল বিগ বি কে।

Amitabh Bachchan: “টাকা পেয়েছি, তাই করেছি”, পানমশলার বিজ্ঞাপন নিয়ে অকপট অমিতাভ!
বহু স্টারদেরই বিভিন্ন সময় আর্থিক অনটনের মুখে পড়তে হয়েছে। কিন্তু অমিতাভ বচ্চনের এই কাহিনী সবার থেকে আলাদা। শুনলে অবিশ্বাস্য অবাস্তবও মনে হতে পারে। পরিস্থিতি এমন হয় যে খাবার টেবিলে কর্মচারীর দের থেকে টাকা ধার করে খেতে হয়েছিল। কিন্তু কেন এমন দিন দেখতে হল বচ্চন পরিবারকে।

eisamayAmitabh Bachchan Trending News:‘প্রয়াত’ Big B! খবর ছড়িয়ে পড়তেই তোলপাড় নেটপাড়া
আসলে অমিতাভ (Amitabh Bachchan) যখন মধ্যবয়স্ক সেই সময় তিনি প্রযোজনা সংস্থা খোলার সিদ্ধান্ত নেন। যার ফলে বাজারে বেশ ধার দেনাও করতে হয়। কিন্তু সেই ব্যবসা একেবারে মুখ থুবড়ে পড়ে। এবং চূড়ান্ত ক্ষতির সম্মুখীণ হতে হয় বিগ বি কে। সেই তাঁর এই অর্থনৈতিক সঙ্কটের প্রভাব পড়ে অভিষেক বচ্চনের উপর। বিদেশে পড়তে গিয়েছিলেন অভিষেক। তবে বাড়িতে এই পরিস্থিতির কথা ভেবে পড়াশোনা না করেই দেশে ফেরেন অভিষেক। সেই সময় বাবার পাশেই থাকতে চেয়েছিলেন অভিষেক। অসম্ভব স্ট্রাগলের মধ্যে দিয়ে যেতে হয় গোটা বচ্চন পরিবারকে।

eisamayKhaike Paan banaraswala: ছোট্ট অভিষেককে নকল করেই ‘খাইকে পান বানারসওয়ালা’ নেচেছিলেন বিগ বি!
eisamayবুড্ঢা হোগা তেরা বাপ! লাথি মেরে দেওয়াল ভাঙলেন ৮০-র বিগ বি
একটি সাক্ষাৎকারে অভিষেক (Abhishek Bachchan) জানিয়েছিলেন, পরিস্থিতি একটা সময় এমন হয় যে খাবার টেবিলে বাড়ির কর্মচারীদের কাছ থেকে টাকা ধার করতে হয় খাবার কেনার জন্য। তবে যখন এই দুঃসময়ের মধ্যে দিয়ে যাচ্ছিল বচ্চন পরিবার সেই সময় এগিয়ে আসেন সোনি প্রযোজক সংস্থা। শুরু ভারতীয় টেলিভিশনের মোড় ঘোরানো কুইজ শে কৌন বনেগা কড়োরপতি (Kaun BanegaCrorepati)।সেখান থেকে ফের সুদিন শুরু বচ্চন পরিবারের। তারপর থেকেই জীবনে দ্বিতীয় ইনিংস শুরু হয় বিগ বি-র। বয়স আশি ছুঁই ছুঁই এখনও পর্যন্ত সুপার অ্যাক্টিভ চুটিয়ে কাজ করে যাচ্ছেন অভিনেতা। বর্তমানে বচ্চন ফ্যামিলিতে (Bachchan Family) ‘অল ইজ ওয়েল’।
আগামীদিনে একাধিক ছবির কাজ রয়েছে অমিতাভ বচ্চনের হাতে। তালিকায় রয়েছে ব্রহ্মাস্ত্র (Brahmastra), কন্নড় ছবি বাটারফ্লাই (Butterfly), গুড বাই (Good Bye), অজয় দেবগণ (Ajay Devgn) পরিচালিত Runway 34 এবং নাগ অশ্বিনীর নাম না হওয়া ছবি। এছাড়াও কিছুদিন আগেই মুক্তি পেয়েছিল তাঁর ছবি ঝুন্ড (Jhund)।

We wish to give thanks to the author of this write-up for this incredible material

Amitabh Bachchan: আর্থিক কষ্ট অমিতাভ বচ্চনের! বাড়ির কর্মচারীদের কাছ থেকে ধার করে খাবার কিনতেন ‘শেহনশাহ’!!

[date_timestamp] => 1651204457 ) [6] => Array ( [title] => El amor de Scarlett Johansson por la moda masculina inspiró un momento de alfombra roja a juego con Colin Jost – Inicio [link] => https://movies.movs.world/healthandscience/el-amor-de-scarlett-johansson-por-la-moda-masculina-inspiro-un-momento-de-alfombra-roja-a-juego-con-colin-jost-inicio/ [dc] => Array ( [creator] => Tom Pauler ) [pubdate] => Fri, 29 Apr 2022 03:28:32 +0000 [category] => Health And SciencealfombraAmorColinInicioinspiróJohanssonJostjuegomasculinamodamomentoporrojaScarlett [guid] => https://movies.movs.world/?p=97463 [description] => Scarlett Johansson es más que una actriz galardonada, una celebridad influyente y una mujer de negocios increíblemente talentosa: también es un ícono de la moda. Y resulta que muchos de los atuendos más famosos de la estrella de Marvel provienen de su amor por la moda masculina. Un momento de coincidencia en la alfombra roja ... Read more [content] => Array ( [encoded] =>

Scarlett Johansson es más que una actriz galardonada, una celebridad influyente y una mujer de negocios increíblemente talentosa: también es un ícono de la moda. Y resulta que muchos de los atuendos más famosos de la estrella de Marvel provienen de su amor por la moda masculina.

Un momento de coincidencia en la alfombra roja con su esposo Colin Jost, en particular, se inspiró en gran medida en la moda masculina. De hecho, dice que siempre prefiere la moda masculina a la femenina. ¡Un momento del traje de poder incluso cubrió el crecimiento del bebé durante el embarazo de Johansson!

We want to say thanks to the writer of this article for this outstanding content

El amor de Scarlett Johansson por la moda masculina inspiró un momento de alfombra roja a juego con Colin Jost – Inicio

) [summary] => Scarlett Johansson es más que una actriz galardonada, una celebridad influyente y una mujer de negocios increíblemente talentosa: también es un ícono de la moda. Y resulta que muchos de los atuendos más famosos de la estrella de Marvel provienen de su amor por la moda masculina. Un momento de coincidencia en la alfombra roja ... Read more [atom_content] =>

Scarlett Johansson es más que una actriz galardonada, una celebridad influyente y una mujer de negocios increíblemente talentosa: también es un ícono de la moda. Y resulta que muchos de los atuendos más famosos de la estrella de Marvel provienen de su amor por la moda masculina.

Un momento de coincidencia en la alfombra roja con su esposo Colin Jost, en particular, se inspiró en gran medida en la moda masculina. De hecho, dice que siempre prefiere la moda masculina a la femenina. ¡Un momento del traje de poder incluso cubrió el crecimiento del bebé durante el embarazo de Johansson!

We want to say thanks to the writer of this article for this outstanding content

El amor de Scarlett Johansson por la moda masculina inspiró un momento de alfombra roja a juego con Colin Jost – Inicio

[date_timestamp] => 1651202912 ) [7] => Array ( [title] => Monica Bellucci on ‘Memory,’ Liam Neeson, and Working with the Wachowskis on ‘The Matrix Reloaded’ and ‘The Matrix Revolutions’ [link] => https://movies.movs.world/movie-actors/monica-bellucci-on-memory-liam-neeson-and-working-with-the-wachowskis-on-the-matrix-reloaded-and-the-matrix-revolutions/ [dc] => Array ( [creator] => Tony Grantly ) [pubdate] => Fri, 29 Apr 2022 03:24:41 +0000 [category] => Movie ActorsBellucciLiamMatrixmemoryMonicaNeesonReloadedRevolutionsWachowskis [guid] => https://movies.movs.world/?p=97457 [description] => She also shares a fun story about being in the airport and someone thinking she was Catherine Zeta-Jones. With director Martin Campbell’s Memory opening in theaters this weekend, I recently spoke to Monica Bellucci about being part of the action thriller starring Liam Neeson. In the film, Neeson plays an expert assassin that’s dealing with ... Read more [content] => Array ( [encoded] =>

She also shares a fun story about being in the airport and someone thinking she was Catherine Zeta-Jones.

monica-belucci-memory social

With director Martin Campbell’s Memory opening in theaters this weekend, I recently spoke to Monica Bellucci about being part of the action thriller starring Liam Neeson. In the film, Neeson plays an expert assassin that’s dealing with getting older and suffering from a memory that is beginning to falter. When a job goes wrong because he refuses to kill a child, Neeson must figure out who hired him while staying ahead of the FBI and his failing memory. Memory also stars Guy Pearce, Taj Atwal, Ray Fearon, and Harold Torres. The film is produced by Cathay Schulman, Moshe Diamant, Rupert Maconick, Michael Heimler, and Arthur Sarkissian.


During the interview, Bellucci talked about why she wanted to work with Campbell and Neeson, why people love watching Neeson kick ass, the first thing you should watch if you’ve never seen her work, and what it was like working with the Wachowskis on The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions.

RELATED: ‘Memory’ Trailer Reveals Liam Neeson Fighting Both Bad Guys and Old Age

Watch what Monica Bellucci had to say in the player above and below is a list of everything we talked about.

Monica Bellucci


‘Memory’: Release Date, Cast, and Everything You Need to Know About the Liam Neeson Actioner

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About The Author

We want to thank the author of this write-up for this amazing material

Monica Bellucci on ‘Memory,’ Liam Neeson, and Working with the Wachowskis on ‘The Matrix Reloaded’ and ‘The Matrix Revolutions’

) [summary] => She also shares a fun story about being in the airport and someone thinking she was Catherine Zeta-Jones. With director Martin Campbell’s Memory opening in theaters this weekend, I recently spoke to Monica Bellucci about being part of the action thriller starring Liam Neeson. In the film, Neeson plays an expert assassin that’s dealing with ... Read more [atom_content] =>

She also shares a fun story about being in the airport and someone thinking she was Catherine Zeta-Jones.

monica-belucci-memory social

With director Martin Campbell’s Memory opening in theaters this weekend, I recently spoke to Monica Bellucci about being part of the action thriller starring Liam Neeson. In the film, Neeson plays an expert assassin that’s dealing with getting older and suffering from a memory that is beginning to falter. When a job goes wrong because he refuses to kill a child, Neeson must figure out who hired him while staying ahead of the FBI and his failing memory. Memory also stars Guy Pearce, Taj Atwal, Ray Fearon, and Harold Torres. The film is produced by Cathay Schulman, Moshe Diamant, Rupert Maconick, Michael Heimler, and Arthur Sarkissian.


During the interview, Bellucci talked about why she wanted to work with Campbell and Neeson, why people love watching Neeson kick ass, the first thing you should watch if you’ve never seen her work, and what it was like working with the Wachowskis on The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions.

RELATED: ‘Memory’ Trailer Reveals Liam Neeson Fighting Both Bad Guys and Old Age

Watch what Monica Bellucci had to say in the player above and below is a list of everything we talked about.

Monica Bellucci


‘Memory’: Release Date, Cast, and Everything You Need to Know About the Liam Neeson Actioner

Read Next

About The Author

We want to thank the author of this write-up for this amazing material

Monica Bellucci on ‘Memory,’ Liam Neeson, and Working with the Wachowskis on ‘The Matrix Reloaded’ and ‘The Matrix Revolutions’

[date_timestamp] => 1651202681 ) [8] => Array ( [title] => Could Ewan McGregor Stick Around The Star Wars Universe After Obi-Wan Kenobi? The Actor Has Thoughts [link] => https://movies.movs.world/movie-actors/could-ewan-mcgregor-stick-around-the-star-wars-universe-after-obi-wan-kenobi-the-actor-has-thoughts/ [dc] => Array ( [creator] => Tony Grantly ) [pubdate] => Fri, 29 Apr 2022 03:23:42 +0000 [category] => Movie ActorsActorEwanKenobiMcGregorObiWanStarstickUniverseWars [guid] => https://movies.movs.world/?p=97451 [description] => The Star Wars universe continues to expand, but can the same be said for Ewan McGregor’s time playing Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi? While the role of Obi-Wan could have easily been recast, millennials will be pleased to know Ewan McGregor is back to pick up where he left off in the new Disney+ limited series ... Read more [content] => Array ( [encoded] =>

The Star Wars universe continues to expand, but can the same be said for Ewan McGregor’s time playing Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi? While the role of Obi-Wan could have easily been recast, millennials will be pleased to know Ewan McGregor is back to pick up where he left off in the new Disney+ limited series Obi-Wan Kenobi. Now, ahead of the premiere, Ewan McGregor has shared whether or not he will continue to stick around the Star Wars universe.

The last time we saw Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan was 17 years ago when he battled his former apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, on Mustafar after Anakin led the assault on the Jedi Temple in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Once Obi-Wan left Anakin to die only to be rescued and transformed into Darth Vader, he delivered one of his two children, Luke, to his aunt and uncle on Tatooine. Obi-Wan has watched over Luke ever since. McGregor weighed in on his potential future in the galaxy far, far away to Total Film magazine (via CBR), saying:

If we were to get an opportunity to do it again, I’d be totally up for that. Here I go again. It’s like me knocking at Disney’s door again!

We would love to say thanks to the writer of this article for this awesome material

Could Ewan McGregor Stick Around The Star Wars Universe After Obi-Wan Kenobi? The Actor Has Thoughts

) [summary] => The Star Wars universe continues to expand, but can the same be said for Ewan McGregor’s time playing Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi? While the role of Obi-Wan could have easily been recast, millennials will be pleased to know Ewan McGregor is back to pick up where he left off in the new Disney+ limited series ... Read more [atom_content] =>

The Star Wars universe continues to expand, but can the same be said for Ewan McGregor’s time playing Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi? While the role of Obi-Wan could have easily been recast, millennials will be pleased to know Ewan McGregor is back to pick up where he left off in the new Disney+ limited series Obi-Wan Kenobi. Now, ahead of the premiere, Ewan McGregor has shared whether or not he will continue to stick around the Star Wars universe.

The last time we saw Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan was 17 years ago when he battled his former apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, on Mustafar after Anakin led the assault on the Jedi Temple in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Once Obi-Wan left Anakin to die only to be rescued and transformed into Darth Vader, he delivered one of his two children, Luke, to his aunt and uncle on Tatooine. Obi-Wan has watched over Luke ever since. McGregor weighed in on his potential future in the galaxy far, far away to Total Film magazine (via CBR), saying:

If we were to get an opportunity to do it again, I’d be totally up for that. Here I go again. It’s like me knocking at Disney’s door again!

We would love to say thanks to the writer of this article for this awesome material

Could Ewan McGregor Stick Around The Star Wars Universe After Obi-Wan Kenobi? The Actor Has Thoughts

[date_timestamp] => 1651202622 ) [9] => Array ( [title] => Rebel Wilson reveals the prank that once made her high school teacher cry [link] => https://movies.movs.world/movie-actors/rebel-wilson-reveals-the-prank-that-once-made-her-high-school-teacher-cry/ [dc] => Array ( [creator] => Debby Kent ) [pubdate] => Fri, 29 Apr 2022 03:17:34 +0000 [category] => Movie ActorsPrankRebelrevealsschoolteacherWilson [guid] => https://movies.movs.world/?p=97445 [description] => Apparently, Rebel Wilson has been trying to make people laugh since she was in high school. Rebel, whose brutal joke about Prince Andrew resurfaced ahead of her appearance at the BAFTAs 2022, stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live! earlier this week to promote Senior Year—her first movie in three years. The 42-year-old actor hilariously brought her ... Read more [content] => Array ( [encoded] =>

Apparently, Rebel Wilson has been trying to make people laugh since she was in high school.

Rebel, whose brutal joke about Prince Andrew resurfaced ahead of her appearance at the BAFTAs 2022, stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live! earlier this week to promote Senior Year—her first movie in three years. The 42-year-old actor hilariously brought her high school yearbook along for the appearance.

We want to give thanks to the author of this short article for this amazing material

Rebel Wilson reveals the prank that once made her high school teacher cry

) [summary] => Apparently, Rebel Wilson has been trying to make people laugh since she was in high school. Rebel, whose brutal joke about Prince Andrew resurfaced ahead of her appearance at the BAFTAs 2022, stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live! earlier this week to promote Senior Year—her first movie in three years. The 42-year-old actor hilariously brought her ... Read more [atom_content] =>

Apparently, Rebel Wilson has been trying to make people laugh since she was in high school.

Rebel, whose brutal joke about Prince Andrew resurfaced ahead of her appearance at the BAFTAs 2022, stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live! earlier this week to promote Senior Year—her first movie in three years. The 42-year-old actor hilariously brought her high school yearbook along for the appearance.

We want to give thanks to the author of this short article for this amazing material

Rebel Wilson reveals the prank that once made her high school teacher cry

[date_timestamp] => 1651202254 ) ) [channel] => Array ( [title] => Movies [link] => https://movies.movs.world [lastbuilddate] => Fri, 29 Apr 2022 04:39:54 +0000 [language] => en-US [sy] => Array ( [updateperiod] => hourly [updatefrequency] => 1 ) [generator] => https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.3 [tagline] => ) [textinput] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( ) [feed_type] => RSS [feed_version] => 2.0 [encoding] => WINDOWS-1250 [_source_encoding] => [ERROR] => [WARNING] => [_CONTENT_CONSTRUCTS] => Array ( [0] => content [1] => summary [2] => info [3] => title [4] => tagline [5] => copyright ) [_KNOWN_ENCODINGS] => Array ( [0] => UTF-8 [1] => US-ASCII [2] => ISO-8859-1 ) [stack] => Array ( ) [inchannel] => [initem] => [incontent] => [intextinput] => [inimage] => [current_namespace] => [etag] => KccRz658LQdnHVs4wiUt3iOWWl4 [last_modified] => Sun, 08 May 2022 22:15:56 GMT )