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Friendster images

Friendster images

zivi brzo, umri mlad
boli te kurac gdje i kad
pusi travu, kupaj se u pivi
i imaj na umu :

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Friendster images

Friendster images

Friendster images

Friendster images

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Glitter Graphics, Myspace Graphics, Dress Up Games, Cartoon Dolls from Dolliecrave.com

Glitter Graphics, Myspace Graphics, Dress Up Games, Cartoon Dolls from Dolliecrave.com

Glitter Graphics, Myspace Graphics, Dress Up Games, Cartoon Dolls from Dolliecrave.com

Get yours @ Dolliecrave

Dress Up Games, Glitter Graphics, Cartoon Dolls, Myspace Graphics from dolliecrave.com

Glitter Graphics, Myspace Graphics, Dress Up Games, Cartoon Dolls from Dolliecrave.com

Glitter Graphics, Myspace Graphics, Dress Up Games, Cartoon Dolls from Dolliecrave.com

Glitter Graphics, Myspace Graphics, Dress Up Games, Cartoon Dolls from Dolliecrave.com

Dress Up Games, Glitter Graphics, Cartoon Dolls, Myspace Graphics from dolliecrave.com

Get yours @ Dolliecrave

thumbupthumbupthumbup 2pac thumbupthumbupthumbup

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"before we find a world peace we gotta find a peace for war on the street"

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"i guess that i am gonna say that i'm a thug. thats becouse i came from the gutter and i'm still here!!!
all good niggers, all the niggers who changed the world, die in violence. they don't die in regular ways!!!"

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"I ain't no killa but don't puh me, revenge iz like sweatest joy next to gettin' pussy..."

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"Now ain't nobody tell us it was fair
No luv for my daddy, cuz the coward wasn't there
He passed away and I didnt cry
Cuz my anger, wouldnt let me feel for a stranger,
They say Im wrong and Im heartless
But all along I was lookin for a father, he was gone"

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"Oh why should you send your children off to die, in the streets of chalk where they lie, dear God, oh why, does it have to be this way, our children of today wont wise, dear God..."

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"I refuse to be a role model
I set goals, take control, drink out my own bottle
I make mistakes, I learn from everyone
And when its said and done
I bet this Brotha be a better one"

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"We went from brothers and sister to niggaz and bitchez, went from walefare living to worldwide riches....but something's changed in this game,everything's strange,lost most of my niggaz over kokaine.... "

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"Easy To Be A Soldier When There Ain't No War"

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"Only God Can Judge me "

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"I see no changes all I see is racist faces
misplaced hate makes disgrace to races
We under I wonder what it takes to make this
one better place, let's erase the wasted ..."

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srijeda, 17.01.2007.

2pacove tetovaže cool

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Gore lijevo: 2pac (njegova prva tetovaža)
Gore desno: egipatska kraljica Nefertiti, a ispod nje natpis "2.DIE.4"
Sredina: mitraljez i natpis 50 NIGGAZ, čime je Tupac želio poručiti: "niggaz unite in all 50 states", a rekao je da NIGGA stoji za:
Trbuh: natpis "Thug Life" sa metkom umjesto slova "i", a isto tako je rekao da THUG LIFE stoji za:

Lijevo rame: glava pantere
Lijeva nadlaktica: Isusova glava na gorućem križu, a s lijeve strane stoji "Only God can judge me"
Lijeva podlaktica: riječ "OUTLAW" ispod koje je kruna koja se može vidjeti u filmu "Gang Related"
Desno rame: riječ "Westside"
Desna nadlaktica: riječ "HEARTLESS", ispod koje je lubanja i prekrižene kosti, a ispod toga stoji "My only fear of death is coming back reincarnated"
Stražnji dio lijeve ruke: okomito piše "MOB", što prema Tupacu stoji za "Money Over Bitches", a isto tako i za "Member Of Bloods", a može se vidjeti u spotu -To live & die in L.A.-
Desna podlaktica: riječ "Notorious" napisana staroengleskim slovima; u unutrašnjosti stoji natpis "Trust Nobody", između čega je još jedna kruna

Desna strana: "Makaveli" (najnovija tetovaža), može se vidjeti u filmovima "Gang Related" i "Gridlock'd"
Stražnja strana: kruna (makaveli type) ispod koje je riječ "PLAYAZ", a ispod nje su riječi "Fuck the World"

Veliki križ u čijoj sredini stoji "Exodus 18:11" ("Now I know that the Lord is greater than all gods, for in the thing wherein they dealt proudly he was above them."). Sa svake stane križa je jedna maska klauna. Maska na desnoj strani je uplakana a ispod nje stoji "cry later", dok je maska na lijevoj strani nasmiješena, a ispod nje piše "smile now". Ispod križa velikim slovima piše "BALLIN".

-sometimes it rains too much to care (DMX)
-if ya can't find something 2 live 4, then ya best, find something 2 die 4 (Tupac)
-am i cold, or is it just I sold my soul? (Tupac)
-we ain't meant to survive 'cause this is just a set up (Tupac)
-the body's just a vehicle transporting the soul (Damian Marley)
-now i lay me down to sleep, i pray to Lord my guns to keep, if i die before i wake, i pray to Lord my soul to take (Tupac)
-they say you can't turn a bad girl good, but once good girl's goin bad, she's gone forever (Jay-Z)
-no one knows my struggle, they only see the trouble, not knowin it's hard to carry on when no one loves ya (Tupac

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