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[id] => tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-8688949417371746864.post-6842279471596988903
[published] => 2022-04-27T23:19:00.000-07:00
[updated] => 2022-04-27T23:19:08.500-07:00
[title] => ping Trustworthyphotographer
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[id] => tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-8688949417371746864.post-6235748998566634003
[published] => 2022-04-27T20:16:00.001-07:00
[updated] => 2022-04-27T20:16:09.925-07:00
[title] => Slot Online
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[link] => https://anarthriticjourney.blogspot.com/2022/04/slot-online.html
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[id] => tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-8688949417371746864.post-109302118428419254
[published] => 2022-04-25T22:51:00.000-07:00
[updated] => 2022-04-25T22:51:08.164-07:00
[title] => Charles Got Into the Gifted and Talented Program
[atom_content] =>
Its been a long time since I posted my blog. Not that I am too busy but with my son Charles playing soccer, practice twice a week and games on weekends its keeping me busy to say the least. Every day of the week I’m always up early to prepare their school lunches and Charles breakfast since he likes biscuits and cinnamon rolls lately. And speaking of my little nugget, he’s one of five that got into the Gifted and Talented Program on his grade level. Its quite astonishing knowing how he hates school though hearing from his teacher how he’s doing great in class is one of the proudest moments every parents wants to hear during conferences. The only disappointment we had on him was when he spent nearly a hundred dollars for his Robux games without our knowledge until a bank representative called us on a Sunday morning for accounts suspicious activity.
At first, I thought it was a scam when I listened the voicemail who would have called us on a Sunday morning aside from scammers don’t you think? When we checked our bank account there it was 11 different charges and I was pissed to be honest. And lessons learned from this incident but he’s done with the iPad and computers but I guess he’s doing fine without them. He spend his time playing x-box on a much happier face without too many complaints. Most of all its good to hear him sing some Barry Manilow songs on our drive back home after school.
[link_replies] => https://anarthriticjourney.blogspot.com/feeds/109302118428419254/comments/defaulthttps://anarthriticjourney.blogspot.com/2022/04/charles-got-into-gifted-and-talented.html#comment-form
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