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razlog za~tko ima pravo

U odbljesku svijetla zasjala je suza
to mjesto je tada smrdjelo po bolu
sagnula je glavu i šapnula tiho
odsutne rijeci udarale su polako.
rekla je da nitko ne zna kako je to
kada znaš da si dotaknuo dno
kada zaista trebaš tople ruke
kada stišceš ništa i placeš od muke
Rekla je da zna da je ucinila zlo
ali zivot joj nikada nije dao birati
pitala me gdje su bili svi koji ju pljuju
kada joj nitko nije htio pomoći.
ona samo zeli ponovno zivjeti
i kaze da ju nemaju pravo osudjivati
ona zna da je moglo biti bolje
ali odluka je njena i ne zeli se kajati.
Tko ima pravo da naplacuje bol,
tko ima hrabrosti da osudjuje ljude
svatko svoju sudbinu kroji
zivi svoj zivot i pusti druge
Njezina beba sada je pokopana
njezina krv sada je na smetlištu
ta noc je bila toliko mračna
pogledi osude samo su pojacavali strah
taj krevet više ne zeli nikada vidjeti
ali stalno se s njim mora suocavati
i sada, godinama poslije, suze opet teku
zagrlio sam ju iskreno i pokušao razumjeti.
mozeš li i ti?

Hammerfall-Hearts on fire

We saw the writings on the wall
When heathens ruled above us all
Tormented we still heard the call
You come to bring us down
Wield the scepter steal the crown
Time on the throne is running out
Cause seasons change but we are still the same
Even though the cold winds blow the fire burns inside
Hearts on fire hearts on fire
Burning burning with desire
Hearts on fire hearts on fire
Burning burning with desire
Hearts on fire hearts on fire
Burning burning with desire
Burning for the steel
Hearts on fire
For years shunned by society
Outcasts condemned for our beliefs
Our legions grew in secrecy
And now the time is here
I see the Templars everywhere
The Freedom Call is drawing near
We hold our rebel banners up with pride
The color’s crimson and the Hammer is the sign
Hearts on fire hearts on fire
Burning burning with desire
Hearts on fire hearts on fire
Burning burning with desire
Hearts on fire hearts on fire
Burning burning with desire
Burning for the steel
Hearts on fire
Hearts on fire
Hearts on fire
Hearts on fire
Hearts on fire
Hearts on fire
Hearts on fire
Hearts on fire
Hearts on fire hearts on fire
Burning burning with desire
Hearts on fire hearts on fire
Burning burning with desire
Hearts on fire hearts on fire
Burning burning with desire
Burning for the steel
Hearts on fire

BIOHAZARD ~ Authority

Monday yawning school's so boring,
Or go to work like a jerk and end up snoring,
Tuesday's mail never fails,
Collection agency wants me in jail,
Wednesday's rules got me ignoring deploring, my tensions roaring,
Thursday same shit different day,
But these motherfucking rules will never ever go away.

Fuck the rules.

Friday night gonna be out of sight,
If you're 21 they say drinking might be fun,
On Saturday Bible says seventh day,
The day of rest so have it your way,
Go for a ride keep it under 55,
Respect the Badge don't drink and drive,
On Sunday gotta survive these fascist fools,
Take your freedom back from the bullshit rules.

Call me paranoid call me what you will
I got a fucking feeling something big is going down.


Times are changing, things come and go,
Things are getting worse the earth, a black hole,
I say to myself "Will this shit ever change?"
Will it ever improve or will it stay the same?

It's plain to me that things are amiss,
Because I've seen better days than this,
How could we let it get as bad as it is?
Because I've seen better days than this,
It's plain to me that things are amiss.

Famine and war, hate and disgrace,
Incest and murder, raping the rat race,
I see no end to this suffering,
Faith, hope and love are burnt offerings.

Decline and fall of modern man, our fate is sealed by our own hand,
Time spinning onward we're regressing fast,
Signs of the times say these days might be our last,
Better days are gone forever I fear,
Our hate dictates our fate, apocalypse is here

BIOHAZARD~Waiting To Die
Drug infested, narcotic, electric, schizophrenic,
Murderer arrested, a child molested, a race detested,
A building burnt down, insurance invested,
Homelessness lingers all around, rape, death, sickness,
Homeward bound unemployed, no love, no joy,
Cut down to size, a life destroyed, war, no peace,
Death, tragedy, no cure, disease, AIDS, leprosy,
A veteran dead below the knee, eyes burn in your head,
You cannot see.

Spending all my time just standing in line,
And I'm waiting, waiting to die,
Watching every day of my life go by,
Just waiting, waiting to die.

Children beaten, poisons eaten, look at the world, we're self-defeating,
Reputed, undisputedly polluted, crack heads with guns ain't afraid to shoot it,
Countries fighting for oil and gold while the hole in the ozone layer's out of control,
Brother kills brother in a world full of hate, too fucking late our heads on a plate,
Nature's dying, children crying, human race ass in a fucking pan frying,
With no one to blame except ourselves, greed transforms our earth into hell.

Murder, Middle East assassination, extermination, human termination,
The war on drugs, humiliation,
A ruined nation, with no explanation.
Something to hide bound and gagged and tied,
A gun in your hand at your head, suicide,
It's censorship of my pure mind,
No justice, no truce, no hope to find.


I question not me, it only happens to others
I can't deny reality as lite gets smothered
If the lines can be read between
Maybe you can tell me then what it all means
Cause he who paints the big picture runs the whole scene
Locked down, I gotta get it out
Impending doom, a cloud above my head
Why me ? My faith has been devout
Blasphemous ? Am I better off dead ?
Punishment, for all my sins
A burning thought inside my mind
Has me full of pity for all of human kind
As we move forth, we fall further behind
Fear of death, will my life go on ?
Controlled fate ? On the corner rolling dice
Punishment, but I've done nothing wrong
In my eyes, who really pays the price
My lament, for the human race
Guilty, punishment for all my sins
Dread the day that brings the truth
Punishment for what I've done
Sentence me for all my sins
Bound in fear for what I've got
Though not much it seems a lot
Life is death and no one wins
Bustin' my ass, another day another dollar, as I kneel down and I
confess to the father that I'm suffering a burning question of
the truth, whether or not to pull the trigger or to jump right
off the roof, 'cause I did things normal and just like all my friends
but now I'm positive and life it all ends
Punishment, for all my sins, I repent
In reality, we all must face the fact that the majority
of the people are out there smoking crack, getting doped up,
shooting that shit into their veins, the question must be asked if
we have any brains left, or right or wrong in this song, a
question we all ask and must answer before long, 'cause no one
is safe in this world, what's the deal, the sentence is death and to
what court do I appeal ?
Punishment, for all my sins, I repent

BIOHAZARD~Urban Discipline
Growing up I've seen a lot of shit in my time
I've seen hunger, hunger, pleasure, pain, violence and crime
I have learned from the mistakes of my friends that have died
And from those who have gone down in life that just never tried
Life is just too short I realize that now
I'm gonna get my shit together and I try to make it some how
Cause one thing that I have learned is that you only live once
So now I'll take life by the balls and squeeze until they crunch
Knowledge of the streets, a valuable tool
Type of education you can't get in school
Many hard times, losing friends, getting burned
nobody to teach me, I just learned
A man like clay molded by his surroundings
He starts to take shape of the beating and the pounding
Assembly line that I've been through
A hard motherfucker with a bad attitude
Maybe its just the times we live in
Maybe its just urban discipline
The way of urban life are not as they seem
Standing up and fighting is what living here means
In order to survive you've got to earn your respect
The only lessons that you learn are from things that you regret
Verse II
Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island and Queens
Standing up and fighting is what living here means
In order to survive you've got to earn your respect
The only lessons that you learn are from things that you regret

petak, 24.11.2006.

Ala dosade...

Moj blog je dosadan, ka šta vidite. Užasno dosadan i nean pojma šta da pišen ni zašto san ga uopće napravija... bangnjami Samo nemogu skužit zašto niko ne komentira ovu dosadu...namcor...možda zato sta ja nikome ne komentiran..al to mi je malo tlaka... Prominija san dizajn, al šta mi vridi kad ga niko neće vidit??
headbangheadbangheadbang... A jada... mouthwashmouthwash Evo vam sad sličica mog slatkog malog peseka........Jel tako da je slaaadak?? Aj komentirajte...mahwavemahwave

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srijeda, 15.11.2006.


evo ljudi da van se malo javin...nisan odavno..a i nije mi se dalo...a ni neznan kad ce mi se opet dat....nece ovo bit neki veliki post...samo da se zna da san živ...ma uglavnom...nema ništa zanimljivo....dobija san novog pasa....ali nešto mi neželi stavit slike pa van ga ne mogu pokazat.....inače ništa novo...evo čak san i dizajn prominija,samo da se malo obnovi,čisto više neznan sta da van napišen..pa evo jedno plavušino pismo sinu...aj ljudi moji,bok pa kad me pukne javim se....

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subota, 11.03.2006.



God I wish that I could hide away
And find a wall to bang my brains
I'm living in a fantasy, a nightmare dream…..reality
People ride about all day
In metal boxes made away
I wish that they would drop the bomb
And kill these cunts that don't belong

I hate people……..I hate the human race
I hate people………I hate your ugly face
I hate people………I hate your fucking mess
I hate people………and they hate me

My mother thinks that I am a jerk
Because I hate my bleeding work
Be like your daddy he's sincere
But don't be true ………..or you'll be queer
I'm working at my 9 to 5
with boring cunts that give me jibe
their talking of the love they give
they never give………they never give

I hate people……….I hate the human race
I hate people………I hate your ugly face
I hate people………I hate the mess
I hate people……..and they hate me

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utorak, 07.03.2006.


Sick of it all - Potvrđeno

Mochvara je potvrdila da 20.04.2006. nastupaju Sick of it all . Predgrupe su : Bounz the Ball i Deafness by Noise . Sick of it all promovira svoj novi album Death to Tyrants .

Apr 20 2006 8:00P Mochvara Zagreb, Croatia

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subota, 21.01.2006.

Najblistaviji trenutci narodne muzike

Moja mala nema prednjih zubi,
kad me ljubi, jezikom me ubi.

Armaturu čupaš iz temelja sreće,
nitko tako, draga, voleti te neće.

Caki, Caki, care, kupi mi sandale,
samo pazi Cale, da ne budu male.

Da dogovor kuću gradi rekao je neko,
s tobom kako stvari stoje, temelj je daleko.

Da zavolis mene ti, nije bilo sile,
1: 1000 šanse su mi bile.

Drum dugačak, kola trula, mala moja,
jesil' čula, jesil' čula.

Dva loša ubiše Miloša, a mene će jedan
što mu ženu gledam.

Hej konobaru, donesi mi štok, štok,
hoću da se napijem, da zaigram rok.

Hej ti mala u miniću, ja te čekam u kafiću,
dođi mala, dođi ti, dođi sama, majke ti.

Hop mala bosonoga, kako živiš bez onoga.

Sladak šećer, hladna voda,
hajde mala, dok je zgoda.

Imam garažu i mercedesa tri,
jos samo mi fališ ti.

Ja nisam majstor da napravim bure, al
sam majstor da osvajam cure.

Ja sam seljak veseljak, a u duši tugu skrivam,
šta ću jadan kraj Drine, kad ne znam da plivam.

Joj sto volim piti vode, što šljivove grane rode.
Da je čaša od tri kila, jedna bi mi dobra bila.

Komandante, silo vojna,
lomiš srca mnogobrojna.

Kuče laje, a ja mislim ti si,
otiš'o si, sarmu probo nisi.

Mala moja, na vrh kola stani
da te moje oko nanišani.

Milane, moja ružo, ćale mi se naoruž'o,
u vazduh će sve da digne, samo kad te stigne.

Nećeš čak ni pasulj da mi skuvaš,
a kamoli djecu da mi čuvaš.

Neću da ljubim jednu ili dve,
ja sam čovek za djevojke sve.

Nemoj da plačeš na mom pragu
da mi vrata ne povuku vlagu.

Što na kafu zoveš mene
kada nemaš samljevene.

Suzama sam lijepio tapete, otišla si,
odvela mi dijete....

Uz vjetar sam uvijek iš'o i nikoga nisam sluš'o,
od malena radim tako, ja sam rođen naopako.

Uzela si žilet da sa njim sečeš vene,
sa čim ću da se brijem, što ne misliš na mene.

Zeko voli kupus, kupus voli rosu,
a ja moju malu i golu i bosu.

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srijeda, 04.01.2006.

pogledaj ovo djubre

kralju upa san ti na blog i napisa poruku ovu koju sad citaš jer san ti pogodija šifru, a ta ti je šifra svugdi pa san pogodija da je i ovde, a ta šifra je i meni na blogu.BDLOW:))))))

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