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My sax life : Wars music for clarinet.

My Sax Life

my sax life

  • Living things and their activity

  • The state of being alive as a human being

  • the course of existence of an individual; the actions and events that occur in living; "he hoped for a new life in Australia"; "he wanted to live his own life without interference from others"

  • the experience of being alive; the course of human events and activities; "he could no longer cope with the complexities of life"

  • a characteristic state or mode of living; "social life"; "city life"; "real life"

  • The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death

  • a Belgian maker of musical instruments who invented the saxophone (1814-1894)

  • SAX (abbr. from Slovensky akciovy index; in Slovak: Slovak Share Index) is the official stock index of the Bratislava Stock Exchange.

  • a single-reed woodwind with a conical bore

  • A saxophone

Buracos da minha vida...Holes of my life...

Buracos da minha vida...Holes of my life...

"Love of my live
don't leave me
you're breaking my heart
and you don't...." F.M.

Caralho, vou logo reclamar com o gerente.
Eu aqui entediado sento
e de repente lembro e conto os 6 buracos da minha cabeca.
Nao contei o do cu nao.
To com raiva do cu, nao eh correcto falar do reto.
Quero soh falar das coisas certas da vida.

Vejam bem, e levanto as maos aos altos
como se Eu, estivesse num filme de bang bang, faroeste americano, me entrego.

Buceta, estou ficando velho.
O gente, ta passando na televisao o tal do Grammy.

(Parada para escutar a tumba, o sax e o piston)...

Desculpem a demora no retorno, escutei algo interessante e fui la ver o que que tava pegando.

Eu sei, eu sei, voces estao rindo do meu cu, faz mal nao, tinha um morenao la com chapeuzinho branco e tennis branco, e rolou uma banda quando ele mandou ver New Orleans, batam palmas pra New Orleans, New Orleans, e de repente o Dirty dozen apareceu, por isso que parei gente, e com os instrumentos de sopro de banda a morenada apareceu e logo atraz vieram as nossas sombrinhas de Pernambuco, era frevo gente, era Brasil e New Orleans, e a mulher no baixo, (achei legal) espaco reservado para as mulheres, aplausos please.......

Podem rir a vontade, mas Sr. Vino, mande o recado para o Wilson, estamos agora roubando o flevo de Olinda, mande ele tirar seu cu da reta, os americanos estao invadindo.
E vao aprimorar, acreditem.
E lembrei de um show que eu fui no Palacio das artes, duro, sem um centavo no bolso apareci la pra ver meu idolo, e o homem tocou a noite toda, e insaciado eu gritei, vao pra ruaaaa (ecoando, rua rua ruaaaaa)
E foi so alegria, ELE, Jovino, Marcio, Pernanbuco, Itibere e a gente acompanhando o som do sopro, dancando na Afonso Pena, marchas, corridas, voadas....

Gerente, vai ai minha reclamacao.
Estou ficando velho, tem jeito D'oce arrumar isso?
Escuto so nome de gente que nao conheco, so o Herbie Hancock e o Robert Plant que sao da minha epoca.

E eu tinha jurado que nao ficaria nunca velho como meus pais, que nao gostavam muito la de minha musica.

Entao vou aqui dar meus Grammy's para os melhores do mundo que essa noite nao apareceram na tela.

Melhor Jazz album do ano.

Chimarrao com Rapadura

Melhor Cantor Mineiro.

Mauricio Tizumba.

Pronto, fiz o protesto, e quanto ao cu, tava com raiva nao gente, tinha que tirar minha agressao em algum lugar neh?

Mais quanto aos buracos, descobri, depois de alguns dias pensando a respeito,
pra ser sincero, so 4 segundos, tenho 6 mesmo.

"o galho da roseira
no galho da roseira
olha a menina
olha menina
no galho da roseira" HP...

E essa ai eu coloquei so para contrariar.

310/365 Life is fleeting, it is but a vapour…

310/365 Life is fleeting, it is but a vapour…

Today my husband and I went to a funeral for a lady from our Church. Her death was a shock, totally unexpected. She fell down her stairs at home and had severe brain damage and didn’t survive. In this I see the frailty of life and how it can change in an instant. We like to think we are so in control of our lives when in fact there are so many things that could change our lives in a moment. I also see how important it is that we know where we stand with the Lord. For one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Christ is Lord. Whether we accept Him or not in our life time, there will come that day where we stand before Him. When life is good and moving forward, I think we tend to forget about the frailty of life and then situations happen that cause us to come face to face with the true reality of life…such as this woman’s funeral. Each day is a gift given to us and you never know when your last one will be. Once we come face to face with this reality I think we tend to live life differently, we tend to see the preciousness of it.

I took this shot at the abandoned homestead down the road. I felt this place gave a picture of how life can be fleeting, here today gone tomorrow. There’s a small house on this property and when you walk in it’s like the people just up and left, it’s almost an eerie feeling.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” ~ John 3:16 ~

Textures by clive sax, pareeerica, and Charlotte

my sax life

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Post je objavljen 04.11.2011. u 15:28 sati.