16.02.2006. četvrtak

14.2. Valentinovo

Opet sam bolestan! Pa kaj se to dešava?! Ne znam…

Nije mi baš najbolje, ali eto, kaj je, tu je…

Josipa je upoznala moje roditelje, e da. I to baš na Valentinovo. Doveo sam ju doma jer smo se tako i dogovorili. Kod mene smo izmijenili poklone. Moja prvobitna ideja za Valentinovo je bila da na neki papir stavim našu fotku i da ispod napišem neke stihove od Queena. Jedina naša fotka koju sam imao je bila s mobitela, a na kompjuteru je bila jako loša rezolucija. Tako da to, na žalost, nije bilo izvedivo. Pa sam se zaputio u parfumeriju i tražio stručnu pomoć od neke mlađe prodavačice. Žena je bila stvarno ljubazna i puno mi je pomogla. Ipak žena zna kaj žena voli. Izvukla je sve parfeme i uz njenu pomoć pao je izbor. Kupio sam još čokoladu s jagodama. I mama mi je dosta pomogla kaj se tiče izbora parfema. I ona se dosta u to kuži tako da mi je bila od velike pomoći.

Tako sam ju doveo kod sebe izmijenili smo poklone. Ja sam dobio biografiju od Jima i jedu prekrasnu pjesmu… No to ću ipak ostaviti za sebe…
Hvala ti Josipa…

Na kraju sam ju još odveo u HNK na balet Trunoružicu.

Bilo nam je savršen cijeli dan… Saaaavršen…

It's always a rainy day without you,
I'm a prisoner of love inside you -
I'm falling apart all around you - yeah.
My heart cries out to your heart,
I'm lonely but you can save me,
My hand reaches out for your hand,
I'm cold but you light the fire in me,
My lips search for your lips,
I'm hungry for your touch,
There's so much left unspoken
And all I can do is surrender
To the moment just surrender.

Komentari (7) #

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Info point:

Ime: Sven
Rođen u: Zagrebu
Rođen dana: 23.11.1988. (read between the lines;))
Škola: Hotelijersko turistička
I još: Škola za suvremeni ples Ane Maletić
Aktivnosti: klavir, bubnjevi, Podmladak studia za suvremeni ples
Volim: duuge kave, dobro društvo, dobru muziku i lijepe cure
Ne volim: nepravdu i zavist
U slobodno vrijeme sam: u Praćki

Kontakt: 259-471-056

Band: The Doors, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, Beatles
Album: A Night at the Opera (Queen)
Pjesma: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Beatles)
Vokal: Freddie Mercury, Jannis Joplin, Robert Plant
Gitarist: Jimmy Page, Mark Knofler, Jimi Hendrix
Bubnjar: John Henry Bonham
Filmovi: LOTR, Matrix, Kosa, Forrest Gump
Knjige: Siddartha, Narcis i Zlatousti, Životinjska farma, LOTR, Silmarilion…

Love of my life: PLES

You Take My Breath Away

Look into my eyes and you'll see
I'm the only one
You've captured my love
Stolen my heart
Changed my life
Everytime you make a move
You destroy my mind
And the way you touch
I lose control and shiver deep inside
You take my breath away

You can reduce me to tears
With a single sigh
Every breath that you take -
Any sound that you make
Is a whisper in my ear
I could give up all my life for just one kiss
I would surely die
If you dismiss me from your love
You take my breath away

So please don't go
Don't leave me here all by myself
I get ever so lonely from time to time
I will find you
Anywhere you go, I'll be right behind you
Right untill the ends of the earth
I'll get no sleep till I find you to tell you
That you just take my breath away

I will find you
Anywhere you go, I'll be right behind you
Right until the ends of the earth
I'll get no sleep till I find you to
tell you when I've found you -
I love you

Don't Try So Hard

If you're searching out for something -
Don't try so hard
If you're feeling kinda nothing -
Don't try so hard
When your problems seem like mountains
You feel the need to find some answer
You can leave them for another day
Don't try so hard
But if you fall and take tumble -
It won't be far
If you fail you mustn't grumble -
Thank your lucky stars
Just savour every mouthful
And tresure every moment
When the storms are raging round you
Stay right where you are
Don't try so hard
Oooh don't take it all to heart
It's only fools they make these rules
Don't try so hard
One day you'll be a sergeant major
Oh you'll be so proud
Screeming out your bloody orders
Hey but not too loud
Polish all your shiny buttons
Dressed as lamb instead of mutton
But you never had to try
To stand out from the crowd
Oh what a beautiful world
Is this life for me
Oh what a beautiful world
It's the simple life for me
Oh don't try so hard
Oh don't take it all to heart
It's only fools - they make these rules
Don't try so hard
Don't try so hard

Dizajn by: trince & High Hopes