Božanski blagoslov, simbol nebeskih utjecaja. Za mnoge je kiša kćerka oblaka i oluje. Ona sjedinjuje simbole vatre (munja) i vode, a u gotovo svim ratarskim kulturama prošlosti vjerovalo se da je kiša oplođujuća sperma ili sjeme boga oluje bez čega se ne bi mogao ni zamisliti život.
U Indiji se za oplođenu ženu kaže da je kiša, to jest izvor svakog blagostanja. Njena važnost po život na našoj planeti utjecala je na stvaranje bezbrojnih ratarskih obreda, kojima je bio cilj da se prizovu kišni oblaci.
S druge strane, vjerovalo se u brojne 'signale' koji su prethodili kiši: kad se mlijeko pri kuhanju ne bi dizalo očekivala se kiša, kada bi dim išao nastranu, a ne uvis; kad bi se golubovi kupali u vodi ili bezvoljno kunjali na krovovima, kad bi ptice letjele prenisko a mjesec na nebu bio blijed i žut, kad bi ribe iskakale iz vode i komarci nasrtali na ljude i stoku; kad bi se goveda 'obadala' i magarci njakali ili striješili ušima, kad bi svrake uporno kreštale i žabe kreketale... Pored dodolskih pjesama, kiša se navodno mogla izazvati i ako bi se ubijena zmija naopako objesila na nekoj grani ili grmu.
Tko je želio imati zdravu i jaku kosu savjetovano mu je da gologlav hoda po kiši, a ako je kiša padala na Uskrs, Duhove, u nedjelju poslije Duhova, te 27. lipnja (Dan sedmorice efeskih spavača) ili 13. srpnja (Sv. Margareta), vjerovalo se da će kiša danima padati. Onom tko je želio da ga tokom godine ne zabole leđa savjetovano je da se u proljeće za vrijeme grmljavine provalja na zemlji dok pada kiša.
Ako kiša pada za vrijeme pokopa, neko bi iz iste kuće uskoro mogao umrijeti. Ako je kiša padala u otvoreni grob, vjerovalo se da će pokojnik postati blažen. Ukoliko bi guska dok kiša pada okretala glavu prema nebu, smatralo bi se da će kiša uskoro prestati. Poslije jutarnje i večernje kiše obično predstoji lijepo vrijeme, a ako se za vrijeme kiše po barama i lokvama dižu klobuci i mjehurići, vjerovalo se da će kiša postati još jača i da će duže potrajati. Ako kišu zemlja lako upija, predstoji duži kišni period. No, prestanak kiše mogao se navodno postići i ako bi se triput pljunulo prema nebu.
Sanjati kišu – vjernost, odanost; pljusak – šteta, gubitak.

Don't touch, just look!

37† ...Rise up the horns of sin Release me...

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...† Serve in Heaven or rule in Hell †...

†... Welcome ...†

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Don't touch, just look!

Don't touch, just look!

†... Linkovi ...†
Encyclopaedia Metallum
Sound Chaser
Croatian Underground Metal/Rock/Punk
Planet Music Shop
Dokaz da duhovi postoje !!
Tolkien portal

tokio hotel burn in hell
bloody angel
Tina [LP]

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†... About me ...†

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Kad me je roda donjela..?
05.09.19xx. ;)

Di me ima..?
U Zvuku, Hard Rock-u, na Fishu, na msn-u, u Sesvetama...

Glazba za moje uši:
goth/black/melodic/death metal

..† Rotting Christ †..
..† DevilDriver †..
..† Kataklysm †..
..† Hypocrisy †..
..† Arch Enemy †..
..† Dimmu Borgir †..
..† Behemoth †..
..† Belphegor †..
..† Vader †..
..† Norther †..
..† Daath †..
..† Therion †..
..† Graveworm †..
..† Quo Vadis †..
..† Ancient Rites †..
..† Septic Flesh †..
..† Flamethrower †..
..† Hladno Pivo †..

Kak ubijam dosadu..?
..tko kaže da je meni ikad dosadno?

A što onda radim kad mi nije dosadno?
Zabavljam se!

Zajebavanje idiota bez pol mozga, trčanje za (ne)odoljivim me(n)talcima, klošarenje po cijele dane, slušanje glazbe i ispijanje vodke

..samo kaj se ne sruši!

Događaj koji mi je promjenio život... kad mi se krava otelila!

Moj moto:
Živi svaki dan kao da ti je zadnji, jednom ćeš biti u pravu!

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†... Bloody Poem ...†

Crna suza kliznula je niz njeno blijedo lice,
stopila se s krvlju na usnama...
Još je jedna žrtva pala pod njenom vrelom požudom...

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Mračna žudnja venama mojim kola,
žeđ pali do nezamislivog bola,
krvavi mjesec slabasnom mjesečinom stabla obavija
i trava se pod paklenim vihorom savija.
Očnjaci smrtničke lome vratove,
Vrijeme je za krvave svatove !

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Nikada željela, nikada voljela
vječno lutam ledenim noćima,
prva i posljednja, kroz tamu vremena
nevjesta pakla sa smrti u očima...

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..Walking only at night
Dreading the sun
Finally at last
The damned will have fun
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
..Now has a literal meaning
Blood spills from the veins of the innocent
As we begin our feeding...

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I curse you once
I curse you twice
You are my midnight sacrifice!

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Black roses, black roses
You grow so well,
Showing my soul
That went to hell.
Black roses, black roses,
You grow so well,
Upon the grave
Beneath the ground I lay.

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I cut my arms and slit my wrist
A bloody knife in bloody fists
And to you I must confess
I'm cutting more, not cutting less

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Do you belive in god when your loved one dies, when milions of children die from hunger, do you belive in god when you see diseases, death and pain? If you do, how can you?

Don't touch, just look!


Gle duplu votku poslije kiše
Puna je kapi pa se njišem
Votka po Votka k tom još dupla
I ja sam drven poput trupla

Kad se probudim ispod stola
Nestane sve te čarolije
Kroz glavu tad prođe mi prvo
da li sam čovjek ili drvo?

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†... MUDRE IZREKE ...†

Lud za tobom, šta ću sa sobom, uvijek si uz mene, ne mogu bez tebe, uz tebe je svaki dan kao naljepši san. Bez tebe ne mogu ni dana, živjela moja MARIHUANA!

Budalu ne treba tražiti, sama se javi.

Umri mlad, budi lijep leš!

Dupe je kao srce. Ne vidi, a osjeća!

Ako je abortus ubojstvo, onda je drkanje genocid!

Lijepi su lijepi samo zato jer su okruženi ružnima.

Boriti se za mir znači kao jebati se za nevinost!

Čitanje kvari vid, dobro vide samo nepismeni.

Glupan koji je postao svjestan da je glupan nije više glupan.

Blago onomu 'ko mlad poludi i čitav život provede u veselju!

Kad čovjek priseže na vjernost do groba, obično ne misli na svoj grob.

Najbolja upotreba rječi je šutnja.

Čovjek je jedina greška prirode.

Samo se luđaci nadaju.

Rad je za magarce - vele magarci.

Tko rano rani, zajebe pijetla!

Ako vam cigarete smetaju pri učenju, ostavite se učenja!

Nije majmun kriv što je od njega postao čovjek.

S budalama se ne isplati svađati. Prvo te spuste na svoj nivo i onda te dotuku s iskustvom!

Čuvajte drveće - na njima su živjeli naši preci.

Ako si poslao devet glupaka da ti nešto kupe, ti si postao deseti.

Čovjek pati da shvati, kad shvati da pati tada je shvatio da je uzalud patio!

Tko rano rani ima podočnjake!

Moj brat je lijep ko slika. Treba ga objesit!

Stranger in the night,
AIDS in the morning.

U ratu je ko i u sexu, izgubi se mnogo krvi, a uvijek nastradaju nevini.

U raju je lijepo, ali u paklu je ekipa!

Sve su gljive jestive, ali neke samo jednom!

Bolje ispasti glup nego iz aviona.

Ako vegetarijanci toliko vole životinje, zašto im pojedu svu hranu?!

Djevojke postaju žene kada duboko u sebi osjete čvrst razlog za to.

Ako je trava droga, onda sve krave su narkomanke !

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†... OGLASi i GRAFiTi ...†

Prodajem tampon, krvavo crvene boje, korišten dvije godine, ko nov!

Prodajem dres Nike Kranjičara, nije puno prošao.

Prodajem kravu, crna metalik boja, HI-FI mukanje, sportski rep i alu kopita.

Jeftino plačem po sprovodima.

Prodajem apartman s pogledom kroz prozor!

Mijenjam kanarinca za ševu.

Tražimo pjevačicu s velikim plućnim kapacitetom jer nemamo pojačalo.

Obaram ljude s nogu...
POTPIS: strojnica

Fuck is good, fuck is funny. Some people fuck for money. If you think that fuck is funny, fuck yourself and save the money!

Sex je senzacija uzrokovana iskušenjem kada muškarac stavi svoju lokaciju u žensku destinaciju. Da li shvaćaš objašnjenje ili želiš sutra prezentaciju??

Obavještavamo Vas da je u hrvatskom jeziku uveden i osmi padež; PREZERVATIV koji odgovara na pitanja: Tko? Koga? Kad? Gdje?

Ja sam djevojka sa sela rado bih na tvrdog sjela, rumeno mi lice i velike cice, napeta sam ko mina i ime mi je SEVERINA!

Nemoj se samnom zajebavati jer znam, karate, kung-fu, tae-kwon-do, jiu-jitsu, aikido, judo i još 47 drugih opasnih riječi !!!

Sto je oralni sex?
kad cijeli dan ores njivu, a traktor te jebe!!!

Ako ikad budes usamljen, probudiš se u 3 sata u noći i trebas nekog za razgovor, nazovi mene i uvijek cu biti spremna poslati te u picku materinu.

Razocaro sam se u zivot, razocaro sam se u ljubav, razocaro sam se u ljude, utjehu sam naso u igli. Sad heklam i dobro mi je.

Grafit iz skolskog WC-a u Vranju:
- "Odlazim odavde, razocaran grdno - dos'o sam da serem, a samo sam prdn'o."

Uzela si zilet,
prerezala sebi vene,
s cim cu sada da se brijem,
kujo mislis samo na sebe.

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After Dark I Feel
by: Rotting Christ

It's all the same
so dull so plain
i need the spark the flame
to drag me out my insane, of my insane

only you and me
face to fate
come and lead me
to another place

a circle is my mind
a triangle is my soul
i move only behind
i must be reborn as a whole

only you and me
face to face
come and lead me
to another place
where i can taste
the black of purity
nothing more
nothing less
escape or seek a caress
after dark i feel
i smell the pain
i revive and heal
and this is my gain

it calls me near you
some cosmic will
i want to hold you
the lust to feel

it's all the same
so dull, so plain
i need the spark, the flame
to drag me out of my insane, of my insane


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by: Therion

Take the seed of Frej
Put it in the sacred soil
make it come alive
And fertility will rise.

Enter Vanaheim
Where dead will come alive.

Magic of Freja
Take you to another world
By the trance of sejd
(The) sibyl see into your soul.

Enter Vanaheim
And you will know thy self.

Vana-king and queen,
Lord and Lady of the gods
If you sacrifice
They'll release your fylgia.

Enter Vanaheim
And find your totem-beast.

By the seed of Ing
(Your) fylgia will take you high
Find it in your blood
From the days of Vanir war.

Enter Vanaheim
And you will fly in the fair fields
With the gods, forever.

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by: Rotting Christ

All I have dies by days
All I want has your face
All I see has your name
All I love dies in pain
All I aim is for you
Entire afflictions is sad but true
All I tell you is the truth
Dying off a way to ensure

All I dream is fading

All I dream off does fade
All I love hides away
All I live has make me die
All I feel truth of lies
All I own lost too fast
Hyaline dreams that all disappeared like dust
All I touch begins to rust
Creaky castles in the sand
All I will my will knot
All I live with will rot
All I knew leaves my brain
All I aim dies again

Broken dreams that fades away
Like muddy footsteps in the rain
Dusty hopes frozen lies
Reveal the end so lost behind
Silent screams that wipe away
Seeking life in my brain
Broken hopes unending lies
Reveal from fog the rusty life

All I have dies by days
All I want has your face
All I see has your name
All I love dies in pain
All I aim is for you
All I tell you is the truth
All I dream off does fade
All I love hides away


All I love makes me die
Like deep blue painting in the twilight
All I touch tern to dust
Creaky castles in the sand
All I own lost too fast
Hyaline dreams disappeared to dust
All I live with will rot
Forbidden lust to be reborn

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The Road To Devastation
by: Kataklysm

It wasn't so long ago I remember time's where life was so cold
Everything was dark and still I thought I had a chance in life
The demons called my name, they dragged me inside the chambers of hell
No one could hear me, I bled tears of pain

Son, confront me... The Road To Devastation
Kneel before me... The Road To Devastation
Inhale, exhale... The Road To Devastation
This is my life... The Road To Devastation

The sun would rise, the hope would die inside
Another day of misery as the clock turns to agony
Feel the sense of lost time...
When everything falls to pieces and left with a glimpse of light

It wasn't so long ago I remember time's where life was so cold
Everything was dark and still I thought I had a chance in life
The demons called my name, they dragged me inside the chambers of hell
No one could hear me, I bled tears of pain

Son, confront me... The Road To Devastation
Kneel before me... The Road To Devastation
Inhale, exhale... The Road To Devastation
This is my life... The Road To Devastation

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Sanctus Diavolos
by: Rotting Christ

Is this the holy thing to see?
Is this the land that sun shines
Above the Heaven?
Hear those children's desperate cries:
Oh - children do they cry?
Do they hear their fathers' sigh?
Is this the fertile place to be?
Is this the land that sprouts
Green reach gardens?
Hear those souls' flickering cries!
Do they beg?
Do they smile?
Do they frame the long line?
Here shines the sun of a lower God
Here burns the bright torch of soul
Here reigns thy mighty crown of horns
Well blossomed is his existence
So unwilling in their souls to see
So weak to face him from
The outcast angle of earth
So rapid do they flee
When bells of order are echoed
Nemesis for the anxious heavy spirit
Nemesis for a generation free

Grantis spiritus SANCTUS DIAVOLOS

Here shines the sun of a lower God
Here is born the light for the blind world
Against on what prophets wrote
Will reign, will prevail,
Tranquillize the human race

Grantis spiritus Grantis spiritus SANCTUS DIAVOLOS

Here burns thy bright torch of soul

Here reigns thy mighty crown of horns
Against on what prophets wrote

Will reign ,will prevail and
Tranquillize the human race

Grantis spiritus SANCTUS DIAVOLOS

Here burns the bright torch of soul
Here reigns thy mighty crown of horns
Against on what prophets wrote

Will reign, will prevail and
Tranquillize the human race

Grantis spiritus SANCTUS DIAVOLOS

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Digging Up The Corpses
by: DevilDriver

Tell me another story!

Tell me another story!

Everyone has stories, they bore me, they bore me...
The ends(?) are feeling nervous...
Their stories... they bore me...
Everyone's got skeletons in their closet!
Don't ask me, where they got it!
You should have told the truth a long time ago...
Liar, LIAR!
I told you so!

Digging up the corpses, once again, tell me another story!
Digging up the corpses, that haunts you, that haunts you!
Digging up the corpses, once again, tell me another story!
Digging up the corpses, once again, corpses, corpses, once again.
Corpses! Digging! Up the! Corpses! Once again!

Back to another story, that haunts me, haunts me...
Someone sheared(?) the wolf from your story, that haunts you, haunts you...

Everyone's got skeletons in their closet!
Don't ask me, where they got it!
You should have told the truth a long time ago...
Liar, LIAR!
I told you so!

Digging up the corpses, once again, tell me another story!
Digging up the corpses, that haunts you, that haunts you!
Digging up the corpses, once again, tell me another story!
Digging up the corpses, once again, corpses, corpses, once again.
Corpses! Digging! Up the! Corpses! Once again!

Digging, digging, digging, digging
Up the, up the, up the, up the
Corpses, corpses, corpses, corpses

I should have never let you in!
Your soul is full of sin!
Always trying to do me good, digging up the corpses again!

Your stories!..... bore me.

Digging up the corpses, once again, tell me another story!
Digging up the corpses, that haunts you, that haunts you!
Digging up the corpses, once again, tell me another story!
Digging up the corpses, once again, corpses, corpses, once again.
Corpses! Digging! Up the! Corpses! Once again!,,, Gone.

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Phobos' Synagogue
by: Rotting Christ

Hey little kid come here, believe in us and be like us
Taste the sapor of the forbidden seed
Drown the awe breath , far in your azure deeps
Fear aint your foe but your ally to meet your dream
Show me your bound to show you the heart
To outdo your awe and brave become
Drown the awe in your azure deeps
Fear isn't your foe but your ally to win
Whisper the reason that doubt yourself
To trace the path of braveness and strength
Bury the awe in your nightmare's shelf
Nothing to fear but fear itself
Show me your bound to show you the heart
To outdo your awe and brave become
Drown the awe in your azure deeps
Fear ain't your foe but your ally to win

Phobos has just be born and sent to mortal's world
To kill human's immortality hope
Phobos has just be born the hidden awe of god
The awe for freedom and his throne loss

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Bluhtsturm Erotika
by: Belphegor

Dies ist der Augenblick
Zu Vollmond begrüß ich Dich - Osculum Infame
Der Himmel - er bluhtet schwer
Posaunen ertönen - die Schwärze wütet

Der Rosenkranz der Hölle
Engel steigen hernieder

Bluhtsturm Erotika -
Der Teufel tanzt den Todt
Bluhtsturm Erotika -
Bluhtsturm Erotika -
Der Teufel tanzt den Todt
Bluhtsturm Erotika -
Dein Herz rasend unersättlich

[Lead: Helmuth]

Ach, wie sehn ich mich nach Dir
Zu Vollmond begrüß ich Dich - Osculum Infame
Mit Flammenschrift ins Herz gemeißelt
Die Umkehrung der Sinne - Triumph und Lust

Der Rosenkranz der Hölle
Die offenbarte Finsternis

Bluhtsturm Erotika -
Der Teufel tanzt den Todt
Bluhtsturm Erotika -
Bluhtsturm Erotika -
Der Teufel tanzt den Todt
Bluhtsturm Erotika -
Dein Herz rasend unersättlich

Dort wo der Tanz ist, ist der Teufel nicht weit....

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I remember the silence night
As you crushed, as you crushed away
Why did you leave?
Why did you leave my life?

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Look around what you see
Only hate and misery
This world - a poisoned ball
We destroy ourself - so we fall!

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Hate ... is what I feel
Fear ... deep in me
Death ... so cold and quiet
Love ... will never die

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Screamings of anger, fear and despair
Penetrating my mind, raping my breath
You think the time will stop for now
Searching the light with the look of blind eyes

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In such time, guns are friends
Never ever you see shaking hands
Even childs are making war
So called freedom is away so far
Can someone help me?
Who should I call?

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I want escape, I wanna fly,
I wanna breath, I wanna cry,
I'll kill myself therefore and so,
I wanna know, where I should go!

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In my world I wanna stay,
So I'm running away, running away
In my own world I wanna grow
In my mind - in my soul
Just in my own world I wanna feel
That's what deep inside of me
Before I gonna stay to try
That's the truth - prefer to die

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Never ending - I'm dying
Before I stay to try
Inside - outside
Upside and down
Left and right
Before and behind
I prefer to die before the end
Over and under
Are black and white really the same?

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They called my name, I bled for life
Hear them cry again
The blood has left me cold inside
Time will tell the truth of life

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