Buy Toe Rings

30 kolovoz 2011


buy toe rings

    toe rings
  • A toe ring is a Ring made out of various metals and non-metals worn on any of the toes. Toe rings are worn by women but is becoming more popular with men. . The second toe of either foot is where they are worn most commonly. In most western countries they are a relatively new fashion accessory.

  • Pay someone to give up an ownership, interest, or share

  • bribe: make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence; "This judge can be bought"

  • Procure the loyalty and support of (someone) by bribery

  • obtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction; "The family purchased a new car"; "The conglomerate acquired a new company"; "She buys for the big department store"

  • Obtain in exchange for payment

  • bargain: an advantageous purchase; "she got a bargain at the auction"; "the stock was a real buy at that price"

buy toe rings - Real Mermaids

Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings

Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings

Freak of nature takes on a whole new meaning...
If she hadn't been so clueless, she might have seen it coming. But really, who expects to get into a relaxing bathtub after a stressful day of shopping for tankinis and come out with scales and a tail?
Most. Embarrassing. Moment. Ever.
Jade soon discovers she inherited her mermaid tendencies from her mom. But if Mom was a mermaid, how did she drown?
Jade is determined to find out. So how does a plus-size, aqua-phobic mer-girl go about doing that exactly? And how will Jade ever be able to explain her secret to her best friend, Cori, and to her crush, Luke?
This summer is about to get a lot more interesting...
"Absolutely fresh and sweet, a quirky coming of age story."
-The YA-5

75% (19)

6/25/08 ~ Day 304: Hump Day FUTAB ~ EXPLORE

6/25/08 ~ Day 304: Hump Day FUTAB ~ EXPLORE

Just a random Hump Day FUTAB. Again taken and uploaded using my cell phone. (Since I can't seem to upload from my real camera at work any more as my work computer won't recognize my SD or CF cards plugged into my card reader).

These are some relatively new shoes. If you know me, you know that shoes really aren't my thing - especially heels, but these called out to me at the store - so I went ahead and bought them - figuring they would probably be uncomfortable since they are heels, but surprisingly enough to me - they are actually pretty darn comfortable! And, they're even fairly suitable to wear at work. They're on the edge, but hey - its summer and I live in a beach community - so it works! =)

I plan to take a better picture at some point in these shoes, since I think they are really cute. The background of this picture sucks, so I processed the picture some.

Saint Patrick's Day pedicure.

Saint Patrick's Day pedicure.

May those that love us, love us.
And those that don't love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn't turn their hearts,
May He turn their ankles
So we will know them by their limping.

buy toe rings

buy toe rings

From Turban to Toe Ring

From Turban to Toe Ring is a guide for designing and making tribal-fusion belly dance wear. This style, which originated in the San Francisco dance community and has spread world-wide, is fast becoming one of the most popular costuming options. Tribal-fusion costuming is an assemblage of design elements pulled from many different tribal, rural, and nomadic peoples from North Africa, across the Near and Middle East, and as far away as India. Surface design techniques, articles of clothing, and jewelry components are fused together to create a look that blends all of these items into an exciting and uniquely individual image for each dancer.
This book will be an excellent reference source for the libraries of dancers, costume designers, historical re-enactors, and dancers who want a break from the high glitz and glamour of cabaret-style costuming.
From Turban to Toe Ring contains numerous hints, tips, and directions for making, designing, and assembling a tribal-fusion costume, including:
* A country-by-country breakdown of tribal jewelry styles from the Berber people of Morocco to the Ribari of India.
* Pattern making directions for several different choli and salwar designs.
* Directions for traditional surface embellishments, including applique and shi-sha.
* Mehndi (or henna), from mixing the paste to creating your design.
* Adapting Indian textiles, such as the toran and chakla, for tribal-fusion dance wear.
* Extensive bibliography and guide to historical research of Middle Eastern costume.

See also:

2 Carat Ruby Ring

2 carat ruby ring : 316l stainless steel rings.

2 carat ruby ring

    ruby ring
  • (ruby-red) red: of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies

  • (Ruby Red) The grapefruit (Citrus × paradisi), is a subtropical citrus tree known for its bitter fruit, an 18th-century hybrid first bred in Barbados. When found it was named the "forbidden fruit"; it has also been misidentified with the pomelo or shaddock (C.

  • a unit of weight for precious stones = 200 mg

  • karat: the unit of measurement for the proportion of gold in an alloy; 18-karat gold is 75% gold; 24-karat gold is pure gold

  • Carat is an abstract tile laying German style board game designed by Dirk Henn and published in 1993 by Queen Games and db Spiele. In 2004, after the success of Alhambra, Queen Games released an updated version of the game with an Arabian theme called Die Gärten der Alhambra.

  • A unit of weight for precious stones and pearls, now equivalent to 200 milligrams

  • .2 Network (pronounced Dot-Two Network) is the name of an upcoming television network designed for digital television subchannels (hence the ".2") owned by Guardian Enterprise Group that will replace the GTN network on a date yet to be announced.

  • two: the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one or a numeral representing this number

  • two: being one more than one; "he received two messages"

The Shwedagon Pagoda - Southern Entrance

The Shwedagon Pagoda - Southern Entrance

Shwedagon Pagoda
‘It is always a delight to one’s eye to gaze upon its glittering spire, always a fairy study of artistic enchantment; but perhaps if it has a moment when it seems clothed with peculiar and almost ethereal, mystic attraction, it is in the early morning light, when the air has been bathed by dewdrops and is of crystal clearness, and when that scorching Eastern sun has only just begun to send forth his burning rays. I would say go and gaze on the pagoda at the awakening hour, standing there on the last spur of the Pegu Hills, and framed by a luxuriant tropical of foliage.’
G T Gascoigne, 1896
Towering over the city of Yangon is the gold-encrusted Shwedagon Pagoda – Kipling’s ‘Winking Wonder’ – the biggest Buddhist temple of its kind in the world. Heed Miss Gascoigne’s advice and admire this wonderful structure in the early morning or perhaps at twilight. Or simply afar from the Royal Lake. To fully appreciate the wondrous splendour of the Shwedagon, visit twice or three times would be better.
Believed to have been constructed in 585BC, the Shwedagon was originally a mere 27ft high, but was brought up to its present height of 326 ft in the 15th Century by Shin Sawbu, queen of Pegu. It commands veneration and worship not solely because it dates back 2,500 years, but because of the authenticity of its origin which finds support in Buddhist scriptures. It is thought that two Burmese traders, Tapussa and Bhallika of the Mon Kingdom of Okkala, who had journeyed to India by sea, met the Buddha and received a gift or eight hairs from his own hands. On their return, their sacred gift was enshrined by King Okkalapa in a golden pagoda on the Theninguttara Hill, the most natural location for a temple. It is believed that the sacred relics of the three preceding Buddhas, which had been enshrined on this hill – a staff, a water dipper (filter) and a bathing garment (or portion of a robe) – were excavated and re-consecrated or re-enshrined along with the new relics, in effect giving the pagoda a fourfold religious significance. Kings, queens and commoners have, through the ages, bestowed gold, silver and a myriad of other gifts to embellish the pagoda. The gold-plating and the precious stones (rubies, sapphires and topaz) in the diamond bud and the vane and hti run into many millions of kyat.
There are four approached to the Shwedagon with ascending flights of steps from all the four quarters: north, south, east and west, lined with vendors offering flowers, gold leaf, candles, books and an assortment of souvenirs. Entering via the western approach from the U Wisara Road, you will find on reaching the platform a figure of the founder King Okkalapa himself on the wall towards the west-northwest corner.
The base of the pagoda is 2ft 3in high with a perimeter of 1,420ft. On the platform are 64 smaller pagodas with four large ones right in the centre of the four cardinal points. There are chinthe (lion-like sentinels), innumerable shrines, tazaung (prayer pavilions) and zayats (resthouses built on sacred land/wayside resthouses for travellers). The platform itself is paved with marble and, whichever way you turn, you will find superb woodcarvings, floral designs, mosaic-wrought pillars along with numerous Buddha images, cast in alabaster and brass. There are the famous bells: the Maha Ghanta (Great Voice) Bell, 7ft high, 6ft 8 in wide, 1ft thick and weighing 16 tons, a gift by
Singu Min in 1778, and the Mahatisadda Ghanta (Great Sweet Sound) Bell which weights 40 tons, is 8 ?ft high, 7ft 8in wide and 1ft thick. This was a gift for King Tharawaddy in 1841 and is the second largest bell in the land.
Entering by the southern stairway, you find two huge chinthe, 30ft high, and statues of ogres. Once on the main platform looking up, you will see three terraces. Above three terraces, you notice the Khaung Laung Pone, a bell-like shape which has a circumference of 442ft at the base and 192ft at the top, reaching a height of 70ft 4in. Then comes the inverted begging bowl (thabeik hmauk) bearing a decorative ring of flowers trailing down, the twisted turban (baung yit) which
takes you another 41ft above; the lotus flower 31ft 5in high; the banana bud 52ft 11in high, the hti (umbrella) going up another 33ft (a donation of King Mindon), above that the pennant-shaped vane borne aloft and reaching towards the 76-carat diamond bud on top, a globe of gold, studded with precious stones. The weight of the gold and silver weather vane 1,100, and the number on the diamond orb 4,350.
‘Hail, Mother! Do they call me rich in trade?
Little care I, but hear me the shorn priest drone,
And watch my silk-clad lovers, man by maid,
Laugh ‘neath my Shwe Dagon.’

Ruby Yin Yang Ring

Ruby Yin Yang Ring

This lovely ring is adorned with a flowing sterling silver pattern on a fine silver bezel that holds a beautiful oval faceted lab created ruby that measures 9.4 mm x 7.4 mm and weighs 3.37 carats. You'll love shades of red/rose/deep pink that sparkle in this stone with the light! The shank is sterling silver, and the ring size is 6 1/2.

2 carat ruby ring

See also:

1 Carat Solitaire Rings

1 Carat Solitaire Rings. South Sea Pearl Rings.

1 carat solitaire rings

  • a gem (usually a diamond) in a setting by itself

  • Any of various card games played by one person, the object of which is to use up all one's cards by forming particular arrangements and sequences

  • A diamond or other gem set in a piece of jewelry by itself

  • extinct flightless bird related to the dodo

  • a dull grey North American thrush noted for its beautiful song

  • A ring set with such a gem

  • a unit of weight for precious stones = 200 mg

  • karat: the unit of measurement for the proportion of gold in an alloy; 18-karat gold is 75% gold; 24-karat gold is pure gold

  • Carat is an abstract tile laying German style board game designed by Dirk Henn and published in 1993 by Queen Games and db Spiele. In 2004, after the success of Alhambra, Queen Games released an updated version of the game with an Arabian theme called Die Gärten der Alhambra.

  • A unit of weight for precious stones and pearls, now equivalent to 200 milligrams

  • (ring) sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"

  • Each of a series of resonant or vibrating sounds signaling an incoming telephone call

  • (ring) a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"

  • A telephone call

  • gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises; "the rings require a strong upper body"

  • An act of causing a bell to sound, or the resonant sound caused by this

  • "?1" (read "Infinity Ichi"; translated as "Infinity 1") is Do As Infinity's twenty-first single, released on June 17, 2009. The band had disbanded in September 2005, but reformed three years later in September 2008.

  • one: the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number; "he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it"; "they had lunch at one"

  • one: used of a single unit or thing; not two or more; "`ane' is Scottish"



my wedding ring, its a beauty, its only 1 carat total weight, but i love it. Dont get me wrong, i could go for a 2 carat solitaire!! at least!!! i am a woman!! haha!

i didnt have my canon yet, i used a regular digital point and shoot camera. even the quality isnt the greatest i still really like these pictures

Solitaire Wedding Ring set Custom Triangle pic2

Solitaire Wedding Ring set Custom Triangle pic2

The Custom Triangle matching wedding band.
1.5 carat Simulated Diamond Hybrid™ Created in Eco Friendly Pure 950 Palladium

1 carat solitaire rings

See also:

Cheap Nose Ring

Cheap nose ring. Engagement rings with wraps

cheap nose ring

    nose ring
  • A ring worn in a person's nose as a piece of jewelry

  • A ring fixed in the nose of an animal, typically a bull, for leading it

  • Nose piercing is the piercing of the skin or cartilage which forms any part of the nose, normally for the purpose of wearing jewelry; among the different varieties of nose piercings, the nostril piercing is the most common.

  • A nose ring is the aluminum, stainless steel or copper ring installed through the nasal septum of a domestic bull or sometimes other cattle, or a clip-on ring used for controlling other cattle for showing or handling, or the rings used to prevent pigs rooting.

  • a ring worn on the nose as an ornament or on the nose of an animal to control it

  • Charging low prices

  • relatively low in price or charging low prices; "it would have been cheap at twice the price"; "inexpensive family restaurants"

  • (of an item for sale) Low in price; worth more than its cost

  • brassy: tastelessly showy; "a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments"

  • bum: of very poor quality; flimsy

  • (of prices or other charges) Low

cheap nose ring - 'Charging Bull

'Charging Bull Stock Market Gold Ring In Nose' Wall Decal - 36"W x 29"H Removable Graphic

'Charging Bull Stock Market Gold Ring In Nose' Wall Decal - 36

WallMonkeys wall graphics are printed on the highest quality re-positionable, self-adhesive fabric paper. Each order is printed in-house and on-demand. WallMonkeys uses premium materials & state-of-the-art production technologies. Our white fabric material is superior to vinyl decals. You can literally see and feel the difference. Our wall graphics apply in minutes and won't damage your paint or leave any mess. PLEASE double check the size of the image you are ordering prior to clicking the 'ADD TO CART' button. Our graphics are offered in a variety of sizes and prices.
WallMonkeys are intended for indoor use only.
Printed on-demand in the United States Your order will ship within 3 business days, often sooner. Some orders require the full 3 days to allow dark colors and inks to fully dry prior to shipping. Quality is worth waiting an extra day for!
Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls.
'Fotolia' trademark will be removed when printed.
Our catalog of over 10 million images is perfect for virtually any use: school projects, trade shows, teachers classrooms, colleges, nurseries, college dorms, event planners, and corporations of all size.

84% (7)

38/365 Give me a long kiss goodnight, and eveything will be alright.

38/365 Give me a long kiss goodnight, and eveything will be alright.

The focus on this isnt as sharp as i wanted it reaaally, there was a another image that was alot sharper on the ring, but the composition here is better. And i'm too lazy to re-shoot, plus i have way too much stuff to do!
Not an imaginative shot, but mum finnally got me my birthday present, a ?10 thumb ring 2 months late. I dont even care though cause its pretty and i'v wanted a thumb ring for ages. It'll probably turn my skin green though cause its so cheap.

I'm still sorting through my photos from the madness gig on saturday, and i have to do it tonight so i can concentrate on the Feeder shoot i have tomorrow. Oh and i just found out i'm photographing the K!tour at leeds on saturday. What is my life?

I have like a million things to do tomorrow, hopefully i wil get up and actually do them all. I also need to start either shitting money or growing a money tree cause i have know idea how i'm going to afford everything i need/want in the next month.

Title Lyrics: Green Day - Give Me Novacaine

"I Live from the Neck Up" is nearing its end.

Two new things (well, three, in a way):
1) We bought two kittens from the Humane Society of San Diego; they are two dykey cowgirls: Charlie (here) and Omaha (at my side). It has taken all of my will to not turn my Flickr into a kitten gallery.
2) I bought an infrared remote and a cheap tripod from B&H Photo last week, and an f1.8/50mm lens last spring, so this may be the end of my handheld "I live from the neck up" self portraits with my oh-so-flattering 18mm lens. I hope to both move and live from the neck down. I also hope this equipment purchase encourages me to go to the gym, go on more walks around San Diego and forces my self portraiture project to evolve. Though I never thought I would be one of those egomaniac artists taking self portraits on the daily, here I am four years later, eagerly awaiting my new equipment.

cheap nose ring

See also:

Clear Nose Rings

Clear nose rings : Engagement ring cushion cut : Engagement antique rings

clear nose rings

  • completely; "read the book clear to the end"; "slept clear through the night"; "there were open fields clear to the horizon"

  • the state of being free of suspicion; "investigation showed that he was in the clear"

  • So as to be out of the way of or away from

  • With clarity; distinctly

  • So as not to be obstructed or cluttered

  • readily apparent to the mind; "a clear and present danger"; "a clear explanation"; "a clear case of murder"; "a clear indication that she was angry"; "gave us a clear idea of human nature"

  • (ring) sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"

  • An act of causing a bell to sound, or the resonant sound caused by this

  • Each of a series of resonant or vibrating sounds signaling an incoming telephone call

  • A telephone call

  • gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises; "the rings require a strong upper body"

  • (ring) a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"

  • the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract; the prominent part of the face of man or other mammals; "he has a cold in the nose"

  • The part projecting above the mouth on the face of a person or animal, containing the nostrils and used for breathing and smelling

  • intrude: search or inquire in a meddlesome way; "This guy is always nosing around the office"

  • The sense of smell, esp. a dog's ability to track something by its scent

  • a front that resembles a human nose (especially the front of an aircraft); "the nose of the rocket heated up on reentry"

  • An instinctive talent for detecting something

clear nose rings - Graco Nasal

Graco Nasal Clear Nasal Aspirator

Graco Nasal Clear Nasal Aspirator

NasalClear is a new battery operated nasal aspirator. It quickly, easily, and safely clears your baby's stuffy nose and helps her breathe more freely. The NasalClear aspirator provides you with suction that is stronger than that of a traditional manual aspirator, yet gentle enough to use safely and comfortably on your newborn or toddler. Battery operation lets you control the suction, so that you maintain the suction or release it as needed. NasalClear operates on 2 AA batteries and includes 2 different tips to accommodate different shaped nostrils and a variety of congestion conditions. The tips are made of soft silicone, making them comfortable for children of all ages. Although NasalClear has greater suction power than a manual aspirator, it is still gentle enough to use on newborns. It comes apart for easy and thorough cleaning and is dishwasher safe. NasalClear includes a plastic collection cup that helps you evaluate your baby's level of congestion. Also, the aspirator plays 12 different children's tunes to help distract the baby while in use. It requires AA batteries (not included).

79% (14)

of no interest to anyone but me

of no interest to anyone but me

i got a package today from BAF with my new (clear) nose stud retainers, a new green flower nose stud, a 16g CBR, 14g plugs for ears, and o-rings.

the only things i don't like are that the CBR's diameter is too large to wear in my nose, and the acrylic plugs are notched @ the ends, so the wearable area is larger than i need. they totally stick way out. arg.

Pull rings

Pull rings

OOAK custom Blythe doll number 29, made in December 2009. Base doll: Ashton Drake ADG Pow Wow Poncho. Pure Neemo Flection body. She is now living in the US with of her other sisters (Ana Karina customs). Sanrio My Melody character inspired, my human/doll version of My Melody.

The My Melody charm is authentic Sanrio.

clear nose rings

clear nose rings

'Woman Spraying Nasal Spray In Nose 2' Wall Decal - 16

WallMonkeys wall graphics are printed on the highest quality re-positionable, self-adhesive fabric paper. Each order is printed in-house and on-demand. WallMonkeys uses premium materials & state-of-the-art production technologies. Our white fabric material is superior to vinyl decals. You can literally see and feel the difference. Our wall graphics apply in minutes and won't damage your paint or leave any mess. PLEASE double check the size of the image you are ordering prior to clicking the 'ADD TO CART' button. Our graphics are offered in a variety of sizes and prices.
WallMonkeys are intended for indoor use only.
Printed on-demand in the United States Your order will ship within 3 business days, often sooner. Some orders require the full 3 days to allow dark colors and inks to fully dry prior to shipping. Quality is worth waiting an extra day for!
Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls.
'Fotolia' trademark will be removed when printed.
Our catalog of over 10 million images is perfect for virtually any use: school projects, trade shows, teachers classrooms, colleges, nurseries, college dorms, event planners, and corporations of all size.

See also:

Feet Toe Rings

Feet Toe Rings. Cheap Stainless Steel Rings For Men

feet toe rings

    toe rings
  • A toe ring is a Ring made out of various metals and non-metals worn on any of the toes. Toe rings are worn by women but is becoming more popular with men. . The second toe of either foot is where they are worn most commonly. In most western countries they are a relatively new fashion accessory.

  • (foot) a linear unit of length equal to 12 inches or a third of a yard; "he is six feet tall"

  • (foot) pay for something; "pick up the tab"; "pick up the burden of high-interest mortgages"; "foot the bill"

  • (foot) the part of the leg of a human being below the ankle joint; "his bare feet projected from his trousers"; "armored from head to foot"

  • The lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands or walks

  • A corresponding part of the leg in vertebrate animals

  • A locomotory or adhesive organ of an invertebrate

Gold Toe Ring

Gold Toe Ring

Photo of my white gold toe ring. Found the ring under my 35 year old fridge when I bought a new one that's more efficient.

First toe ring - 01

First toe ring - 01

My first toe ring : must I keep it or leave it ?

feet toe rings

See also:

Custom Made Titanium Rings

Custom Made Titanium Rings - Wedding Rings Pictures And Prices.

custom made titanium rings

    custom made
  • Made to a particular customer's order

  • Custom Made (also known as C-Made) is an American hip hop trio from Los Angeles, California known for their hardcore reality based mixtape series, Street Cinema. They were key players in helping to establish a mixtape scene in Los Angeles during the early 2000s.

  • Custom Made is a horse that was ridden by American David O'Connor at the international level in the sport of eventing.

  • made according to the specifications of an individual

  • (Say: tie - tayne - ee - um) - An exotic and expensive metal frame material that's super light, lively riding and ultra durable.

  • The chemical element of atomic number 22, a hard silver-gray metal of the transition series, used in strong, light, corrosion-resistant alloys

  • Titanium ( ) is a chemical element with the symbol Ti and atomic number 22. Sometimes called the "space age metal", it has a low density and is a strong, lustrous, corrosion-resistant (including sea water, aqua regia and chlorine) transition metal with a silver color.

  • a light strong grey lustrous corrosion-resistant metallic element used in strong lightweight alloys (as for airplane parts); the main sources are rutile and ilmenite

  • Each of a series of resonant or vibrating sounds signaling an incoming telephone call

  • A telephone call

  • (ring) sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"

  • (ring) a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"

  • gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises; "the rings require a strong upper body"

  • An act of causing a bell to sound, or the resonant sound caused by this

2008 Stumpjumper Pro Carbon FSR Euro version upgraded - 28.07.10 #1249 v2

2008 Stumpjumper Pro Carbon FSR Euro version upgraded  - 28.07.10 #1249 v2

(08 Stumpjumper Pro Carbon (S) (European Model) +M5x17mm Plastic Cable Guide Bolts + 3M Film On Bottle Cage Mounts)
Future Shock S120 (Custom Tune) (Neg Spring @ 55)
XTR M970 Crankset (Custom) XTR 44t chainring + Rotor XTR M970 Q-Rings /33/23
XTR M970 B.B. (+ Enduro Zero Ceramic Bearings)
CB Candy SL (Custom) (Blk) (+Red Springs)
09 KMC X10 SL TiN
XTR DMD F. Derailleur (+ Ti Mount Bolts)
08 SRAM X.0 Med R. Derallieur (+Nobu 3k Carbon Inner Plate+ KCNC Red AlloyJockey Bolts +Black Box Ceramic Pulleys +AFCBike XO pivot bolt)
SRAM XO Gripshift (Custom) (Amy grips + M5x20mm Plastic bolts)
Jagwire Ripcord Pro Carbon Deralier Cables (+ Power Cordz Inner Cables)
Syntace F119 Stem (31.8x75mm) (Mod) (One-Off Shim +TH Ti Bolts)
Syntace Duraflite Uni Carbon Bar (Mod) (31.8x560mm)
Titec pork rinds (trimmed to 85mm)
3k carbon veneer end plugs (Mod)
Cane Creek Headset (+3k Carbon Interlok Headset Spacers)
3k Carbon Top Cap + red Alloy Bolt
2010 Formula R1 rosso carbonio ltd edition
Formula organic or sintered or Swiss Stop Disc 25 pads (with Scrubs)
Magura QM-12 160mm R Rotor Adaptor (+Ti Bolts) (Modified from 22g to 14g)
Magura QM-6 180mm F Rotor Adaptor (+Ti Bolts) (Modified from 22g to 16g)
09 Terry Butterfly Carbon Saddle
Syntace P6 3k Carbon Seatpost (30.9 x 300mm) (Mod)
Smudek 36.9 ud carbon seatpost collar (Custom made)
Cateye Strada wireless (blk)
Velcro Chainstay Protector (also On Upper Rear Triangle)
Protective 3m Film Crank Arm Protector (Custom)

Wheelset #1
DT Swiss XRC 330 Carbon Rims (28h)
DT Swiss 190s CL Hubs (+DT 36 step star ratchet)
DT Swiss Aerolite Spokes (Blk)
DT Swiss Pro Loc Nips (Blk)
Tune Skyline MTB skewers (red ano)
08 SRAM PG990 11-34 Cassette (+Extralite EB3.3 lockring)
CL Adaptors (Modified) (Raw alloy) (machined down from 22g to F. 14g R.11g +DT Swiss lockrings)
Scrub 180mm Rotor F. (Blk)
Scrub 160mm Rotor R. (Blk)
Schwalbe Rocket Ron EVO 26x 2.25
Stans Yellow Tape
Stans Olympic UST Valves (+PC SL valve collars) (red ano)
Hutchinson Protect Air (60g in each tire)

Wheelset #2
Specialized DT Swiss 4.2d rims 28h
Specialized DT Swiss 440s & Stout (+36 step star ratchet)
DT Swiss Competition Spokes (Blk)
DT Swiss Alloy Nips (Red)
DT Swiss RWS MTB Thru Bolt Skewers
XTR M970 + FRM 12-36 Cassette (Red ano 36t)
Alligator CL Adaptors (Mod) (were 22g now 14g)
Formula floating180mm rotor F. (Blk)
Formula 160mm rotor R. (Custom) (Blk)
Conti Mountain King Protection 26x 2.2 F.
Schwalbe Racing Ralph EVO SnakeSkin 26x 2.25 R.
DT Swiss XR UST Rim Strips
DT Swiss UST Valves (+PC SL Billet Collars) (red ano)
Hutchinson Protect Air (70g

Future Upgrades:
Gore Ride-On Professional cable housing

Weight 24.07.10 (XRC330 wheelset): 10kg (22lb)

Bicycle Chain Length Calculator Recommended length = 137.16cm or 54 links )

Cajun Custom Rods (Golden Rod4)

Cajun Custom Rods (Golden Rod4)

This Cajun Custom Rod "largemouth special" has been handcrafted (by individual customer order) by Cajun Custom Rods using a St. Croix, SC III rod blank. The right choice for the serious angler, this American Tackle and Pacific Bay casting rod component set will ensure your Cajun Custom Rod is “armed to the teeth.” The Gold, Nanolite™ guide ring utilizes Ring Lock™ technology and is 45% stronger, reducing overall line wear and friction. The Titanium Chrome, Atlas™ 316 stainless steel guide frame incorporates the latest Quad-Leg design, providing exceptional corrosion protection, tremendous strength to weight ratio, and greater lateral stability. The matching rod top is constructed of Atlas™ 316 stainless steel, diamond polished, and has a gold Nanolite™ guide ring for those “country mile” casts. A Pacific Bay “wide-mouth,” double-foot, stainless steel Hook Keeper is color-matched and included with your CCR guide set selection. The GTRLC set extends casting distance, improves line life, and handles any synthetic line made today - the ultimate in high tech ceramics for the highest possible performance and durability.

custom made titanium rings

See also:

Cz Stackable Rings

Cz stackable rings : Royce leather 1 inch ring binder.

cz stackable rings

  • (stack-ability) Where a connector has its length and/or breadth narrow enough to allow two connectors to be placed together, and maintain contact pitch centres. This can be side-to-side (side stackable) or end-to-end (end stackable).

  • (Stackability) To "stack" means that the player can run one play mode while another mode is in progress. This strategy usually yields higher scores. A noted example of this is Williams' Bram Stoker's Dracula, with its Multi-Multiball feature.

  • (stackability) The quality of being stackable

  • A telephone call

  • (ring) sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"

  • gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises; "the rings require a strong upper body"

  • Each of a series of resonant or vibrating sounds signaling an incoming telephone call

  • (ring) a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"

  • An act of causing a bell to sound, or the resonant sound caused by this

  • .cz is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the Czech Republic. It is administered by CZ.NIC. Registrations must be ordered via accredited domain name registrars.

  • This is a list of digraphs used in various Latin alphabets. (See also List of Cyrillic digraphs.) Capitalization involves only the first letter (ch – Ch) unless otherwise stated (ij – IJ).

  • (CZS) Cruzeiro do Sul International Airport is an airport serving Cruzeiro do Sul, a municipality in the state of Acre in Brazil.

cz stackable rings - Five Band

Five Band CZ Stackable Ring Set Size 10 (Sizes 5 6 7 8 9 10 Available)

Five Band CZ Stackable Ring Set Size 10 (Sizes 5 6 7 8 9 10 Available)

With five stylish rings, this five band sterling silver stackable ring set is easily one of the more intriguing ring sets around. The five rings stack easily together to create a dazzling look of silver and color. Each ring features a single 7mm cubic zirconia stone ranging from pale pastels to deep olive and lavender colors. The rhodium finished sterling silver wraps around the 1mm ridged bands for a simple and beautiful style. With all three rings weighing an easy 9.9 grams, this five band sterling silver cz stackable ring set is a fine set to own.

78% (19)

Red Ring Of Death!

Red Ring Of Death!

The feared Red Ring of Death.

So XBox was being weird and then BOOM!... it happens. And for whatever reason I decided to set up my flashes and I'm pretty happy with the results... of the picture... not so happy about my XBox dying.

430ex camera left with multiple layers of red tissue paper and flagged so no red light would get on the background.
430ex hanging upside-down from being wedged in the ceiling tiles, to illuminate the background.
580exII with a reflective umbrella camera right.
Flashes fired via Canon ST-e2.

The Ring Nebula in L(HaR)GB

The Ring Nebula in L(HaR)GB

M57 - The Ring Nebula

Used PI to show more of the faint Halpha halo.

Imaging scope: AT8RC
Imaging Camera: ST8300M (capture with Equinox Image)
Filters: Baader LRGB in FW5-8300 filter wheel
Guide scope: Orion EON 80ED
Guide camera: Starfish Fishcamp (guided with PHD)
Mount: Atlas EQ-G
Calibration in Equinox Image and processing in PixInsight.

Lum: 12x5min (1x1)
Halpha: 15x5min (3x3) and 7x10min (2x2)
RGB: 4x5min each (2x2)

cz stackable rings

cz stackable rings

Kenneth Cole New York Multi-Row Rings, Size 7.5

The Kenneth Cole Multi-Row Ring is an eye-catching union of stacked textures, hues, and shapes. This one ring is more accurately the amalgamation of several, as it is comprised of a variety of thin rings piled upon each other and joined together to create an offset, visceral design. Adorning the adjoined rings are silver balls in various hues and sizes. With an uneven row of spheres crowning the top ring and various balls embellishing the sides, this ring truly has a one-of-a-kind look.

The Kenneth Cole Multi-Row Ring is an eye-catching union of stacked textures, hues, and shapes. This one ring is more accurately the amalgamation of several, as it is comprised of a variety of thin rings piled upon each other and joined together to create an offset, visceral design. Adorning the adjoined rings are silver balls in various hues and sizes. With an uneven row of spheres crowning the top ring and various balls embellishing the sides, this ring truly has a one-of-a-kind look.

See also:

Lesbian Wedding Rings

Lesbian wedding rings. Figure out your ring size. Solitaire engagement ring.

lesbian wedding rings

    wedding rings
  • A ring worn by a married person, given by the spouse at their wedding

  • Represent permanency, "until death us do part". (This may scare off your man though!)

  • A wedding ring or wedding band is a metal ring indicating the wearer is married. Depending on the local culture, it is worn on the base of the right or the left ring finger. The custom of wearing such a ring has spread widely beyond its origin in Europe.

  • Don't get this confused with Engagement Rings. Engagement Rings are usually just a solitaire ring, i.e. One stone. The wedding ring is the complimentary band that accompanies that solitaire ring. Decorated in many different styles, and usually consisting of a lot more diamonds, either paved or set.

  • of or relating to or characterized by homosexual relations between woman

  • a resident of Lesbos

  • Of or relating to homosexual women or to homosexuality in women

  • a female homosexual

lesbian wedding rings - Lesbian Sex:

Lesbian Sex: 101 Lovemaking Positions

Lesbian Sex: 101 Lovemaking Positions


Take your lover on a Joyride. Dip into Priscilla’s Punchbowl, Tongue and Groove, and Toast Her Oven like never before. Discover 101 ways to caress, rub, lick, suck, grind, and slip inside with this groundbreaking collection of lovemaking positions for women who love women.

Exploring the possibilities of every erogenous zone, this lesbian Kama Sutra offers deliciously inventive ideas for women to pleasure themselves and each other, including Gilding the Lily, Peach Gobbler, Hanky Spanky, Girl Wrap, Velvet Rope, and many more. One position will tease and delight her, another will intensify or prolong arousal, and still another will culminate in mind-blowing—and even dual—orgasms. Illustrated throughout with tantalizing, sensual photography, Lesbian Sex brings lovemaking to new heights of daring, intimacy, and ecstasy.

77% (16)



Experience the softer side of Molnar the Hammer in this 'hammer song' of a class! Students will learn the fine points of forging a sensuous silver cuff style bracelet worthy of Freya's wrist.
"Anticlastic Raising is a technique of metal forming whereby sheet metal is formed directly with a hammer on a sinusodial (snake-like) stake. A flat sheet of metal is shaped by compressing it's edges and stretching the center so that the surface develops two curves at right angles to each other". Ancient Scandinavian goldsmiths actually used deer antlers as forms for creating beautiful Viking "ribbon" torque necklaces!
Techniques will include cutting, annealing, anticlastic forging and polishing. Previous metalworking experience is recommended. All tools and materials will be provided.

Two People...181

Two People...181

In California, a District Court recently found Prop 8 unconstitutional. Of course this decision will be appealed and will likely end up in Supreme Court. But at least for now...rationality is restored.

For those of you that do not know, Prop 8 denies the right for same sex couples to marry. Judge Walker wrote in his opinion that :"Moral disapproval alone is an improper basis on which to deny rights to gay men and lesbians. " So true.

I posted a similar image in June of 2008 when marriage licenses for same sex couples started being issued by the state.

One of the things that I like about this image is that the ring-heart-shadow is so cliche. It seems appropriate in connection with updating antiquated definitions. Love is love.

lesbian wedding rings

See also:

One Stop Key Rings

One stop key rings. Baby giraffe jewelry ring holder. Diamond ruby engagement rings

one stop key rings

    one stop
  • The University’s “can-do” website, a hub of online information for students, parents, staff, and faculty.

  • (of a store or other business) Capable of supplying all a customer's needs within a particular range of goods or services

  • (one-stops) Individuals who sell records to retail stores and jukebox operators who are not in a position to buy directly from the record company.

  • One Stop Shop is a term used by many local authorities in the United Kingdom to describe the facility they offer for their residents to discuss and arrange services with officers of the authority.

  • A telephone call

  • (ring) sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"

  • An act of causing a bell to sound, or the resonant sound caused by this

  • Each of a series of resonant or vibrating sounds signaling an incoming telephone call

  • gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises; "the rings require a strong upper body"

  • (ring) a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"

  • metal device shaped in such a way that when it is inserted into the appropriate lock the lock's mechanism can be rotated

  • identify: identify as in botany or biology, for example

  • A low-lying island or reef, esp. in the Caribbean

  • cardinal: serving as an essential component; "a cardinal rule"; "the central cause of the problem"; "an example that was fundamental to the argument"; "computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure"

one stop key rings - The One-Stop

The One-Stop Bible Atlas (One-Stop series)

The One-Stop Bible Atlas (One-Stop series)

A truly innovative Bible Atlas that will help readers visualize the journeys, events, and locations of the Bible and will bring the Good Book to life in an entirely new way

This informative atlas is a highly inventive, user-friendly book, with lively and entertaining commentary, and peppered with little-known facts about the Bible. Nick Page applies the features of contemporary mapping styles to journeys and locations: following Paul's journeys on a Roman Road map complete with distance chart; linking Biblical sites to the panorama of Jerusalem today with 3D relief mapping; and locating the latest archaeological and historical research findings, Google Earth–style.

76% (11)

Findland - Chapter 18

Findland - Chapter 18

A whippoorwill cry was heard in the night sky. Which was a bit odd since whippoorwills didn't live in Eneti. Zoloto, the alchemist, Linder, the wardrobe sized man and Hutch proceed into the giant puzzle box that held her eminence's reserves of gold. Its true size was hidden like an iceberg, ten times as much space below the water as above it. The five men walked down the long staircase to the bottom. Hutch was made to lead the way, so he could not kick anyone down the stairs, as he otherwise would surely do. Because the gold was so shiny, radiant and great in quantity that one candle was enough to light the great space.
“I hope you all understand the pain that it brings me to destroy so much gold.” Zoloto told the others. “I would much rather take it all with me, but that is just not possible.”
“You could take one bar.” suggested Linder, who was weighed down by a bag of the alchemist's supplies, “As a souvenir.”
Zoloto moved his gums around “I would... but if I do that then it is a short leap to everyone trying to carry as much as they can out of here. No, no it's better if none is taken.” Zoloto let out a sigh. “Did you know that one ounce of gold can be made into such a thin sheet that it can cover up to 300 square feet? So thin that you could see through it.” No one responded to this and they marched down the rest of the stairs in silence.
At the bottom of the stairs Linder dropped the bag he was carrying. The alchemist pulled a small collapsible table out of it and set it up. Linder then unlocked the manacle on the wardrobe sized man's wrist and connected it to a bar supporting the stairs. Zoloto sized up his defeated opponent. He looked in disgust at this insignificant man who would dare oppose him. He let out a fake cough. “Goodbye Mr...”
Zoloto was cut off by a scream of pain by Linder. Zoloto turned to see Linder recalling his hand from a stack of gold bars. “The individual bars have protective charms also?” Linder gave an embarrassed nod. “It is of no matter, alchemy is not effected by charms. Come.” The three headed back up the stairs, leaving Hutch and the alchemist behind.
The alchemist carefully placed vials of powders and liquids on his table. In the center of the table he placed a small tin. He pulled a cord on the side of the tin and flickering flames came out of the top. Above the flaming tin he set up a small grill. And on that grill he placed a piece of lead, in the same shape as a bar of gold. The alchemist looked up at Hutch and gave a big goofy looking grin. Hutch had no idea if the man had a way of survive the transformation of the gold that was to kill himself, or if the alchemist was content to die performing his craft. Hutch pulled at the manacle on his wrist, it was solidly made and wasn't going anywhere. He checked his pockets even though he knew they were empty. He tried to reach for a bar of gold that could be thrown at the alchemist, but they were all out of reach.
When Zoloto got to the top of the stairs he stepped out of the inter, wooden, depository to see his men being killed by Findland soldiers. One man was frantically spraying pinewood poison on a torch when he was cut down by a solider unaffected by the flashes. His men carried weapons on them but they were greatly outmatched by the heavy professional gear the soldiers bore. The Findland soldiers had not yet retaken the outer, stone depository, but they would soon. All of this he saw in a second, and when he saw it without a moment of hesitation he turned and closed the door of the wooden depository (It was much easier to close than to open). Linder and the wardrobe sized man were still inside.
Linder pounded on the door that had just closed in front of him. “He shut us in!” He reported to the wardrobe sized man. “The alchemist! We have to go stop him!” The wardrobe sized man blocked his path. “What the hell are you doing? You want to die in here?” With a shrug the wardrobe sized man grasped Linder and tossed him like a rag doll over the railing to his death. He immediately realized that he should have tossed Linder further; he had landed right in front of Hutch who was now grabbing at his body. He took off his dragon skin belt and threw it straight down, but Hutch ducked under the stairs. Infuriated, the bear of a man barreled down the stairs.
Hutch frantically pulled Linder closer to him and rummaged through his pockets for the key to the manacles. The alchemist continued on his work undeterred, mixing powders and liquids, talking in a dialect of Trellick that Hutch couldn't understand. Hutch found the key and unlocked himself. Then the wardrobe sized man landed in front of him, he had jumped down over half the distance of the stairs, it should have at least broken his legs but hadn't. Hutch grabbed the dragon shark weapon sticking out of the ground between them. But as he pulled it back to strike it became limp and belt-like in his hand

THE MEGALITH - The Gate of Aasa, Quenby, and The Journey of The Prince The Slayer of Dragons

THE MEGALITH - The Gate of Aasa, Quenby, and The Journey of The Prince The Slayer of Dragons

Death and destruction rules the kingdom of a young prince. His quest to redeem his people, uncovers his father’s dark secret, that in order to spare the Prince at birth, the King gave a young girl to a fiend ruling the netherworld. Discovering the Kingdom’s liberty is linked with the enslaved girls freedom, the Prince sets out to destroy the Beast, rescue the girl and restore his peoples’ freedom.


The DRAGON is attacking the kingdom. King ESTMUND is tricked by GWENDAMORT, to give him his son and he exchanges the prince with forest-girl QUENBY. Prince MAC CUILLAUME, the chosen one with an inherent sunstone, the key to the Gate of Aasa, is to stop chaos and open the lost dimension of living happily ever after. Quenby revives the prince in the forest, they fall in love. The epic task can only be completed together. Gwendamort is stopped by a dwarf to marry them in sham wedding. Cuillaume leaves stubbornly alone to the gate. After saving a mammoth cub from dragons he finds in the forest dwelling where Quenby is kept the mud-cleansing to be a hoax. HYLDA, HELLEN and FRIDISWID mock Quenby, that the The Dragon is close, and that her love will never come to save her. While escaping dream-world during the chase Quenby falls to river-abyss and becomes a water-lily. Prince releases Lily as crawfish, but Gwendamort takes her to underworld to carry on chaos and stop the gate opening make an end to his rule. Cuillaume follows as Hands. Lily helps him with his impossible tasks. There the magic ring gets him as a King and giant to battle the dragon. They escape with sunstone that the evil had hid in the calf’s brain. When the Prince is in the battle Quenby agrees with The Prince that he needs to find his head. After prince and Quenby are wed witches hypnotize and steel Quenby to be sealed with the dragon as a new constellation in the Milky Way. Cuillaume is gliding as falcon with Syward to war the dragon to free Quenby. They interpret the ring with giantic iron book to stop the dragon from swallowing what’s born from the Egg, the new dimension of endlessness. On the Smithy of the Egghill, the coming Battle of Dawn is trumpeted to action. Cuillaume jumps to saddle. Quenby is riveted to the dragon and the prince rides his iron horse through the dragon’s mouth hooking the dragon to the ground with the raised spear. He revives Quenby with kisses: „Can’t die like that, die like a hero.” Quenby:„You have saved me and the whole universe.” Hundreds of thousands cheer as Cuillaume carries her up the Egghill. Quenby: “You are a mighty army the end of chaos.” Cuillaume: „It is time to open the gate, the cause of All Things.” Syward crowns them as: “True king and queen forever”. When the first rays burst from the rising solstice sun they open the Megalith, the Gate of Aasa with The Sunstone and The Ring. At down, the eing procession follows The New Royalty to the quintessence of the Happily Ever After. The crowd calms, and raven takes the sunstone to a family of giants.

Written by Jaanus Silla
Drawings by Rauno Thomas Moss

one stop key rings

See also:

Mother Ring Designs

Mother ring designs : Man toe ring : Key ring finder.

mother ring designs

    mother ring
  • (Mother rings) or birthstone rings representing her, your, or your grandchild make a great gold ring options if you want to show the mother of your children some appreciation.

  • Do or plan (something) with a specific purpose or intention in mind

  • (design) an arrangement scheme; "the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult"; "it was an excellent design for living"; "a plan for seating guests"

  • (design) plan: make or work out a plan for; devise; "They contrived to murder their boss"; "design a new sales strategy"; "plan an attack"

  • (design) plan something for a specific role or purpose or effect; "This room is not designed for work"

  • Decide upon the look and functioning of (a building, garment, or other object), typically by making a detailed drawing of it

mother ring designs - 8mm Mens

8mm Mens / Woman's Tungsten Carbide Ring with Dark Mother of Pearl / Abalone Inlay Design

8mm Mens / Woman's Tungsten Carbide Ring with Dark Mother of Pearl / Abalone Inlay Design

his Tungsten Carbide Ring / Wedding with Dark Mother of Pearl Inlay Design is 8MM in width and in a comfort fit. This Piece is truly the Ultimate in design, elegance and durability in Today's Modern Jewelry Expression. If you are looking for a durable ring and still appreciate it's ever lasting beauty, then Tungsten Carbide rings are for you. Tungsten Carbide is ranked second hardest next to diamond on the Mohs scale, diamond being a 10 followed by Tungsten Carbide a close 2nd with a 9 on the hardness scale. This means your Tungsten Carbide ring will keep it's original shine literally for a lifetime, because the only thing that can scratch the ring is a diamond. All of our Tungsten Rings and all of our Jewelry have REAL Photos and CLOSE-UP photos to show the true detail and quality we offer. Most all other online Retailers will show you a computer generated image which looks really nothing like the jewelry you are purchasing. With us it is, "What you see is what you get" This way what you get in the mail and what you see in our store is the same exact item. It has been only a few years that we have perfected the art of making Art with such a durable and long lasting material. All of our Tungsten rings are Cobalt Free and also hypoallergenic for those of you with metal allergies. Our rings are made of the best material and manufacturing processes. Due to the Hardness of Tungsten, these rings can only be laser engraved, since the only thing that can scratch them are diamonds and lasers. All rings come with a 100% Satisfaction and Money Back Guarantee. All rings also come with a Free Ring Box and Velvet or Metallic Finish Carry Pouch. ****For Sizing Purposes. Please Choose a size 1/2 a size smaller than what you usually wear. With our experience. The comfort Fit sizes tend to run a little big so 1/2 a size smaller than your usual size is the best fit.

78% (16)

Pave Crystal Camellia Flower Ring -R4111C

Pave Crystal Camellia Flower Ring -R4111C

Here's a glowing variation on our statement-making Flower Ring! Gracefully sculpted silvertone petals are emboldened by pave-set crystals around an eye-catching, faceted round center crystal, ramping up the sparkle quotient to maximum "Wow!" The gorgeous showpiece ring is designed with an elasticized metal band for adjustable fit and comfort, and while we think it especially striking worn on the third finger, it will fascinate anyway you wear it.

Retro - ring

Retro - ring

A ring with a discreet design with a modern retro look ….. !

The size of this cool ring is: 0.9x0.5 Inch (2, 5x1, 5cm)
The ring is adjustable and fits all.

It is easy to adjust by yourself. But if you want me to adjust the size of it for you; just write a note in the message to seller after you purchase.

The finish is high shiny

mother ring designs

mother ring designs

C'este Di Amore - 8 Carat Solitaire Turquoise Blue CZ Ring, 10

Our rings are made from finest quality cubic zirconia stones that are of superior clarity and depth in color. The base metal is coated with quality silver or gold coating that enhances the shine of the ring. The designs are very modern and exciting. Our customers tell us that they have never failed to get compliments on the rings they have bought from us. This design, price and quality backed by our 'no questions asked' returns policy means you can buy from us carefree. Your satisfaction is our pride and our competitors envy.

See also:

Ring Size Cm


ring size cm

    ring size
  • There are several systems for denoting the sizes of jewellery rings in use around the world: *In the United States and Canada, ring sizes are specified using a numerical scale, with quarter and half sizes. An increase of a full size is an increase of 0.032 inch (0.

  • This unit of measure is used to indicate the ring diameter necessary to properly fit a person's finger.

  • A measurement determined by two factors: the diameter of the finger on which the ring will be worn, and the knuckle which the ring must slip over comfortably. Ring sizer

  • Centimeter(s)

  • centimeter: a metric unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter

  • curium: a radioactive transuranic metallic element; produced by bombarding plutonium with helium nuclei

  • .cm is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Cameroon.

ring size cm - 8MM Tungsten

8MM Tungsten Carbide Diamond CZ Gold Mens Wedding Band Ring (Available Sizes 7-14 Including Half Sizes) (13)

8MM Tungsten Carbide Diamond CZ Gold Mens Wedding Band Ring (Available Sizes 7-14 Including Half Sizes) (13)

This ring is so stunning, so well detailed, and still so affordable. Of brushed gold plating, with shiny beveled edges. A narrow, highly polished band encircling the entire face, boasts seven of the highest quality, brilliant cubic zirconias. A beautiful piece. It features precision beveled edges and a comfort fit design.
Tungsten is one of the hardest metals on the planet. It's durability is absolutely unmatched in the jewelry industry. Tungsten is 10 times harder than 18K gold, 5 times harder than tool steel and 4 times harder than titanium. It measures between an 8 and 9 on the Mohs scale, with diamonds being the highest at a 10. Tungsten has been used for decades in industrial applications where only the strongest and hardest metal will suffice. The incredible strength and timeless beauty of our tungsten rings will have you cherishing them for a lifetime.
All of our rings are manufactured with tungsten carbide using nickel as a binding agent. Many companies choose to use cobalt as a binder because it is slightly cheaper. While either element will work just fine, cobalt has a higher tendency to have adverse reactions with some people's skin. This is why we use nickel. Although in some extremely rare cases a customer will discover he or she has an allergy to nickel, our rings are generally considered to be hypo-allergenic.

86% (9)

Banana Pancakes ring 2

Banana Pancakes ring 2



Plate of yummy Banana Pancakes with banana slices drizzled with syrup ring!

Handmade in high quality!

Very realistic looking! Very kawaii (cute) & attractive!

Made in JAPAN!

- The mini plate is made of REAL Ceramic / Porcelain.
- The mini food is made of Polymer Clay.
- The ring is silver-toned Alloy.

- The mini plate measures about 2.6cm in diameter.
- The TOTAL height of the ring is about 3 cm.
- The ring is adjustable to fit almost any ring size.



Banana Pancakes ring

Banana Pancakes ring



Plate of yummy Banana Pancakes with banana slices drizzled with syrup ring!

Handmade in high quality!

Very realistic looking! Very kawaii (cute) & attractive!

Made in JAPAN!

- The mini plate is made of REAL Ceramic / Porcelain.
- The mini food is made of Polymer Clay.
- The ring is silver-toned Alloy.

- The mini plate measures about 2.6cm in diameter.
- The TOTAL height of the ring is about 3 cm.
- The ring is adjustable to fit almost any ring size.



ring size cm

See also:

Stackable Cz Rings

Stackable cz rings - Men wear toe rings

stackable cz rings

  • (stackability) The quality of being stackable

  • (stack-ability) Where a connector has its length and/or breadth narrow enough to allow two connectors to be placed together, and maintain contact pitch centres. This can be side-to-side (side stackable) or end-to-end (end stackable).

  • (Stackability) To "stack" means that the player can run one play mode while another mode is in progress. This strategy usually yields higher scores. A noted example of this is Williams' Bram Stoker's Dracula, with its Multi-Multiball feature.

  • An act of causing a bell to sound, or the resonant sound caused by this

  • A telephone call

  • gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises; "the rings require a strong upper body"

  • (ring) a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"

  • Each of a series of resonant or vibrating sounds signaling an incoming telephone call

  • (ring) sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"

  • .cz is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the Czech Republic. It is administered by CZ.NIC. Registrations must be ordered via accredited domain name registrars.

  • This is a list of digraphs used in various Latin alphabets. (See also List of Cyrillic digraphs.) Capitalization involves only the first letter (ch – Ch) unless otherwise stated (ij – IJ).

  • (CZS) Cruzeiro do Sul International Airport is an airport serving Cruzeiro do Sul, a municipality in the state of Acre in Brazil.

Flower Stackable Ring- Hammered Sterling Silver-Made To Order in Your Size

Flower Stackable Ring- Hammered Sterling Silver-Made To Order in Your Size

Another stackable ring that can be worn along with my other stackable rings.

This listing is for one flower stackable ring in any size 3-11.The band is a lovely hammered skinny band with a 6mm or 1/4 inch flower atop it. The band has then been highly polished. Please allow 2-3 days for me to create this ring in your size before sending it to you.

Looks lovely alone as in photos one and two or in numbers as in photo 3 or 2 rings and a set of my stackable rings as in photo 4. Please contact me if you would like a listing for multiples.

Stackable Orange CZ Ring by Klarenden

Stackable Orange CZ Ring by Klarenden

Two sets of lovely rings in the two tone factor. The one on top is argentium double half wire united with a 4mm round orange cz. The second band is sterling silver square wire united with two drops of sterling silver and a single drop of bronze to add color. Demo is size 7

stackable cz rings

See also:

Pneumatic O Rings

Pneumatic O Rings - Diamond Engagement Ring Photos

pneumatic o rings

  • (pneumatically) in a pneumatic manner; "at the present time the transmission is very often done hydraulically or pneumatically"

  • (pneumatics) the branch of mechanics that deals with the mechanical properties of gases

  • An item of pneumatic equipment

  • of or relating to or using air (or a similar gas); "pneumatic drill"; "pneumatic tire"

    o rings
  • A gasket in the form of a ring with a circular cross section, typically made of pliable material, used to seal connections in pipes, tubes, etc

  • A small plastic piece, shaped like a donut, which is used to hold the arch wires in the brackets on your teeth.

  • An O-ring, also known as a packing, or a toric joint, is a mechanical gasket in the shape of a torus; it is a loop of elastomer with a disc-shaped cross-section, designed to be seated in a groove and compressed during assembly between two or more parts, creating a seal at the interface.

  • are generally used as dynamic seals for shafts and are available in many different sizes and materials.

pneumatic o rings - Ramsond RMM4

Ramsond RMM4 2-in-1 Air Hardwood Flooring Cleat Nailer and Stapler Gun

Ramsond RMM4 2-in-1 Air Hardwood Flooring Cleat Nailer and Stapler Gun

Ramsond has quickly become a recognized name for the quality and durability of its products. The Ramsond RMM4 2-IN-1 flooring stapler & cleat nailer combination is another testament to the recognition that Ramsond tools now enjoy. With over 30,000 units sold in North America, the RAMSOND (R) RMM4, patented combination 2-in-1 hardwood cleat nailer and stapler is an engineering marvel. It shoots both cleat nails and staples. It shoots 15.5 and 16 gauge staples ranging from 1 to 2 inches, and "L" cleat ranging from 1-1/2" to 2". The 2-in-1 magazine has a capacity of 100 staples/cleats. It is highly durable and contractor/industrial quality, yet light weight and agile. The body of this gun is constructed of durable die-cast alloy for job site durability and low weight. It comes with an extra-wide composite non-marring base plate for added stability and protection against scratches to the flooring surface. It provides a conveniently long reach handle with an ultra-padded cushioned grip for balance and optimal operating comfort, stability and safety. Internally, the driver blade is constructed of a very tough heat treated and hardened steel. The composite base plate designed to allow the user to drive fasteners much faster and closer to the wall while protecting the flooring surface from marring. This ergonomically designed multifunctional tool is manufactured under the strict ISO guidelines for quality control. With nearly 30,000 sold, this product has become a symbol for reliability and durability.

The patented design of the Ramsond RMM4 Two-in-One Hardwood Flooring Stapler and Cleat Nailer lets you shoot both staples and cleat nails from the same gun--without changing magazines. Powered by compressed air, this tool features patented air booster chambers for maximum driving force and speed. It tackles virtually all thickness of hardwood flooring and includes a non-marring base system to protect against damage. For ease of use, its durable, die-cast alloy body is lightweight and comfortable to hold.
callout box top

Two-in-One Hardwood Flooring Stapler and Cleat Nailer
At a Glance:
Shoots staples and 'L' cleats without changing magazines

Operates with compressed air (60 - 120 PSI)

Non-marring base system and adjustable base plate ideal for hardwood floors

Ergonomic long-reach handle with padded grip keeps you comfortable

Durable, lightweight die-cast alloy and steel construction

callout box bottom

Staples and Cleats
Accepts 15.5- and 16-gauge staples from
1" to 2" and "L" cleats from 1-1/2" to 2".
Ramsond RMM4 Patented 2-in-1 Magazine
The two-in-one magazine and driver system accepts both cleats and staples. View larger.
Ramsond RMM4 Air-Booster Chambers
The RMM4 continuously stores compressed air in two patented air acceleration/booster chambers in the handle. View larger.
Ramsond RMM4 Non-Marring Base System
The base system has two composite disks in front, a middle guide, and a rear nylon-derivative plate. View larger.
Patented Two-in-One Magazine and Driver System
This dual-purpose tool has a patented two-in-one magazine and driver system that accommodates both cleats and staples. Designed for 15.5- and 16-gauge staples from 1 to 2 inches, and "L" cleats from 1-1/2 to 2 inches, the magazine has a 100 staple/cleat capacity. Loading the fastener is quick and easy--simply pull the magazine back, drop in the fasteners, and release the drawer--it takes less than 10 seconds.
Precise Air-Powered Operation
The Ramsond RMM4 operates with the power of compressed air (60 - 120 PSI) and is equipped with a standard 1/4-inch NPT air inlet for easy compatibility. To use, simply attach your air compressor's hose to the RMM4's air inlet, then rest the nose of the RMM4 squarely against your work surface to fire.
The direction and angle of the staple/cleat will be automatically aligned for precision driving. And with only a slight strike of the mallet upon the actuator, the RMM4 will shoot a cleat nail or staple through your flooring at the proper angle and depth.
Patented Air-Booster Chambers
Most conventional flooring nailers/staplers store compressed air within the body of the tool. Upon mallet strike, the air reserved in the body of the tool is released, driving the blade and shooting the fastener. The RMM4 takes this design one step further. In addition to storing compressed air inside its body, the RMM4 continuously stores compressed air in two patented air acceleration/booster chambers located in the handle.
By storing extra compressed air, these sealed chambers ensure that the fasteners shoot with sufficient force for perfect penetration in the flooring surface. The booster chambers also accommodate quicker retraction of the actuator and blade when compared with conventional units.
Non-Marring Base System
Featuring an adjustable non-marring base system, the RMM4 provides protection against scratches and allows you to drive fasteners fast and close to the wall. The base system is equipped with two composite disks in the front, a middle guide, and a rear nylon-derivative plate. The combination of these three mechanisms ensures that the surface of your hardwood flooring is not marred or damaged during installation. It also provides for tool balance and optimal positioning against the work surface for fast, accurate installation.
Works with Most Thicknesses of Hardwood Flooring
The RMM4 series is suitable for virtually all thickness of hardwood flooring (1/2 inch, 5/8 inch, 3/4 inch, and 25/32 inch). It comes with two nylon composite base plates--simply install the appropriate base plate for your application.
Durable and Comfortable
With over 30,000 units sold in North America, the RMM4 is sure to deliver on its promises. Designed for long-term use, the Ramsond RMM4 is an industrial-strength power tool that's comfortable to use. Its body is constructed of a durable, lightweight die-cast alloy, and its driver blade is constructed of heat-treated hardened steel for long-lasting resilience. For user comfort, the RMM4 has a long-reach handle with a padded cushioned grip that offers increased balance and control.
The RMM4 Two-in-One Hardwood Flooring Stapler and Cleat Nailer is manufactured under strict ISO guidelines for quality control and safety, and it is backed by a one-year warranty.
What's in the Box
Flooring Stapler/Cleat Nailer, mallet, goggles, bottle of oil, four Allen wrenches, internal key/wrench, O-ring kit, two nylon composite base plates, and a blow-molded carrying case.

RMM4 what's in the box

The stapler/cleat nailer, mallet, goggles, oil, and accessories store neatly in a durable carrying case.

82% (18)

The Whitehall Building

The Whitehall Building

Financial District, Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States


The twenty-story Whitehall Building, named for Peter Stuyvesant's seventeenth-century house that had been located nearby, was constructed in 1902-04 and designed by the preeminent turn-of- the-century architect Henry J. Hardenbergh. This highly visible site at the southernmost tip of Manhattan, overlooking Battery Park, inspired the architect to create a building with bold design features and a dramatic color scheme. Built as a speculative office tower by the real estate and development firm of Robert A. and William H. Chesebrough, the building was an immediate success and the developers began plans to build an addition. They hired the prolific architectural firm of Clinton & Russell to design a thirty-one-story addition facing West Street, with a tower overlooking the original building. Constructed in 1908-10, the Greater Whitehall, as the addition was called, was the largest office structure in the city at the time of its completion. The building's huge size coupled with its location on landfill at the edge of Manhattan island created the need for unusual types of foundations and methods for their installation. The elegant limestone facade, designed in a neo-Renaissance style with a traditional organization of base, shaft, and capital complements the original structure. Together the two sections of the building create a dramatic visual introduction to the towers of Manhattan.


Lower Manhattan and the Battery Place Realty Company

The southernmost tip of Manhattan was the area first inhabited by the European settlers. One of the first building projects of the Dutch settlers was Fort Amsterdam, located just south of what is now Bowling Green Park. In 1655, Governor Peter Stuyvesant built his home called "the White Hall" at the intersection of what is now Whitehall and State Streets. Development was clustered in this part of lower Manhattan with a resulting density of population. Beginning with the Dutch, New Yorkers began using landfill, or filling in lots under water, to create more useable land. In this way the land which is now Battery Park, among other areas, was created.

The entire block of West Street, from Battery Place to Morris Street was also built upon land filling in the Hudson River during the early years of the nineteenth century. The earliest occupants of this block purchased standard twenty-five-foot lots and constructed individual houses on them. Over the course of the nineteenth century, the city's increasing population, changes in the location of prestigious residential neighborhoods, as well as changes in types of businesses and their needs meant that residences relocated farther uptown, leaving lower Manhattan primarily for business use. In the 1870s, piers were first constructed along the west side of the island and the facing blocks began to be used for warehouses and other commercial purposes.

Beginning in 1901 the Battery Place Realty Company, a privately-held development company, purchased numerous lots on the southern end of the block bounded by West, Washington, and Morns Streets, and Battery Place. By 1904 their ownership extended to the first 150 feet of the block facing both West and Washington Streets. Battery Place Realty Company was owned and operated by Robert A. Chesebrough and his son William H. Chesebrough. The Chesebroughs were descended from a family who had come to America in 1830, and they inhented extensive family real estate holdings.

In the mid 1850s, Robert Chesebrough (1837- 1933) was working as a chemist in an illuminating-oil business. Intrigued by stories of a miraculous healing substance that formed as a residue of petroleum on the rods of pumps in the oil fields, he attempted to create the material in the laboratory. After years of research,- in 1870 he invented and patented the substance known as Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, basing the name on the Saxon word for water, wasser, and the Greek word for oil. oleon. He formed the Chesebrough Manufactunng Company and set up a refinery in Brooklyn. The company opened a sales office in London and soon established subsidiaries in France and Spain. This company was bought by Standard Oil in 1881, with Robert Chesebrough remaining at its head until 1909.

During this time, Robert Chesebrough was involved in numerous civic activities including a run for Congress in 1894. Building on his family's existing holdings, he invested in considerable amounts of New York real estate with his oldest son, William H. Chesebrough (1867-1917) and helped organize the New York Real Estate Exchange. The Chesebrough's Battery Place Realty Company erected several office skyscrapers close to Battery Park. They include the Chesebrough, the South Ferry, the Battery Place, and the Maritime Buildings (all demolished), which almost filled the two blocks south of the U. S. Customs House between State Street and Broadway, and

The Whitehall Building

The Whitehall Building

Financial District, Downtown Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States


The twenty-story Whitehall Building, named for Peter Stuyvesant's seventeenth-century house that had been located nearby, was constructed in 1902-04 and designed by the preeminent turn-of- the-century architect Henry J. Hardenbergh. This highly visible site at the southernmost tip of Manhattan, overlooking Battery Park, inspired the architect to create a building with bold design features and a dramatic color scheme. Built as a speculative office tower by the real estate and development firm of Robert A. and William H. Chesebrough, the building was an immediate success and the developers began plans to build an addition. They hired the prolific architectural firm of Clinton & Russell to design a thirty-one-story addition facing West Street, with a tower overlooking the original building. Constructed in 1908-10, the Greater Whitehall, as the addition was called, was the largest office structure in the city at the time of its completion. The building's huge size coupled with its location on landfill at the edge of Manhattan island created the need for unusual types of foundations and methods for their installation. The elegant limestone facade, designed in a neo-Renaissance style with a traditional organization of base, shaft, and capital complements the original structure. Together the two sections of the building create a dramatic visual introduction to the towers of Manhattan.


Lower Manhattan and the Battery Place Realty Company

The southernmost tip of Manhattan was the area first inhabited by the European settlers. One of the first building projects of the Dutch settlers was Fort Amsterdam, located just south of what is now Bowling Green Park. In 1655, Governor Peter Stuyvesant built his home called "the White Hall" at the intersection of what is now Whitehall and State Streets. Development was clustered in this part of lower Manhattan with a resulting density of population. Beginning with the Dutch, New Yorkers began using landfill, or filling in lots under water, to create more useable land. In this way the land which is now Battery Park, among other areas, was created.

The entire block of West Street, from Battery Place to Morris Street was also built upon land filling in the Hudson River during the early years of the nineteenth century. The earliest occupants of this block purchased standard twenty-five-foot lots and constructed individual houses on them. Over the course of the nineteenth century, the city's increasing population, changes in the location of prestigious residential neighborhoods, as well as changes in types of businesses and their needs meant that residences relocated farther uptown, leaving lower Manhattan primarily for business use. In the 1870s, piers were first constructed along the west side of the island and the facing blocks began to be used for warehouses and other commercial purposes.

Beginning in 1901 the Battery Place Realty Company, a privately-held development company, purchased numerous lots on the southern end of the block bounded by West, Washington, and Morns Streets, and Battery Place. By 1904 their ownership extended to the first 150 feet of the block facing both West and Washington Streets. Battery Place Realty Company was owned and operated by Robert A. Chesebrough and his son William H. Chesebrough. The Chesebroughs were descended from a family who had come to America in 1830, and they inhented extensive family real estate holdings.

In the mid 1850s, Robert Chesebrough (1837- 1933) was working as a chemist in an illuminating-oil business. Intrigued by stories of a miraculous healing substance that formed as a residue of petroleum on the rods of pumps in the oil fields, he attempted to create the material in the laboratory. After years of research,- in 1870 he invented and patented the substance known as Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, basing the name on the Saxon word for water, wasser, and the Greek word for oil. oleon. He formed the Chesebrough Manufactunng Company and set up a refinery in Brooklyn. The company opened a sales office in London and soon established subsidiaries in France and Spain. This company was bought by Standard Oil in 1881, with Robert Chesebrough remaining at its head until 1909.

During this time, Robert Chesebrough was involved in numerous civic activities including a run for Congress in 1894. Building on his family's existing holdings, he invested in considerable amounts of New York real estate with his oldest son, William H. Chesebrough (1867-1917) and helped organize the New York Real Estate Exchange. The Chesebrough's Battery Place Realty Company erected several office skyscrapers close to Battery Park. They include the Chesebrough, the South Ferry, the Battery Place, and the Maritime Buildings (all demolished), which almost filled the two blocks south of the U. S. Customs House between State Street and Broa

pneumatic o rings

pneumatic o rings

Surebonder 9600 Pneumatic Narrow Crown Stapler with Carrying Case

Lightweight, air-operated staple gun is easy to use on a number of projects. Accepts a variety of staple sizes for different applications. Operating PSI: 60 - 100, Fasteners Used: Staples, Fastener Sizes (in.): 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 1/2, 9/16, Fastener Capacity Per Strip: 100, Coil or Strip: Strip, Inlet Size (in.): 1/4, Min. Hose Size (in.): 3/8, Case Included: Yes, Tool Length (in.): 2.9, Tool Weight (lbs.): 8 29/32

The Surebonder 9600 Pneumatic Fine Wire Staple Gun helps you get a wide variety of jobs done quickly and professionally. With a quick-release magazine that's incredibly easy to refill, this high-speed heavy-duty staple gun can handle everything from tough roofing projects to at-home upholstery repair.

The Surebonder 9600 Pneumatic Staple Gun:
Offers a quick-release, 100 staple magazine
Operates on compressed air between 60 psi and 100 psi
Uses narrow crown (3/8 inch) 18-gauge wire staples from 1/4- to 9/16-inch

The 9600 is perfect for tough construction applications. View larger.

The Surebonder 9600 makes upholstery jobs quick and easy. View larger.

Drop-in staple loading makes on-the-job refills fast. View larger.
Fast, Safe Performance
The Surebonder 9600 pneumatic staple gun offers the speed and power you'll need for construction applications like installing insulation, laying down roofing felt, and putting up house wrap. This versatile tool also offers the precision necessary for specialty tasks like screen door repair, finishing cabinet backs, and crafting picture frames.
This staple gun's quick-release magazine holds 100 staples and offers incredibly easy drop-in loading for fast on-the-job refills. A convenient view window makes it easy to keep track of your staple supply. The gun also features a reliable safety mechanism that prevents accidental firing.
Comfortable, User-Friendly Design
Offering a well-balanced body and rubber grips for comfort, the gun is designed to sit evenly in your hand, letting you take on large, time-consuming jobs without discomfort or fatigue. The 9600 pneumatic staple gun also provides adjustable air exhaust, which means you can easily direct the air away from yourself and delicate work surfaces.
Versatile, Dependable Fastening
This durable, heavy-duty tool is designed to operate with clean, dry, regulated compressed air, between 60 psi and 100 psi.
The 9600 uses narrow crown (3/8 inch) 18-gauge wire staples in 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 1/2, 17/32, and 9/16-inch lengths. To ensure compatibility and performance, you should use Surebonder # 4, Arrow T50, or Stanley TRA700 Series Heavy Duty Staples.
This stapler is factory-equipped with a male quick connector to help you get set up quickly, and it includes a high-impact carrying case.
About Surebonder
Surebonder is a well-respected provider of high-quality fastening and adhesive products. Specializing in glue guns, rivet tools, and staplers, along with the glue sticks, rivets, and staples that ensure their performance, Surebonder delivers dependable, innovative products that range from industrial fasteners and hardware to floral and crafting tools.
What's in the Box
9600 Pneumatic Staple Gun, 2 Hex Wrenches, 1/4-inch Quick Release Connector, and carrying case.

See also:

Ring Flash For Macro

Ring Flash For Macro : European Style Engagement Rings

ring flash for macro

    ring flash
  • A circular-shaped electronic flash unit that fits around a lens and provides shadowless, uniform frontal lighting, especially useful in closeup photography.

  • Flashunit equipped with a circular flash tube which can be attached to the front of a camera's lens. This is mostly used in close-up photographic to give an almost shadowless photo.

  • A ring flash, invented by Lester A. Dine in 1952, originally for use in dental photography, is a circular photographic flash that fits around the lens, especially for use in macro (or close-up) photography.

  • A circular electronic flash tube that fits around a camera lens to give shadowless lighting of a subject near the lens, esp. for macrophotography

  • Relating to or used in macrophotography

  • Large-scale; overall

  • a single computer instruction that results in a series of instructions in machine language

  • very large in scale or scope or capability

  • MACRO, or the Monopole, Astrophysics and Cosmic Ray Observatory, is a particle physics experiment located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Abruzzo, Italy. A number of universities contributed personnel and equipment, including Boston University and L'Universita di L'Aquila.

ring flash for macro - Opteka RL-12

Opteka RL-12 Digital Macro LED Ring Light Flash for Canon EOS, Nikon, Sony Alpha, Olympus & Pentax Digital SLR Cameras

Opteka RL-12 Digital Macro LED Ring Light Flash for Canon EOS, Nikon, Sony Alpha, Olympus & Pentax Digital SLR Cameras

Do not settle for less. With a color temperature close to daylight (5000K) and a extended battery life (up to 200 minutes), the Opteka RL-12 surpasses all of the current ring lights on the market.

Attaching the Ring Flash to the front of the lens of your cameras enable illumination of subject in Macro Close - Up photography at a shooting distance of up to approximately 31.5 inches. One thing your camera built-in Speedlight may not be able to do.

The Automatic Macro Ring Light is the convenient and creative lighting solution for copying documents, medical, dental, nature and small subject photography at short working distances where built-in and conventional flash units are hard to use. Utilizing a circular tube as its light source for just the right amount of illumination, in certain situations, it might even be the only way possible to light your subject.

Lamp Type:12 LED's
Modeling Light:Yes, continuous mode
Lens Mount Size:52mm, 58mm, 67mm, & 72mm
Power Source:4 AAA Batteries (included)
Angle of Coverage:Approx. 60°
Dimensions:5" X 5" X 1" (127 X 127 X 25mm)
Weight (with batteries):5.5 oz (155g)

What's in the box
~ RL-12 Ring Light
~ 4 AAA Batteries
~ 52mm Adapter
~ 58mm Adapter
~ 67mm Adapter
~ 72mm Adapter

84% (19)

Pentax AF160FC Ring Flash

Pentax AF160FC Ring Flash

The new Pentax AF160FC ring flash I got for Chrimbo mounted on my K10D and attached to my 50mm on extension tubes macro setup.

It's making better than 1:1 macro magnifications hand-held a complete doddle compared to what I used to go through. I also couldn't get close enough on full extension without vignetting the flash or suffering crippling shadows before, whereas now the illumination even at a few cm is so wonderfully even and glorious and stepping down to a sensible aperture is so easy.

I'm really looking forward to getting out there and using it properly now I actualy officially have it.

Just in case this pops up on a search for what one's like: It's really simple to use, gives great light with a stonkingly massive guide number which you can throttle back for super close work and works nicely if you go for directional light from half a ring. The construction is very robust and the cable will stretch to the most ridiculous bellows/extension and stacked lenses setup. It's worth every penny.

You will, however, blind your subject forever if you use it for portraits. Well not forever but in my experience they don't half moan so get them to look past the lens.

DIY Ring Flash for Built in Flash: Rear View

DIY Ring Flash for Built in Flash: Rear View

My diy ring flash essentially is a double cone with a bach wall connecting the two cone layers. The complete inside is covered with reflective aluminum foil. The smallest inner diameter of the double cone is about 8cm (3.2") which is sufficient for all the lenses I use for portrait or macro work (Pentax DA*55, Sigma 17-70, Sigma 105 macro). At the top you can see the "adapter" which fits over the built in flash of the K20D.
Viewed from the front you notice a black segment at the top of the ring flash. It has three functions: 1. It prevends the light from the built in flash hitting the photo subject directly. 2. It stabilizes the ring flash. 3. It is the bacside of a triangular reflective splitter, which sends the light of the built in flash to the left and right.
The light yield of the diy ring flash isn't perfect, as you may guess. from comparison shoots I estimate that you get about 1.3 stops less light from the ring flash compared to the naked built in flash. So some 40 % of your flash output reach the subject. Not especially good, but still enough to do some reasonable shooting.

ring flash for macro

ring flash for macro

Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM Lens for Canon SLR Cameras


Bring small things into full-sized view with the Canon EF 100mm macro USM lens. Macro lenses can uncover detail that would be impossible to detect by the eye and give new perspective to extremely minute subjects such as insects or the petals of a small flower, and this lens is no exception. The lens offers such features as a three-group floating system for exceptional close-up performance; a secondary diaphragm that blocks stray light at f/2.8, which increases contrast when shooting wide open; a ultra-sonic monitor (USM) that provides outstanding autofocusing speed at all focusing distances; a wide manual focusing ring with smooth action; and full-time manual focus even in AF mode. The first lens in its class to feature inner focusing, the lens carries a one-year warranty.
Focal length: 100mm
Maximum aperture: 1:2.8
Lens construction: 12 elements in 8 groups
Diagonal angle of view: 24 degrees
Focus adjustment: Inner focusing system with USM
Closest focusing distance: 1 foot (film plane to subject)
Filter size: 58mm
Dimensions: 3.1 inches in diameter, 4.7 inches long
Weight: 21.1 ounces

See also:

Vibrating Tongue Rings


vibrating tongue rings

  • (vibrate) hover: be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action; "He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement"

  • Quiver with (a quality or emotion)

  • Move or cause to move continuously and rapidly to and fro

  • (of a sound) Resonate; continue to be heard

  • (vibrate) shake, quiver, or throb; move back and forth rapidly, usually in an uncontrolled manner

  • (vibrate) oscillate: move or swing from side to side regularly; "the needle on the meter was oscillating"

  • Sound (a note) distinctly on a wind instrument by interrupting the air flow with the tongue

  • Lick or caress with the tongue

  • articulate by tonguing, as when playing wind instruments

  • lick or explore with the tongue

  • a mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral cavity

  • (ring) a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"

  • Each of a series of resonant or vibrating sounds signaling an incoming telephone call

  • A telephone call

  • (ring) sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"

  • An act of causing a bell to sound, or the resonant sound caused by this

  • gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises; "the rings require a strong upper body"

vibrating tongue rings - Vibrating KOOSH

Vibrating KOOSH TONGUE Ring Barbell Body Jewelry Bk-Wt

Vibrating KOOSH TONGUE Ring Barbell Body Jewelry Bk-Wt

This Black & White SILICONE KOOSH vibrating tongue ring is spectacular. The vibrating "bullet" is coated in permanent koosh silicone holds the high powered motor and battery in one compartment. Be careful with some of the other ones on the market that have a large bulky battery that you need to keep UNDER YOUR TONGUE. Our barbell features a standard 5/8", 14 gauge barbell with a small 5mm ball on the end.

The barbell is 14 gauge and 5/8" in length. The ball on the bottom is a standard 5mm stainless steel piercing ball, UNLIKE our competitor that has a 12mm battery you must put under your tongue!

This very satisfying piece runs on a regular watch battery (three included, but only needs one to operate) and can be replaced at any watch battery repair place.. The batteries run for about 1 hour of continuous running. Simply turn the two pieces of the "bullet" and to it turn on AND ENJOY!

84% (13)

River's Plan for World Peas (Part 3)

River's Plan for World Peas (Part 3)

Jaina Lefevre curls her fingers and 'pets' Randulf, then steps back and touches his knee. "Youse promised. In church. You can't breaks that promise or God'll eat you faster'n Rivers frog. Right?"

Lukash Hallard: "yes ma'am" he'd say to Chan, eye still focused on Rand "won't do it again I promise" he'd lie, Luk and his tongue weren't very good friends and all

River Grau didn't know how to comfort people. All anyone did to him was ruffle his hair, so he tries to do that to Randulf. Ruffle.

Erika Eichel walks to altar and stands still as she looks intense at the icon.

Channel Liberty nods in response to Luk's promise, then moves a little closer, giving the UAC soldier only a passing glance. UAC couldn't hurt anyone in church, right? so she was safe here. She moved up between River and Jaina, peering cautiously at the kneeling Canine, "how come he's sad? did conor run away from him before like he ranned a way from me?"

Aranea Cullen: His ears flick slightly at the scratching and ruffling of his hair. He gives a half hearted chuckle as the kids try and cheer him up, lightening his mood enough to spy the hand offered from Luk. Slowly the massive black mitt would raise and take the hand to raise him to his feet. His shoulders bowed in defeat he would peer down at the girl, his voice changing to a smooth baritone... Janus speaking behind the mask. "I gave my word I would harm none that stand on church grounds, young one."

Fern Sabre watched the tender scene unfold, the children trying to comfort Rand. She got a little misty eyed herself, wiped her eyes before anyone noticed.

Jaina Lefevre lifts her chin, pinning him on this. "Well, God made everythin' so's EVERYWHERE is church grounds."

River Grau nodded to Chan, "Uh-huh. He runs 'way lots and makes people sad like he runed away from you." He still held out his froggie sculpture to Randulf.

Channel Liberty nods agreement with Jaina, crossing her arms defiantly, "She's right, God made ever thin'! "

Lukash Hallard hands Rand his sword back, it had a somewhat perfect balance it it looked deadly even to the touch "there ye go bub" Luk steps closer to Rand and patted his shoulder twice "dun worry bout it...I'mma talk sum sense into that kid" Luk looked at Fern right after and nodded to the door "Laz's waiting on us at the shed commin'?"

Channel Liberty frowns at River, "why he gotsa aways run? wot kinna sojurs run away?? how can he fight enythin' if he's runnin' from it?"

Bianca Bender focuses then on Luk, blinking...watching him as he goes past..."Sup Luk."

Fern Sabre nods "yah coming" she wiped her eyes again

Aranea Cullen: He would bow his head to the offered froggie sculpture, taking it slowly from the boy. "This is well made. Thank you River." He would glance to the girl, ready to respond back to her, when Penumbra was returned to him. He nods respectfully to Luk, and moves to re attach Penumbra. The oldfashioned ancient looking english knight's sword returned to his hip.

Lukash Hallard offers Bianca a warm smile on his way out "BB" he'd say in a low tone, greeting

Bianca Bender smiles and pulls her phone out sending a text...typing semi onehanded.

River Grau shrugged a bit at Chan, "Oh, 'cause he's a bad one. An' he's always thinkin' he's better than everyone else, tellin' me what to do like he's some stupid 'dult.." He snapped his mouth shut, so not to say more mean things. "Welcome Mister Randulf. You can throw out the drawin', it was mean an' talked 'bout chokes."

Jaina Lefevre watches the sword get re-attached, and looks up at the man, then lashes out at River. 'Conors is ones of us! You don't talk means about him! He's not bad!"

Channel Liberty blinks and frowns yet again, looking from River to the Soldier and back, "wossa 'chokes'"?

Bianca Bender turns and trails out of the church typing as she goes.

Channel Liberty tilts her head sideways to Jaina, "yus he is! he woz 'poseda merry me! but then he cheatered an' wen' affer mizz Guin!'

River Grau 's ears flatten as Jaina yells at him, snapping back. "Not bad, but dun' mean he's nice! lways sayin' what I do ain't right. And Miss Saki yelled at me cause HE was bein' mean to her like it was my fault. Ain't my fault those stupid papers lied an' I was just tryin' to be nice to her 'cause she is sick."

Aranea Cullen: He would glance to the trio, from one to the other before resting upon the girl that had shown him kindness. "I gave the vow to Eamon, so it is his territory.. His churchs grounds. Not everywhere, young one."

Jaina Lefevre makes a face at Chan. "Youse is too /short/ t'get married." She looks up at Randulf. "You said no hurting on church growns. You can't hurt Conors or me or Rivers or Chan /anywheres/. Promise."

Channel Libe

The Nightmare

The Nightmare

Ash had been shot by an overzealous Catwalker and was recovering, confined to a wheelchair. Who should come along but everyone's favorite Shadow!

Serp Iwashi's field of vision like a crimson tide fans out down the corridor leaving its lingering touch in a faint scarlet tinge creeping out around the bend. Making reconaissance and inspecting the cause of the scent taken through the current and the warm sensations growing upon his proximity to the flickering flames. The gaudy frame of mechanics treading carefully over the concrete with a purposeful measure of his caution and some attempted refusal of his clanky form. Abound with tiny mechinism now settled deep within his guise as to only remain waiting. The copiously driven swirl of the feline tail dangling along the backside the chair and the ears protruding from the fire slathering his crude smile upon his charred face.

Ashur Kentoku warms her hands, blinking glassily through her haze of medication....she considers callling Ember, tired of waiting for her and missing her, but sits, hypnotized by the flames instead, unaware of the danger behind her...

Ashur Kentoku sighs and rummages for her PDA...which pocket did she put it in again? A scent reaches her...somehow familiar and altogether unique, and it penetrates her addled mind....the hairs on the back of her neck rise and she feezes, ears trying to pick up sounds behind her...

Serp Iwashi a faint hissing parts ways through the revealed palm and chain now presented before the distant light. The hooked end would creep down slowly with the chimes ushering his true intentions forward. Regal like folds through that all too familiar ominous shroud fully set aside to show the gleaming expanse of thick slabs that made up the abdominal wall. They would nearly pearl into the inferno seemingly as the flames intensity would meet the glacial exterior with tiny beads of condensation already dripping down in single streams following the curvature of his well muscled form. There was no hiding now and a further plume of the noxious mist would try to stiffle the fire as he shaped the strands upon her head.

Ashur Kentoku takes a deep breath and turns her wheelchair around to face the dark figure....she narrows her eyes defiantly, even as her heart begins to pound within her chest. "What do you want, Serp?" she mews. "I'm not in the mood for playing with you today." She tries to keep her voice casual, but she's all too aware of her predicament now...she wonders how fast a wheelchair could be if the occupant was desperate enough....

Serp Iwashi had watched quietly as she turned with a dreadful second of waiting. A stillness and true silence that had come so sudden that was truely ordinary. Yet the titanic formation was anything but that as a cold stare fell over the feline. Smoke billowing through his guise and out into the perpetual night that was this cities plight. His frigid nature holding the woman to an unwavering judgement spoken through tainted ink. Finally a shudder of the murky flesh escaping well sculpted canines in the follow of his booming voice.. " You should know well I dont often play with my food..Though I will say I enjoy you're current form..half machine now are we..." A twitch of the cheek region just below that hypnotic gaze that ran red like a scarlet tear pushing aside his humanity and fully allowing him to take advantage of what was to come. The hooked end continously rocking back and forth as the momentum built so did the fiendish laughter now pouring through the alleyways.

Naomah Beaumont is happily nibbling V's collarbone one moment, and the next *that* laugh echoes through the maze of passages behind the den. Nio starts, looking around, but seeing only the usual, but the oily chill slides down her back in thick, dark droplets. She doesn't say anything at the moment, though.

Ashur Kentoku tenses and tries to rise from her chair but succeeds only in doubling into a half-crouch, balancing on one leg, one arm against the wall supporting her weight, the other gripping an armrest. Her face scrunches in pain as her insides feel like they're tearing open again at the sudden exertion...."Serp," she gasps. "I'm not prey...not like this..." Her eyes follow the hook with horrified fascination.

Naomah Beaumont wanders toward the med den, then turns back to listen to Kiri. She chuckles. "You never cease to surprise me, Kiri."

Serp Iwashi spoken tongue was more akin to some demonic entity from another realm then the more comforting notion that he was a mere earthly creation. " Oh but you are..but tell me how many lives are left so I know how many more times I can beat you within an inch of you're miserable life.." The nefarious lord nodding through his inquiries with a final exasperated sigh hissing through the tubular protrusions beneath jaws fit for some measure of barbarism. The slow gait remained just that as the hook s

vibrating tongue rings

vibrating tongue rings

14g 5/8

This Listing is for this product with the following description:14g-5/8"~16mm--- 14g 5/8" Rainbow Vibrating Tongue Ring Barbell Capsule

Vibrating Capsule measures 9mm thick and 18mm long and is welded to the shaft. Capsule will not UNSCREW.

Buy Vibrating Batteries Here.

Comes with a standard 14g 5/8" shaft and 6mm ball. Titanium anodized over steel. WE DO NOT GUARANTEE THAT THESE WILL COME WITH A BATTERY. We will Try to send one battery with each barbell, but at times we do forget as the batteries are kept in a colder section of our warehouse. So please order a pack of batteries, as you will need a pack anyway if you plan on using this thing properly.

See also:

Tongue Rings Vibrating

Tongue Rings Vibrating - Curtain Rings Plastic.

tongue rings vibrating

  • (vibrate) hover: be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action; "He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement"

  • Move or cause to move continuously and rapidly to and fro

  • (vibrate) oscillate: move or swing from side to side regularly; "the needle on the meter was oscillating"

  • Quiver with (a quality or emotion)

  • (of a sound) Resonate; continue to be heard

  • (vibrate) shake, quiver, or throb; move back and forth rapidly, usually in an uncontrolled manner

  • a mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral cavity

  • articulate by tonguing, as when playing wind instruments

  • Lick or caress with the tongue

  • Sound (a note) distinctly on a wind instrument by interrupting the air flow with the tongue

  • lick or explore with the tongue

  • A telephone call

  • An act of causing a bell to sound, or the resonant sound caused by this

  • (ring) a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"

  • (ring) sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"

  • Each of a series of resonant or vibrating sounds signaling an incoming telephone call

  • gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises; "the rings require a strong upper body"

tongue rings vibrating - LOT 10

LOT 10 KOOSH Vibrating TONGUE Ring Barbell Vibrate

LOT 10 KOOSH Vibrating TONGUE Ring Barbell Vibrate

Wholesale LOT of ten individually packed KOOSH tongue vibrators. These vibrating tongue rings sell retail in stores for $30 - $40 and no wonder why... Wouldn't you pay $30.00 to turn your tongue into a vibrating machine??? Well, so would your customers!
Each vibrating tongue barbell comes packaged with a total of three batteries. Each barbell only requires one battery, which means that the piece comes with TWO extra batteries.
The most affordable and advanced vibrating tongue ring of it's kind DIRECT from the MANUFACTURER. This GREEN & ORANGE SILICONE KOOSH vibrating tongue ring is spectacular. The vibrating "bullet" is coated in permanent koosh silicone holds the high powered motor and battery in one compartment. Be careful with some of the other ones on the market that have a large bulky battery that you need to keep UNDER YOUR TONGUE. Our barbell features a standard 5/8", 14 gauge barbell with a small 5mm ball on the end.

The barbell is 14 gauge and 5/8" in length. The ball on the bottom is a standard 5mm stainless steel piercing ball, UNLIKE our competitor that has a 12mm battery you must put under your tongue!

This very satisfying piece runs on a regular watch battery (three included, but only needs one to operate) and can be replaced at any watch battery repair place.. The batteries run for about 1 hour of continuous running. Simply turn the two pieces of the "bullet" and to it turn on AND ENJOY!

76% (7)



A lamellaphone decorated with a carved two-faced head. Probably from the Congo.

What's a lamellaphone? From the explanatory text:


Lamellaphone is a term to designate instruments consisting of thin tongues of metal or split cane, mounted on a resonating board or box. Depressing the free ends of the tongues with the thumbs produces a gentle ringing sound, sometimes augmented by jingling objects attached to the board, and amplified by holding the instrument in a hollow gourd. Tuning is accomplished by sliding the tongues in or out in order to change their vibrating length. Lamellaphones are distributed across sub-Sahara Africa and were brought by slaves to Latin America. They are known by many names which may also be shared with xylophones. Most names have word stems which include: -mbila; -mira; -limba; or -rima. Westerners, not recognizing differences in construction, have simplified the name to two regional terms calling them either
mbira or sanza.

Vibrating Screen

Vibrating Screen

YZS Vibrating screen is used to separate the stuff and composed of main frame, screen web, electric motor, eccentric bock, rubber spring, coupler and so on .We will offer suitable type according to your requirements.
YZS vibrating screen is widely used for classification in mining,construction material,transportation,energy,ect.

YZS Vibrating screen Features: Simple and reliable.
1.No transmission of screen panels.
2.Easy change of screen plates.
3.High screening capacity.
4.Rigid and vibrating resistance screen body.
5.High durability.

Models: 2YZS1548, 3YZS1548, 2YZS1848, 3YZS1848, 2YZS1860, 3YZS1860, 2YZS2160, 3YZS2160, 2YZS2460
Screen size(mm):4800?1500~6000?2400
NO. of layer:2 or 3
Screen mesh(mm):3~150
Max. feed size(mm):400
Handling capacity(t/h):30~810
Motor power(kw):15~37
Vibrating frequency(r/min):730~870
Double swing(mm):5~9

tongue rings vibrating

See also:

Tension Set Titanium Rings


tension set titanium rings

    tension set
  • (Tension Setting) A diamond is held in place by the pressure of the band's metal, which is designed to "squeeze" the stone.

  • the extension remaining after a rubber specimen has been stretched and allowed to retract

  • increase in the length of an elastomeric specimen following initial stretching and release.

  • Titanium ( ) is a chemical element with the symbol Ti and atomic number 22. Sometimes called the "space age metal", it has a low density and is a strong, lustrous, corrosion-resistant (including sea water, aqua regia and chlorine) transition metal with a silver color.

  • (Say: tie - tayne - ee - um) - An exotic and expensive metal frame material that's super light, lively riding and ultra durable.

  • The chemical element of atomic number 22, a hard silver-gray metal of the transition series, used in strong, light, corrosion-resistant alloys

  • a light strong grey lustrous corrosion-resistant metallic element used in strong lightweight alloys (as for airplane parts); the main sources are rutile and ilmenite

  • An act of causing a bell to sound, or the resonant sound caused by this

  • gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises; "the rings require a strong upper body"

  • (ring) a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"

  • A telephone call

  • (ring) sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"

  • Each of a series of resonant or vibrating sounds signaling an incoming telephone call

blue topaz earrings

blue topaz earrings

The topazes are my mothers and I made these earrings to sort of match a brooch of hers. The brooch is longer and has one leg in gold, one in silver. I decided to frost one leg instead of using gold. This is my first tension setting. :)

for Lilly

for Lilly

I stil get orders for some of my older minimal work. This one is for a friend I worked with in Tunesia more than twenty years ago. She lives in France now.
The ring is Sterling silver with a tension-set alexandrite.

tension set titanium rings

See also:

Star Nose Rings


star nose rings

    star nose
  • (Star-nosed) The star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata) is a small North American mole found in wet low areas of eastern Canada and the north-eastern United States, with records extending along the Atlantic coast as far as extreme southeastern Georgia.

  • (ring) a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"

  • Each of a series of resonant or vibrating sounds signaling an incoming telephone call

  • A telephone call

  • gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises; "the rings require a strong upper body"

  • (ring) sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"

  • An act of causing a bell to sound, or the resonant sound caused by this

February 19, 2009

February 19, 2009

Thursday. I had a sound class this morning, in which we performed a chance Cagean sound operation using boomboxes and radios, and alarm clocks. I then worked a shift from noon until 8, with Gina, Eric G and Nour. On my break I went to Target and bought freezy pops for Cory, and then talked to Mike from DI about his concert this Saturday. When I got home, I died my streak blue, and when I rinsed it, the blue stained my skin, the walls, the curtain. But I look good.

#38 4/3/10 - Stab me.

#38 4/3/10 - Stab me.

I got my nose repierced! People who I've known/who have stalked me for a while will remember I used to have it pierced but then when I went into hospital and had to take it out it sealed up. Well I got it repierced yesterday. Dane was there. Not in the room when it happened, but he came with.

This isn't my normal editing style but I wanted to try something new.

star nose rings

See also:

White Gold Wedding Rings With Diamonds

White gold wedding rings with diamonds : O ring table

white gold wedding rings with diamonds

    wedding rings
  • A wedding ring or wedding band is a metal ring indicating the wearer is married. Depending on the local culture, it is worn on the base of the right or the left ring finger. The custom of wearing such a ring has spread widely beyond its origin in Europe.

  • Represent permanency, "until death us do part". (This may scare off your man though!)

  • A ring worn by a married person, given by the spouse at their wedding

  • Don't get this confused with Engagement Rings. Engagement Rings are usually just a solitaire ring, i.e. One stone. The wedding ring is the complimentary band that accompanies that solitaire ring. Decorated in many different styles, and usually consisting of a lot more diamonds, either paved or set.

    white gold
  • A silver-colored alloy of gold with nickel, platinum, or another metal

  • a pale alloy of gold usually with platinum or nickel or palladium

  • While pure gold is yellow in color, colored gold can be developed into various colors. These colors are generally obtained by alloying gold with other elements in various proportions.

  • White Gold (5;>5 7>;>B>) is a 2003 Russian action film directed by Viktor Ivanov from a screenplay by John Jopson and Viktor Ivanov.

  • In extended and metaphorical use with reference to the brilliance, form, or hardness of diamonds

  • (diamond) a transparent piece of diamond that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem

  • (diamond) rhombus: a parallelogram with four equal sides; an oblique-angled equilateral parallelogram

  • A tool with a small stone of such a kind for cutting glass

  • (diamond) very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem

  • A precious stone consisting of a clear and typically colorless crystalline form of pure carbon, the hardest naturally occurring substance

white gold wedding rings with diamonds - 10k White

10k White Gold Wedding Diamond Band Ring (HI, I, 0.27 carat)

10k White Gold Wedding Diamond Band Ring (HI, I, 0.27 carat)

10k White Gold Wedding Anniversary Diamond Band Ring (HI, I, 0.27 carat)

Flowers are beautiful. Chocolate is sweet. Dinner is romantic. But how long do they last? A week? A day? A fleeting instant? When celebrating a moment you want to remember forever, give the gift that matches the occasion.A DIAMOND IS FOREVER

This gorgeous and beautiful Diamond Ring is the most perfect diamond jewelry for celebrating and sharing one of the most special dates in your life with your love one. It is set beautifully in 10k gold with sparkling fiery icy white diamonds. This is very important and memorable diamond jewelry will be treasured by you and your love one forever together.

Signature Required upon delivery. Please arrange an eligible recipient at home to receive your order. Thank you!!!

83% (6)

Same diamond, different band.

Same diamond, different band.

Had to have the band replaced on my engagement ring, so I decided to replace it with a white gold band instead of its original yellow gold. Looks pretty good. My fingers swelled up while I was pregnant with Maddie, and they never quite got back to normal. Rings became unbearably tight....I was too afraid of having my wedding ring stretched because of the carving and inscription, so we opted for a new one. It'll be here around the end of summer..........

Custom wedding ring

Custom wedding ring

A recent commission I have finished

Here is Sara's ring. 18k white gold set with five 3pt diamonds.

The ring was a perfect custom fit to Sara's existing engagement ring.

white gold wedding rings with diamonds

See also: