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for the sake of being expeditious.

grant morrison is a fount of inspiration. just looking at a picture of him and uttering the words 'a scotsman on drugs' relieves all my fears and makes the world right again.

on the left side of my forehead, my skull forms a slight ridge. being of the headgrabbing sort, this ridge provides a vast amount of reassurance in times of crisis.

(SoC paragraph. skip)
i'm stuck in a transcendental pitfall. physical matters are little more than an annoyance. and i've sorta neglected the whole spiritual development thing for a couple of years. which would be okay, except i don't have a focus. the closest thing to a focus i have right now are cheeseburgers. but i ate all the cheeseburgers, and now my focus is going to give me insane amounts of gas. the problem with this is that gas is sporadic, and i need a constant focus to keep myself from thinking about loaded questions like "what is the point of anything i do?" and "what is god's favorite color? is it something really gay like ocean sky aquamarine?". basically because boundaries are important, especially when thinking. without boundaries, every thought i have would wander out and get eviscerated by some bullshit relativistic reasoning. i hate relativism. it's like that nerdy kid in the first row who says things like "plums are part of the grape family." and "actually professor butty mccrackiss has just recently written a very persuasive paper in which he put forward the idea that the egyptians were actually the first western culture to reach north america." and you really want to kick him in the balls, but he's right, so you just ignore him. it's just that if i get tired of people, i'm just going to go incommunicado, and for some reason people dislike that, and that's another bridge burned right there. sorta like that third(fourth) allied mission with tanya. except that mission has nothing to do with what i'm talking about. except bridges.

children should know better than to bother me when i'm eating cookies. especially when I'm reading retarded articles about comics and eating cookies. reading the articles makes me mad, which makes me spew cookie bits all over the table, which enrages me further. now it's one thing to be an alan moore fanboy. okay, fellate him all you like, the man has some good titles, a beard, and a magic cave. but y the last man is not the eight comic of christ, and people should stop masturbating over it. it's an okay comic. sure, better than most of the stuff that comes out these days. return of the dark knight should not be on any top list ever anywhere. it's a joke. a spoof. a parody. also, you have frank miller on there already with daredevil. frank miller is not deserving of a dick sucking. okay, gaiman, whatever. what really irks me is that not a single one of the three most profilic british creators today is no there. ennis, morrison, ellis. i shall now go read the invisibles for the fnord time. because the invisibles is the greatest comic book ever written and everyone should read it and mold their lives after it and give grant morrison their money so he can afford to turn batman into a transvestite and make him replace robin with a russian battlebear that he rides into battle singing turkish partisan songs.

some inane percentage of children who are statutorily raped by people they've encountered over the internet see that person multiple times (and engage in intercourse multiple times). this is because parents spend too much time doing things other than playing dawn of war with their children. if your children are playing dawn of war with you, they can't be raped by strangers (except in very extreme and unlikely circumstances). but if you zerker rush them, your children will hate you, and will put you in a retirement home. a retirement home with dialup.

i think i'll go with kritmar for the hippo.

zapravo je puno bolje kad je ploča zrippana tako da se čuje ono šuštanje igle. želim svirati opet. jug će ponovno ustati. ali susjedi. moji susjedi. jedni viču kad sviram. drugi su ludi. trećima je netko ukrao kaktuse. peti pak drže jebeni sad koji glasno kuca na zidu koji je zapravo zid pored moje kupaonice. ne bi čovjek rekao, ali je prilično teško kenjati kada ti pored glave glasno otkucava sat. ali sat je zapravo oke. gore je kad pričaju u toj sobi koja je pored wc-a. teško je čitati, a time i obavljati nuždu kada netko priča.

profesori sve češće ilustriraju neke besmislene poante time da pitaju studente koliko njih ima mobitel. to jest tko nema mobitel. i onda se nitko ne javi. teško je reć da li zato što svi imaju, ili zato jer je nekog sram priznat da nema. ja mrzim svoj mobitel. jedini razlog zašto mi je prihvatljivo uopće ga dirnut je činjenica da ima orkovsku insigniju na poleđini. ručni rad. ljudi su mi se smijali. što zbog modela, što zbog orka. ali ja volim svog orka, i on voli mene. ali mrzim mobitel. ideja da bi netko trebao do mene doć ili da bi jao trebao moć kontaktirati nekoga u bilo koje vrijeme mi je degutantna. što je retardirano, jer mi je istovremeno ideja da imam ugrađenu wireless karticu u glavi sasvim odlična. da je u lećama ugrađen HUD i da su ostale komponente smještene negdje između jetre i gušterače. tako da mislim da čak nije ni ideja, koliko estetika cijele stvari. arhaičnost, čak? držati elektroniku izvan tijela, sasvim barbarski.

i miss feelings. having feelings related to specific phenomena, i mean. as a kid i used to have a special feeling for urine-soaked graffitti-scrawled alleys. i used to have a feeling for parks with fountains. for the onslaught of cars racing the green light down the street. there was a time when the world was new. now it's just a series of preconceived motions. but the one thing i miss most of all is waking up covered in a cold sweat, with panic making it hard to breathe and tears blurring the vision because nothing is as it should be and there is no hope anywhere. being calm and composed kills me a little bit every day.

biceps je najjakiji mišić u ljudskom tijelu. neukusne šale na stranu, moj desni biceps je jakkiji od mog lijevog bicepsa. ovo se očituje u tome što u prosjeku mogu dignuti uteg dva puta više desnim bicepsom nego lijevim. ako stavim tetovažu na desni biceps, biti će simbolično, i vjerojatno će bolje izgledati. ali ako stavim tetovažu na lijevi biceps, možda to motivira lijevi biceps da počne marljivije raditi, i to onda dovede do jednakosti među bicepsima. no opet, ako stavim tetovažu na desni biceps, eventualna gangrena i amputacija će mi oduzeti desni biceps, najjakiji mišić u tijelu. ali ako ćemo se voditi tim tijekom razmišljanja, bilo bi nužno staviti tetovažu na penis. neću stat dok moji bicepsi ne budu odlični...lješnikari? htio sam napisati orašari, ali sam onda uvidio da zapravo ne postoje neki internetski zapisi koji bi poistovjetili riječ orašar sa alatom za razbijanje oraha. kada moji bicepsi, kalcepsi, dostignu tu sposobnost, možemo koristiti njihov naziv za alat za razbijanje oraha.

Post je objavljen 19.02.2008. u 22:02 sati.