utorak, 26.06.2007.


satire me on.

namjerno ili ne, al me satire.

toliko da sam već pomalo rastrojena.

sutra ispit, a ja ne učim.

ne mogu ni pisat kako spada i sve ono što mi je na umu.

boli me glava.

pisat ću poslije...

EDIT: tresla se brda, rodio se miš...
a ispit odgođen.
više sriće nego pameti...

- 21:45 -

pljuni... (9) - ...pa prilipi - #

nedjelja, 17.06.2007.

killing time

inspiracija mi se cijedi...nema je ni za lijek.
o čemu da pišem uopće?
o tome kako sam pala dva ispita i kako nemam volje za polaganjem drugih a moram?
o tome kako je sve ostalo divno i krasno?
o tome kako imam dvije male podvojene ličnosti u sebi, jedna želi otići doma, odmarat na plaži, zajebavat se i to, a drugoj se ne da ni pedalj iz ovog prevrućeg grada?

da...sve je divno i krasno...neke krizne situacije sam uspješno privela kraju na sveopće veselje, moje i ljudi koji su me okruživali posljednjih dana a kojima sam svojom nervozom lagano pila krv na slamku.
hvala im što su me otrpili...

što sad?
sad ćemo malo učiti.

- 15:54 -

pljuni... (8) - ...pa prilipi - #

nedjelja, 03.06.2007.

ona je ljuta. i glumi. i glupa je. al boli je.

... nije dobro, nije dobro kad je jedno labilno i patološki nesigurno žensko biće u peemesu i kad joj se drugo biće suprotnog spola ne javi cijeli dan. a kad se javi, zbog umora i svega, priča s njom priko neke stvari.
tad je to PNŽBuPMS-u jako jako ljuto i sklono zabrijavanju raznih filmova u glavi, te se nadalje prepušta slušanju srcečupajućih pjesmuljaka.

...đavo će sam bez poziva doći
al meni nema više šta uzeti...
samo da me ne ne iznevjeriš ti...

zatim ona odlučuje da mu neće dati da je izbaci iz takta i odluči se na izlazak vani. odašilje poruku jedinoj osobi koja je uvijek i u bilo kojoj situaciji sposobna oraspoložiti je samom svojom pojavom ili zvukom glasa.
i ta osoba se javi i potom je uslijedio opuštajući, veseli izlazak uz poprilične količine alkohola.

vratila se kući u 6 ujutro. zaboravila je na sve.

i dobro je.
nije više paranoična. ignorira mobitel i zaboravlja na mogućnost da mu se prva javi.
glumi nezainteresiranu ledenu princezu.
pun joj je kufer zajeba.
neće odustati.
neće mu dopustiti da se distancira zbog nekih njegovih problema.

nije ni svjestan na koga je to naletio...

...sve je s tobom napokon na mjestu
vratila si život u mene...

- 20:39 -

pljuni... (9) - ...pa prilipi - #

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kralj svih komentara:

Sexy Barbica, 05.06.2006. u 21:34
Ma ne moj molim te, ti si jako ljubomorna jer sam ja jako seksi. Ti si ružna prištava i frustrirana tinejđerica koju nitko ne želi. Nemoj mi tu srat o nekim metalima jer ja imam kemiju 3 , a ti 1. i naravno ja sam navijačica a ti si droljica!

(ne slušajte me kad počnem srat o metalima rofl)

And maybe you're the Circle Line girl, trying so hard not to let on you know I'm looking at the way your toes poke out through your sandals, at funny angles to your feet, and how you know it turns me on

Or maybe you're the Spanish girl, playing with your hair as you wait for your friend in that wild octagon of mirrors the Tate calls a coffee shop ..... And I can smell that hair from here, and I can see from eight different angles the way your nipples look through that thin black cotton top, reflected to infinity ..... And oh God it's places like that and purple-tipped prose like this, that's going to haemorrhage me girl .....

Ooh it's true:
Girl I'm only doing it to be closer to you

Or maybe you're the bay window girl in Wandsworth Town, in ripped jeans and open venetians, painting the difficult corner of an empty room white under a naked bulb, leaning across the bar at the top of your stepladder at the precise moment I'm passing on the steep street at the bottom of your garden in the gathering night ..... voyeur's delight

Ooh it's true:
Girl I'm only doing it to be closer to you

Or maybe you're the foundation painter at the Central School, looking so fine-boned I could carry you home in your portfolio case, laced up gently so you won't cry out on the bus and give the game away, tied up lightly, because girl, how could I knowingly injure someone with your perfect lips and wrists, your exquisite structure ..... Oh little acrylic painter, I can kiss eggshells, I can be ginger, all the critics say I'm such a sensitive singer .....

Ooh it's true:
Girl I'm only doing it to be closer to you

And maybe you're listening to my voice now, on your Walkman or your bedsit Dansette, letting my songs slip into you on this quiet night in with your pads of doodles and your fingers full of pencils and low tar cigarettes ..... And the music's light and pleasant so you hardly notice what I'm singing about in 'Paper Wraps Rock' and 'Murderers, the Hope of Women', my voice is just a sound that pleases you, that enters you and leaves you just the same, and that's how I want it to stay, because, you know .....

Ooh it's true:
Girl I'm only doing it to be closer to you

But some of those were bitter records, records which accuse women, girls like you, of using your attractiveness wantonly and wilfully to trap and to paralyse men who wanted you and could never have you, men who sometimes felt the perverse urge to trash the women they desired the most, men who imagined they despised all those immaculate visions ..... what adolescent crap, what kind of idiot would sing that? Oh, not me because, you know .....

Ooh it's true:
Girl I'm only doing it to be closer to you

But sometimes I think that every man who writes, every man who paints or composes, deep soul or symphonies, it makes no difference, all those men are only making do with substitutes: Solomon, Confucius, Franz Kafka, they'd never have done it if they'd been as beautiful as you, sitting cross-legged there with gentle music lapping around a promise, there where your thighs meet, of fertility a million artists couldn't compete with

Ooh it's true:
Girl I'm only doing it to be closer to you

And all the time I see you there in the eye of my mind, and all that cheap macho stuff about de Sade and misogyny vanishes into thin air and I'm moved to tears just like any other sucker who's been bruised by all the things that weren't to be, and yet who's ready to fall down on his knees in front of a woman and say "Whatever you may do, whatever you may be to me, despite the times we disagree, your ridiculous ambitions, your conventional inhibitions, I want you to know that I respect you, I accept you and I want you to accept me, I want to kiss you, kiss your stockinged knee, accept the uniquely soft flesh on the undersides of your hips"

Ooh it's true:
Girl I'm only doing it to be closer to you

glupe, besmislene i nadasve komične svakodnevne izjave...da niste ni svjesni koliko su glupe

1. pribit ću te ko vola u kupusu (???)
2.ubiti oko (livo ili desno?)
3.najebat ko žuti (kako to žuti, pobogu, najebaje?)
4.ritko na plitko
5. ...puca pogled
6. obukla si se u široke gaće
7. raspojasa si se
8. jadna ti maništra
9. pijan ko majka
10. prodavat muda pod bubrige
11. s koljena na koljeno
12. na licu mjesta
13. nisan ja veslo cica
14. na sto muka
15. na po uha
16. aj ti tuda
17. baš si neka (kakva?)
18. idi doma gazit zelje
19. za babino brašno
20. ni vrit ni mimo