ponedjeljak, 27.08.2012.

Radost pobjednika (The joy of winner)

Dragi moji posjetitelji! Kao što je vidljivo iz prethodnog posta, sudjelovala sam na blog izazovu. Rezultati su stigli! Pobjednica je Anama Lily! Iskrene čestitke!


Draga Pritesh je imala toliko težak zadatak da je morala uvesti dodatnu kategoriju: najkreativniju ideju! S veseljem vam mogu reći da je u toj kategoriji pobijedio moj rad iz prethodnog posta! thumbup

Detalje i radove svih učestnika možete pogledati OVDJE


My dear visitors! As is evident from the previous post, I attended a blog challenge. The results are here! the winner is Anama Lily!


Dear Pritesh had such a difficult task that she had to introduce an additional category: most creative idea! I am happy to say that in that category my work from the previous post has won! thumbup

Details and all participants work you can see HERE


- 16:28 -

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nedjelja, 12.08.2012.


Meni draga blogerica Pritesh uskoro obilježava godišnjicu svojeg bloga. Tim povodom uputila je nama quillerima izazov : QUILLOGRAPHY. Zgodna složenica od "quilling! i " tipografija", odnosno, slova izvedena quilling tehnikom. Tema nije zadana, jedini je uvjet format rada A4.

Dakle, draga Pritesh ja tebi poklanjam KREAKTIVNOST, složenicu od "kreativnost" i "aktivnost", što su apsolutno samo neke od tvojih odlika.

My dear blogger Pritesh soon celebrates the anniversary of her blog. On that occasion, she has set a challenge to other quillers : QUILLOGRAPHY. Pretty compound of "quilling! and" typography ": the letters made with Quilling technique. A4 size paper is the only requirement.

So, dear Pritesh, I'm giving you CREACTIVITY, compound of "creativity" and "activity", which are absolutely some of your qualities. I hope you'll like it!

- 17:19 -

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utorak, 07.08.2012.

Miševi (Mice)

Mojim vjernim posjetiteljima je već poznato da se volim okušati u mnogim stvarima koje vidim od drugih. Provjeravam vlastite sposobnosti... Učim... Ovaj puta mali izlet u mišji svijet. Uz dužno poštovanje prema originalnoj ideji meni drage quillerice Manuele Koosch nastali su ovi mali miševi. Nisam baš zadovoljna, ali, kako Manuela kaže, treba vježbati.

My loyal visitors already know that I love to try the many things that I see from others. Checking my ability ... I'm learning ... This time a little trip into the world of mice. With respect to the original idea of my dear Quiller Manuela Koosch created these little mice. I'm not pleased, but as Manuela says, I need to practice.

Inače, radim s prekidima na jednom izazovu (usprkos vrućini i gužvi na poslu). Nadam se da ću uspjeti do zadanog roka. Dakle, očekujte barem još jedan post ovaj mjesec. thumbup

Otherwise, I work with interruptions on a challenge (despite the heat and crowds at work). I hope to make it up to the deadline. So, expect at least one more post this month. thumbup

- 18:05 -

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Heart Stealer

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Moje ime je Gordana, živim Samoboru u Hrvatskoj.
Nekoliko proteklih mjeseci provodim puno vremena radeći u quilling tehnici, ali još uvijek sam početnik.
Želim zahvaliti svima koji svoje znanje i tehnike dijele putem blogova i web stranica. Zahvaljujući njima puno sam naučila.

Nadam se da će vam se dopasti moji radovi.

My name is Gordana, and I'm from Samobor, Croatia.
Last few months I've been spending a lot of time working with quilling technique, but I'm still new in this.
I wanna thank everyone who's sharing their knowledge and techniques of quilling through blogs and other web sites, thanks to them I've learned a lot.
I hope you're going to like my work.



Quilling Me Softly

Lin Handmade Greetings Card

Quilling with Whimsiquills

Inna's Creations

Appel Quilling Garden

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Simple Rhyme


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My Quilling Soul

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Anastasia Wahalatantiri

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cristina,fun quilling


Nehal Yousef




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Rukotvornica udruge Mašlek - Zagreb, Croatia



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