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Lutanja po zagorskim bregima - ZELENJAK

Zelenjak je zaštičeni park prirode okružen trima kulturno-povjesnim znamenitostima a ujedno se tu nalazi odmorište sa kvalitetnim restoranom i prekrasnim igralištem za djecu.

Okružen ruševinama Cesargrada i kapelom Majke Božje Risvičke, na cesti Klanjec-Kumrovec, nalazi se spomenik hrvatskoj himni "Lijepa naša", okružen šumovitim padinama klanca rijeke Sutle.

Spomenik su podigli povodom 100 godina himne Braća Hrvatskog Zmaja i to u čast njenom autoru Antunu Mihanoviću.

Danas službena himna Republike Hrvatske prvi je puta objavljena u 10. broju "Danice" 1835. godine, a 1846. godine uglazbljuje ju Josip Runjanin. Do kraja stoljeća pjesma postaje vrlo popularna medu Hrvatima i dobiva nov naziv prema prvim stihovima - "Lijepa naša domovino".

Na već legendarnim mjestu nadahnuća Antuna Mihanovića za navedenu pjesmu. Braća Hrvatskog Zmaja u kratkom roku od tri mjeseca podižu obelisk prema nacrtu kipara Rudolfa Ivankoviča.

Spomenik visok 13,2 metra velikom narodnom svečanošću otkriven je 24 studenog.1935. godine.

Na obroncima Cesargradske gore, iznad doline Sutle smještena je utvrda građena sredinom 14. stoljeća. Prema predaji, utyrdu Cesargrad sagradili su templari, viteški red koji je 1119. godine osnoyan kako bi štitio hodočasnike na putu prema Isusovom grobu u Svetoj Zemlji. Na supromoj strani, s druge strane Sutle, na gotovo istoj visini Bizeljske gore, nalazi se ostatak utvrde Konigsberg koji se pripisuje istim graditeljima.

Cesargrad (Kayersperg) se spominje prvi puta 1399. godine i to u darovnici kralja Sigismunda, kojom ga poklanja grofu Hermanu Celjskom. Kako posljednji iz roda Celjskih pogiba u Beogradu 1456. godine, Cesargrad dolazi pod upravu kraljevske krune.

Srednjovjekovnu strukturu grada čine polukružna kamena građevina koja je imala stambenu funkciju, opasana sistemom zidina, i branič kula. Utvrda je proširivana i nadograđivana u nekoliko faza.

1573. godine Cesargrad stradava u Seljačkoj buni kada je opljačkan i zapaljen. Erdodyji ga dijelom obnavljaju, no izgradnjom Novih Dvora Klanječkih (gradi ih ban Toma Bakač Erdody 1603. godine) obitelj Erdody se polako preseljava u novi dvorac, a utvrda Cesargrad se polako prepušta propadanju.

Na istaknutom hrptu, iznad spomenika himni u Zelenjaku, stoji kapela Majke Božje Snježne. Narod ovog kraja spominje je i kao Majku Božju Skapularsku ili još češće kao Majku Božju Risvičku.

Iznad glavnog ulaznog portala pod zvonikom uklesana je 1810. godina. Tada je ova lijepa kapela, dimenzija na kojima bi joj mogla pozavidjeti i natprosječna župna crkva, dobila svoj konačni oblik, s presvođenim brodom ispod krovišta, polukružnim svetištem i bočnom sakristijom s oratorijem. No, sama građevina je daleko starija i prvi se puta spominje već 1639. godine. Kasnije je dograđivana, pregrađivana i popravljana. Do današnjih dana njezinu sudbinu pratio je kip Blažene Djevice Marije s mjesecom pod nogama u središnjoj niši. Kasnije su podignuti oltari posvećeni sv. Ivanu Nepomuku (od 1839.godine posvećen sv. Blažu) i sv. Rozaliji. Interesantnu propovjedaonicu oslikao je Đonitti,a 1868. godine postavljene su orgulje s naslikanim motivom kralja Davida s harfom na sviraoniku.

Marijanska kapela dostupna je od Zelenjaka uređenom stazom koja će kreće od parkirališta i prolazi šumom iz koje izlazi u neposrednoj blizini same kapele.

Zelenjak is a protected nature park surrounded by a three-povjesnim cultural monuments and at the same time there is resting with the quality restaurant and a beautiful playground for children.

Cesargrad surrounded by the ruins of a chapel of Our Lady of Risvičke, on the road Klanjec-Kumrovec, there is a monument to the Croatian anthem "Our Beautiful", surrounded by wooded slopes of the river canyons Sutla.

The monument was raised on the occasion of 100 years of the Croatian anthem Brothers to the dragon and in honor of its author Antunu Mihanovic.

Today, the official anthem of the Republic of Croatia the first time announced to 10. the number of "Danica" 1835. year, and 1846. The on to music by Joseph Runjanin. By the end of the century song became very popular among Croats and gets a new name according to the first verses - "Our Beautiful Homeland".

Fabolous already in place Anthony Mihanovica inspiration for the song. Brother Croatian dragon in a short period of three months up shaft toward the draft sculptor Rudolf Ivankovic.

Monument to 13.2 meters high great national ceremony was discovered 24 November.1935. year.

Cesargrad on the slopes of the mountain, above the valley is located Sutla fort built in the mid-14. century. According to tradition, built a fort Cesargrad are templars, knightly order that was 1119. was established to protecting the pilgrims on the road to the tomb of Jesus in the Holy Land. On the opposite side, on the other hand Sutla, at almost the same amount of Bizeljske above, there is a remnant of a fortress Konigsberg, who attributed the same builders.

Cesargrad (Kayersperg) is the first time mentioned in 1399. and this year in deed of donation King Sigismunda, which him presentation count Hermanu Celjskom. How the last of a species Celjskih jeopardy in Belgrade 1456. The Cesargrad comes under the administration of the royal crowns.

Medieval structure of the city make cup stone buildings because of a housing office, surrounded the system of walls and guard towers. The fortress was extended and upgrade in several phases.

1573. The Cesargrad hit in Peasant revolt when he robbed and alight. Erdodyji him partly updated, but the construction of new castle Klanjec (built by Thomas banus Bakac Erdody 1603.) Erdody family is slowly move into a new castle, a fortress Cesargrad slowly abandonment come down.

On the prominent ridge, above the monument anthem in Zelenjaku, is the Chapel Mother of Snow. The people of this region is mentioned as Mother of God Skapularsku or even more frequently as the Mother of God Risvic.

Above the main entrance portal under the bell tower engraved is 1810. year. Then this beautiful chapel, the dimension in which it could be of envy and over average parish church, received its final form, with too arch boat under the roof, semicircular sanctuary and sacristy side with oratorium. However, the building itself is far older and the first time already mentioned 1639. year. Later he built, baffled and corrected. Up to the present day her fate is monitored statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the moon under your feet in the central niche. Later they built altars dedicated to St. John Impassive (from 1839.godine dedicated to St. Blaz) and St. Rozaliji. Homily painted an interesting is Đonitti, 1868. The organs were placed with painting motif of King David's Harp with the piping.

Marian chapel is available from Zelenjak arranged along a path that will moving from the parking lot and through the forest from which emerges in the vicinity of the chapel.

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Post je objavljen 04.09.2008. u 07:54 sati.