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05.09.2010., nedjelja


Ormc-Johnson, D.W., Farrow, J.T.(Eds.) „Scientific research on the Transcendental Meditation program: Collected papers", vol.1. Rheinweiler, W.Germany: Maharishi European Re¬search University (MERU) Press, 1977.
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Ibidem p.651-660
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Detaljniju analizu ovih eksperimenata kao i elaboraciju teorijskih osnova ovih fenomena vidjeti u radu: Voš L. „Maharishijev program za stvaranje svjetskog mira". Politička misao 2, 1989, 79-98
Dillbeck.M.C.. Landrith G., Ormc-Johnson D.W. „The TM program and crime rate change in a sample of forty-eight cities" - Journal of Crime and Justicc 4, 1981, 25-45
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Orme-Johnson D.W., Gelderloos p.; Dillbeck N.C. „The effects of the Maharishi Techno¬logy of the Unified Field on the US quality of life (1960-1984)"; Social Science Perspectives Journal Vol.2, 4, 1988, 127-146.
Cavanaugh K.L. „Time-Series Analysis of U.S. and Canadian Inflation and Unemploy¬ment: A test of a Field-Theoretic Hypothesis", In: Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section, p.799-804, Washington D.C.: American Statistical Association, 1987..
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Orme-Johnson D.W. Alexander C.N. Davies J.L., Chandler H.M.: Larimore W.E. „Inter¬national peace project in the Middle East: The Effect of the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field", Department of Osychology", MIU, Iowa, SAD; Department of Psychology and Social Relati¬ons, Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts, SAD; Institute for Research on Consciousness and Human Development, Cambridge, Massachusetts, SAD; and Scientific Systems, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, SAD, 1984.. Takoder isti rad u: Journal of Conflict Resolution vol 32,4, 1988, 776-812
Orme-Johnson D.W., Cevanaugh K.L. Alexander C.N. Gelderloos P., Dillbeck M., Landorf A.G. and Abou Nader T.M. „The influence of the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field on world events and global social indicators: The effects of the Taste of Utopia Assambly", MIU, Iowa, SAD and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, SAD, 1984..
Orme-Johnson D.W., Dillbeck M.D., Alexander C.N., Cranson R.W., Chandler H.M. „Strategic interventions reducing international conflicts and terrorism: Time-series analysis of the effects of coherence creating groups". Paper presented to the 85th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA August 1989.
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Davis J.L., Alexander C.N. „Alleviating political violence through reduction of collective stress: Impact assessment analysis of the Lebanon War", Paper presented to the 85th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA August 1989.
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Vidjeti: „Maharishi's Programme to Create World Peace: Global Inauguration"; MERU Press, Vlodrop, Holland; Age of Enlightenment Press Washington D.C., SAD, 1987.
Orme-Johnson D.W., Gelderloos P. „Topografic EEG Mapping During Jogic Flying", International Journal of Neuroscience, vol.38, 1988, 427-434.
Vidjeti: „Maharishi's Programme to Create World Peace" p. 20-25, Maharishi Vcdic University (MVU) Press, Publication No: 11170, Vlodrop, Holland, 1986.
S obzirom na to da u svijetu ima preko četiri milijuna TM praktikanata i oko 70 tisuća TM-sidhi praktikanata koji u manjim i većim skupinama kolektivno već vježbaju TM-sidhi program, pretpostavlja se da se odredene indicije svjetskog mira mogu pojaviti, iako ne u stopostotnoj snazi, čak i prije osnivanja trajne skupine od 7.000 TM-sidhi praktikanata - Prema referatu dr. Bevana Morisa, rektora MlU-a. na Međunarodnoj konferenciji o svjetskom miru održanoj 28.03.1988. u Haagu.
Maharishi M.Y. „Creating an Ideal Society", p.142, op.cit.
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Maharishi M.Y. „Creating an Ideal Society", p.10, op.cit.
Clements G. „Tour of Universities in the People's Republic of China"; Paradigm Print Gateshead, Great Britain, 1986.
Vidjeti: „Maharishi International University News" p.6, Fairfield, Iowa, Spring 1987.
Orme-Johnson D.W., Dillbcck M.C. „A proposal to establish a U.S. Academy of Peace; In: Proceedings of the hearing before the Subcommittees on International Security and Scientific Affairs and on International Operations of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Subcommittee on Postsecondery Education of the Committee on Education and Labor"; House of Representatives, Ninety-Seventh Congress, Second Session, on bills H.R. 5088 and H.R. 6182, 21 July 1982, p.241-250; U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1982.
Dr. Jose Louis Alvares jc izjavio daje opunomoćen, od brazilskih vlasti, da ove podatke javno prezentira tijekom globalnog, intersatelitskog TV prijenosa iz Maharishijevog centra u New Delhiu, 12.01.1989. (za Evropu: ECS-1, channel-llight 2, od 20-23h)
Također: „Berlingskc Tidende", 25. April 1989., Copenhagen.
Vidjeti: „Dr. John Hagelin Adresses Top Soviet Physicists"; MIU News, p.l, Winter 1988, Iowa, SAD.
Obavijesti Društva za primjenu TM, br. 3/1989. str. 11, Zagreb. Također: „The Daily News" 28.04.1989., „The Times of India" 02.04.1989., New Delhi itd.
„Rebuilding Armenia", The Fairfield Source, p.lž3, No. 9,1989, Fairfield, Iowa, SAD.
,Armenian Proposal", The Fairfield Source, p.13, No 10, 1989
„MIU Team Off to Armenia", MIU Rewiev, p.4-5, Vol.5, No.5, Nov. 21, 1989.
„Bringing Relief to Armenia", MIU News, p.13, December - February 1990, Fairfield, Iowa.
Pored javne prezentacije Maharishijevog Programa i kriterija za praćenje njegove reali¬zacije tijekom 1986.g., Maharishi je redovno objavljivao oglase u vodećim svjetskim časopisima i slao pozive političkim čelnicima u kojima je najavljivao razvoj međunarodnih dogadaja.
Vidjeti: „Poziv na akciju - Maharishijev program stvaranja svjetskog mira". Publication No. N3016
Tečaj tehnike TM-a traje 6 dana, svaki dan otprilike 1,5 sat, što znači daje nakon desetak sati čovjek naučio tehniku TM-a i može je samostalno prakticirati cijeloga života. U Hrvatskoj se tehnika TM-a legalno podučava u okviru Hrvatskog saveza za transcendentalnu meditaciju (koji ima status društvene organizacije) - u svim većim gradovima.

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