Jednom Kad Noc..

kao pravi turisti..

kako brzo vrijeme prode kada si u dobrom drustvu..
kvragu, al nam je dobro bilo..
za sada stavljam samo neke fotosice..


Queens, Astoria, zastitnicki znak maldih buntovnika

Queens, Forest Hills

Central Park, krizanje 5av i 59st

Apple ducan na 5av

Disney ducan na 5av

Bubba Gump, ako se sjecate price Foresta Gumpa, e pa to je to..

Times Square, Hard Rock Cafe

Astoria park, pogled na midtown manhattana

Giants stadium, New Jersy, tekma Red Bullsa i Barcelone, taj dan 79 ooo gledatelja i nas tri na tribinama :)

The Cloisters, dio Metropolitan muzeja na gornjem dijelu manhattana, unutar muzeja cak imaju umjetnine i sa balkanskog podrucja :)

The Cloisters, pogled na rijeku Hudson i NJ

pogled na brooklyn bridge iz pivskog vrta :) sa piera 17

City Hall park

Guggenheim muzej, nazalost mijenja prijasnji izgled, kao ide sa vremenom pa postaje jos futuristickiji..

Metropolitan museum of Art.. cijeli tjedan tu nije dovoljan.. ah..

Upstate, renesansni sajam, musketira, pirata :) vitezova, kraljica posvuda, cijeli grad na tu temu..


eto i kip slobode je tu..

Empire State "zgradica" nema king konga :(

jedan od the pogleda.. mnogo mnogo visoko.. u pozadini astoria

Brooklyn botanicki vrt.. eh..

i plaza na atlanskom oceanu..

i to bi bilo za danasnji dan..
hvala curama na dolasku.. doci ce brzo i iduce ljeto i eto vas opet kod mene!!
bit ce toga jos.. toliko toga vidjesmo.. :)
nadam se da vam sad u Hr neizgleda sve "bas" tako minijaturno..

31.08.2006. u 14:17 | 5 Komentara | Print | # | ^

jos uvijek vruce..

Meerkat Manor sezona 1. napokon na DVD :) ako pratite Animal Planet petkom navecer onda znate kako su slatka zanimljiva i nestasna ta mala zvrkasta stvorenja.

Nazivaju ih "mafijom" pustinje Kalahari u Africi, a kao i svaka prava mafija imaju par grupa od otprilike 40-tak clanova. Serija prikazuje zbivanja u "bandi" nazvanoj Whiskers a voda bande je dominantna zenka :) Flower i sto god ona odluci svi moraju pokorno poslusati, ali da prica ne bude presuhoparna, clanovi Whiskersa od onih najmanjih do najvecih su tako nepredvidivi i nestasni da im nikako nikada nije dosadno i uvijek nadu neku krivinu da zaobidu zakone mafije :)) a kao svaka mala zajednica imaju svoje unutarnje rasporede: ujutro kad se probude izadu iz svog brlogica pod zemljom i onda su svi obavezno zaduzeni za ciscenje (iskopavanje nanesenog pjeska preko noci, itd.) uglavnom SVI moraju raditi, ako tko zabusava Flower ce da odrzi bukvicu.. Kad dode vrijeme rucka bejbisiterice budu zaduzene za cuvanje doma i malisana a ekipa krece u lov za hranom, a hrane se kukcima, otrovnim skorpionima (posto su iz porodice mungosa mogu podnjeti i ugriz zmije koja bi covjeka usmrtila, lat.naziv im je: Suricata suricatta), gusterima, zabama, itd.. Dok se ekipa hrani na terenu, uvijek su zaduzeni i cuvari koji prate budnim okom sto se desava oko njih i ako se pojavi kakva opasnost upozoravaju ostale i trk u zaklon :)) Svaki clan ima ime, i svida mi se nacin na koji su im istrazivaci sa Cambridgea prisli.. Serija se prikazuje na Meerkatski nacin a ne na ljudski!!

Svi komentari za seriju kazu da su bolji od Sopranosa i Ozzbornsa zajedno..

Uglavnom, malo da vam ih predocim, ako ste gledali Lion King, Simbin fast-talking companion Timon je meerkat!!

Posto vecina zna engl.jezik a ja sam malo ljenija za prevodenje prenosim vam malo clanaka o njima..

Sve u svemu ako vam se pruzi prilika pogledati ih - NE propustite ju!!!
(pogledajte na netu koju epizodu, sigurno cete ih zavoljeti; sacekajte min dok prode reklama)

Meerkat Manor is a soap opera with a difference – the main characters are 12 inches high, live underground in burrows and survive on a diet of worms, insects and lizards.

Made up of five to 30 members, the meerkat mob is probably more close-knit than Tony Soprano's family and just as effective at keeping their enemies at bay.

Don't let their cuddly appearance fool you though — there's a good reason these meerkat families are called a "mob."

Narrated by Sean Astin of The Lord of the Rings and 24, Meerkat Manor was filmed over the course of a 10-year Cambridge University study. From family quarrels to love affairs to backstabbing worthy of a Shakespearean tale, these fuzzy reality-TV stars pack a huge dramatic punch.

In cooperation with Cambridge University, the story of the Whiskers mob is told from the perspective of the meerkats themselves. With no humans featured, film crews were housed in specially built sheds and, for the first time, successfully filmed inside a meerkat burrow using fibre-optic cameras.

With cameras recording their every move, Meerkat Manor introduces viewers to the Whiskers, a family of meerkats, revealing their personalities over the course of the series. Researchers call the Whiskers' matriarch "Flower," but she's neither delicate nor sweet — she doesn't let anyone boss her around! Putting her newborn pups before all others, Flower isn't afraid of conflict and will stop at nothing to get her way.

Zaphod, the patriarch, defends the Whiskers at all costs — especially against the rival gang of meerkats, the Lazuli. Zaphod seizes control of the family by overthrowing his brother and taking Flower as his own mate. It's Hamlet, only hairier.

But not all of the meerkats are fighters. A true hero, a meerkat called "Shakespeare," suffers a poisonous snakebite and rescues his brother from certain death. Carlos, a male from the rival Lazuli mob, finds himself in deep trouble when he woos three of the Whiskers' leading ladies.

Looking for drama amid the summer TV doldrums?
In a new series premiering Friday, over the course of 13 episodes viewers will see a kidnapping, vicious fights, a near-death experience for one of the characters, dangerous storms and more.

And the stars are far cuter than anything People magazine could ever put on its cover.

It's Meerkat Manor on Animal Planet (Fridays, 8 p.m. ET/PT), narrated by Sean Astin of The Lord of the Rings.

The animal series stars Flower, matriarch of the Whiskers meerkat clan. Meerkats, which stand 12 inches tall, are members of the mongoose family. This group lives in grass-lined burrows in the Kalahari desert and, like so many reality TV stars, they apparently have grown accustomed to the cameras that surround their home.

Flower's supporting cast grows to 37 meerkat family members by Episode 3, including Zaphod, the father of her pups; Tosca, her daughter; and Shakespeare, a young subordinate male who is bitten by a puff adder.

The footage is the result of more than a year of filming in Africa at a University of Cambridge study site. The value, says Tim Clutton-Brock, the professor and scientist heading up the program for the past 13 years, is that meerkats are one of the rare groups of animals whose cooperative society centers on a single dominant female. (Bees are another example; all workers do the bidding of the queen.)

But hasn't this serious scientist fallen in love with the little furry creatures?

"I wouldn't say I'm in love with them," Clutton-Brock says. But "I'm very fond of meerkats. They're a guinea a minute to watch" — meaning, he says, that they're "fun."

"I've worked on elk — we call them red deer. They're not nearly as interesting," he says.

"Meerkats are always up to something."

Mick Kaczorowski, executive producer of the series, notes that meerkats were made popular by The Lion King and an animated character named Timon (voiced by Nathan Lane). But the real meerkats in Meerkat Manor are just as animated.

"I think they elicit so much personality. Facially, when we go in on a close-up, it's just the way their head moves. It's such a unique animal. I'm not saying we actually know the personality of the animal, but you can see something in the face and eyes.

"I've worked on lots of natural-history films. Lions, big cats, they sleep 20 hours a day," he says. But meerkats are constantly on the go.

There are 26 episodes — two seasons — planned and ready, but there's enough footage for much more. Says Kaczorowski: "I could be working on meerkats the rest of my life. This is an endless story line."

E tako.. Sad sam happy sto sam napravila jedno dobro djelo i predstavila vam meerkate u kojima ce vjerujem svi uzivati i sloziti se samnom da je jedna od najboljih serija u zadnje vrijeme snimljena..

O struji i ConEdisonu nezelim ni zapocimati pisati jer to je takav buckuris da nebi mogli zamisliti.. Mislim jos je to i dobro na to su mi se zivci navikli, al kad cujem ove neke pojedince iz djelova ny koji su imali struju, da se kao bune sto ce nam ovi sugavci platit tih pisljivih 150$ (i to pitanje ako ce) ljudi moji za 7 dana zivota u stanu BEZ struje HELLOO uff morat cu po apaurine.. Sto ces..

Ocito ovdje za sve moras biti "sam svoj majstor" i u sve se razumit inace je cupavao i dlakavo..

No dobro :) sutra je petak i nova epizoda stize u 8h pm :)) hehe
A druga novost, posto mi moje drage seke stizu sad u nedjelju u NY, kupih karte i 12.8 vodim ih na nogometnu utakmicu u New Jersy na Giants stadion gledati RED BULLS (ovdasnji klub) protiv FC BARCELONA.. pa ce biti izvjestaja (mada nisam fan nogometnog sporta)

znam da slika nema veze sa barcelonom i red bullsima ali mi nekako ide uz sve nogometne klubove..

Pusse i pozdrave ostavljam svima koji navrate na moj blogic! Sve vas pratim i citam! Kad malo napunim 'energije' biti cu cesca..

03.08.2006. u 18:58 | 7 Komentara | Print | # | ^

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Opis bloga

mali vjerni saputnik..

Dosadne proslave
mi dodju kao kazna
ali svejedno idem
mozda najzad saznam..


Neki od meni lijepih tekstova

Jednom kad noc..

Jednom kad noc
Ukrade nebu
Sve sto si voljela na njemu
Bit ce ti zao, bit ce ti zao
Sto nisi tu,
Ruke pamte samo ljubav najbolju.

Jednom kad usne
Ne budu htjele
U stranicu utjehu traziti,
Suze ce srcu sapnuti da je pogrijesilo
Jer nije ostalo tamo
Gdje je jedno voljelo.

Kada tuga jednom
Na vrata dode,
A samoca zaboli,
Hoces li moci ime moje
Sa usana svojih skloniti?

Bili smo jednom najbolji,
O nama su price pricali.
I sada kad se sjetis
Htjela bi vrijeme vratiti,
Poslije mene su ti lade slomile
Bure i vjetrovi.

..opca opasnost..


vani je opet zima
i opet cure prate vlakove
u ovoj glavi ista bol
u tijelu stari smrad od rakije

za sve je magla kriva
i ovaj Grad me rijetko nasmije
ti samo stavi vrc na stol
nasa se radnja zbiva kasnije

no trouble at all
no trouble at all

uvijek si sa mnom.. oh da..

i kada ti se ne javljam danima
i kad vrijeme me mjenja
i kada postanem lijen ja
i kada ne znam za to

ipak uvijek me zanima
da li jos si me zeljna
da'l u dnu tvoga tijela jos uvijek
ista je bol

uvijek si sa mnom

if you call me senor
..darko rundek..

Mladost je htjela daljine
Luke bez tvoje topline
Al' uvijek si bio i ostao grade
Ceznja u srcu mom
Ja sam u tvojoj ti u mojoj dusi
Rijeko jer moj si dom


Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts
I can see your dreams

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you

The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me
Baby you surround me
You touch every place in my heart
Oh, it feels like the first time, every time
I want to spend the whole night in your eyes

Every little thing that you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you

.. Lonestar ..

One Day..

I've seen that look
somewhere before
your sorrow is like
an open door
you've been this way
for much too long
somebody must have
done you wrong

But one day the sun
will shine on you
turn all your tears
to laughter
one day your dreams
may all come true
one day the sun
will shine on you

I've seen that look
so many times
i know the sadness
in your eyes
your life is like
a wishing well
where it goes,
only time will tell

Say goodbye
to the lonely nights
say goodbye
to the northern lights
say goodbye
to cold north winds
say goodbye
to the autumn leaves

Gary Moore

the dance

Looking back
on the memory of
The dance we shared
'neath the stars above
For a moment all
the world was right
How could I have known
that you'd ever say goodbye

And now I'm glad
I didn't know
The way it all would
end the way it all would go
Our lives are better
left to chance
I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss
the dance

Holding you
I held everything
For a moment wasn't
I a king
But if I'd only known
how the king would fall
Hey who's to say
you know I might have
changed it all

Yes my life is better
left to chance
I could have missed
the pain but I'd of had to miss
the dance

gareth brooks

.. Nije to hrabrost, vec stid od sebe ponizenog ..

.. A meni se cini da je strah najveca sramota
ovog svijeta, i najvece ponizenje covjekovo.
Izmahnut je nad njim kao bic, uperen u grlo,
kao noz. Covijek je opkoljen strahom, kao
plamenom, potopljen je njime kao vodom.
Plasi ga sudbina, plasi ga mocniji covjek,
i on nije ono sto bi htio biti, vec ono sto
mora da bude. Umiljava se sudbini, moli se
sutrasnjem danu, poslusno ponavlja zakon,
ponizno se smijesi mrskom mocnom covjeku,
pomiren da bude nakazna tvorevina sacinjena
od straha i pristajanja ..

.. Niko nikome ne moze natovariti toliko muke
na vrat koliko covjek sam sebi ..

.. tvrdava ..