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srijeda, 22.03.2006.

MySpace Layouts

Hi people!

Hey, it's Jana calling =)
That smiley wasn't worth it.
Yesterday headbang
My two friends who hate eachother had a majure fight and I was in the middle. Roberta, the one who was jealous when I talked to Antonia (the other one). no
So, Antonia got hit by a ball and Roberta and Barbara laughed at her.
Antonia got up and started swearing and Roberta did the same. I said the both of them aren't raised good because they were swearing like bastards! I said to Roberta: "You don't have to fight."
And she said: "I won't listen to you." After that I had a fight with her too, but I dunno from what reason.
She even wants to make Matej hate me again because she has a huge crush on him. eek
She's so jealous because Matej and I actually became friends.
I know a little secret about her but I won't tell anyone cuz um better than her! nono
I was crying today when I was thinking about that fight we had.
Roberta and I were suposed to give our story "The life of the scorpions" out in the kids magazine, but since we had a fight, fuck the fame and glory. Sorry to swear, but I'm just so angry and sad. dead mad

Love you,

P.S. big hug for Laura and Kath! kiss

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utorak, 21.03.2006.

MySpace Layouts


hey everyone well im kat from england ummmmmm i love jana and laura they are me best girls . its kinda cool how you dont really no someone but you feel like you do if that makes any sense. WOW my first blog ever anyway im soooooooo happy at the mo because of nevermind kiss ive got school tommorow and i really need to straighten my hair but i cant be bothered anyway im out


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MySpace Layouts

Hey everyone!

We're Katherine from England, Laura from the Netherlands and Jana from Croatia.
We've met on the forum n we have a bunch of great friends there, but, the three of us are like hanging out the most.
We've never met in public, but we dream about meeting. We hope it'll hapen one day.
All of us r in lurv, but we won't talk about that here, it's internet, lol =)
We love eachother and what we think about eachother really looks like friendship allthough we never met. I hope you guys will enjoy reading our blog and we send you a big hug from the

Kath, Laura and Jana


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