X-Thug a.k.a MC Pepeljara a.k.a True Lee

17.07.2007., utorak

Aesop Rock - preuređen post

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Aesop Rock (born Ian Matthias Bavitz, 1976) is an American hip hop artist. He was in the forefront of the new wave of underground acts that emerged during the late 1990s/early 2000s. He is signed to El-P's Definitive Jux label and remains one of the most popular and critically acclaimed independent hip hop artists today.

A Long Island, New York-born MC, Aesop initially recorded and released two self-financed records, Music for Earthworms (1997), featuring underground legend Percee P on two tracks, and the Appleseed EP (1999), while also working as a waiter. These two independent releases are widely sought after in the underground scene.[citation needed]

After moving to the Mush label, Aesop released his first major album, Float (2000), with guest appearances from Vast Aire, Slug, and Dose One. Production was split between Blockhead and Aesop himself, with one track by Omega One.

Shortly after releasing Float, Aesop Rock signed to Manhattan-based label Definitive Jux (usually called Def Jux), where he released Labor Days, an album dedicated to the discussion of labor in American society and the concept of "wage slaves". This album was most well known for its single "Daylight." Because of its popularity, Daylight was re-released in 2002 as a 7-track EP, including an "alternative" new version of the song, "Night Light," whose paraphrased lyrics simultaneously refer back to, and stand in stark opposition to, the original's.

Labor Days was followed up by Bazooka Tooth in 2003. For the first time, production was mostly handled by Aesop himself, with three tracks from longtime collaborator Blockhead and one from close friend and Definitive Jux label CEO El-P. Guest appearances include Party Fun Action Committee, El-P, and Mr. Lif (all Definitive Jux labelmates) and Camp Lo. With this release Aesop hit a higher level of recognition, releasing "No Jumper Cables" as a single and music video, then another single, "Freeze," shortly after.

The album presented a change in Aesop's sound, displaying for the most part a messy, discordant production style similar to that of El-P. It retained Aesop's intense and inventive lyrical style: one track, the acid-themed "The Greatest Pac-Man Victory in History", features an extended section comprised entirely of words beginning "L", "S" or "D", in that order, to continually spell out the initials of the drug. Notable lyrical phrases from "Freeze" include: "you should have shot yourself in the foot while it was in your mouth" and "before you kick your feet up, I married and divorced Mother Nature after sweet-talking that old hag out of a pre-nup". At another point, Aesop interrupts the song "11:35" with a sudden minute-long rap, performed almost a cappella over a minimal beat: "I got one - Jack for Jill, Jill won't, Jack will. Jill didn't, then did, Jack fell".

Bazooka Tooth was criticized by fans of Labor Days and Float for abandoning the compassion found in those earlier albums in favour of a more confrontational and traditional style; this seems to be reflected in the more intense production, which lost a lot of its jazzy, abstract sound from Float and Labor Days.[citation needed]

In the summer of 2004, Aesop Rock appeared on the Evil Nine Single "Crooked" from the Album You Can Be Special Too, on Marine Parade records.

In February 2005, Aesop Rock released a new EP, Fast Cars, Danger, Fire and Knives. The first pressing of the EP included an 88 page booklet with lyrics from every release from Float until this EP (the lyric booklet is titled The Living Human Curiosity Sideshow); later pressings of the album come without the booklet, but with an additional bonus track. In addition, a limited number of albums were available direct from Def Jux with Aesop Rock's graffiti tag on them. In response to demands from his fans, Aesop did less production on the EP: three songs are produced by Blockhead, three produced by Aesop, and one by Rob Sonic.

In April of 2006, it was announced that Aesop Rock is working on a new album. The album, tentatively titled None Shall Pass, is said to feature production from Blockhead and scratches from DJ Big Wiz, as well as some appearances from traditional Def Jux cohorts like El-P. John Darnielle of The Mountain Goats, a friend of Aesop Rock's, is to collaborate with him on one of the tracks. The album is slated for release on August 28th, 2007. According to Aesop, some track titles are "Coffee", "Dark Heart News", "Keep Off The Lawn", "39 Thieves" and "None Shall Pass". It will also feature traditional instrumentation by Parchman Farm, the band of Allyson Baker, whom he recently wed. [1]

Most recently, Aesop Rock was commissioned to create a 45-minute instrumental track for the Nike+iPod running system, entitled "All Day." Distributed via the iTunes Music Store and featuring Allyson Baker on guitar and scratches from DJ Big Wiz, Aesop has described the release as "something that evolved enough that the sound was constantly fresh and attractive, as though the runner were moving through a set of differing cities or landscapes." [2]

Personal life

Bavitz grew up in Northport, New York and attended Northport Senior High School. However, Bavitz is often noted as saying he is from Queens or the Lower East Side, Manhattan. He married Allyson Baker, guitarist of San Francisco rock band Parchman Farm in 2005. They reside in San Francisco together. His move was a highly discussed topic in the internet community, as he was well known for representing New York City in his work and his life.

He has tattoos on each forearm referring to the chorus of his song "Commencement at the Obedience Academy." His left arm says the words "Must Not Sleep," and the right says "Must Warn Others," quoting the line "Must not sleep; must warn others/ Trust blocks creep where the dust storm hovers."

Bavitz is a graduate of Boston University where he studied painting. [3]

Selected discography
For complete discography, see Discogs.com entry

Music for Earthworms (1997)
Float (2000)
Labor Days (2001)
Bazooka Tooth (2003) (also released as Build Your Own Bazooka Tooth (2004))
All Day: Nike + Original Run (Instrumental album) (2007)
None Shall Pass (2007)

Appleseed (1999)
Daylight (2002)
Fast Cars, Danger, Fire and Knives (2005)

Boombox 12" (2001)
Daylight 12" (2001)
Coma / Maintenance 12" (2001)
Easy / No Jumper Cables 12" (2003)
Freeze / The Greatest Pac-Man Victory In History 12" (2003)
Limelighters 12" (2003)
Fishtales 7" (2006)

skinuto sa wikipedie, a nije mi se dalo prevodit nakon šta san prevea prvi red i pogleda koliko toga ima...evo ovako malo o njegovoj muzici...meni se sviđa jer volim underground i taj zvuk njegov skidam njegov album daylight a već san prije skinia ˝Labor Days˝ i ˝None Shall Pass˝ - promo - 2007/08 jako mi se sviđa,i to ne po jedna dvi pisme sa svakog od albuma,nego baš ono cili albumi,a u uho mi je ušla pisma DAYLIGHT,neznan zašto...ako kome triba šta od njega ja ću mu dat linkove ili ako se pokaže neko zanimanje stavit ću linkove ode na blog u dnu ovog posta...peace & respect...c ya

Aesop Rock ft. EL-P - Daylight

Aesop Rock - Boombox

Aesop Rock - Labor

Labor Days2001 :

None Shall Pass :

linkovi sa: www.raplection.com
- 19:20 - Tell Me What The F**k U Want (16) - Spit It Motherfucker - Klikni Ovo

15.07.2007., nedjelja

svi ste vi...

SVI STE VI JEBENI UFURANI IZGORI...izgoretine...kako god oš...šetan gradon a ono vidiš dva leeka ka da imaju geler u nozi hodaju,još ruke razbacuju ne sve strane,onda njihova spika.......aaaaaa...i onda meni govore nešto...ono yo g,ye lega,bla bla bla...čoviče okreni se malo vidi di smo!!na istom mistu mi smo!! ovo je hrvatska,nije amerika,ovo je balkan...ode nema kmica,nisi crnac,nisi gengsta,koji kurac onda glumiš tu nekog opakog??da te na planu gradu zadra pitan di živiš ti bi pokaza compton!!saberi se malo...

...neda mi se više pisat znojin se i vruće mi je!!!!!!!!!!...
- 13:57 - Tell Me What The F**k U Want (2) - Spit It Motherfucker - Klikni Ovo

14.07.2007., subota


njegov citat:
Prve hip-hop korake,učinio sam sa svojom grupom '5 konja',ali to je bilo samo snimanje na diktafon uz američke instrumentale jer nije bilo uvjeta za bolje.U početku su to bile samo 'hobby' rime i neozbiljne stvari ali kako je došlo do raspada grupe '5 konja'(zbog odlaska Žeksa u zatvor i zbog neslaganja ostalih)odlučio sam ući dublje u igru i nastavio sa solo snimanjem.Nakon cd-a od '5 konja'-na kojem je bilo 10 pjesma,snimio sam i solo dvije kazete na diktafon a na proljeće 2004 i album 'Poduzeće za travu i smeće' ,prvi 'long-play'(18 stvari..)Kako je i dalje situacija sa studiom bila 'status quo',potraga za zrakom je bila izuzetno teška i prvi znakovi napretka bili su kod frenda Andreje Belca,kod kojeg je snimljen i prvi cd sa mikrofonom(?)-'Bijeg'-relativno depresivan album.
Da sva volja ne splasne ,pomogao je Shadow Mc,koji je tada upravo gradio studio War Track Records u podzemlju Rojca. Pozvao me da mi producira album,i snimljen je na jesen 2004,nazvan 'Dvije strane medalje'.Tu se počela već stvarat ozbiljnija spika oko pulske scene hip-hopa,jer je do tad Shadow bio praktički jedini Mc na domaćoj sceni(koji se pojavljivao javno).To vrijeme se stvarno puno ljudi okušalo mikrofona,al eto,rijetko koj od tih 'repera' je ostao još tu…(čast iznimkama)
Na proljeće 2005,već je snimljen i drugi album Cannonea pod produkcijom Shadowa,nazvan 'Serija bez kraja' a nedugo nakon toga i treći 'Lagannone',ovaj put na strane matrice,čisto kao zbirka RMX-eva.
Nažalost,u jesen te 2005 .provaljeno je u studio War Tracka i situacija je krenula nizbrdo.Teško je bilo održat kadar Mc-ija koji su ostali bez terena za rokat.Mnoge pretumbacije učinile su zatišje sve do ljeta 2006 kad sam se povezao sa grupom P-2.Snimljen je četvrti album 'Cannonade',nazvan tako da slušatelj prepozna autentičnost autora koji tjera svoj 'direktan stav' na mikrofon.
Izvršni producent je po prvi puta sam Cannone(ja),uz Filijalu iz P-2,koji je obavio recording i napravio dobar 'pis' albuma.Naravno,tu se našlo mjesta i za Shadowa,te lokalnog glazbenog 'genija' Ranka Šajfara,što se tiče produkcije,a kao gosti se pojavljuju novi mladi talenti pulskog hip-hopa;Do kosti,Anamarie,Hash'n'Kukiz te starosjedioci P-2 i Shadow.
Kraj 2006 je trebao bit u znaku prvog-pulskog-kolektivnog-rap-mixtapea,ali kažem trebao,jer smo od nove godine bili puni peha…ostali smo bez prostorije u P-2,pošto nismo imali potrebne papire,pa smo prebacili sve kod dekija doma,pa nam riknuo hard,pa matična ploča,pa drugi hard…itd,al nakon 4.mjeseca smo nekako zapakirali tih 18 pjesma i objavili taj mixtape.
Na cdu rokaju ; P-2,Cannone,Shadow,Paver,Anonimus,Pirati,Contez,Hash'n'Kukiz,Fric,Do kosti i čak jedno inozemno pojačanje,iz Tuzle,U.K.
Najvažnije u svemu tome je 'mooving' koji je nastao i mnogi mladi su ovdje našli svoju 'vreću za napucavanje'.Gledajući sa strane stanje u društvu općenito,ovako nešto je idealno da se nađe zanimacija mnogim mladima kojima se u općem rasulu koje vlada,kao alternativa surove stvarnosti,nudi samo droga i kriminal,kao prividni izlaz iz blata.Tu je velika važnost stasanja osobe uz glazbu i pozitivne vrijednosti.
Za kraj,Cannone sprema već sljedeći album(cca.12 mjesec 2007) a prije toga će predstaviti svoju grupu Pirate,koji bi trebali izbacit demo oko krajem ljeta..Sada ovih dana traje snimanje albuma Shadow Mc-ija,tako da ću vas informirat kako ide na svim tim projektima i naravno,bacat ćemo i novi materijal gore.Yo,pravi pulski hip-hop(kažem pravi jer ne govorim o onom purgersko-pulskom rapu kojeg ima u ovom gradu) nije mrtav,on diše i jača,ali položaj mladih u gradu nam ne daje previše solucija za predstavljanje naše scene.U svakom slučaju,nema predaje,i pravi PU-rap ide dalje…

uzea san ovo sa njegovog bloga...nemojte mu reć =) http://cannone.blog.hr/

poslusa san njegov album
Prvi Pulski Mixtape (LP)

Na albumu možete čut leekove za koje ljudi iz Pule ne znaju =) sprd. --> underground teški
sastoji se od 18 pisama:

1. P-2 & Cannone - Siesta
2. P-2 - Verbalni Kriminalci
3. Shadow, Cannone & PaverPula To Je (K)Raj
4. Do Kosti - Ovako Kako Vidim
5. Anonimus - Sklisko Tlo
6. Hash`n`Kukiz - Zločesti Kolačići
7. Pirati - Reakcija
8. Pawer - Zašto Bi
9. Contez & Shadow - Kao Jeben San
10. Anonimus - Dijete Getta
11. Cannone & U.K.(tuzla) - Slijepa Cesta
12. Shadow & P-2 - Hiphoptetski
13. Cannone & P-2 & Fric - Lom Po Mom
14. Vlad & Cannone - Repetitor
15. Šajfer & Filajala - Mediterranea
16. Vlad - Balada O Djeda Mrazu
17. Deki & Julie - Moje Malo
18. War Track & P-2 crew - Dvorac Rojc

album download --> http://cannone.blog.hr/
ostali albumi od Cannone-a --> http://cannone.blog.hr/

obavezno poslušajte!!
- 15:04 - Tell Me What The F**k U Want (1) - Spit It Motherfucker - Klikni Ovo

13.07.2007., petak

demo album je u izradi

eo planiram ga napravit još ovo lito...kad dovršin jednu podlogu i napravin još jednu bacan se na snimanje...jednu ću probat na shiti majku pa ako bude smeće kupit cu pravi...

MC Pepeljara a.k.a X-Thug
Nelagodne Misli (Demo)

Popis Pisama:
01. New Sound
02. Smrt Fejkeru
03. I Still Remember That Time
04. Opet Isto, Uvik Isto
05. Diss
06. Outro

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( na albumu ima par pisama sa početka mog pisanja rima na papir...zato nemojte ga gledat pre kritički,prva pisama se zove new sound...jer ce ovo imati tako loš zvuk kakav nevirujen da ste baš čuli (neman studio,neman mikrofon,sve sniman na svon staron šugavon kompu,sam radin muziku i txt,sve san sam napravia...tako da mi drugi nebi govorili kako nikad ništa nebi uspia da san sam!! )
- 17:34 - Tell Me What The F**k U Want (2) - Spit It Motherfucker - Klikni Ovo

12.07.2007., četvrtak

Diyala - Raw

prejeben stil se izražava u svin pismama šta san čua...samo tri evo jedan (spot)

- 16:20 - Tell Me What The F**k U Want (1) - Spit It Motherfucker - Klikni Ovo

08.07.2007., nedjelja

o MC-ingu


Emcee is derived from the abbreviation M.C. or "Master of Ceremonies," which also implies "move the crowd." An emcee is a person who raps to inspire people with well-written, crisply-delivered, clear and concise lyrics. Most people would rather 'rap' or rhyme words in a catchy manner, but very few take the time to actually emcee. The likes of Melle Mel and Nas barely falter in the field of emceeing.

From An Emcee's Perspective:

In his book, *The Art of Emceeing, Stic.man of dead prez writes, "A rapper is to an emcee what an average street fighter is to a trained martial artist. The are both fighters but the degree and depth of their skill is very different."

The Origin of Emceeing:

Emceeing has been in existence prior to the days of slavery, way before the United States even existed. African griots or poets, who delivered their rhythmic folk tales over drums and other forms of instrumentation, are often cited as the innovators of what is now known as rap.

Elements of Emceeing: Certified emcees stand out because they share certain elements in common.

Rhyme Scheme: This is also known as rhyme structure. An emcee's rhyme scheme refers to the pattern of his rhymes. This ranges from basic (Kanye West) to complex (Eminem).

Delivery: The way an emcee flows may depend on his cadence, speed, melody, intonation, rhythm, enunciation, and even accent. This is known as delivery. Both Eminem and Jay-Z possess the ability to alternate their flow and delivery with adept swiftness.

smthg on engl.
just learn engl.

uzeto sa http://rap.about.com/od/hiphop101/p/Emceeing.htm
- 12:04 - Tell Me What The F**k U Want (4) - Spit It Motherfucker - Klikni Ovo

06.07.2007., petak

ma jedan stari spot

koji budi uspomene i sječanja

- 14:19 - Tell Me What The F**k U Want (0) - Spit It Motherfucker - Klikni Ovo

04.07.2007., srijeda

komentirajte malo

nebavin se baš ovin al evo jedna matrica šta san je danas napravia...triba je malo priuredit...pa ću snimit na nju...dajte komentare...iskrene...

- 21:39 - Tell Me What The F**k U Want (6) - Spit It Motherfucker - Klikni Ovo

02.07.2007., ponedjeljak

Gangs Of L.A.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Crips, originating in Los Angeles, California, are one of the oldest, largest, and most notorious gangs in the United States. They have been involved in murders, robberies and drug dealing in the Los Angeles area. The Crips are mostly identified by the blue color worn by their members. What was once a single gang is now a loose network of "franchises" around the United States. The gang primarily (but not exclusively) comprises African Americans. The Crips have an intense rivalry with the Bloods and are also known to feud with Chicano gangs.Contents [hide]
1 History of the Crips
2 The Great Divide, Crip On Crip Violence
3 Expansion
4 Gang identification
5 Origin of the name "Crips"
6 Entertainers with Crip affiliations
7 Crips, hip-hop, and C-walk
8 Pop Culture
9 See Also
10 References
11 External links

History of the Crips

The Crips were founded in Los Angeles, California in 1969 by 15-year-old Raymond Washington. Washington initially called the gang the Baby Avenues in an attempt to emulate older gangs and activities carried out by the Black Panthers with which he was fascinated. This evolved to Avenue Cribs and then Cribs as nicknames for the age of the members.[1] The name Crips was first introduced in the Los Angeles Sentinel newspaper in a description by crime victims of young men with canes, as if they were crippled (though there is some discussion that it may have initially been a simple spelling mistake). The name stuck.

Stanley Tookie Williams, generally acknowledged as co-founder of the Crips,[2] started his own gang called the Westside Crips. The Crips became popular throughout southern Los Angeles as more youth gangs joined it; at one point they outnumbered non-Crip gangs by 3 to 1, sparking disputes with non-Crip gangs including the L.A. Brims, Athens Park Boys, the Bishops and the Denver Lanes. The Crips eventually became the most powerful gang in California. In response, all of the other besieged gangs, including the Pirus, formed an alliance that later became the Bloods.

Along with friends, Williams and Washington created the initial intent of continuing the revolutionary ideology of the 1960s. These aspirations were unattainable because of a general lack of political leadership and guidance. Washington and Williams were never able to develop an agenda for social change within the community and instead became obsessed with protecting themselves from other gangs in the community.

By 1971 the gang's notoriety had spread across Los Angeles. The gang became increasingly violent as they attempted to expand their turf. By the early 1980s the gang was heavily involved with drug trade.[1]

The Great Divide, Crip On Crip Violence

In 1971 a Crip set on Piru Street, Compton, known as the Piru Street Boys was formed. After two years of peace, a feud began between the Piru Street Boys and the other Crip sets. It would later turn violent as gang warfare ensued between former allies. This battle continued until the mid 1970s when the Piru Street Boy wanted to call an end to the violence, and called a meeting with other gangs that were targeted by the Crips. After a long discussion, the "Pirus" broke off all connections to the Crips and started an organization that would later be called the "Bloods," a streetgang infamous for its rivalry with the Crips.[3]

Since then, other conflicts and feuds were started between many of the remaining sets of the Crips gang. It is a popular misconception that Crips sets feud only with Bloods. In reality, they also fight other Crips sets — for example, the Rollin' 60s and 83rd Street Gangster Crips ("Eight-Tray") have been rivals since 1979. In Watts, Los Angeles, the Grape Street Watts Crips and the PJ Crips have feuded so much that the PJ Crips even teamed up with local Bloods set, the Bounty Hunter Bloods, to fight against the Grape Street Crips[4]. A clique (a still smaller group within a gang set) within the PJ Crips is even called 'Tha GK (Grape Killa) Boys.' The Hoover Crips developed huge rivalries with many Crip gangs in Los Angeles. Because of this they decided to stop being Crips and changed their name to the Hoover Criminal Gang.


In the 1980s, Crips moved into the sale of crack, a form of the drug cocaine. It was developed as a simpler alternative to the process of freebasing, which necessitates the use of controlled and dangerous chemicals such as ether. Inexpensive and highly addictive, crack could be marketed by the Crips to lower-income brackets.

The Crips made enormous profits from selling crack and gathered the capital to advance themselves in the illicit markets. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s the Crips developed intricate networks and a respected reputation with other gangs across America and neighboring countries.

To stem violence between the Crips and Bloods, a peace treaty was recently negotiated, most notably in Watts, the treaty being largely based upon the ideals laid forth by original Crip co-founder Stanley Tookie Williams in his "Tookie Protocol For Peace." Though violence levels have been reduced somewhat after the conclusion of this peace treaty, gangland killings and warfare persist in heavily gang-controlled areas.

Crips are also found in cities such as Toronto, Montreal and London.[citation needed]

Gang identification

For many years, Crips were characterized by their tendency to wear blue in order to easily identify each other. One suggested origin of the selected color is traced to the school colors of Washington High School in South L.A. Another theory is the co-founder, Stanley Williams, had a good and close friend called "Buddha," who wore blue shirts, khakis, shoes, and a blue bandana from his back left pocket. When Buddha died, Williams made blue the Crip color in honor of Buddha. A particular set of Crips, the Grape Street Crips, have been known to wear purple in addition to blue. The SGC's, (Shotgun Crips), are separated into three sub-sets: the Nine, 139th street; the Foe, 134th street; and the Deuce, 132nd street in the city of Gardena, California and have been known to wear dark-green, the city color of Gardena, in addition to blue to show that the Shotgun Crips are from Gardena. Crips also wear blue bandanas and British Knights sport shoes (using the company moniker BK, which the Crips use as a backronym meaning "Blood Killas"). They usually refer derisively to their rivals, the Bloods, as "slobs" and "busters."

More recently, however, the Crips have begun to cease the use of colors as a means of identification, since it is likely to draw attention from police. Methods such as the use of college sport team and hats are sometimes used, but in general, what set a certain gang member claims can be determined solely by their tattoos.

Many Crips will also change words containing the letter B or choose another word to replace it, the best being a word with a C. This is due to their hatred of Bloods. If no word can reasonably be substituted, the letter B will be crossed out to show disrespect. Sometimes excessive use of the letter C also occurs, such as "be right baCC" to refrain from using the initials "ck" which stands for "Crip Killer." Also the letter B can be written Bk as in "Blood Killer."

Origin of the name "Crips"

There have been many different explanations for the origin of the name of the gang:
The most well-known theories tie the current name with "crib" or "crib street" (alluding to an actual street or the young age of the members at the time of the gang's founding).
"Crip" originates from the carrying of a cane or stick — Los Angeles Times 14 April 1992: "Word spread about the tough-looking young men, who some said carried canes and walked with a limp — cripples, or crips, they were called for short."
Mis-pronunciation of "The Crypts."
Some alleged backronyms for the name include:
Cultural (or California) Revolution/Restoration In Progress
Community Resources for an Independent People
Community Revolutionary Inter-Party Service
California Rebels In Power
Crip meaning cradle to the grave. C standing for Cradle, RIP standing for Rest In Peace, a common phrase inscribed on tombstones.

An interviewed Crip member told at the Sean Bell Rally on December 16th 2006 that the right backronym is "Community Revolution In Progress."

Entertainers with Crip affiliations
Snoop Dogg (Rollin' 20 Crips) [5]
Daz Dillinger (Rollin 60 Neighborhood Crips) [6]
Eazy-E (Kelly Park Compton Crips) [7]
Jayo Felony (NHC 47 Blocc Crips) [8]
MC Eiht (Tragnew Park Compton Crips) [9]
Tone Loc (South Side Compton Crips) [10]
Chris Salviati (D-Town Crips) [11]

Crips, hip-hop, and C-walk

Many popular rappers, in particular West Coast rappers, have close ties to Crips gangs in L.A. County. Snoop Dogg is a former member of the Rollin' 20 Crips in Long Beach (as are Warren G, Nate Dogg, and Goldie Loc), while WC has an affiliation with the 111 Neighborhood Crips in South Central Los Angeles. The late N.W.A member Eazy-E reportedly had ties to the Kelly Park Compton Crips. Recently signed G-Unit rapper Spider Loc is a member of the 97th Street East Coast Crips. Also G-Unit West's Snoopy Blue is also part of the 97th Street East Coast Crip gang. It is said that the popular hip-hop dance, the C-walk (Crip-walk), is meant to spell out one's set as an insult to rival gangs. On WC's song "The Streets" from his Ghetto Heisman album, he and Snoop Dogg rap about the C-walk's popularity in the mainstream, telling suburban teenagers and other non-gang members that it is a dance for Crips only. Another song with a similar instance is "Not a Dance," by Spider Loc, Young Buck and C-Bo.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bloods gang symbol

The Bloods are one of the Los Angeles, California street gangs. They are identified by the red color worn by their members, and their gang symbol is the word "blood" spelled out with their hands. The Bloods are made up out of various sub-groups known as "sets" or "tres" (trays) between which significant differences exist such as colors, clothing, and operations. Since their formation the Blood gangs have branched out throughout the United States, and even have even influenced youth groups using the same name in Europe.[1][2]Contents [hide]
1 History
2 Bloods and Hip-Hop
3 Notes
4 References
5 See also
6 External links


By late 1971, the Avalon Garden Crips and the Inglewood Crips had joined forces with the other Crip sets and began to engage in warfare with non-Crip sets. They began to expand to non-Crip gang territories controlled by gangs including The L.A. Brims, a powerful street gang, beginning in 1969 on the Westside. The Crips targeted these gangs because they were not Crips. Several gangs eventually became part of the Blood family, including the Bishops and Athens Park boys. The Denver Lanes also had conflicts with the Crips, but were outnumbered and eventually became unknown in California for some time. The Piru Street Boys who presented a powerful force in Compton, actually collaborated with the Crips prior to 1972, as the Crips had affected the Piru neighborhoods. For a short time the Pirus were known as the Piru Street Crips, and they also wore the traditional blue rags (bandana) and blue Chucks (sneakers) as part of their attire. They have an strong alliance with the Vice Lords and other People Nation sets.

During the summer of 1972 the Crips and the Pirus had a conflict and warfare ensued. The Pirus, like other northern gangs, were outnumbered and the Crips prevailed. The Pirus wanted to terminate peaceful relations with the Crips, so they turned to the Lueders Park Hustlers for assistance. The Lueders Park Hustlers agreed and a meeting was called on Piru Street. The Pirus also invited every gang targeted by Crip sets to join the meeting. The Crips had murdered an L.A. Brim member earlier that year, so the Brims attended the meeting, as well. Others that attended were the Denver Lanes and the Bishops.

At the meeting, the groups discussed how to combat Crip intimidation, along with the creation of a new alliance to counter the Crips. At that time the color of bandanas was not important, but since the Crips were known to wear blue bandanas, the Pirus and the other groups decided to discontinue the wearing of blue bandanas. They decided to take on the wearing of an opposite color, red, and created a united organization which later became known as the Bloods. The Pirus, Brims, Athens Park Boys, and Pueblos decided to unite with the Bloods, and soon after, other gangs who had been threatened or attacked by Crips joined the Bloods.

Bloods and Hip-Hop

A number of popular West Coast rappers claim to be affiliated with Bloods gangs or use speculation about their ties to gangs to generate media attention. The Game has said he was caught up in the gangs in his Cedar Block neighborhood[3]. Dipset is also allegedly affiliated with Blood sets. Due to employing several known Blood members, the media has long speculated that Death Row Records CEO Suge Knight maintains at the very least an association with the gang.[4]. Rapper/producer DJ Quik, also a Compton native, has talked about growing up as a member of the Tree Top Piru Bloods[5]. In 1995, Los Angeles producer Ron "Ronnie Ron" Phillips produced the self-titled debut album of the Damu Ridaz, a rap group consisting of gang members from the Denver Lane Bloods.

According to a Los Angeles Weekly profile, the Bloods generally refuse to use the letter C in words and names, often replacing C with B for Bloods or appending a K, to form CK, meaning crip killer[6].

i`m crip...yea`
- 12:39 - Tell Me What The F**k U Want (2) - Spit It Motherfucker - Klikni Ovo

Muhamed - Demo Za Ulicu

još jedan iz DBP-a pa evo i o njegovom album,dobar sviđa mi se,dovoljno!!

popis pisama:

01. Intro
02. To Sam Ja
03. Sve Je Na Papiru ft. Skam
04. Podzemlje
05. Kroz Puteve Blata ft. Target
06. Balada
07. Nek Vrijeme Stane ft. Fat Kat
08. Tko Ne Zna Sada Zna Me
09. Politika To Radi ft. Ropez
10. Outro
11. Podzemlje Rmx

- 11:23 - Tell Me What The F**k U Want (0) - Spit It Motherfucker - Klikni Ovo

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Copyright© 2004.-2007.MC Pepeljara a.k.a X-Thug

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Ovo djelo je ustupljeno pod Creative Commons licencom Imenovanje 2.5.

Nine Elevens
9 11`s

What? MC i`m the NUMBER ONE
U want C him dead, consider it done

ako me ko oće kontaktirat
MSN: mc_pepeljara@hotmail.com

b aware of this dOGg

`bout me

known as:X-Thug
crew:Nine Elevens,NewChaos Crew,EBB
album(s):Nelagodne Misli,Hits From Da Joint(oba su u izradi) + 1 stare ristva demo...jako u izradi i pri kraju
eye color:plavo-zelene-sive
hair color:neman kose
style:ol` s`cool,undrgrnd,gangsta,BATTLE
music:ol` s`cool,undergrnd,west,south

betlz/songz/lyriczs/short tXtZzz

ko pička svaki betler sa ove teme pobježe
zašto?jer moja rima sve izreže
jer su oštre poput oštrice mača
zovete se opakim MCijima a sranje van smrdi iz gača

viknem kujo//ti si još ponosna
ma svaka rima//ti je jako rosna
nema šta//najbolja,si battle MC
kad triba pisat//nekoga dissat//tu ti nisi

jebeš majk kad moja usta te koknu
gledam kako početnici pokušavaju dobru da rimu roknu
mašta i um su mi jedno,niko od vas nije mi do kolina,bjedno,nazivate se
rapperima nekim iskusnim i opakim,al ja vas smatram plijenom lakim

i da ti je zanimanje moreplovac, falila bi flow
curo ja san mirotvorac,moj ritam je slow
kad ja počnem dissat,molit ćeš da stanem
sprdnje sam počeo pisat,al gotovo je kad planem

koristiš te neke komplicirane riči da ljudi misle kako si obrazovan
jebeš sve potplačene rappere ja još i dan danas dilan
potplačen,potlačen nosiš željezni lančić pozlačen
jaki betl MC kad zine potiraju ga sa bine jer mu iz usta smrdi

šta koristiš,kopi paste,nećiji txt
jer bez txta si osta,neš ti tvog posta
par bjednih rima,nula puncheva,samo u mozak sheva
ja te otpuhujem lima,poput dima,moj punch moja shema

drkaš na moje rime jer nisi čua bolje
puši mi ga brate,još uvik si dolje
DROLJOOOO!!ja san iz ZD-skog undrgrnda
smeće jedno,okreni se svako te u tvon gradu sprda

možda se nedružiš sa njima ali si u srodstvu
očeš mi se pridružit,ne...nemožeš sudjelovat u verbalnom ubojstvu
ubijam te ričima,ubijam u pojam,1-8-7
uzimaš mic u ruke a ja te slušam i smijem ti se dok te gledam

ovo je diss u 4 retka,nisan puca jer nisi vrijedan metka
stojiš tu jer ja još to oću,iz sažaljenja
al zbog ovih redaka ne spavaš noću,nema ti spasenja
noćne more izazivan,dečko jebu te u mozak jer si naivan

kad bi ti bia noćna ptica ti bi bia čuk
kad zineš odjednom nastane muk
jer svi dobiju želičane tegobe od tvoje muzike
dečko uči se još se uči i čitaj ove lirike

još jedanput reci nismo možda čuli
sad se pokupi odavde i svima reci da te dobia TRUE LEE
dečko kopiraš sam sebe,pa tako se nedobivaju multiji
možda posli ovog postaneš kreativniji

el ti pišeš memoare ili betlaš
najbolje bi bilo da sidiš sastrane i samo gledaš,neznaš
neznaš betlat,a punch ti je idemo brati cvice
bila bi to sve ljubavna pisma samo da spomenes svice

kraj 2007...
u mraćnoj sam sobi sada palin sviću
njezin plamičak se igra sjenama po zidu
sjedim pokraj drvenog stolića u običnoj sofi
promatram čudne sjene što kreču se po sobi
izgrizenu olovku sad iz djepa vadim
pa pišem o potoku i kako travu sadim
o slapu sta nikako ne prestaje teči
pa pljucam vaš flow koji se utapa ko mačak u vreči
a pančeve vam razbijam ko šta se kapi raspršuju o kamen
žarim i palim pa me još ekipa zove i opaki plamen...
(nesvidja mi se kraj...al to nije ni dovrseno)

za debelim drvenim stolom od bukovine
ja i frend metalac smo rokali mine
teroristi novog doba,naoruzani majkom
bocom domačeg vina i lozovače
ko se ne pokori nama robovat će
jer krenuli smo protiv cajki u đihad
auto cesta,bosna,prva postaja bihač
(tako tako al i ovo mi se bas ne svidja previse)

Copyright© 2004.-2007.MC Pepeljara a.k.a X-Thug

Creative Commons License

Ovo djelo je ustupljeno pod Creative Commons licencom Imenovanje 2.5.

sve je ovo samo zajebancija stoga ne serite poono