nedjelja, 24.10.2010.

EU to back sale of meat and milk from cloned animal offspring

The sale of meat and milk from the offspring of cloned farm animals is set to be backed by EU Commissioners despite mass consumer opposition.

A huge majority of the public is against clone animal farming, according to studies in Britain and across Europe.

Concerns surround the ethics of the process, the welfare of the animals and a lack of research on food safety. However, a leaked report to be discussed by the EU’s College of Commissioners today comes out in favour of food from the offspring of clones.

A new report suggests that the offspring of cloned animals

A new report suggests that the offspring of cloned animals could be consumed

Alarmingly, it appears this food would not have to be labelled, leaving families completely in the dark about what they are putting in their mouths.

Specifically, the report proposes a temporary five-year ban on the sale of meat and milk from clones, but there would be no ban on food from their offspring.

If this policy is adopted, European farms could be populated by cloned supersize animals used as breeding stock for cows, pigs and sheep that are reared for food.

Clones themselves can suffer a range of painful conditions, including malformed organs and gigantism. Many die in the womb or soon after birth.

But the Commission and the Government take the view that meat and milk from the offspring of a clone is effectively normal and therefore no ban or labelling is required.

The Daily Mail revealed in the summer that more than 100 cattle – pedigree Holstein milking cows – which are the offspring of clones are being raised on British farms.

We also revealed how meat from two clone-offspring bulls and one veal calf had been sold in butcher shops in Scotland, North-East England, London and Belgium.

The Food Standards Agency has made clear it believes it is illegal to sell meat and milk from these sources without first getting its approval.

Food and farming minister Caroline Spelman supports the move to force meat and milk from clone offspring into supermarkets.

The idea that the European Commission and the Government are putting the interest of high-tech clone farmers over the concerns of consumers and animal welfare has angered critics.

What's in your shopping bag? The Daily Mail revealed how meat from two clone-offspring bulls and one veal calf had been sold in butcher shops in Scotland, North-East England, London and Belgium

What's in your shopping bag? The Daily Mail revealed how meat from two clone-offspring bulls and one veal calf had been sold in butcher shops in Scotland, North-East England, London and Belgium

The attitude has echoes of the BSE crisis and the way biotech firms tried to force GM food into the national diet.

A 2008 EU study found consumers across Europe are unhappy at this new era of ‘Frankenstein food’ farming.

Eighty-seven per cent of Britons said too little is known about the long-term health and safety effects of eating food from these animals.

A separate study for the FSA found that the more consumers learned about cloning, the greater were the objections. The vast majority said food derived from these animals should be labelled.

Even if the Commissioners and the Government back the sale of food from clone offspring, this is not final. MEPs and other, more sceptical, nations could try to block the policy.

Izvor: Daily Mail

- 09:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 23.10.2010.

Joseph E. Stiglitz: Tajni planovi MMF-a i Svjetske banke za obnovu i razvoj zabrinjavaju

Joseph E. Stiglitz, autor ovog teksta, je visokopozicionirani njujorški bankar, najcitiraniji ekonomist na svijetu. (Svaka sličnost i usporedba s hrvatskim političarima u ovom tekstu je namjerna. Ovo jest priča o Republici Hrvatskoj i njezinoj novijoj povijesti.)


Joseph Stiglitz, profesor ekonomije na američkom sveučilištu Stanford, bivši savjetnik predsjedničkog vijeća Billa Clintona i bivši predsjednik Svjetske banke za obnovu i razvoj odlučio je „progovoriti“ o tome kako moćne zapadne banke i Međunarodni monetarni fond u svojim tajnim dokumentima planiraju i hladnokrvno izazivaju socijalne nemire u mnogim siromašnim i tranzicijskim zemljama diljem svijeta koje „pomažu“. Članak je izvorno objavljen u „The Observeru“, 29 travnja 2001. prije desetak godina. a mi ga prenosimu u prijevodu i obradi dr. Ivana Šimatovića. (Časopis „Svjetlost“)
Original možete pozvati na Googlu: Joseph Stiglitz Observer, četvrti red: IMF's four steps to damnation.


Perfidno smišljeni scenarij je slijedeći: Prvo se snimi i detaljno analizira gospodarsko i kadrovsko stanje svake države koja zatraži financijsku pomoć za svoj razvitak ili opstanak. Nakon toga Svjetska banka za obnovu i razvoj vladi dotične zemlje uručuje istovjetan tipizirani program koji sadrži četiri obavezna koraka.


Prvo što vlada zemlje-žrtve treba neodlžno provesti je privatizacija gospodarstva, a posebice velikih javnih i ključnih industrijskih poduzeća koja čine kralježnicu privrede. Umjesto da se argumentirano usprotive zahtjevu za brzopletu prodaju javnih poduzeća mnogi su političari požurili u radosnu (ras)prodaju elektroprivrede, naftne industrije i vodoprivrede kao gospodarski imperativ. Da bi ušutkali trezvene kritičare takvog nepromišljenog postupka s teškim dalekosežnim posljedicama oni se pozivaju na imperativne zahtjeve Svjetske banke za obnovu i razvoj. „Možete vidjeti kako im se rašire oči na mogućnost dobivanja provizije ako se u procjeni vrijednosti imovine velikih javnih poduzeća i ključnih industrijskih poduzeća skine koja milijarda ili barem nekoliko stotina milijuna dolara“ – kaže profesor Stiglitz.


Nakon kampanjski provedene privatizacije obavezno slijedi donošenje zakonske regulative o liberalizaciji tržišnog kapitala. Taj potez, teorijski gledano, omogučuje investicijskom kapitalu nesmetan ulazak i izlazak iz zemlje. Pri tome, kako pokazuje iskustvo, u zemlju-žrtvu, ulazi relativno malo kapitala, a kudikamo najveći dio raspoloživog kapitala na „zakonit“ način nesmetano izlazi iz zemlje. Taj proces izvlačenja kapitala je u ekonomiji poznat podimenom „krug vručeg novca“. Novac ili, točnije rečeno pljačkaški kapital ulazi u zemlju-žrtvu prvenstveno radi špekulacija nekretninama i valutom, a zatim poput plašljive divljači, bježi glavom bez obzira već na prvi znak nadolazećih nevolja koje bi mogle bilo kako ugroziti njegovu sigurnost. U tom paničnom bijegu kapitala državne pričuve mogu „presušiti“ za samo nekoliko dana. Nakon takvog vješto insceniranog bijega kapitala MMF obavezno traži od vlade zemlje-žrtve da odmah drastično poveća kamatne stope na 30, 50 ili čak 80% kako bi velike svjetske špekulante privukla na povrat isisanog državnog kapitala. „Rezultat takvog poteza vlade, koja najčešće nema drugog izlaza, je predvidljiv“ – kaže profesor Stiglitz. Astronomske kamatne stope, dakako, brzo privuku odbjegli kapital, dok s druge strane one sustavno razaraju industrijsku prizvodnju i definitivno isušuju nacionalnu riznicu zemlje-žrtve.


Tada MMF zemlju-žrtvu koja je na izdisaju hladnokrvno uvlači u treči korak – tako zvano „tržišno određivanje cijena“. To je lijep izraz za dramatično dizanje cijena hrane, energenata, vode i ostalih komunalnih usluga. To, dakako, ne vrijedi za cijenu rada (plaće) i mirovine. Time se, u prvom redu, drastično ruši već ionako nizak životni standard stanovništva te osjetno podižu poslovni troškovi u već dobrano posustaloj privredi. Ubrzo nakon toga, prema već dobro uigranom scenariju, slijedi završni četvrti korak.


Tim prosvjedom je zemlja-žrtva doslovce bačena „na koljena“ i „de facto“ se nalazi pred posvemašnjim gospodarskim uništenjem. U tim dramatičnim okolnostima MMF iz nje zločinačkom hladnokrvnošću izvlači i posljednje kapi krvi. Programirano pojačava „vatru“ i podiže socijalnu temperaturu dok napokon cijeli kotao ne eksplodira. Time je otvoreno samo predvorje pakla. Eklatantan primjer za to je Indonezija 1998. kojoj je MMF bezobzirno ukinuo subvencije za hranu i gorivo za siromašno pučanstvo, nakon čega su posvuda buknuli žestoki prosvjedi i nemiri.
U tom pogledu je također poučan primjer Bolivije u kojoj su prošle godine izbili veliki nemiri zbog drastičnog povečanja cijene vode. Vješto programirani i precizno tempirani MMF-ovi prosvjedi, kao svojevrstan znak uzbune, uzrokuju novi masovni bijeg kapitala iz zemlje-žrtve, a nerijetko dovode i do stečaja vlade. Taj posvemašnji gospodarski palež ima i svoju svijetlu stranu - dakako, samo za bezobzirne strane vlasnike kapitala. U takvoj bezizlaznoj situaciji oni mogu po smiješnim cijenama otkupiti preostalu imovinu zemlje-žrtve u paničnoj rasprodaji. Po tom perfidnom obrascu već je u posljednjim desetlječima u Trećem svijetu stvoreno mnogo zemalja-gubitnica. Pri tome su jedini pobjednici uvijek bile moćne zapadne banke koje u bezdušnom lovu za kapitalom ni pred čim ne prezaju.
Prema profesoru Stiglitzu u planovima MMF-a i Svjetske banke za obnovu i razvoj ponajviše zabrinjavaju dvije bitne stvari:

1. Da se planovi stvaraju u tajnosti i da ih uvijek vodi apsolutistička ideologija kojoj je strana svaka humanost i altruizam. Uz to, oni nikada nisu otvoreni za stručnu raspravu i primjedbe te su tako razrađeni da programirano urušavaju demokraciju u zemlji koja ih nekritički primjenjuje.

2. Da nisu uspješni!

Postoji li zemlja koja je izbjegla ovakvu nesretnu sudbinu? „Da“ – kaže profesor Stiglitz: „Bocvana!“ Njihov trik? „Odlučno su rekli managerima MMF-a i Svjetske banke: Go home!

Ako je to moćnim predstavnicima svjetskog kapitala mogla reći Bocvana, zar to isto nebi mogla i Hrvatska prije nego bude kasno?

Jeste li zapamtili tko sve zaziva MMF u Hrvatsku, zapamtite ih i sjetite se na izborima: to su neprijatelji Hrvatske i Vaši osobni neprijatelji. njihove maske nisu bitne.

Izvor: hrsvijet

- 09:07 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 22.10.2010.

Pentagon’s Black Budget Tops $56 Billion

The Defense Department just released its king-sized, $708 billion budget for the next fiscal year. Much of the proposed spending is fairly detailed — noting exactly how many helicopters the Pentagon plans to buy and how many troops it plans on playing. But about $56 billion goes simply to “classified programs,” or to projects known only by their code names, like “Chalk Eagle” and “Link Plumeria.” That’s the Pentagon’s black budget.

Cobbling together this round figure for the military’s hush-hush projects is easier than it seems. The Pentagon’s separate ledgers for operations, research and procurement all contain line items for “classified programs.” Add those to the nonsensically-named programs, and you’ve got yourself an estimate for the Pentagon’s secretive efforts.

Last year, that budget grew to more than $50 billion – ”the largest-ever sum ,” according to Aviation Week’s Bill Sweetman, a longtime black-budget seer. A few more billion were added for wartime operations, for a total of $54 billion. This year’total would be $2 billion higher, a 3.7 percent increase.

Not all of the Pentagon’s secret projects got a budget boost, however. Funds for the Cobra Judy missile-watching radar system were cut nearly in half, from $61 million to $36.5 million. Similar, money for the Navy’s Link Evergreen project was cut to $41 million, from $123 million.

Izvor: Wired

- 11:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 18.10.2010.

Cancer= Product of modern civilization?

Cancer is a modern man-made disease caused by the excesses of modern life, a new study suggests.

Researchers looking at almost a thousand mummies from ancient Egypt and South America found only a handful suffered from cancer when now it accounts for nearly one in three deaths.

The findings suggest that it is modern lifestyles and pollution levels caused by industry that are the main cause of the disease and that it is not a naturally occurring condition.

The study showed the disease rate has risen dramatically since the Industrial Revolution, in particular childhood cancer – proving that the rise is not simply due to people living longer.

Now it is hoped that it could lead to better understanding of the origins of cancer and to new treatments for the disease which claims more than 150,000 lives a year in the UK alone.

“In industrialised societies, cancer is second only to cardiovascular disease as a cause of death," said Professor Rosalie David, a biomedical Egyptologist at the University of Manchester.

"But in ancient times, it was extremely rare. There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle.

"Cancer appears to be a modern disease created by modern life."

Cijeli tekst: Link

Izvor: Telegraph

- 10:52 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 17.10.2010.

NATO - Cudoviste kojem se Vlada RH pridruzila

Izvor: CowboyBebop2012

- 18:43 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 14.10.2010.

The Fluoride Deception – The History of Water Fluoridation

…Dr William Hirzy, who then and now is a chemist at the Environmental Protection Agency, and Dr Robert J Carton. Bob Carton had been with EPA but at that time was then over at the US Army. I went down to Washington and met with Dr. Hirzy and Dr .Carton and they explained to me that the safety standards for water fluoridation in this country were and are based on fraudulent science.

If water fluoridation was found to be harmful, then the US bomb program, as well as many other fluoride polluting industries, would’ve been open to massive litigation. So there’s not a hope Harold Hodge would ever say that water fluoridation was dangerous or that fluoride in small doses was toxic, because if Harold Hodge were to say that it would’ve pulled the rug out from under the US Army and from under the project to build nuclear weapons.

Very few dentists are aware that the fluoride in public water supplies is not a pharmaceutical grade product. It is in fact industrial waste. It’s the waste from the Florida phosphate industry. In the 1950s the Florida phosphate industry was being sued by farmers and citizens living near those plants because the fluoride was killing their cattle… destroying their crops. You know, the Florida phosphate industry today is prevented from having to dispose of it’s industrial affluent in a toxic waste dump by the device of shipping that in tanker trucks around the country and dumping it in our water supply.

- 21:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 08.10.2010.

Uvjeren sam da ako želimo stati na pravu stranu svijeta revolucije, mi kao nacija moramo proći kroz radikalnu revoluciju vrijednosti. Moramo se što prije, iz društva orijentiranog na stvari, okrenuti ka društvu koje je orijentirano na čovjeka. Ako se strojevi, računala, profit i vlasnička prava smatraju važnijim od ljudi, nitko neće moći pobijediti divovski trio rasizma, materijalizma i militarizma.

Martin Luther King ml.

- 19:02 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

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