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Apple of my eye

Preugo traje ovo ljeto. Dosta mi je i sunca i njegove topline, ja bih kišu da mi hladi lice, da mi pravi društvo suzama. Satire me vrijeme koje prolazi. Gazi me i gura sve dublje i dublje u mulj života. Ne ide. Ništa ne ide. Stela moja gdje si mi? Znaš li mila moja kao izgleda život bez tebe? Bez tvoje topline i nježnosti, bez tvog ozarenog lica, bez tvojih zjenica? Kako samo griješe kad kažu da vrijeme liječi. Ništa ne liječi, ništa.

Oko moje....... Image and video hosting by TinyPic.......moj živote....

Kako smo nas dvije znale pričati puno, moja mala radoznalice, nedostaje mi tvoj zvonki glas.
Još uvijek se ponekad nađem u tom nekom trenutku koji je potpuno nestvaran, a opet jako živ i snažan pa se zapitam kako mogu uopće i pomisliti da tebe nema......jer to je jednostavno nezamislivo. Kako opisati te trenutke ludila iz kojih se moram čupati svim snagama, jer znam da ću, ako im dopustim da potraju, potonuti u potpuni mrak. Kompas sam ionako već izgubila. Život je postao usputan. Nema više planova, nema reda, nema cilja. Čista inercija. Sad još teže podnosim neke situacije, neke ljude, razgovore, fraze. A tek šutnju...... e to me tek razdire........ kao da te nikada i nije bilo..... Ali bilo te je, i ostavila si neizbrisiv trag. Tvoje čisto srce prepuno ljubavi i tvoja umiljatost, tvoja razdraganost i dobrota, tvoja ljepota.... to je neizbrisivo. Samo sedam godina.....

Sanjala sam te mila moja jednu noć. Ali ne.......nije to bio san........bila je to užasna mora, mučenje i patnja. Neću ga čak ni zapisati, neka ne ostane traga ........ ali ako je to sve što mogu dobiti onda ne želim ni to. U što je život moje male obitelji pretvoren u trenutku bahatosti jednog čovjeka. Kako li samo on živi? Proganja li ga sjećanje na tvoje malo biće..... na život koji je oduzeo......

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Dvije godine tuge i boli….previše prekinute mladosti, previše tužnih i neutješnih obitelji: Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Paulina Štimac 28.08.2007. – 28.08.2009.
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Antonino Bralo 29.08.2007. – 29.08.2009.
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Antonija Jukić 31.08.2007. – 31.08.2009.
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A Mother's Grief

When we first become a mother, our life changes. We experience powerful feelings of protection, and want always to be able to say, “I'm here. You're safe”.

When our children are young, they become our highest priority, and we accept new and wide responsibilities. We give up sleep, energy, privacy, and time, putting our child's needs ahead of our own as we adapt to their time frame. We become nurse, teacher, handyman and referee along with many other things too. Becoming a mother changes us and, through all the changes, we find strengths and skills in ourselves, of which we were perhaps unaware. We develop patience, empathy and accord with another human being who, at least initially, is totally vulnerable.

Being a mother can expand our sense of who we are or what we might become. There can be new issues, new questions in our lives, presented by our role as a parent. In one way we might be stronger and more confident, but we could also feel that we ourselves have become more vulnerable.

When our child dies, we lose a part of ourselves, not only because they are our children, but also because of the way they have become entwined with our own identity. We may experience an over-whelming sense of failure; we thought that we could protect them and keep them safe, and we have been shown in the harshest way possible that we were wrong. Whatever age our child is when they die, we still feel the unfairness of their death. The natural order of things is that parents die before their children; anything else is against nature, an accident, a catastrophe.

Post je objavljen 29.08.2009. u 20:11 sati.