utorak, 29.11.2011.


Arrange furniture online : Bali bedroom furniture : Antique door furniture.

Arrange Furniture Online

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Hand me that piano!

Hand me that piano!

I giggle when I think of this line from a very old George Carlin
routine. It was about words that never get used together, like "please
saw my legs off" or "hand me that piano". It was about absurdity, a
notion to which many George Carlin routines were wholly dedicated. In
this case, I have an absurdity in contrasts that would indicate a
decision is required of me regarding clutter, regarding things from my
past that are being kept hanging around out of habit or the comfort of
sameness or... I don't really know why, but it seems that it's important
to find out and then take action.

I was coming back from a haircut appointment the other day. While
rounding the corner making a right from Alico Road onto Highway 41 (lawd
I was born a ramblin' man....), I spotted a hand-written sign that
simply said, "Piano lessons" and gave a phone number.

Closer to home, I spotted THIS hand-written sign, and it was fortunate
that I had to stop for the light, else I would not have had the
opportunity to snap the picture.

We Move Pianos

I find it odd that I was just talking to my house guests last weekend
about getting rid of the piano and re-arranging the furniture in the
living room to include a chair that matches the damnsofa. Yeah, THAT
damnsofa. The one that took me four years to decide to buy, because it
cost a LOT of money. The one I stalked both online and in print in the
Crate and Barrel catalog. The one I finally bought because my friends
became exasperated with me for hemming and hawing over it for four years
and one of them eed, "oh just buy the damnsofa already!".

I have been contemplating releasing the piano into the wild for a couple
of years. I do not play well, but I used to play a couple of times a
week, just for my own pleasure. When I had the piano in storage for a
couple of years, I missed it and talked frequently about the day I would
be able to liberate it from exile and play it once more. I paid to move
it from Long Island to Florida! And now, I never touch it except to
remove dust from the things that have collected upon it.

The stark contrast between the two signs is not lost upon me - the
Universe advises me to either learn to play it or else move on. It
takes up a lot of room. It has nothing to do with who I am NOW, and
probably less than nothing to do with who I am becoming.

I should probably just give it away.

Living room

Living room

This photo was part of the house's online listing.

I am concerned about how I'm going to arrange furniture in here. Not sure where to put the tv. Space is small and narrow, and the stairs going up are to the right, the front door just to the right of the couch.

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29.11.2011. u 23:14 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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