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riješi dušo da vidim kolko me poznaješ




Anja 13

lunar phases

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mozda bi trebali znat par sitnica o meni(ako ikog zanima):
-svoju obitelj,koja mi je uz prijatelje najvece oslonac u zivotu
-svoje prijatelje
-biti sama,iako voim drustvo i samoce se zapravo bojim,ponekad
mi je potrebna tisina i samoca
-svoju sobu
-svoj krevet
-noc koja me fascinira i vodi u druagcije svijetove
-snijeg i sve snjezne radosti
-more koje mi zna jako nedostajat
-uspomene u kojima sam precesto uhvacena
-mjuzu(ajme sto bi ja bez nje,definitivno te izvuce iz svega)
-knjige(koje me vode svugdje i tamo gdje nisam nikad bila)
-fan fictione
-poeziju(koja me kao i muzika vadi iz svega)
-gitare(opcinjena sam gitaristima i solazama)
-tetu miru(iliti planet music)
-metal music charts ;))
-hipije,woodstock i njihovo razmisljanje
-zivotinje(svoje dvije kornjace)
-prirodu(umjesto da se zblizavmo mi se sve vise udaljujemo od nje)
-putovanja(putovala bih svkai dan)
-tamno ljubicastu i zelenu boju
-ljude sa stavom
-slobodu u svakom smislu
-pozitivno gledanje na zivot
-osudivanje ljudi
-pretjerano pametovanje
-nepostenje i nepravdu
-mucenje zivotinja
-ljude bez stavova
-neprekidno kritiziranje
-pesimizam(casa je napola puna,a ne prazna ;))
-osudivanje gay ljudi
-ljude koji nemaju argumente i koji se obracunavaju sakama

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super blogovi koje citam:

Tina the sestricna















Destination Unknown

ovak ove novije koje sad citam cu stavit ubrzo,ne brinite,ak
netko ima posebnu zelju nek se javi;)


truly,great friends
are hard to find,difficult to leave and impossible to forget

the only way to have
a friend is to be a one

<don't cry for anyone who
won't cry for you

love is giving someone the ability
to destroy you but trusting them enough not to

Justice Is Lost
Justice Is Raped
Justice Is Gone
Pulling Your Strings
Justice Is Done
Seeking No Truth
Winning Is All
Find it So Grim
So True
So Real

For a hill men would kill, why? They do not know
Suffered wounds test there their pride
Men of five, still alive through the raging glow
Gone insane from the pain that they surely know

I take a walk outside
I'm surrounded by some kids at play
I can feel their laughter,
So why do I sear?
Hard and twisted thoughts that spin round my head
I'm spinning, oh, I'm spinning
How quick the sun can, drop away
And now my bitter hands cradle broken glass
Of what was everything?
All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything..

I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star,
In somebody else's sky, but why
Why, why can't it be, oh can't it be mine...

Holding his last breath
Believing... he'll make his way
But she's not forgotten
He's haunted...he's searching for escape

If just one wish could bring her back
It's sad... and his loneliness is proof
It's sad... he will always love you
It's sad

I know... life would be different had I... held on. Held on.
I know... I could be something had I... held on. Held on.
I know... I could be something if I... held on! Held on.
I know... life would be different if I... held on! Held on!

Down in a hole, feeling so small
Down in a hole, losing my soul
I'd like to fly,
But my wings have been so denied

Like the coldest winter chill
Heaven beside you... Hell within
Like the coldest winter chill
Heaven beside you... Hell within
Like the coldest winter will
Heaven beside you... Hell within
And you think you have it still, heaven inside you

Free fall flow, river flow
On and on it goes
Breath under water 'till the end
Free fall flow, river flow
On and on it goes
Breath under water 'till the end
Yes, the river knows

So you children of the world,
listen to what I say
If you want a better place to live in
spread the words today
Show the world that love is still alive
you must be brave
Or you children of today are
Children of the Grave, Yeah!

When you're in my arms
The world makes sense
There is no pretense
And you're crying
When you're by my side
There is no defense
I forget to sense
I'm dying

Sometimes I try
Sometimes I lie, with you
Sometimes I cry
Sometimes I die, it's true
Somewhere I find
Something that's kind

Come on over
Lay down beside me
And I'll try
Come on over
Lay down beside me
And I'll try
And I'll try
I want it all

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The WeatherPixie

<< Arhiva >>

subota, 01.12.2007.

...and now it doesn't hurt anymore...

Pala je i ozljedila koljeno.Krv je potekla i rana je zapekla.No curica je bila hrabra i suzdržala se od plakanja.Otišla je doma i stavila na ranu šareni flaster.Baš su lijepi ti šareni rekla je i pomislila da jedino dobro od tog pada je to što sad može na koljenu imati šareni flaster.Prošlo je tjedan dana i curica je htjela vidjeti je li rana zacijelila.Zašmirila je, stisnula zube i naglo povuka flaster.Što brže to će manje boljeti.No rana je i dalje bila otvorena i pekla je dosta.Ovaj put od nagle boli curica je zasuzila malo, ali brzo je rukavom obrisala vlažne oči i stavila novi flaster,odnosno dva flastera kako bi što bolje čuvala ranu.Odlučila je pričekati malo duže i nadati se kako ju sljedeći put neće zaboliti kad otkrije staru ranu.Nabacila je vedri osmijeh i krenula van.Srela je puno prijatelja vani koji su je zabrinuto pitali što joj se dogodilo i zašto ima šarene flastere na koljenu.Kad im je objasnila svaki joj je dao novi flaster kako bi još manje boljelo.I zaista manje je boljelo.A kad je curica napokon skinula flastere,jedan po jedan otkrila je da rane više nema već samo mala mrljica koje je podsjećala na nešto što je nekad bilo.Istrčala je sretna van i objavila sretnu vijest prijateljima.Zajedno su, u smijehu i u igri proveli taj dan,pa dan iza toga i tako sve unedogled.

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