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Biti branitelj - ponos ili sramota?!

U mjesecu srpnju '91 kad su se događaji zakuhali kao i svi do tada uzeo sam puno dobre volje, ponešto stvari koje sam imao te pristupio Narodnoj zaštiti te otišao čuvati naselje od vojske. Da bi bilo lakše shvatiti ovo 'otišao čuvati naselje' moram reći da sam živio tada sa roditeljima u naselju Podbrežnica a do glavne aerodromske zgrade malo snažniji čovjek hiti kamen. Ne moram spominjati da je tada zrakoplovna luka Pleso vrvjela regularnom vojskom potpomognutom niškim specijalcima koji su se dovukli poslije slijetanja Kikaševog aviona.

Ako nisam čuvao naselje u polju ili u mjestu Pleso onda sam čuvao ulaz u naše naselje a kad su bile uzbune obavezno sam čuvao sklonište koje je bilo neko vrijeme pod snajperskom vatrom iz naselja Visoki brijeg II. Spavalo se mislim samo par sati jer osim nas u kući imali smo već obitelj mog bratića iz Sarvaša dok u stanu u naselju Osmi mart su na zadnjem katu boravili policajci i nadgleali ZTZ. Nisam žalio ni jedne sekunde provedene u Narodnoj zaštiti kao što nisam žalio kad sam bio pozvan u ZNG te završio u slavonskim poljima te bio poslan na Kupu gdje smo doživjeli fijasko 16.12. kad sam ponovo rođen jer nekih 6 metara dalje eksplodirala je minobacačka granata. Prošao sam podosta od ratišta i od države nisam ništa tražio kad su svi uzimali pa čak ni režije mi država nije plaćala. I sad bi ovdje mogao još jako puno toga napisati o onome što sam vidio gdje slike ne mogu izblijediti samo tako no ne mogu to opisati jer za to adekvatne riječi ne postoje.

Nažalost danas se kao branitelj suočavam sa onime sa čime se suočava 250,000 drugih branitelja koji su tada bili na ratištima diljem naše domovine te prošli još i Bljesak te Oluju a ima zajednički nazivnik 'lažni branitelji'. Moje riječi ovdje ne vjerujem da će mnogo promjeniti po tom pitanju te ne vjerujem da će pomoći da se otkrije stvarni popis branitelja ali i onih koji ni dana nisu vidjeli ratišta nego su se skrivajući u skloništima ili podrumima glumili ratnike te prepričavali priče iz novina a uniforma im još i danas miriše na boju kojom su štampane šare na istoj.

Kad sam završio u bolnici na operaciji u srpnju mjesecu '92 godine nisam žalio zbog toga te nisam tražio mirovinu nego uredno od prosinca '92 sam počeo raditi do današnjih dana gdje se osjećam potrebnim ovome društvu i njegovom napretku. Shvatio sam odavno da su mirovine pokupili oni koji to ne samo da ne zavrijeđuju nego su ujedno i sramota ovoga društva jer uzimaju novac nekome tko je to za sebe izborio a danas isto ne može dobiti. Naravno u svemu postoje časni izuzetci kao što su branitelji koji su prošli ratišta i krvarili te ostavili dobar dio zdravlja tamo negdje a danas koriste te iste mirovine kojima ne mogu prehraniti obitelji no fizički izgledaju zdravo te ne mogu dobiti daleko više. Ima nas i koji smo smogli hrabrosti i volje te se nastavili hrvati sa životomi krenuli raditi čeličeći svoje živce ali i potiskujući bolna ratna događanja ne predavajući se uz sve nedaće i nepravde koje smo do današnjih dana okusili.

Sada se pitam da li na spomen riječi 'branitelj' ovo društvo i pojedinci u društvu percipiraju tu osobu onako kako je ona to zavrijedila – časnu i moralnu osobu koja ponosno hoda ulicama svoga grada i duboko u svome srcu nosi svoju domovinu bez lažne moralnosti ili galameće potrebe zazivanja bana Jelačića, magle i raznih drugih primitivizama. Vremena za zazivanje bana i sličnoga je prošlo te takva osoba osim pjevanje domoljubnih pjesama nikada nije osjećala potrebu da se u 'kafanskom' nadglasavanju potrebitog hrvatstva sa čašom u lijevoj ruci a desnom na novčaniku dere Vilo Velebita. Zbog svega toga osjetio sam potrebu iznjeti svoje osjećaje i misli uperene u riječ branitelj te kako se ja kao branitelj osjećam kad se u raznim medijima počinje spominjati nas branitelje i brisati blato sa nama ili kad bilo tko si uzme pravo da negdje vani počne 'srati' o nama braniteljima a mi niti luk jeli ni luk mirisali, samo smo u datom trenutku odlučili da nam je Hrvatska draža od života.

Zato bi voli kad bi svi koju mogu i znaju pročitaju ovih nekoliko misli jednog branitelja kojeg boli kad ga vrijeđaju na takav način jer nitko od nas nije to zavrijedio te mi svi branitelji želimo da taj registar ima onoliko branitelja koliko ih treba imati jer sadašnji broj je više nego prenapuhan. Nije da se slažemo sa objavom registra no nismo ni protiv toga da isti bude objavljen te da se na taj način pokaže tko je koliko bio i gdje a sve ostalo se dalje da lako provjeriti jer ako će mo vjerovati izborima u našoj nam dragoj domovini onda znamo da uz žive podosta često glasaju i oni koji su odavno pokojni. Vjerujem i nadam se da u registru nisu i oni koji su bili na suprotnoj strani te nas gledali preko nišana kao što se već nekoliko puta otkrilo.

Nadam se da će stvarno riječ 'branitelj' jednog dana izazivati ponos i poštovanje prema osobi koja taj status nosi a nije ga dobila nekim mutnim događajem.

Being a defender - pride or shame?

In July of '91 when they brew events and all the time I took a lot of good will, some things I had and joined the National Guard and went from village to keep the army. It would be easier to understand this 'left guard settlement' I must say that I lived then with her parents in a village Podbreznica to the main airport building a few powerful man presses on a stone. I need not mention that at the time Airport Pleso vrvjela regular army special forces backed Nis who dragged after landing Kikas aircraft.

If I kept the place in the field or in Pleso then I kept the entrance to our village and when the raids were I kept the shelter that was a while under sniper fire from the village High Hill II. I only slept a few hours because apart from us in the house we had a family but my cousin from Sarvas, while in an apartment complex in March, eighth on the top floor and the cops stayed nadgleati ZTZ. I did not regretted one second spent in the National Guard as I complained when I was invited to the National Guard and completed in the fields of Slavonia and was sent to the Kupa, where we experienced the fiasco 16.12. when I was born again because of some 6 meters away exploded mortar shell. I passed quite a lot of battlefields and the state did not ask anything when everyone took even directing my country is not paid. And now here could still be a lot to write about what I had seen pictures can not fade away just like that but I can not describe it because there are no adequate words.

Unfortunately today, as the defender faces with those which faced 250,000 other veterans who were on battlefields all over our country and yet expired and Flash and Storm (liberation operation) have a common denominator of 'fake veterans'. My words here do not believe that much change on this issue and do not believe it will help to reveal the actual list of veterans and those who do not see on the battlefield but were hiding in bomb shelters or basements starred warriors, and recounted stories from the newspaper and uniform im still smells of paint, which are printed on the same pattern.

When I ended up in hospital for surgery in July '92 the year I regret that and I asked for a pension, but neat in December '92 I started working to this day where I feel it necessary to this society and its progress. I realized long ago that pensions are picked up by those who not only does not deserve but also the shame of this society because it takes money to someone who has won it for themselves and today the same can not be obtained. Of course, in all there are honorable exceptions, such as veterans who have passed the battlefield and the bleeding and left a good portion of health out there today using the same pension they can not feed the family but physically looks healthy and can not get away anymore. There is us and we have the courage and the will of smog and Croats continue with life and went to work steel their nerves and repressing painful warfare can not be taught with all the hardships and injustices that we have tasted to the present day.

Now I wonder if the mention of the word 'defense' this society, and individuals in society perceive that person as she deserved it - an honorable and moral person who proudly walk the streets of our city and deep in his heart is their country, without fuss or false morality needs calling Ban Jelacic, fog, and other miscellaneous primitivism. Time for invocation and a similar ban was passed, and such a person other than singing patriotic songs never felt the need to be in the 'cafe' outvoting the necessary Croatianism with a glass in his left hand and his right hand on your wallet cries Fairy of Velebit. Because of this, I felt the need to express their feelings and thoughts directed to counsel for you how I feel when a defender in a variety of media begins to remember our veterans and to remove the mud with us, or when anyone takes you right to start somewhere 'shit' about us soldiers and we even eat onions or onion smell, but we are at a given moment decided that we prefer the life of Croatia.

So it would like if everyone you know and can read these thoughts a few veterans that hurts when you offend in this way because none of us deserved it, and we all want the defenders to the register has as many veterans as they should have because the current number is more than overblown. Not that I agree with the publication of the register but we were not against it that they be released and to thus show how anyone has been and where everything else is still easy to check because if they can not believe the elections in our dear country then we know to live with quite a lot and often vote for those who have long since departed. I believe and I hope that in the registry were those who were on the opposite side and we looked through the sight as it has repeatedly revealed.

I hope that really the word 'attorney' one day challenge the pride and respect for the person who wears this status and did not get it to some obscure event.

Post je objavljen 25.03.2010. u 14:56 sati.