verb: to speak or shout in a loud, uncontrolled or angry way, often saying confused or foolish things.
noun: a long, angry and confused speech
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictonary

noun: criticism that is very forceful, unkind and often rude
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

(Greek 'rubbing through')
It now has the more or less exclusive meaning of a rather violent attack on a person or work, couched in vitriolic language.
The Penguin dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory, 4th edition, J. A. Cuddon, Penguin books, 1999


13.06.2008., petak

Petak pa Trinaesti

Oriđiđi foršpan. Kako je mene ovaj film plašio.

Pa kaže Wikipedia:

Both the number thirteen and Friday have been considered unlucky:

* In numerology, the number twelve is considered the number of completeness, as reflected in the twelve months of the year, twelve recognized signs of the zodiac, the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve Apostles of Jesus, etc., whereas the number thirteen was considered irregular, transgressing this completeness.[2] There is also a superstition, thought by some to derive from the Last Supper, that having thirteen people seated at a table will result in the death of one of the diners.
* Friday, as the day on which Jesus Christ was crucified, has been viewed both positively and negatively among Christians. The actual day of Crucifixion was the 14th day of Nisan in the Hebrew Lunar calendar which does not correspond to "Friday" in the solar calendar of Rome. The 15th day of Nissan (beginning at Sundown) is celebration of Passover.

A kaže i ovo:

Similar superstitions exist in some other traditions. In Greece, Romania and Spanish-speaking countries, for example, it is Tuesday the 13th that is considered unlucky. In Italy, it is Friday the 17th.

No, za Italiju navod znam da nije točan - tamo je nesretan utorak, 17. Koji uvijek slijedi petak, 13.

I najslađe, također s wikipedije, na kraju:

The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia,[1], a word derived from the concatenation of the Greek words Paraskeví ( ±Á±ĂşµĹ®) (meaning Friday), and dekatreís (´µş±ÄÁµŻÂ) (meaning thirteen), attached to phobía (Ćż˛Ż±) (meaning fear). The term is a specialized form of triskaidekaphobia, a simple phobia (fear) of the number thirteen appearing in any case.

Nova dimenzija: dovoljno je vidjeti riječ "paraskavedekatriaphobia" napisanu da se čovjek počne bojati da je zaboravio čitati. Kakv bi to tek horror bio prvašićima na kraju godine?

Više o urbanim legendama i drugim praznovjerijima (poput onih da je bio petak kad je Eva pojela jabuku, kamenovanje Stjepana, Kristovo raspeće, prolazak Židova kroz Crveno more, kao i dan kad se se jezici počeli razlikovati u kuli Babilonskoj) možete naći ovdje.

- 12:07 - rantaj (0) - nosi doma - #

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Ispušni ventil, moj
Jarci, kažu, ujutro mrze sebe, a popodne cijeli svijet. Zmajevi, pak, rigaju vatru. I Jarčica i Zmajica, ponekad se, eto, naljutim. Krene logično, pravo jarčevski, a ubrzo odleti, poput zmaja, bez obzira na eventualnu gravitaciju argumenata koji letenje ni u teoriji ne dopuštaju. I zato sam ovdje: da mogu rantati preko svake mjere kad me pamet napusti, a vatra ispuni.

You have been warned.

rantalica na gmail.com

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