
srijeda, 30.01.2008.

Nonoh Promjena Normal rate cijenika.

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Poštovani korisnici,
Evo, i Nonoh se nakon dužeg vremena odlučio podići cijene, za sad samo kad je Hrvatska u pitanju, tako da od danas naplaćuje 1,5ct/min, za pozive u HR.
Naravno, postoje i "free" dani i tjedne "free" minute.....no ne bi se baš previše oslanjao na to. U svakom slučaju i iako to sa free danima baš ne funkcionira naj bolje i dalje Nonoh jedan od jeftinijih Voip programa bar kad je HR u pitanju.

- 21:12 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

LowrateVoIP Promjena Normal Rate cijenika !!!

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Poštovani korisnici,
Čini se da je ovo vrlo aktivno doba za izmjene uvijeta i cijena voip programa LowrateVoIP. Naime, od danas se naplaćuje "NormalRates" za HR 1,5ct/min.
Dakle ako iz bilo kojeg razloga budete izvan free minuta takav razgovor će koštati 1,5ct/min.


- 02:00 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 24.01.2008.

NONOH softver za telefoniranje putem računala !

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Voip program "NONOH" firme Betemax, je od danas ponudio mogućnost instaliranja softvera putem kojeg možete telefonirati i direktno sa svog računala.

Dakle, nije više jedina mogućnost pozivanja Phone to Phone, već sad imate na raspolaganju i softverski telefon sa svim mogućnostima kao i kod ostalih programa.

Navodno podržava i SIP, što je izuzetno dobro jer Nonoh je do sad imao zaista povoljne cijene.

Potrebne podatke za podešavanje sipa bi će uskoro dostupne na Info stranici FreeVoIPHr.com

Softver možete skinuti ovdije

- 16:44 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 23.01.2008.

LowrateVoip FUP problem !!!

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Posljednjih mjesec dana pojavljuje se učestali problem u korištenju programa Lowratevoip. Naime, Zbog nekih samo Betamaxu poznatih razloga, često se događa da i unatoč tome što nije prekoračeno vrijeme pričanja od 200 min. tjedno, počnu naplaćivati po jedan cent, zbog prekršenog " FUPa" kako oni nazivaju pravila fer ponašanja.
Čini se da je ograničen dnevni broj poziva, tako da u koliko često zovete, a vremenski su ti razgovori kratki, postoji dobra šansa da kod nekog od sljedećih poziva umjesto poruke "Ovaj poziv je FREE" pročitate poruku "Ovaj poziv košta 1ct/min zbog prekršenog FUPa".

Nadam se da je ovo privremena "faza" loših uvjeta Lowratevoipa. Do sad je to bio odličan program sa dobrim uvjetima i nadam se da će takav ponovo biti.

Unatoč gore navedenim problemima i dalje LowrateVoip zauzima jedno od vodećih mjesta kad su u pitanju pozivi unutar Hrvatske.

Fair Use Policy

1. It is important to lowratevoip that all eligible lowratevoip customers are able to access our Services. Accordingly, We have devised a Fair Use Policy which applies to:
(a) usage of lowratevoip free calls
(b) usage of VoIP-In numbers
(c) usage of promotions; and
(d) any other promotions which are advertised by lowratevoip as subject to the Fair Use Policy ("Fair Use Promotions").

2. We reserve the right to vary the terms of the Fair Use Policy from time to time.

3. lowratevoip may rely on the Fair Use Policy where your:
(a) usage of lowratevoip free calls;
(b) usage of your VoIP-In number
(c) participation in a Fair Use Promotion, is excessive or unreasonable, as defined below.
Excessive Use

1. In the case of lowratevoip free calls, there are restrictions on the maximum number of calls and the duration of the calls.

2. In the case of VoipIn numbers, applying for more than one number is excessive use

3. In the case of Fair Use Promotions, what is excessive use will either be advertised by lowratevoip at the time of the relevant promotion or included in this Fair Use Policy prior to the commencement of the relevant promotion.
Unreasonable Use

1. It is unreasonable use of lowratevoip Services where Your use of lowratevoip Services is reasonably considered by lowratevoip to be fraudulent or to adversely affect the lowratevoip Network or other lowratevoip customers' use of or access to a lowratevoip Service or the lowratevoip Network.

2. It is unreasonable use of the free calls is reasonably considered by lowratevoip to be fraudulent or to adversely affect the lowratevoip Network or other lowratevoip customers' use of or access to a lowratevoip Service or the lowratevoip Network.

3. It is unreasonable use of the VoIP-In numbers where it is reasonably considered by lowratevoip to be fraudulent or to adversely affect the lowratevoip Network or other lowratevoip customers' use of or access to a lowratevoip Service or the lowratevoip Network.

4. It is unreasonable use of a Fair Use Promotion where Your participation in a Fair Use Promotion is reasonably considered by lowratevoip to be fraudulent or to adversely affect the lowratevoip network or another lowratevoip customer's use of or access to a lowratevoip service or the lowratevoip network.

5. Among other things, "fraudulent use" includes resupplying a lowratevoip Service without lowratevoip's consent so that someone else may access or use lowratevoip or take advantage of a Fair Use Promotion.
Our rights

1. lowratevoip may charge you a cost-price based rate for any subsequent calls to one of the free destinations, terminate your account, or deny the use of the lowratevoip service or features of it.

- 15:42 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 10.01.2008.


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Nakon više dana BudgetSip je ponovo u funkciji. Ekipa Betamaxa je malo poradila na detaljima te su uveli neke novine kod korištenja BugetSipa.

Kao prvo, i čini mi se bitno, ne možete sami otvoriti account, već za Vas to mora učiniti Reseller (službeni zastupnik Betamaxa).
Objašnjenje je da se odlučilo za takav način otvaranja accounta jedino iz razloga nekontroliranog otvaranja novih accounta zbog korištenja free trial poziva, te raznih načina prevara. Na ovaj način, reseller Vam otvori račun, uplati kredit i Betamax nema nikakvog razloga da blokira račun zbog sumnjivih uplata i otvaranja vise accounta.

Imate mogućnost telefoniranja putem SIPa ili njihovog "klijenta", softvera za telefoniranje preko kompjutera.

Cijene....Nema free destinacija, tako da zapravo i nema potrebe za FREE danima, ali ima prilično povoljne pozive prema nekim mobilnim mrežama pa bi to moglo biti ono što će neko prepoznati u ovom programu kao povoljnost.
Cijene razgovora možete pogledati ovdije, a cijene SMSa ovdije.

S obzirom da je BudgetSip novi program vjerujem da nas čeka još dosta korekcija cijena, nadam se povoljnijih od ovih.

- 20:08 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 06.01.2008.


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Profesionalni Voip program koji isključivo koristi SIP te je namjenjen za osobe i firme koje zaista puno koriste telefon.
Do sad je VoiceTrading u glavnom bio nezanimljiv zbog vrlo visokih uplata od minimum 500 eura koje je bilo potrebno uplatiti da bi se koristio. Prilično velik novac i za firmu, a naručito za "običnog" korisnika.
Dakle, od 01.01.2008. situacija se izmjenila te postoji mogućnost uplate već od 5 eura. Naravno, takve male uplate možete uplatiti jedino preko Resellera, službenog zastupnika Betamaxa.
Kod Voicetradinga nema free dana i destinacija ali zato ima dosta povoljnih cijena poziva prema nekim zemljama npr. BiH gdije poziv u fixnu liniju iznosi:

Bosnia-herzegovina (Landline) 0.076
Bosnia-herzegovina (Mobile) 0.11

Croatia (Landline) 0.014
Croatia (Mobile) 0.081

Italy (Landline) 0.0077
Italy (Mobile) 0.0852

Naravno i SMS poruke su vrlo povoljne.

Postoje tri nivoa cijenika. Razlika je u kvaliteti i raznim dodatnim uslugama.

U svakom slučaju, ovaj program zaslužuje da se pažljivo prouči.
S obzirom da isključivo koristi SIP, može se koristiti x-lite koji je besplatan i može se skinuti ovdije.

Podaci koji vam trebaju za logiranje:

Username: Your VoiceTrading username
Password: Your password
SIP/Proxy registrar: sip.voicetrading.com
Domain/Realm (optional): voicetrading.com
STUN server: stun.voicetrading.com

Sve detalje o ovom programo možete proučiti ovdije.

Getting an account

First you apply for a account by visiting the 'sign up'-page.
During the signup process, you will have to attach a copy of your company's registration.
(Chamber of commerce or other authority)

After the application has been approved, you will receive your login data by Email (Username & Password).

With these login data, you can visit the 'Login'-page, and enter the myaccount area.
There you can see our Ratelists, download your invoices and CDR's and make prepayments.

Every customer can make a few testcalls to any destination before making a prepayment.

VoiceTrading offers it's service on a prepaid basis only. In your myaccount area you will find various payment methods: Bank Transfer, Western Union, Moneybookers, Ukash, Credit Card (Europe only) & Paypal (most countries).

Available routes
VoiceTrading offers 3 routes, each with different rates and quality levels:

VoiceTrading Grey: lowest possible rate, no guaranteed quality
VoiceTrading Standard: low rate, high quality
VoiceTrading Premium: slightly higher rate, best possible quality

Every route has it's own dialling format:
For example for calls to Germany:

VoiceTrading Grey: 00001 49 12345678
VoiceTrading Standard: 00 49 12345678
VoiceTrading Premium: 000 49 12345678

For the ratelists of each route, please visit the 'Rates'-page
Our rates are billed per second and in EURO, we cannot bill in USD

Getting connected
The username & password can also be used to connect to our SIP-server in order to make calls.

Here are the settings:

Username: Your VoiceTrading username
Password: Your password
SIP/Proxy registrar: sip.voicetrading.com
Domain/Realm (optional): voicetrading.com
STUN server: stun.voicetrading.com

We support the following codecs:

G.711 (64 kbps)
G.726 (32 kbps)
G.729 (8 kbps)
G.723 (5.3 & 6.3 kbps)
GSMFR (13 kbps)
iLBC (20ms & 30ms)

If you cannot connect by using Username & Password, we can also authenticate your fixed IP address(es).
For that, please visit the 'contact'-page and ask for IP authentication.

After we authenticated your IP, you can connect by using the following IP-adresses:
For SIP: or
For H323: &

If you are using a hosted voip softswitch provider like eq. Kayote Networks (etc), make sure you are ONLY using IP addresses which are uniquely assigned to your account (check this with you provider).
If you have further questions about our service, please visit the 'FAQ'-page. Almost all questions are answered here.

- 01:57 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 02.01.2008.

Lowratevoip update

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Dakle, kao što se vidi iz naslova, LowrateVoip je osmislio "novu " verziju svog programa.

Ovo je popis promjena:

02-01-2008 4.2 Build 488

* general: Various textual changes in the 'getting started' wizard.
* feature: The startup parameter -status:away has been added.
* feature: The startup parameter -status:notavailable has been added.
* feature: The startup parameter -status:busy has been added.
* feature: The startup parameter -status:appearoffline has been added.
* feature: The startup parameter -logonsilent has been added.
* feature: When a user enters the wrong username/password combination too often the user will be locked out of the system. A warning will be displayed before the lock-out. The lock-duration will be displayed.
* feature: Better VU meters have been implemented.
* feature: A 'Getting Started Wizard' has been created. New users will be prompted automatically.
* feature: An 'echo123' service has been implemented.
* feature: A proper dashboard has been created. The dashboard can be activated through the view menu. It features a basic and an advanced view, selectable through the right mouse menu.
* feature: When a similar audio device is plugged in it will automatically be selected.
* bugfix: It was impossible to remove displaypictures.
* bugfix: When entering a username in the suggestions screen on the getting started wizard the client would crash.
* bugfix: Closing the 'Getting Started' wizard while a testcall was still active would crash the client.

Zanimljive promjene :)

- 21:20 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #