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Legal Rights At 16

legal rights at 16

    legal rights
  • Many philosophers and political scientists make a distinction between natural rights and legal rights.

  • Rights that are laid down in law and can be defended and brought before courts of law.

  • Rights of all individuals in a society as outlined in the laws of the State

    at 16
  • 9A1472 Vikhr (8E@L, Whirlwind) is a Russian laser guided anti-tank missile system. "9K121" is the GRAU designation for this system. Its NATO reporting name is AT-16 Scallion. The missile is air-launched from the Ka-50, Ka-52 helicopters and Su-25T aircraft.

Right to Freedom-of-Movement in the EU, regardless of medical condition, physical- or cognitive-handicap: EuroParl Dec.1 2009 on Vimeo by Noel McCullagh

Right to Freedom-of-Movement in the EU, regardless of medical condition, physical- or cognitive-handicap: EuroParl Dec.1 2009 on Vimeo by Noel McCullagh

Watch this? Google: " vimeo mcula "
Noel McCullagh (33) moved to Netherlands in 1998 for research purposes, thanks to an EU study-grant. 8 yrs later, MS rot was discovered in his brain and CNS, after 5-years of intermittent, serious illness including back-surgery and a plethora of other misdiagnoses along the way.
Unfortunately being repeatedly misdiagnosed is an all too common feature of multiple sclerosis, which is located in the brain and therefore effects every conceivable aspect of a person's health as it develops, grows and expands inside their skulls and along their spinal chords.

Ever since that (successful) diagnosis in 2006 revealed the underlying medical brain-disorder was MS, medical treatment began with Bedrocan® and Bediol®. Other medicines prescribed beforehand proved unworkable due to the harsh pharmacokinetic interactions persons being administered multiple drugs experience and the adverse affects that such practises cause for the individuals concerned.

After successful treatment commenced, and the blindness subsided, McCullagh was once again healthy and fit enough to make the long journey home to visit his parents for the Christmas holidays; the first trip to his mother and his father in western Ireland since the diagnosis earlier that year in the summer of 2006.

However, he was halted from entering Ireland under the authority of Dublin's ever-dubious minister of health and children, Mary Harney TD. Her departmental officials, under her orders, have stated in no uncertain terms that they will endeavour to have McCullagh arrested and locked-up as a common criminal should he attempt to set foot in the jurisdiction of the southern-Irish republic for whatever reason (including democratic elections).

BACKGROUND TO PETITION No.590 of 16 April, 2008
On 08 April 2008, the Irish minister for justice, equality and law reform, Mr BJ Lenihan TD, revealed to the Irish parliament, and on the record, that McCullagh was chronically-ill with a clinical condition serious enough for him to be medicated with cannabis-derived medical products. There are only 5 illnesses for which Bediol® and Bedrocan® (dronabinol-based medicines) are legally prescribed as medical healthcare within the Union and all are chronic, potentially-deadly diseases. Persons diagnosed with any of these serious illnesses have a right to keep the diagnosis in the private, personal domain.

BJ Lenihan TD's actions, placing privy and confidential details -- facts taken directly from the official Schengen Medical Certificate documentation (part of McCullagh's private Netherlands medical-dossier) -- into the public domain on 08 April 2008 in the Irish parliament was wrong and ill-conceived by the minister's informants and various assistants.
McCullagh, therefore, had no option but to take immediate action in the EU institutions to seek a resolution to the issue before even more of his private medical-details were revealed in public by the members of the Dublin government.

Denied the right to appear in the Irish republic by threat of unlawful arrest from officials of the Irish minister for health Mary Harney TD, of the Dublin government, and therefore unable to commence any manner of procedure in her republic, the European Union institutions were (and remain) the only organs from which McCullagh is physically able to seek redress. Travel to Brussels, or to Strasbourg (the states where those cities are located are full-members of the European Union), is fully in accordance with the Law of the Union and the Rights of Citizens of the Union.

One year and eight months after the petition was submitted on April 16, 2008, the matter was heard before the European Parliament on 01 December, 2009 [the day that the European Reform Treaty entered into legal effect]. This video contains those proceedings. It must be noted, however, that the interpretation does not constitute an authentic record of proceedings.

The original version of the petition is in the (general) Nederlands language; as this is the working and daily-language of the petitioner.

An English-language version is located here:
Google sites

MEDICAL MATTERS - related general information.
Palliative care refers to medicines and treatments not aimed at curing the disease, (that is not humanly possible) but rather to treat the manifold and various symptoms of this neurological and autoimmune disease. Take diabetes for example: insulin does not cure the underlying condition but is a vital prescription nonetheless.
In other life-threatening illnesses, such as AIDS and CANCER, the prescribed medicines both increase the calorific intake of the patients as well as staving-off the nausea and vomiting that make it impossible for CANCER and AIDS patients to ’hold-down’ and ’digest’ their vital, daily, prescription medicines.
Full details relating to this element of medical intervention may be located at the following address:
Bureau Medicinale

Moma -16 Frida Kahlo - Fulang-Chang and I 1937

Moma -16 Frida Kahlo - Fulang-Chang and I 1937

Frida Kahlo - Fulang-Chang and I 1937

Frida Kahlo de Rivera (July 6, 1907 – July 13, 1954; born Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo y Calderon)[2][3] was a Mexican painter, born in Coyoacan,[4] and perhaps best known for her self-portraits.[5]
Kahlo's life began and ended in Mexico City, in her home known as the Blue House. She gave her birth date as July 7, 1910, but her birth certificate shows July 6, 1907. Kahlo had wanted the year of her birth to coincide with the year of the outbreak of the Mexican revolution, because her life would begin with the birth of modern Mexico. At age 6, Frida was stricken with polio, which caused her right leg to appear much thinner than the other. It was to remain that way permanently. [6] Her work has been celebrated in Mexico as emblematic of national and indigenous tradition, and by feminists for its uncompromising depiction of the female experience and form.[7]
Mexican culture and Amerindian cultural tradition figure prominently in her work, which sometimes has been characterized as Naive art or folk art.[8] Her work has also been described as "surrealist", and in 1938 one surrealist described Kahlo as a "ribbon around a bomb".[7]
Kahlo had a stormy but passionate marriage with the prominent Mexican artist Diego Rivera. She suffered lifelong health problems, many of which stemmed from a traffic accident in her teenage years. These issues are reflected in her works, more than half of which are self-portraits of one sort or another. Kahlo suggested, "I paint myself because I am so often alone and because I am the subject I know best."[9] She also stated, "I was born a bitch. I was born a painter."[10]


Frida Kahlo nasceu em 6 de julho de 1907 na casa de seus pais, conhecida como La Casa Azul (A Casa Azul), em Coyoacan, que naquela epoca era uma pequena cidade nos arredores da Cidade do Mexico.
Seu pai, Guillermo Kahlo (1871-1941), nasceu Carl Wilhelm Kahlo, em Pforzheim Alemanha, filho de Henriette Kaufmann e Jakob Heinrich Kahlo. Enquanto a propria Frida sustentou que seu pai era de ascendencia judaico-hungara,[3] pesquisadores demonstraram que os pais de Guillermo Kahlo nao eram judeus, mas luteranos alemaes.[4] Guillermo Kahlo navegou para o Mexico em 1891 com a idade de dezenove anos e, apos sua chegada, mudou seu nome alemao, Wilhelm, para o equivalente em espanhol, "Guillermo".
A mae de Frida, Matilde Calderon y Gonzalez, era uma catolica devota de origem indigena e espanhola.[5] Os pais de Frida se casaram logo apos a morte da primeira esposa de Guillermo durante o nascimento do seu segundo filho. Embora seu casamento tenha sido muito infeliz, Guillermo e Matilde tiveram quatro filhas, sendo Frida a terceira. Ela tinha duas meia irmas mais velhas. Frida ressaltava que ela cresceu em um mundo cercado por mulheres. Durante a maior parte de sua vida, no entanto, Frida se manteve proxima a seu pai. Sua familia continua tendo presenca no mundo artistico ate os tempos atuais; a atriz, escritora e cantora Dulce Maria e sua sobrinha-bisneta.
Em 1913, com seis anos, Frida contrai poliomielite, sendo esta a primeira de uma serie de doencas, acidentes, lesoes e operacoes que sofre ao longo de sua vida. A poliomielite deixa uma lesao no seu pe direito e, gracas a isso, ganha o apelido Frida pata de palo (ou seja, Frida perna de pau). A partir disso ela comecou a usar calcas e depois, longas e exoticas saias, que vieram a ser uma de suas marcas pessoais.
Ao contrario de muitos artistas, Kahlo nao comecou a pintar cedo. Embora o seu pai tivesse a pintura como um passatempo, Frida nao estava particularmente interessada na arte como uma carreira.
Entre 1922 e 1925 frequenta a Escola Nacional Preparatoria do Distrito Federal do Mexico e assiste a aulas de desenho e modelagem.
Em 1925, aos 18 anos aprende a tecnica da gravura com Fernando Fernandez. Porem sofreu um grave acidente. Um bonde no qual viajava chocou-se com um trem. O para-choque de um dos veiculos perfurou as costas de Frida, atravessou sua pelvis e saiu por sua vagina. Tal acidente fez a artista ter de usar varios coletes ortopedicos de materiais diferentes, chegando inclusive a pintar alguns deles (por exemplo o colete de gesso na tela intitulada A Coluna Partida). Por causa desta tragedia, fez varias cirurgias e ficou muito tempo acamada. Durante a sua longa convalescenca, comecou a pintar com uma caixa de tintas que pertenciam ao seu pai, e com um cavalete adaptado a cama.
Em 1928 quando Frida Kahlo entra no Partido comunista mexicano, ela conhece o muralista Diego Rivera, com quem se casa no ano seguinte. Sob a influencia da obra do marido, adotou o emprego de zonas de cor amplas e simples num estilo propositadamente reconhecido como ingenuo. Procurou na sua arte afirmar a identidade nacional mexicana, por isso adotava com muita frequencia temas do folclore e da arte popular do Mexico.
Entre 1930 e 1933 passa a maior parte do tempo em

legal rights at 16

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Post je objavljen 06.11.2011. u 10:02 sati.