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Hip-Hop don't stop!!

31.05.2006., srijeda

Jebo ti pas mater..

..istego sam živac na desnoj ruci na poslu u tako jebeno boli..i dodem na poso jucer,
i malo nes radim po kuhinji i pogodim se lijevom rukom točno u živac..i počne me boli nije to sve..nekak pretrpim ja desna svejedno fakat jebeno boli..kaj god napravim,boli..burninmadBOLI..postanem ja gladan i idem napravit finu pizzu,njamionak kak ja volim za
sebe i Freda.. i napravim ja,izvadim pizzu na tanjur i idem budala,pomaknut onaj
fucking vruci pleh koji je bio na 420 stupnjeva s rukom..
headbangi specem si fuckig lijeveu ruku,tj. prste..popizdio sam..
počeo posovat,pjevat neke gluposti od boli(to mi je prvo palo na pamet).lud(to mi je prvo palo na pamet)..
al nije to sve..preživim ja i to..i za nekih pol sata idem ribat neki mali komadic sira
na meso i krivo povucem i na onu desnu,na kojoj me boli cijela ruka od živca,povučem si
prste po ribežu..headbang..e kad sam počo bacat sve i šutirat..bacio sam jebeni ribež u zid skup s sirom..zamalo sam onu jadnu ženu pogodio..počeo šutirat onu usranu kantu od smeca..jooooooooooooj..
puknucua fred se sam smije,nisam
inace živac,al ovo jucer je faka bilo previse.. da da..jebeni usrani dan..bang..jebo mu pas mater..
..i tebi isto jebo pas mater..da,da tebi,kaj se cudis..

- 00:45 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

28.05.2006., nedjelja


..jucer je fakat bio dobar dan..digo se u 10:20,spremio se o otiso do Gajnica da Diane
(frendice) da vidim kaka malo ona i cure čagaju..inace ima ih 6 pa sam im i dofurao cd
s mixevima kaj im treba za novu koreografiju..po pozvale i mene,i kaj je najbolej mozda ja i jos 2
frenda bumo nekaj malo s njima pokusali odplesat..bas sam se nabrijao..i tak..otiso popodne na posao..
bio na poslu no 21:15..otisao doma,sredio se,istusirao i tak(istusiroa se za 15 min jer
sma se zurio na bus u nie bad)i krenuli mi van..islo nas je gro..i bilo je odlicno..bili
tam skoro svi s kvarta..ono bas zajebancija..jedna od boljih subota.. i kaj je
najbolje,nije ni bila bitna glazba,jer je ekipa bila bas ono totalno otkacena,pa je sve bilo super..onda mi je Leichy rekal da me oce barit neka njezina frendica iz razreda,a ja reko jebote,pa to se sam meni moze desit..a nisam htio..ta cura mi vise pase ko onak "poznanica"..i stalno me onak gledala
,kaj me zivciralo,jer mi je bila glupa situacuija,pa sam ja malo okolo švrljo da se malo ohladi..
a i nije mi se dalo,fakat,kad je ekipa bila za zajebanciju..čak su bile i ove 2 stare
fredice Kova i Ana..ap ja malo s Kovom klafrao....Ana mi platila cugu ,a i Lea,jer nisam stigo do bankomata,a i ovak ih stalo sve castim tak da ono..eto..bilo je fakat ono SUPPER..i bio tam i Jancik i Rakovic i Dianine cure s plesa
i jos puno puno puno zgodnih cura..i eto..i šećer na kraju došlo doma oko 4,
a ja se moro dici u 8 jer sma radio ujutro od 9,al nie mi zao kaj sam isao..da bar budu opet
svi isti slijedeci isti subotu..nitko vise mi ne treba.. i da ekipa bude
onak raspolozena..eto to je znam dal je ovaj post na neki nacin
raveselio,al meni je..jos uvijek sam pod dojmovima..


- 17:06 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

25.05.2006., četvrtak

I tak..

..ovih dana je bilo bas super..u ponedljejak iso ja s Ivom(frendicom) do grada oko 8 navećer..išla ona
do Purgeraja po karte za išli na slatkač,pa joj pokazao malo unutarnji
dio hotela "Dubrovnik"..i ošli doma..amlo se napričali..onak,baš dobro..jučer navećer bio na cugi
opet s Ivom i Tajanom,al bili su tam i Hmura,Diana,Boba,Krug,Lea,Sanjin i tak..i malo
se izsmijali..onda Iva uzela mob pa se slikala s onim svojim standarnim grimasama,pa
se i hmura malo beljio i tak..ugl,nije bilo dosadno..bas onak opuštena atmosfera..i kad
bolje pogledam ta jucer ekipa je bila najbolja..nekih nije bilo i to mi je drago..i da mi je stalno
bit s tom ekipom..jos par osoba,al ovo je fakat bilo super..jos Kova i Ana,Kaba,Maric i tak..
i to je to..bilo bi kaj ti svi stari su bili malo
se raspali i kaj super su jos uvijek..sto su stariji to su bolji..luda ekipa..

..eto..peace..(mozda stavim slike s moba kaj smo se slikali..moram ih pitat..)

- 10:58 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

20.05.2006., subota

The Da Vinci Code

Jucer doletim aj u kavić na cugu i dolete Lea i Diana (frendice)..Lea neš živčana.Doana tak-tak..i ja nabacim naku pricu kao ne idem ipak danas u Hard Rock s Ivom i curama jer Iva(frendica)
ošla i kino gleda Da Vicija..i dođe Diana kao pa ja imam rezervirano za danas film
i to drigo u 23:15..ja reko,ma idemo..nisma bio u kinu 2 mjescea..ja castio slatkaćem,platio ulaznice..
i gleali mi film do pol 3 ujutro..jos kak je najbolje film traje fucking 2 i pol čuke..i jos ima pauzu nea beda,doar je film i nije bi je full kompliciran..staln ose prica nadopunjuje..zanimljivo..i da,prvo se nekto sprdio,jebate smrdilo sve, i onda kasnije
neki frajer mirisio po i jos kaj je najbolje sjedimo
ja i Diana drito izmedu nekih paraova..Diana za malo zakrmila..hehe .. al bilo je super..o dosli doma oko pol 4 i danas se digo u pol 9 da idem
kupit jso jedne šuze do Shoe-Bee-Doo-a..kupio sma si prije nekid 10-tak dana DVS-ice,
al sad su para dana dosle nove Reef-ice..i te m ise vise svidaju i piko si te..i tak..
bio zabavan bi bilo to..

- 11:16 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

14.05.2006., nedjelja

Mali zlikavci

..sam da kazem,bio ja jucer u Cabu s Bokyem i Vikyem..bilo je dobro..
bilo je i fajta..ovi iz Dubrave našorali nekog frajera iz V.Gorice..ono..udarali di god stigli..
a kaj je najbolje bilo pol Caba je bila Dubrava..fakat su ga izubijali..frajer je
pao na pod,a ovi di god stigli..rukama nogama,laktovima, joj..
a zastitar mi je bio najzesci..frajer se stane i gleda dok ga nisu ovi izubijali,tek ih
je onda razdvojio..i jos se poslije neke treba šorale..ova njoj kao nes kurva debela,a ove se gro zika je bila super..
i tak..doso doma u 5 ujutro,pa dok se ja istusirao i tak to..i digo se u 12..uzas..
spava mi se,al nemerem..
..ugl,danas su prohodali mali hrčki..da da..big day..jos malo i djelim ih,zato
molim da iz uzmete,jer cu ih inace dat u peth-shop..vec sam ih pitao
i rekli su da moze..naravno,njimaj e to zarada,a ja ih ne zelim prodavat..
glupo mi je..zamilis da netko drugi prodaje tvoj zivot..jednostavno ne mogu..
jos mala jadna zivotinja,kaj ona fakat daj se raspitajte..
i javite mi za maksimalono 5 dana..ajd plz..

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Ovo je mamica..malo je zbinjena,al nie bed

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usA ovo su mali zlikavci..

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..i jos malo oni..

evo to e to od mene..(help u vezi zlikavaca..daj ajde..nije to velika briga..
ja bi ih fakat,puno ih je..)

- 14:02 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #

09.05.2006., utorak

Ne kužiš da si to ti!!

Ima nečega što o sebi ne znaš.Nešto što ćeš poricati
da uopće postoji,sve dok ne bude prekasno da bilo što poduzmeš.
To je jedini razlog zašto ujutro ustaješ,jednin irazlogzašto tršiš
svoje profesore,usranog šefa,krv,znoj i suze..
To je zato što želiš da ljudi znaju koliko si dobar,zgodan,privlačan,velikodušan,
Možete me se bojat,poštujte me,al me smatrajte posebnim.Dijelimo
ovisnost..ovisnost o prihvačanju.
Svi su tu kad treba tapšat po ramenu ili kad treba dat novce,cd,ovo,ono..
A ubiti mi smo majmuni s lijepim vanjskim izgledom,skupim odjelima koji preklinju
da nas netko drugi prihvati..
Da to znamo,ne bi to činili..a i da imas drugu priliku pitao bi ZAŠTO???

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- 18:29 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

06.05.2006., subota

8 komada

..stari moj..imam dama 2 kineska hrčka.Mužjaka i ženku.I prije par dana
ženka dobila 8 mali štakora..izgledaju ko oni mali haribo crveni bomboni..
jebate..kaj ću ja sad s tim?ak netko hoce nek mi veli.Za neki 3 tjedna bit ce veliki
i ja ih dajem.Ak ih ne uspijem podijelit dat cu ih u Pet-Shop..
I eto tako..nis novo..bas prekjucer onak hodam po cesti oko 7 navecer,onak
zalazi sunce,ja hodam s mp3-em u ušima,slušam ovu pjesmu lijevo
kaj vam svira i drito onak sve te ispuni..nis ti ne fali..sam hodas,gledas kak ljudi oko tebe sam
prolaze,nis ne cujes,sam pjesmu..drito predobar filing..

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Jedan je taj filing..samo ta pjesma i vi..pokusajte si docarat to..

- 10:03 - Komentari (12) - Isprintaj - #

02.05.2006., utorak

Ne shvačaš..

Naš najbolji strah nije što smo nesposobni.
Nap najdublji strah je što smo neizmjerno moćni.
Najviše nas straši naša svijetlost,a ne tama.
Hodati ponizno nikome ne koristi.
Nema prosvijetljenja u povlačenju u sebe,kako se drugi ne bi osjećali ne sigurnima.
Svi zaslužuju biti sretni i blistati,kao djeca.
Ne blista to samo u nekima,već u svima od nas.
Dok na svijetlost svijetli,nesvijsno dopuštamo da svijetli i drugima.
Oslobađamo se vlastita straha,a naša nazočnost oslobađa druge. ti padne na pamet kad sjedis u svojoj subi u 19:31 u svojoj sobi,
sjedis i gledaš zalasak sunca uz neku pjesmu i ritmom koji te potakne na razmišljanje,o
onome što te muci..
..a neki ne znaju ni što ih muči..jadni..muči ih to što previše razmišljaju,i bježe
od onoga što ih stalno sustiž je to..sve se vraća,sve se plaća..
sad plaćaj za ono što se nesvijesno učinio..
..a mi koji uživamo,uživat ćemo jer si tak možemo i stvoriti..

"If A Rule The World"

..i samo da pozdravim bokya..nije bitno zaš..dečko je super..osjećam da će doći na višu razinu
prije nego sam i to msilio..shvatit ćeš jendog dana..peace razbu..

- 19:25 - Komentari (10) - Isprintaj - #

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Opis bloga

Ovaj blog je napravljen eto tako..tu ću iskazivat svoja misljenja,neke stavove,pisat ću o hip-hop i sve vezano uz to,ali bit ce i nekakvih fora i tak..uživajte..ako vam je gušt..ako nije nemorate,mislim mogli bi ste..hehe 8^)

My ICQ- 241-085-610

My e-m@il: ak vas zanima..

Music Video Codes by




Kronik G
..Dugave Connection..rap family

..jedna zaljubljena koka ;-p

Black soul
..jedna cool cura..

..ljepljivi prstic..hehe..

...boky zlikavac..

..jancik the doar je..ajd..

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Mobb Deep
Real Niggaz
-prejebeni "death rap"
"Take these words home and think it through
or the next rhyme I write might be about you"

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-po meni čovijek koji je najviše napravio za
hip-hop kulturu
"Step into a world, where hip-hop is me
Where MC's and DJ's
Build up their skills as they play every day
For the, rapture"

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Kurtis Blow
Zbog njega su nastali dobri bitovi,jer je lik faka genijalac..
Za pjesmu "Basketball" bit je radio pomoću košarkaške lopte i fakat jebeno zvući..

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Pravi stajler
"...Hip-Hop's embedded, before I said I wouldn't let it
But me and the microphone is still magnetic.."

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Dead Prez-pravi "Freedom fightersi"
Jeben rap,meni malo vuče na "rasistički rap",ali to je moje mišljenje
"Crack a quart to get away from this trife world and thought
Puffin Newports 'cause life's a bitch, and it's too short"

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Dilated Peoples
Ma jebeni su...
"Worse Comes To Worse And My Peoples Come First"

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Kool G Rap
Nema dvojbe-pravi harcore underground
(nabavite album "4,5,6" iz 95')
"Look in the eyes and get wise
Look alive, in ninety-five, word up
Hypnotic thug life, get that ass paralyzed

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Naughty By Nature
Svatko tko zna kaj je "pravi" rap,složit će se samnom da su fakat jebeni...
"I live and die for Hip Hop
This is Hip Hop for today
I give props to Hip Hop so Hip Hop hooray...

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Kombinacij brutalno jakih rijeći,ak si nabrijan..
"I'm a b-boy
Standin in my b-boy stance
Hurry up and give me the microphone before I bust in my pants"

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Terror Squad
Meni su dobri..dok je Pun bio živ,bili su mi još bolji,ali i sad si dobri...
"As the world turns from life we learn (As the world turns)
The more money you earn
The more money to burn (More money to burn)
Make the sum cuz everything that glitters ain't go (glitters ain't go)
Get on the road to riches
Fulfill all your wishes and goals"

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Prvi počeli mješati rap glazbu i jazz glazbu..i uspjeli u tome..jebeni su...
"Everybody's spittin it, the rhyme is hot
Cause it's Big Shug, Guru, and Freddie the Foxxx
When Premier bring the beats, no it just don't stop
It's The Militia!!!!"

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Big Daddy Kane
Frajer je zakon..meni naljbolji album je
"Veteranz Day" iz '98(zadnji njegov)..a i oni prije su jebeni..u 10 godina na undergorund rap sceni pokazao je i previše.."All the playas in the game
Another year
And ain't a damn thing changed
We get together and we do our thing"

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Black Moon
Za sve koji nisu čuli za "Black Moon" neka si odmah nabave jer ovo je pravi underground.
(po mogučnisti album "Diggin in the Vaults")..
"See we murder MC's every day,
motherfuckers dont play,
straight from the Bucktown side of the block
Keep your shit hot
Like we said, That's when all the madness stops"

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A Trible Called Quest
Naravno svi znate tko su...
"To all the people who can Quest like A Tribe does
Before this, did you really know what live was?.."

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Naravno,svi ste čuli za Erick Sermona i Parrish Smitha...
"OK fuck it, enough with the tight shit, grab the mic quick
Hollywood niggaz, put it down spit some hype shit.."

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Warren G
-a kaj da vam kažem,meni je dobar...pravi O.G.
It was a clear black night, a clear white moon
Warren G was on the streets, trying to consume
some skirts for the eve, so I can get some funk
just rollin in my ride, chillin all alone.."

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-fala bogu svi znate tko su zato nemam kaj puno za reći
"Pardon me!
How the fuck you gon' start with me?
I'm a heavyweight in this game, you just spar with me
You get laced down, from your face down, drop your shit
Niggaz thought M.O.P. stand for "mop" and shit.."

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Afu Ra
-zbog svog stila je predobar..ima pred riječ jednom rijećju "frajerčina"
"Peep the finisher, blemisher, menace to sinister
It's him with the, been with the, mic's Next to kin with the
Lyrical assassinate like toxic waste
Rocks is base, matches I burn up in your face.."

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Big Pun..
Ja se sjećam kad sam govorio da on valja,
ali nitko od mojih nije tako tvrdio.
a sad ispada da je svima dobar..
lik je bio legenda..
"Whatcha gon' do when Pun comes?
Knockin' at ya front door
And he wants waaaaaaaaaaar, holy shit!
He ain't a rapper he'll kill you.."

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Ice Cube..
Najjači gangsta raper po mom mišljenju..
Jel znat da se on najviše zalaže za getto..
On daje najviše para i daj najjaču podršku za
crnce u gettu..i to ponjaviše one mlade..
"You better check yo self before you wreck yo self
Cos I'm bad for your health, I come real stealth..."

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Masta Ace..
Nadam se da ste culi za njega..ja imam samo 2
albuma i fakat su mi dobri..neznama za vas..
"The game is changed, the game is strange
The game is lame and it ain't the same..."

Mobb Deep - Shook Ones Pt II

Word up son, word
yeah, to all the killers and a hundred dollar billas
(yo I got the phone thing, knowmsayin', keep your eyes open)
for real niggas who ain't got no feelings
(keep your eyes open)
(no doubt, no doubt son, I got this, I got this)
(just watch my back, I got this first, yo)
check it out now
(word up, say it to them niggas, check this out it's a murda)

I got you stuck off the realness, we be the infamous
you heard of us
official Queensbridge murderers
the Mobb comes equipped with warfare, beware
of my crime family who got nuff shots to share
for all of those who wanna profile and pose
rock you in your face, stab your brain wit' your nosebone
you all alone in these streets, cousin
every man for theirself in this land we be gunnin'
and keep them shook crews runnin'
like they supposed to
they come around but they never come close to
I can see it inside your face
you're in the wrong place
cowards like you just get they're whole body laced up
with bullet holes and such
speak the wrong words man and you will get touched
you can put your whole army against my team and
I guarantee you it'll be your very last time breathin'
your simple words just don't move me
you're minor, we're major
you all up in the game and don't deserve to be a player
don't make me have to call your name out
your crew is featherweight
my gunshots'll make you levitate
I'm only nineteen but my mind is old
and when the things get for real my warm heart turns cold
another nigga deceased, another story gets told
it ain't nothin' really
hey, yo dun spark the Phillie
so I can get my mind off these yellowbacked niggas
why they still alive I don't know, go figure
meanwhile back in Queens the realness is foundation
if I die I couldn't choose a better location
when the slugs penetrate you feel a burning sensation
getting closer to God in a tight situation
now, take these words home and think it through
or the next rhyme I write might be about you

Son, they shook...
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks
scared to death, scared to look
they shook
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks
scared to death, scared to look

livin' the live that of diamonds and guns
there's numerous ways you can choose to earn funds...earn funds
some of 'em get shot, locked down and turn nuns
cowardly hearts end straight up shook ones...shook ones
he ain't a crook son, he's just a shook one...shook one

For every rhyme I write, its 25 to life
yo, it's a must the gats we trust safeguardin' my life
ain't no time for hesitation
that only leads to incarceration
you don't know me, there's no relation
Queensbridge niggas don't play
I don't got time for your petty thinking mind
son, I'm bigga than those claimin' that you pack heat
but you're scared to hold
and when the smoke clears you'll be left with one in your dome
13 years in the projects, my mentality is what, kid
you talk a good one but you don't want it
sometimes I wonder do I deserve to live
or am I going to burn in hell for all the things I did
no time to dwell on that 'cause my brain reacts
front if you want kid, lay on your back
I don't fake jacks kid, you know I bring it to you live
stay in a child's place, kid you out o' line
criminal minds thirsty for recognition
I'm sippin' E&J, got my mind flippin'
I'm buggin' think I'm how bizar to hold my hustlin'
get that loot kid, you know my function
cause long as I'm alive I'ma live illegal
and once I get on I'ma put on, on my people
react mix to lyrics like Macs I hit your dome up
when I roll up, don't be caught sleepin'
cause I'm creepin'


Son, they shook...
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks
scared to death and scared to look
(he's just a shook one)
they shook...
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks
scared to death and scared to look
(we live the live that of diamonds)

they shook...
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks
scared to death and scared to look
they shook...
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks, crooks..

livin' the live that of diamonds and guns
there's numerous ways you can choose to earn funds...earn funds
but some of 'em get shot, locked down and turn nuns
cowardly hearts end straight up shook ones...shook ones
he ain't a crook son, he's just a shook one...shook one

Yeah, yeah, yeah
To all the villains and a hundred dollar billas
To real brothers who ain't got no dealings
G-yeah, the whole Bridge, Queens get the money
41st side (he's just a shook one)
keepin' it real (you know)
Queens get the money...

Mobb Deep - Survival of the Fittest

There's a war goin on outside, no man is safe from
You could run but you can't hide forever
from these, streets, that we done took
You walkin witcha head down scared to look
You shook, cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks
They never around when the beef cooks in my part of town
It's similar to Vietnam
Now we all grown up and old, and beyond the cop's control
They better have the riot gear ready
Tryin to bag me and get rocked steady
by the mac one-double, I touch you
and leave you with not much to go home wit
My skin is thick, cause I be up in the mix of action
if I'm not at home, puffin lye relaxin
New York got a nigga depressed
So I wear a slug-proof underneath my Guess
God bless my soul, before I put my foot down and begin to stroll
And to the drama I built, and all unfinished beef
You will soon be killed, put us together
It's like mixin vodka and milk
I'm goin out blastin, takin my enemies with me
and if not, they scarred, so they will never forget me
Lord forgive me the Hennesey got me not knowin how to act
I'm fallin and I can't turn back
or maybe it's the words from my man Killa Black
that I can't say so it's left a untold fact, until my death
My goal's to stay alive
Survival of the fit only the strong survive

Chorus: Mobb Deep

Yo, yo
We livin this til the day that we die
Survival of the fit only the strong survive
(We still livin it)
We livin this til the day that we die
Survival of the fit only the strong survive
(Thug life, we still livin it)
We livin this til the day that we die
Survival of the fit only the strong survive
(We still livin it)
We livin this til the day that we die
(we livin this til the day that we die)
Survival of the fit only the strong survive
(survival of the fit only the strong..)

I'm trapped, in between two worlds, tryin to get dough y'know
When the dough get low the jewels go, but never that
As long as fiends smoke crack
I'll be on the block hustlin countin my stacks
No doubt, watchin my back and proceed with caution
Five-oh lurkin, no time to get lost in -- the system
Niggaz usin fake names to get out quick
My brother did it and got bagged with two ounces
I-llegal world where squads hit the block hard
Ask my man Twin when he got bagged, that fucked me up God
But shit happens for a reason
You find out who's your true peoples when you're upstate bleedin
You can't find a shorty to troop your bid witchu
Hit wit a 2 to 4 it's difficult
Wild on the streets I try to maintain
Tight with my loot, cause hoes like to run game
Some niggaz like to trick but I ain't wit that trickin shit
I'm like a Jew, savin dough so I can big whip
Pushin a Lex, now I'm set, ready to jet
No matter how much loot I get I'm stayin in the projects, forever
Jakes on the blocks we out-clever
If beef, we never seperate and pull together
When worse comes to worse and my peoples come first
Try to react and get them motherfuckin feelings hurt
My crew's all about loot
Fuck lookin cute, I'm strictly Timb boots and army certified suits
Puffin L's, laid back, enjoyin the smell
In the Bridge gettin down it ain't hard to tell
You better realize

Chorus: Mobb Deep

We livin this til the day that we die
Survival of the fit only the strong survive
(We still livin it)
We livin this til the day that we die
Survival of the fit only the strong survive
(Thug life, we still livin it)
We livin this til the day that we die
Survival of the fit only the strong survive
(We still livin it)
We livin this til the day that we die
Survival of the fit only the strong survive
(Thug life, we still livin it)
(the strong survive)

Look in the eyes and get wise
Look alive, in ninety-five, word up
Hypnotic thug life, get that ass paralyzed
Knahmsayin? Mobb Deep and all that..