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Diana Krall-the Queen of Jazz beautiful;)

The look of Love

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Words of wisdom:
I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man.

Che Guevara,
facing his assassin

No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.

Nelson Mandela
Long Walk to Freedom

Kutak za moj poetry trenutak

18.02.2006., subota

Ha ha(iku)

Ne dobih platu
Pa nisam baš too happy
Rambo Marina

- 19:15 - Drop a line or two (6) - Stavi na papir - #

13.02.2006., ponedjeljak

od anonimnog autora

Ne brinite što drugi ljudi misle o vama, jer oni uopće ne misle o vama. Oni brinu što vi mislite o njima. :)
- 23:49 - Drop a line or two (8) - Stavi na papir - #

12.02.2006., nedjelja

Days off...

Povukao sam pametan potez i uzeo pet dana godišnjeg odmora, tako da ću sad guštati u Zg-u do 20.02. Planiram se odmoriti, opustiti, smiriti malo tu svoju konfuziju u glavi, vidjeti se s nekim ljudima koje već nisam dugo vidio… Malo ću se baviti i nekim stvarima koje sam radio prije ovog posla i stvarno me veseli taj kratki povratak u stari, bezbrižniji i opušteniji život, kakav mi je bio do prije godinu i nešto. Samo da se ZAISTA opustim, jer mi vrijeme uvijek tako brzo curi kad sam u Zg-u od jurcanja i silne želje da stigem obaviti sve što bi želio. Al dobro bit će valjda sve OK, a ja veseo i odmoran…. :)

- 12:10 - Drop a line or two (2) - Stavi na papir - #

07.02.2006., utorak

And she was...

And she was lying in the grass
And she could hear the highway breathing
And she could see a nearby factory
She’s making sure she is not dreaming
See the lights of a neighbor’s house
Now she’s starting to rise
Take a minute to concentrate
And she opens up her eyes

The world was moving and she was right there with it (and she was)
The world was moving she was floating above it (and she was) and she was

And she was drifting through the backyard
And she was taking off her dress
And she was moving very slowly
Rising up above the earth
Moving into the universe
Drifting this way and that
Not touching ground at all
Up above the yard


She was glad about it... no doubt about it
She isn’t sure where she’s gone
No time to think about what to tell them
No time to think about what she’s done
And she was

And she was looking at herself
And things were looking like a movie
She had a pleasant elevation
She’s moving out in all directions


Joining the world of missing persons (and she was)
Missing enough to feel alright (and she was)

- 09:08 - Drop a line or two (5) - Stavi na papir - #

02.02.2006., četvrtak

Shit happens...

Sranje je generalno, razmišljam i sanjam o otkazu. Najradije bi ga dao sutra, a opet da li pričekati malo? Živci su mi sve tanji… a opet kad se sjetim koliko sam dugo čekao posao uopće. Od dobrog posla ispalo je totalno razočaranje u svakom pogledu, al tako to često biva, od velikih očekivanja na kraju ništa. Ne pamtim kada sam se ovako loše osjećao, iako će mnogi reći da mi ništa ne fali, jel imam stalan posao za dobru plaću (ali koja konstantno kasni), fali puno, jer sam psihički u totalnoj komi. Ne znam, nadam se da će uskoro uletiti neka alternativa, jer ne znam koliko ću još ovako izdržati….

- 16:16 - Drop a line or two (6) - Stavi na papir - #