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utorak, 24.02.2009.


Grand Theft Auto IV je strukturiran na sličan način na prethodnim igrama u seriji. The core gameplay consists of elements of a third-person shooter and a driving game, giving the player a large, open environment in which to move around. The core gameplay se sastoji od elemenata od trećih osoba pucač i vožnje igre, dajući veliki igrač, otvoreno okruženje u kojem se kretati. On foot, the player's character is capable of walking, running, swimming, climbing and jumping, as well as using weapons and basic hand-to-hand combat. Pješice, igrač je lik je sposoban za hodanje, trčanje, plivanje, penjanje i skakanje, kao i korištenje oružja i osnovnih prsa u prsa borbu. Players can steal and drive a variety of vehicles, including automobiles, boats, helicopters, and motorcycles. Grand Theft Auto IV takes advantage of Natural Motion's Euphoria engine, which combines artificial intelligence, bio mechanics and physics to make NPC behaviour and movement adaptive and more realistic. Igrači mogu ukrasti i voziti razne vozila, uključujući i automobile, brodove, helikoptere, i motocikli. Grand Theft Auto IV koristi prednosti Prirodne Motion's euforija motor, koji kombinira umjetne inteligencije, bio mehanike i fizike da bi NPC ponašanje i kretanje prilagodljivo i više realan.

The open, non-linear environment allows players to explore and choose how they wish to play the game. Otvorene, non-linear okruženje omogućuje igračima da istraže i odabrati kako žele igrati. Although storyline missions are necessary to progress through the game and unlock certain parts of the map and content, they are not required, as players can complete them at their own leisure. Iako pričom misije su potrebni za napredak kroz igru i otključati određene dijelove karte i sadržaja, nisu potrebne, jer igrači mogu ih dovršili svoje slobodno vrijeme. When not taking on a storyline mission, players can free-roam. Kad ne uzimaju na pričom misije, igrač može slobodno lutaju. However, creating havoc can attract unwanted and potentially fatal attention from the authorities. Ipak, može privući stvaranjem pustoš neželjene i potencijalno fatalan pažnju od strane vlasti.

It is possible to have multiple active missions, due to the fact that some missions will run over the course of several days and will require the player to wait for further instructions, etc. The player can also partake in a variety of optional side missions. Moguće je imati više aktivne misije, zbog činjenice da su neke misije će se izvoditi tijekom nekoliko dana i da će zatražiti od igrača čekati daljnje upute, itd. Igrač može također sudjelovati u raznim opcionalno strane misije. For the first time in the series, Grand Theft Auto IV features " morality choices" at several points throughout the game, in which the player is forced to choose between killing a character or sparing their life or killing one of two characters. Po prvi put u nizu, Grand Theft Auto IV značajke "moralom izbore" na nekoliko točaka cijele igre, u kojoj igrač je prisiljena birati između ubijanja znak ili umjeren njihov život ili ubijanje jedan od dva slova. The game has two different endings, which are determined by deciding which of the two missions to complete. Igra ima dvije različite završetke, koji se određuje odlučivanje koji od dvojice za završetak misije. The player can choose between a revenge mission or a deal mission, each leads to a different ending. Igrač može birati između osvete misije ili misije posao, svaki dovodi do različitih kraju.

Combat and police response Borbene i policijske reakcije

Combat in Grand Theft Auto IV has been reworked to include a cover system. Borilački u Grand Theft Auto IV je reworked to uključuje pokriće sustava. The gunfight combat system has been reworked to a third-person scheme. [ 28 ] The player can slide to cover, blindfire , and free aim. The gunfight borbenih sustava je reworked na treću osobu-sheme. [28] Igrač može slajd za pokriće, blindfire i besplatno cilj. When locked on, the target's health is indicated by eight segments inside the target circle (which is white), these segments can be green (if the target is a civilian/non-attacking or non-aggressive target) or red (authorities/hostile targets or assassination targets), additionally, if the target's wearing body armour there will be an additional smaller, blue armour circle inside the health circle, showing the target's armour status. Kada je zaključan na ciljne zdravlje je naznačeno osam ciljnih segmenata unutar kruga (što je bijelo), ovim segmentima može biti zelena (ako je ciljani civila / ili non-napadajućih neagresivan target) ili crvena (vlasti / neprijateljski ciljeva ili ciljeva atentata), osim toga, ako ciljate's nošenje oružje tijelo bit će dodatni manji, plavi oklop krug unutar kruga zdravlje, prikazano ciljne oklopu's status. Niko can also perform "cinematic executions", only possible with a pistol to certain characters/situations when the target circle blinks red. Niko može izvesti "sinematski pogubljenja", moguće samo sa pištoljima na određene znakove / situacijama kada ciljani krug blinks red. Players can target individual body parts using the revamped targeting system. [ 29 ] Niko's health is represented by a green semicircle on the left side of the mini-map, while a blue semicircle on the right represents armour. Igrači mogu ciljati pojedinačne dijelove tijela pomoću ciljanja revamped sustava. [29] Niko zdravlje predstavljaju zelena uglomjer na lijevoj strani mini-kartu, a plavi polukrug na desnoj strani predstavlja oružje. There is now much more hand to hand combat moves as the player can now punch, kick, alternative punch, dodge/block, disarm, counterattack and make combos with the punch and kick buttons respectively. Tu je sada mnogo više ruku u ruci borbene pokrete kao igrač sada može bušiti, kick, alternativnih punch, izmicanje / blok, razoružati, kontranapad i kombo sa kick punch i gumbi respektivno. If Niko gets injured, he can recover health by using the services of a prostitute , eating, drinking soda, sleeping, using medical kits or using his mobile phone to call for paramedics; also, one girlfriend has the special ability of healing Niko by calling her with the mobile phone. Ako dobije ozlijedio Niko, on može povratiti zdravlje korištenjem usluga od prostitutka, jeli, pili soda, spavanje, pomoću medicinskih setove ili korištenjem njegova mobilnog telefona na pozivu za paramedics; Također, jedna cura ima posebnu sposobnost ozdravljenja Niko pozivom nju s mobilnog telefona. Health is generally reduced by physical injuries such as getting hit by vehicles when walking, going through the windscreen of a vehicle when crashing, and gunfire or explosions. Zdravlje općenito smanjiti fizičke ozljede poput dobivanja pogođenima vozila kada hodanje, prolazio kroz staklo na vozilu, kada pad sustava, ili eksplozija i pucnjava. Body armour is gradually damaged by gunshots, explosions and stab wounds. [ 30 ] If Niko's health level reaches zero he appears at the nearest hospital, but loses 10% of his total wealth (up to $10,000). Body oklopu postupno oštećena gunshots, eksplozija i ubosti rane. [30] Ako Niko's health level dosegne nulu on se pojavljuje na najbližu bolnicu, ali izgubi 10% svog ukupnog bogatstva (do 10.000 $). Niko is able to retain his weapons after re-spawning at a hospital, an ability that had to be unlocked in some earlier games. Niko je uspeo da zadrži svoj oružja nakon ponovnog mrešćenje u bolnici, koji je imao sposobnost da budu otključana u nekim ranijim igrama. However, weapons are still confiscated if Niko is arrested and taken to a police station. Međutim, i dalje su oduzeli oružje ako Niko je uhapšen i odveden u policijsku postaju.

The Wanted level system operates differently from previous GTA games. The Wanted level sistem djeluje različito od prethodnih GTA igara. The game retains the six star levels of previous iterations of the series, with increasing resistance on each level. Igra zadržava šest zvjezdica razine prethodne ponavljanje iz serije, uz povećanje otpornosti na svakoj razini. When the police are in pursuit of Niko, a search radius appears on the map in which the police will be looking for him. Kada je policija u potrazi za Niko, pretraživanje pojavi radijusa na mapi u kojoj će se policiji u potrazi za njim. The size of this radius increases with the player's wanted level and re-centres itself on Niko's location if he is spotted by the police. Veličina ovog radijus raste s nivoa igrača htio i ponovno centri sama Niko na lokaciju ako je umrljan od strane policije. The player can evade the police by escaping the search radius and temporarily keeping a low profile by not committing further offences. Igrač može izbjeći policija po bježale radijus za pretragu i privremeno zadržavanje niskog profila ne daljnje činjenje prekršaja. The wanted levels can be lost by Niko either driving into a "Pay 'N' Spray" (unless seen entering by police) as in previous games or by disguising himself by clandestinely changing vehicles in empty areas such as parking garages. Željeni razine mogu biti izgubljen po Niko ni vožnju u "plati 'N' Pljusak" (osim ako nije vidio unosa od strane policije) kao u prethodnim igrama disguising sebe ili po clandestinely mijenja vozila u prazno područjima kao što su parking garaže. The player has the option to attempt escaping arrest before he is handcuffed , at the cost of increasing his wanted level by one star. [ 29 ] Additionally, pedestrians with cellphones can report crimes they witness in the surrounding environment. [ 31 ] [ 32 ] Igrač ima opciju za pokušaj bježale pred uhićenje je lisice, na njegov trošak povećava razinu htio po jednu zvjezdicu. [29] Osim toga, pješaci mogu izvještaj s cellphones zločine oni svjedok u okolnim okoliš. [31] [32]

The type of police response also differs slightly from previous GTA games; however, creating more chaos still leads to a stronger response. Tip reakcije policije i neznatno se razlikuje od prethodnih GTA igre, no, stvarajući kaos još više dovodi do jače reakcije. "Minor" crimes, such as assault, public firearm discharge, grand theft auto and homicide, continue to be handled by police patrols. "Minor" zločina, kao što su zlostavljanje, javni vatrenim iscjedak, Grand Theft Auto i ubojica, i dalje biti obrađene od strane policijskih patrola. Higher wanted levels still activate police helicopter and water craft support teams and FBI -like agents, known as FIB (Federal Investigation Bureau) in GTA IV . Viša razina još htio aktivirati policijske helikopter i čamac podršku ekipama i FBI-poput agenata, poznat i kao lagati (Savezni ured za istrage) u GTA IV. Police SWAT and the military have been replaced by an elite counter-terrorism team known as NOOSE (National Office Of Security Enforcement), an amalgamation of SWAT and the Department of Homeland Security . Policija Specijalci i vojna su zamijenjena jednom elitnom counter-terrorism reprezentacije poznat kao zamka (National Office sigurnosti Enforcement), jedan od amalgamacija Specijalci i Department of Homeland Security.

Vehicles Vozila
Stealing a parked car shows Niko smashing the glass (if it is locked) and then hotwiring it, as opposed to previous games where the player simply entered the driver's seat or cannot enter if it's locked. Kradenje jedan parkirani automobil pokazuje Niko razbija stakla (ako je zaključan), a zatim hotwiring to, za razliku od prethodnih igara, gdje igrač jednostavno ušao u vozačevo sjedalo ili ne može ući ako je zaključano. During car chases, the player can focus the camera on the target vehicle by holding the cinematic camera button. Tijekom car chases, igrač može fokusirati kameru na ciljanom vozila po držanje filmskih kamera gumb. Every vehicle in the game uses the in-game minimap as a GPS device , and additional voice directions are provided in luxury cars. Svako vozilo u igri koristi u igri minimap kao GPS uređaju, a dodatni glas pravci osigurani su u luksuznim automobilima. "Waypoints" can be placed on destinations on the map, outlining the fastest legal route between Niko and the destination on the minimap. "Točke puta" mogu se postaviti na mjesta na karti, outlining najbrži pravni put između Nike i destinacija na minimap. The ability to hail a taxi cab allows the player to travel to destinations without having to drive, and the entire journey may be skipped, allowing them to arrive at their destination instantly. Sposobnost da se tuče taxi cab player omogućuje da putuju na odredišta bez pogona, a cijeli put svibanj biti preskočena, dopuštajući im da dođe na svoje odredište odmah. The player cannot pilot fixed-wing aircraft , as was possible in previous games, but can still pilot helicopters, including the police "Annihilator", which has mounted machine guns. [ 33 ] Igrač ne može pilota fiksne krila zrakoplova, što je bilo moguće u prethodnim igrama, ali se još uvijek pilot helikoptera, pa je policija "gasitelj", koja je montirana mitraljeza. [33]

The physics engine will turn Niko into a rag doll after a bike crash, instead of using a predefined animation. U fizici motor će Niko u krpe doll nakon bike crash, umjesto pomoću predefiniranih animacija. Niko can lose health or die if he crashes or smashes through the windscreen of cars during high speed collisions. Niko mogu izgubiti zdravlje ili umre ako on crashes ili smashes kroz vjetrobran automobila tijekom velikom brzinom sudara. Vehicles will not explode if they are flipped over, however they may catch fire and eventually explode if the engine is repeatedly damaged via collisions, or if the vehicle is damaged via firearms. Vozila neće eksplodirati ako su zrcaljeno gotov, no oni svibanj zapaliti i na kraju eksplodirati ako se motor je u više navrata oštećena putem sudara, ili ako je vozilo oštećeno preko oružje. Explosions can sometimes render nearby vehicles unusable, or cause them to catch fire. Eksplozija ponekad može pružiti obližnjih vozila neupotrebljiv, odnosno uzrok im zapaliti. Car engines can also break down, rendering them unable to start. Automobilski motori mogu razbiti, renderiranje ih mogao pokrenuti. When driving or riding in a car, Niko is able to smash the window, free-aim, and fire out of the vehicle with several different one-handed weapons. Kada vozite ili jahanje u auto, Niko je u mogućnosti da bankrotstvo prozor, slobodno cilj, i vatra izlazi iz vozila, sa nekoliko različitih jednokratnu predato oružje. The player may also drop grenades or Molotov cocktails . [ 34 ] Igrač svibanj također ispustiti bombe ili Molotov koktela. [34]

Communication Komunikacija
The use of the mobile phone has been expanded to perform multiple actions. Upotreba mobilnog telefona je proširen za obavljanje više radnji. When selecting the mobile phone, a zoomed-in version of the phone interface pops up in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Prilikom odabira mobilnog telefona, a zoomed-in verzija telefon sučelje pops gore u donjem desnom kutu zaslona. The phone allows the player to view text messages and appointments, as well as arrange to meet friends for activities. Telefon omogućava player za prikaz tekstualnih poruka i imenovanja, kao i organizirati u susret prijatelja za aktivnosti. Retrying a failed mission can be done by accessing the menu and responding positively to a certain text message. Retrying jedna misija nije uspjela može biti ispunjavanja mimo pristup izborniku i pozitivno reagirati na određeni tekstualne poruke. The player can take photos with the mobile phone and upload them to the police computer during certain missions. Igrač može potrajati fotografije sa mobilnog telefona i učitajte ih na policiju tijekom određene misije. Niko can dial 911 to call emergency services, who promptly arrive to his location and will respond to a situation, or lack thereof, occurring there. [ 35 ] The police will arrest felons, and paramedics are able to restore Niko's health. Niko se brojčanik 911 za pozivanje hitnih službi, koji je odmah dolazimo do njegova lokacija i da će odgovoriti na situaciju, ili nedostatka istog, pojavio tamo. [35] Policija će uhićenje felons, a paramedics nisu u stanju vratiti Niko zdravlje. The phone also allows access to the game's multiplayer mode, online in a free mode you can also call other players to talk to them. Telefon također omogućava pristup igri u multiplayer modu online u slobodnom modu možete nazvati drugim igračima razgovarati s njima.

The game also features several different in-game databases that Niko can make use of. Igra također je opremljen s nekoliko različitih in-game baze Niko da se mogu koristiti. An in-game version of the Internet can be used by accessing the Internet café chain, "TW@", located throughout the city. An in-game verzija Interneta mogu koristiti pristup Internet caffe lanca ", TW @", a cijelom gradu. There are over 100 accessible fictitious websites within the game, and Niko can also send and receive email (including junk mail) and set up prospective dates. Postoji više od 100 fiktivnih dostupne web stranice unutar igre i Niko također može slati i primati e-pošte (uključujući i junk mail) i postaviti budući datum. Although the Internet café was seen in Grand Theft Auto III , it did not give the player the option to browse. [ 36 ] In a police vehicle, Niko can use an in-car computer to access Liberty City's criminal database, discover information about various criminals in Liberty City and even track them down for a reward. [ 37 ] The game also features in-game television programming, with several viewable channels featuring programmes and advertisements. Iako je Internet kafić je vidio u Grand Theft Auto III, on nije igrač opcija za pregledavanje. [36] U policijsko vozilo, Niko mogu koristiti u automobilu računalo za pristup Liberty City's zločinačkog baze podataka, otkriti informacije o raznim kriminalci u Liberty City, pa čak i pratiti ih za nagradu. [37] Igra također značajke igre televizijski program, s nekoliko vidljiv kanale featuring programa i reklama. The television shows cover a wide variety of genres, including news, talk shows, and sports. TV emisije pokrivaju razne žanrove, uključujući vijesti, razgovor pokazuje, i sport.

Multiplayer Više igrača
Grand Theft Auto IV includes online multiplayer, with 15 modes of play available. [ 38 ] The multiplayer supports up to 16 players (32 players in the PC version [ 39 ] ) and allows players to explore the entire city. [ 40 ] Players use a customisable character in a majority of the modes, and cash earned during play translates to a level at which more clothing is available for their character, depending on the level. Grand Theft Auto IV multiplayer online uključuje, s 15 načina igranja dostupno. [38] podržava multiplayer do 16 igrača (32 igrača u PC verziji [39]) i omogućuje igračima da istraži cijeli grad. [40] Igrači korištenja jedan znak u prilagodljivim većina načina i gotovine zarađene tijekom igranja prevodi na razinu na kojoj je na raspolaganju više odjeća za njihov karakter, ovisno o razini. Hosts of the games can control many variables, such as police presence, traffic, and weapons. Hosts od igara možete kontrolirati mnogo varijabli, kao što su policija prisutnost, prometa i oružja. The online games are split into ranked and unranked matches. Online igre su podijeljene u rangirani i unranked utakmica. The reward for the ranked gameplay is cash, which determines players' ranks. [ 41 ] The game does not feature any split screen or LAN multiplayer modes [ 42 ] on console, but the PC version does have LAN support. Nagradu za rangirani gameplay je gotovinom, koji određuje igrač 'redova. [41] Igra ne bilo koja značajka podijeljenog ekrana ili LAN multiplayer moda [42] na konzoli, ali PC verzija ima LAN podršku.

There are several different game modes available. Postoji nekoliko različitih načina igre dostupne. Team based gameplay modes include [ 43 ] Team Deathmatch, where 2-8 teams compete to accumulate the most kills in a traditional deathmatch ; Team Mafiya Work, in which 2–8 teams compete to complete contract work for the "mafiya", such as escorting/killing targets or stealing cars; Team Car Jack City where 2–8 teams compete to steal cars and earn money for keeping them undamaged; Cops n' Crooks, featuring a team of cops who must compete against a team of crooks (which features the "All for One" variation - requiring the cops to kill the crooks' "Boss" before he is escorted to the extraction point - and the "One for All" variation - requiring the cops to kill all of the crooks before they reach the extraction point); and Turf War, involving two teams who compete to take control of designated areas of the map and control them for as long as possible. Team temelji gameplay modove uključuju [43] Team Deathmatch, gdje 2-8 ekipe natjecati na nakupiti najviše ubija u tradicionalnom deathmatch; Team Mafiya djelo, u kojem 2-8 timova natječu za završetak ugovora rade za "mafiya", kao što su pratnju / ubojstvu ciljeva ili ukradene automobile; Team Car Jack City, gdje se natječu timovi 2-8 krađe automobila i zaraditi novac za čuvanje ih neoštećen; Drotovi n 'Crooks, s tim Drotovi koji moraju natjecati protiv tima crooks (koje osobine je "Sve za jednu" varijantu - zahtijevaju Drotovi se ubiti crooks "Boss" prije nego što je on pratnjom na vađenje točke - i "Jedan za sve" varijantu - zahtijevaju Drotovi ubiti sve od crooks oni prije doći do ekstrakcija bod); i treset rata, koje uključuju dvije ekipe koje se natječu za preuzeti kontrolu nad određenim područjima kartu i kontrolu ih dokle god je moguće.

The game also includes a variety of racing and cooperative modes, which include Race, in which players race through checkpoints in a traditional automobile race; a GTA Race variation, where players race through checkpoints in an automobile race, with the ability to combat their opponents; Hangman's NOOSE, a co-op mode that requires players to collect a person from the airport and safely escort him to the extraction point before the cops kill him; Deal Breaker, a co-op mission that requires players to assault a construction site captured by enemies, then chase a group of enemies before they escape; and Bomb da Base II, a co-op mission that requires players to clear out a ship, then destroy it with explosives. Igra također uključuje različite trkaće i kooperativni modovi, koji uključuju Race, u kojoj igrač utrka kroz punktove u tradicionalnom automobilskih utrka, a GTA Race varijacija, gdje igrač utrka kroz punktove u automobilskoj utrci, s sposobnost za borbu protiv njihovih protivnika ; dželat je zamka, a co-op mod koji zahtijeva igrača da prikuplja osobu od aerodroma i sigurno otpratiti ga na vađenje bod Drotovi ubiti pred njim; Deal prekidač, a co-op misija koja zahtijeva igrača na napad izgradnji site uhvaćeni prema neprijateljima, onda potjera grupu neprijatelja prije nego oni pobjeći, a bomba da Base II, Co-op misije igrača koji zahtijeva za brisanje iz broda, a zatim ga s eksploziva. The game also features a Free Mode, in which players have the entire map open to explore, with no end goal or mission to complete. Igra također ima Free Mode, u kojoj igrači imaju otvoren cijelu kartu da istraži, bez krajnjeg cilja ili za završetak misije.

There are, however, limitations when playing Free Mode. Postoje, međutim, ograničenja kada svira Free Mode. Certain features from the single player story mode are disabled. Određene značajke iz jednog igrača priča modu su onemogućene. The disabled features include the mini-games such as bowling, darts, and pool. Invalide značajke uključuju mini-igre, kao što su kuglanje, pikado, te bazen. Also disabled is other content found in the game, including cheats, clubs and the internet café. Također je onemogućio drugih sadržaja u igru, uključujući vara, klubovi i Internet caffe. These limitations also apply for all other game-types. [ citation needed ] Ta ograničenja važe i za sve ostale igre-vrste. [Citat potreban]

Synopsis Sinopsis

Plot Zemljište

Niko and the Statue of Happiness on Happiness Island Niko te kipom sreci o sreci Otok Grand Theft Auto IV follows the story of Niko Bellic , an illegal immigrant and veteran of the Bosnian War. Grand Theft Auto IV slijedi priča o Niko Bellic, nezakonita imigrant i veteran u bosanskom ratu. After persuasion from his cousin Roman who immigrated to America years prior to the game's opening, Niko leaves Eastern Europe [ 21 ] to come to Liberty City, where he hopes to forget his criminal past and pursue the American Dream . Nakon uvjeravanje sestrična iz svoga rimskog koji emigrirao u Ameriku godina prije igre otvorenja, Niko ostavlja Istočnoj Europi [21] da dođe u Liberty Cityu, gdje se nada da zaboravimo prošlost i njegov kazneni progoni američki san. After his arrival, however, Niko quickly learns that Roman's tales of riches and luxury were lies concealing Roman's struggles with debt and gangsters. Nakon njegova dolaska, no, Niko brzo uči da rimski's pripovijesti bogatstvo i luksuz su rimski nalazi concealing's borbe s dugom i gangsters. Niko aids Roman in his troubles while hoping to carve out a new life for himself in the city. Niko pomagala rimske nevolje, dok u njegovoj nadi da izgrade novi život za sebe u gradu.

It is later revealed that Niko came to Liberty City primarily to search for the person he blames for the betrayal of his old army unit: Florian Cravic . To je kasnije otkrila da Niko dođe u Liberty City prvenstveno traže je osoba blames za nevjerstvo njegova vojska stara jedinica: Florian Cravic. Niko soon creates ties with the Liberty City Bratva through Roman's loan shark Vladimir Glebov and later makes acquaintance with a major figure of the Bratva, Mikhail Faustin and his associate, Dimitri Rascalov . Niko brzo stvara veze s Liberty City Bratva kroz Rimsko je lihvar Vladimir Glebov i kasnije čini poznanstvo s glavnim likom na Bratva, Mikhail Faustin i njegov suradnik, Dimitri Rascalov. Niko completes jobs for Faustin before joining Dimitri's plot to betray Faustin and take over the organization. Niko ne završi posao za Faustin prije priključivanja Dimitri's zemljište izdati Faustin i preuzme organizaciju. Niko assassinates Faustin on Dimitri's orders and later meets with him to collect his reward for the killing. Niko assassinates Faustin na Dimitri's naređenja i kasnije razgovarao s njim skupljati njegova nagrada za ubijanje. Dimitri, however, betrays Niko and reveals that he is in collusion with Rodislav Bulgarin , a former employer of Niko who orders his men to kill him. Little Jacob , a Jamaican arms dealer whom Niko befriended earlier, arrives on the scene and rescues Niko. Dimitri, međutim, izdaje Niko te otkriva da je on u dosluh sa Rodislav Bulgarin, bivši poslodavac je Niko, koji naloge svojim ljudima da ga ubiju. Little Jacob, a Jamajke trgovcu oružjem kojega Niko befriended ranije, stiže na scenu i rescues Niko. Dimitri and Bulgarin escape, however, and Jacob suggests dealing with them later. Dimitri Bulgarin i pobjeći, međutim, sugerira i Jakova bave ih kasnije.

Niko receives a phone call from Roman, who is hiding in a remote location after having received several silent calls . Niko prima telefonski poziv od rimskog, koji je u bjekstvu udaljenog mjesta nakon što je primio nekoliko poziva Nečujno. The two meet up and they drive back to find both Roman's apartment and taxi depot in flames. Dva zadovoljiti i voziti ih natrag u oba rimska je pronaći stan i taxi depo u plamenu. The two escape to Bohan, after receiving death threats from Dimitri, and Roman reveals his plans to propose to his girlfriend Mallorie. Ta dvojica pobjeći u Bohan, nakon primanja prijetnji smrću od Dimitri i rimski otkriva da predlože njegovi planovi za njegov djevojka Mallorie. Niko progressively obtains new allies in the city, including the McReary family (mobsters Gerry and Packie, cop Francis and drug dealer Derrick), Playboy X, Dwayne Forge, Elizabeta Torres, Manny Escuela and more gaining the money to provide for his and Roman's life while furthering his connections towards locating the person he is searching for. Niko se postupno dobiva nove saveznike u gradu, uključujući McReary obitelji (mobsters Gari i Packie, policajac Franje i drug dealer Derrick), Playboy X, Dwayne Forge, Elizabeta Torres, Manny Escuela i dobivaju više novaca dati za njegov život i rimske dok je veza prema njegovu daljnjem locirati osobu on je traži. Niko eventually locates Florian, but discovers that he has changed his name to Bernie Crane, and ultimately Niko determines that Bernie is not the person responsible for his unit's betrayal leading him towards the only remaining suspect: Darko Brevic . Niko eventualno locates Florian, ali otkriva da je promijenio ime u Bernie Crane, i na kraju zaključi da Bernie Niko nije odgovoran za svoje jedinice nevjerstvo vodeći ga prema jedini preostali osumnjičeni: Darko Brevic.

Towards the conclusion of the storyline, a shadowy government agency (under the name of " UL Paper ") that had forced Niko to help them in collusion with an aging mobster, Jon Gravelli , locates Darko in Bucharest and arrange to have him brought to Liberty City as a final reward. Prema kraju pričom, sjenoviti vladina agencija (pod imenom "UL Paper") koji je Niko prisiljen da im pomogne u dosluh sa starenje član organizovane bande, Jon Gravelli, locates Darko u Bukureštu i dogovoriti da su ga doveli na slobodu Grad kao konačnu nagradu. Niko confronts Darko, who has become a drug-addicted, guilt-ridden wreck. Niko confronts Darko, koji je postao drug-ovisnik, krivnje-voziti olupina. The player is then left with the option of either executing Darko or sparing his life. Igrač zatim lijevo uz mogućnost bilo izvršavanju Darko ili oskudan život. During this period, Niko also does work for the Italian crime syndicate, led by Jimmy Pegorino, Phil Bell and Ray Boccino. Tokom ovog perioda, Niko se ne rade za talijanske kriminala sindikat, predvođen Jimmy Pegorino, Phil Bell i Ray Boccino. Afterwards, having dealt with his past, Niko relaxes at a bar when mob boss Jimmy Pegorino shows up and asks him one final favour; to obtain a shipment of heroin for him that he can sell to a buyer: Dimitri Rascalov. [ 43 ] Nakon toga, nakon što su se bavila njegova prošlost, Niko opušta u baru kad mob šef Jimmy Pegorino pojavi i pita ga jedan konačna korist; dobiti pošiljku heroina za njega da je on može prodati do kupca: Dimitri Rascalov. [43]

Finale Finale
The story features two possible endings depending on the choice made by the player at this point in the game. Priča značajki dva moguća završetke u zavisnosti od izbora od strane igrača u ovom trenutku u igri. The player can choose to have Niko exact revenge on Dimitri or make a deal with him. Igrač može odlučiti da se osvete Niko točno na Dimitri ili upućivanje nositi s njim.

If the player chooses to exact Revenge , Niko ambushes Dimitri on his tanker while he is supervising a shipment. Ako igrač odabere točan Revenge, Niko Dimitri zasjede na njegov tanker dok je nadzor jedne pošiljke. A gunfight ensues within the hull of the tanker and Niko kills Dimitri. A gunfight ensues unutar trupa od tanker i Niko ubija Dimitri. In the aftermath, Roman and Mallorie's wedding takes place and Jimmy Pegorino, who is furious after the betrayal, commits a drive-by outside the church killing Niko's love interest, Kate McReary . U otava, rimskog i Mallorie vjenčanju odvija se i Jimmy Pegorino, koji je bijesan nakon nevjerstvo, počini drive-by izvan crkve ubojstvu Niko ljubav interes, Kate McReary. Niko, Roman and Little Jacob follow some of Pegorino's men, who lead them to an abandoned casino in Alderney. Niko, rimskih i Little Jacob slijediti neke Pegorino ljudi, koji ih vodi do napuštenog casino u Alderney. Niko attempts to kill Pegorino, but he escapes to Happiness Island via boat while Niko pursues him with a helicopter. Niko ne pokusava ubiti Pegorino, ali on to escapes sreci Otok putem brodom dok teži Niko ga s helikoptera. Niko kills Pegorino, before lamenting on the supposed "American Dream" to Roman and Jacob. Niko ubija Pegorino, prije lamenting na navodni "American Dream" u rimsko i Jakova.

If the player chooses to strike a Deal , Niko meets Phil Bell at the docks to make the exchange. Ako igrač odabere sstrajk posao, Niko zadovoljava Phil Bell na dokovima izvršiti razmjenu. Dimitri sabotages his side of the deal but Niko and Phil eventually retrieve the drug money regardless. Dimitri sabotages njegovu stranu posla, ali i Niko Phil konačno preuzeli droga neovisno novac. Kate, who was against making the deal, is disappointed with Niko and refuses to attend Roman and Mallorie's wedding. Kate, koja je protiv čineći posao je razočaran Niko te odbije da prisustvuje rimske i Mallorie vjenčanju. The wedding takes place and an assassin sent by Dimitri to kill Niko inadvertently shoots and kills Roman during a struggle. Svadba se održava i ubojica Dimitri poslani da ubiju Niko nehotice puca i ubija rimske tijekom borbe. A devastated and vengeful Niko teams up with Little Jacob and they go to an abandoned casino in Alderney to kill Dimitri, who is now in partnership with Pegorino. Devastiranom i osvetljiv Niko momčadi sa Little Jacob i idu u jedan napušten u casino Alderney ubiti Dimitri, koji je sada u partnerstvu sa Pegorino. Jacob then leaves to formulate an escape plan for Niko after he kills Dimitri. Jacob zatim ostavlja da formulira jedan plan za bijeg nakon što je Niko ubija Dimitri. In the casino, Dimitri kills Pegorino and attempts to escape. U casino, Dimitri ubija Pegorino i pokušaja da pobjegne. Niko and Little Jacob follow him to Happiness Island, where Niko kills Dimitri. Niko te Little Jacob slijediti ga u sreci Island, gdje je Niko ubija Dimitri. The story ends with a parting shot of the Statue of Happiness, with Niko concerned for the well-being of his soul. [ 43 ] Priča završava umirući pucao Statua od sreće, a Niko zabrinuta za dobrobit njegove duše. [43]

Setting Postavka
Main article: GTA IV Liberty City Rendition Glavni članak: GTA IV Liberty City prevođenje

GTA IV' s rendition of Liberty City is more heavily based on New York City than in previous GTA games. [ 44 ] GTA IV je izlaganje u Liberty City je teško na temelju New Yorku nego u prethodnim GTA igara. [44] Grand Theft Auto IV takes place in a redesigned version of Liberty City consisting of four boroughs, based on four of the boroughs of New York City. Broker is the equivalent of Brooklyn ; Queens is Dukes ; The Bronx is Bohan and Manhattan is Algonquin . Grand Theft Auto IV održava se u redizajniranoj verziji Liberty Grad se sastoji od četiri boroughs, temelji se na četiri od boroughs of New York City. Broker je ekvivalent Brooklyn, Queens je knezova; The Bronx je Bohan i Manhattan je Algonquin. Adjacent to the city is the independent state of Alderney based on New Jersey and is named after a Channel Island . Uz grad Nezavisne Države Alderney na temelju New Jersey i nazvano po Channel Island. A Staten Island -esque area is not featured in the game as the developers believed that gameplay in such an area would not be fun. [ 45 ] Initially, the city's bridges are locked down due to a terrorist threat, but eventually the armed police blockades are lifted and the player is able to lead Niko across the Broker , Algonquin and Northwood Heights bridges and explore the rest of the city. A Staten Island-esque područje nije sadržanu u igri što su vjerovali da razvijatelji igre u takav prostor ne bi bilo zabavno. [45] U početku, gradske su mostovi zaključan dolje zbog terorističkom prijetnjom, ali konačnu naoruzzanih policijske blokade su ukinute, a igrač je u mogućnosti voditi Niko preko brokera, Algonquin i Northwood Heights mostova i istražiti ostatak grada.

Several real-life districts and landmarks exist within Liberty City, including "Hove Beach", based on Brighton Beach and named from Brighton and Hove ; "Firefly Island", based on Coney Island , featuring the "Screamer" roller coaster modelled on the Coney Island Cyclone ; "Middle Park", a replica of Central Park ; "Statue of Happiness" modeled on Statue of Liberty , featuring a Styrofoam coffee cup in place of a torch; "Star Junction", a replica of Times Square ; "BOABO" (Beneath the Offramp of the Algonquin Bridge Overpass) a parody of DUMBO ; the "Triangle Building", a replica of the Flatiron Building ; the "GetaLife Building", a replica of MetLife Building ; the "Booth Tunnel", modelled on the Lincoln Tunnel and named after Abraham Lincoln 's assassin, John Wilkes Booth ; "BAWSAQ", a parody of NASDAQ ; the "Rotterdam Tower", the in-game equivalent of the Empire State Building and the "Zirconium Building", Liberty City's equivalent of the Chrysler Building . Nekoliko stvarnim okruzima i orijentiri postoje unutar Liberty Cityja, uključujući "Hove Plaža", temelji se na Brighton Beach i zove iz Brighton i Hove; "svitac otok", na temelju kunić otoku, u kojem je "vrišti" brdska željeznica uzoru na kunić Otok ciklonskog; "Middle Park", a replici Central Park "; Statue of Happiness", po uzoru na Kip slobode, s jedne Styrofoam šalicu kave u mjestu je buktinja; "Star spajanja", a replici Times Square "; BOABO" (Ispod Offramp u Algonquin Bridge nadvožnjak) a parodija od DUMBO, a "Izgradnja Triangl", njegovu repliku od pegla Građevinska; je "GetaLife Building", a replici MetLife Građevinska; je "Booth Tunel", po uzoru na Lincoln Tunel i nazvana po Abraham Lincoln je ubojica, John Wilkes Booth "; BAWSAQ", a parodija na NASDAQ, a "Rotterdam Tower", in-game ekvivalent je Empire State Building i "Cirkonij Building", Liberty City's ekvivalent u Chrysler Building.

Characters Likovi
Main articles: List of characters in Grand Theft Auto IV and List of gangs in the Grand Theft Auto series Glavni članci: Popis likova u Grand Theft Auto IV i Popis bande u Grand Theft Auto series

Niko Bellic with Dimitri Rascalov at a seaside amusement park Niko Bellic s Dimitri Rascalov na moru zabavni park The characters that appear in Grand Theft Auto IV are diverse and relative to the respective boroughs of Liberty City they are based in; belonging to various gangs and ethnic groups. Likovi koji se pojavljuju u Grand Theft Auto IV su raznolika i u odnosu na odgovarajuće boroughs of Liberty City da su sa sjedištem u; pripadaju različitim etničkim skupinama i bandama. The player controls Niko Bellic , a veteran of an Eastern European war. [ 21 ] According to Dan Houser, virtually none of the characters from the previous games are returning, as "most of the characters we liked were dead," [ 45 ] further evidenced by in-game graffiti bidding farewell to these characters. [ 43 ] Igrač kontrolira Niko Bellic, veteran je istočnoeuropski rata. [21] Prema Dan Houser, gotovo nitko od likova iz prethodnih igara se vraćate, jer "većina likova su mi se svidio mrtav," [45] daljnje pokazuje in-game Zbogom grafitima ponude tih znakova. [43]

Unlike previous games in the series, the voice actors of Grand Theft Auto IV do not include notable and high-profile celebrities, instead opting for lesser known actors such as Michael Hollick, Jason Zumwalt, Timothy Adams and Coolie Ranx . Za razliku od prethodnih igara u nizu, glas glumaca Grand Theft Auto IV ne uključuju ugledan i visoko profil ličnosti, umjesto opciju za manji poznati glumci kao što su Michael Hollick, Jason Zumwalt, Timothy Adams i kuli Ranx. However, several high-profile DJs host the various radio stations within the game such as Iggy Pop , Karl Lagerfeld , DJ Premier , and Lazlow Jones . Saturday Night Live actors Bill Hader , Fred Armisen , and Jason Sudeikis appear on the liberal and conservative radio talk shows respectively. Katt Williams and Ricky Gervais also have their likenesses and comedy depicted in an in-game comedy club. [ 43 ] Međutim, nekoliko high-profile DJ-domaćin raznih radio postaja u igri kao što je Iggy Pop, Karl Lagerfeld, DJ Premier, a Lazlow Jones. Subota Night Live glumci Bill Hader, Fred Armisen, a Jason Sudeikis pojaviti na liberalne i konzervativne radio razgovor pokazuje respektivno. Katt Williams i Ricky Gervais također imaju svoje likenesses i komedija prikazana u in-game komedija klub.

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