utorak, 01.12.2009.

Ispijam gutljaje tvog famoznog whiskeya i pripoto se smješkam slatkoći trenutaka.
Uskoro ću pijano zažmiriti i slobodna od svih barijera, predati se suštini tvog tijela.
Bit ću sretna, znam.
Mogla bih još 300 puta pogledati Prljavi ples, sve dok sam tvoja Baby ilitiga bejbe.
Privinuta uz tebe gasim zvijezde pogledom.
Trenuci s tobom prebrzo prolaze.
Bojim se da se ne pretvore u sjećanja.
One se smiju mojoj "navodnoj" ravnodušnosti i kaže da izgaram u zaljubljenosti.
No svejedno volim zavuči ruku pod tvoju i igrati se pramenom tvoje kose.
Noć postaje toplija.
Dive se tvojem razumu i toleranciji, ne vjerujući da je netko uspio udovoljiti
svim kriterijima mog blokiranog uma.
Najradije bih ti priznala da se smiješim svakoj poruci, pogledu i neopreznoj emociji.
No previše se bojim da bi moglo boljeti,
od onog trenutka kad te odlučim zavoljeti...

- 15:07 -

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Her skin is white cloth,
and she's all sewn apart
and she has many colored pins
sticking out of her heart.

She has many different zombies
who are deeply in her trance.
She even has a zombie
who was originally from France.

But she knows she has a curse on her,
a curse she cannot win.
For if someone gets
too close to her,

the pins stick farther in.

But how how many times can I walk away and wish "If only"
But how many times can I talk this way and wish "If only"
Keep on making the same mistake
Keep on aching the same heartbreak
I wish "If only"

But "If only"
Is a wish too late.

She feels that my sentimental side should be held with kid gloves
But she doesn't know that I left my urge in the icebox.

No hesitation, no delay
You come on just like special K
Just like I swallowed half my stash
I never ever want to crash
No hesitation, no delay
You come on just like special K
Now you're back with dope demand
I'm on sinking sand
No escaping gravity
No escaping... not for free
I fall down... hit the ground
Make a heavy sound
Every time you seem to come around