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Sveti Mihovile arkanđele, brani nas u boju protiv Đavla paklenoga i čuvaj nas od zasjeda Neprijateljevih!

20.08.2007. (23:25)

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O pope, pope, kako si ti podao, fakat. Ateisti materijalisti, ma nemoj. Sva blaga ste ovoga svijeta pokrali, pogledaj kako ti živiš a kao živi tvoja pastva, đavole katolički.
Dobro je, neću se ljutiti... Nego recite vi meni, dragi Done, što mislite o tezi da je ateizam zapravo panteizam?


Liječeni, baš sam kanio otići spavati - to ću doduše i učiniti, ali tek nakon komentara - kadli spazih tvoju zajedljivu ali pametnu opasku: jest, da, ateizam jest panteizam, ali Hegel nije panteist, kako se to običavalo insinuirati i kamo, možda, tvoja primjedba smjera. Dapače, rekao bih da ono što danas Cipra, posljednjih snagama, snije, feniksa nade, kršćanstvo uzdignuto na spekulativnoj filozofiji, kod Hegela imamo realizirano u punini njegova apolutnog idealizma, kao filozofijski izraz kršćanstva. Stoga ne treba dobrog dona suviše opterećivati ovim metafizicirajućim aspektima ove popularne teze o ateizmu i njegovim pretpostavkama i, čime se ti baviš, konzekvencama. Možda je bolje na njegov mlin usmjeriti veliku i snažnu vodurinu Hannah Arendt koja je ateiste ovako opisala: Ateisti, oni idioti koji misle da jedini znaju odgonetku na vječitu zagonetku! Genijalno, nije li?


Alal ti vera, Nemanjo. Idem i ja da spavam, a u nastavku ću da se služim rečima nekih besnih ateista.


Velečasni, a zašto je u Zagrebu, na krovu zgrade Oca Domovine - dakle na Domu Ante Starčevića, preko puta Esplanade - spomenik Svjetlonoši/Luciferu: anđelu koji nosi baklju prosvjete i iluminira mrak ovdašnjeg, hrvatskog neznanja? Čudno, nije li? To, mislim, da bi na domu Pravaša slavili Iluminate!
A je l' znate da je anagram od EVANGELIST EVIL'S ANGEL, a to znači i ELVIS ANGEL? Pa sad ti budi pametan!
Shit happens!
Jesu li ovome krivi ateisti ili kabalisti?
Apage Satanas, u svakom slučaju!


Auuu, Nemanjo, video sam pesmicu na tvom blogu, stvarno si dasa!


Je l' ovo:

Ko to beli pesak srće
crne paške plaže Zrće,
Ko je taj, majku mu?
Ko se đuska svud po plaži,
po klubovi i garaži,
polugoli, urokani -
s nosovi drogu šmrću
u zemaljskom paklu Zrću?!
Ko se roka, ko se rola,
ko se seksa sve do bola,
zabavi tu nema kraja,
hendonizam je do jaja!
Sred paklene plaže Zrće,
de se mladi rado prće,
odvija se pravo slavlje,
kokteli se razni spravlje.
Katoliki tu se križu
od tih zala bežu bližu
izazivu salvu smeha
počinjaju smrtnih greha.
Svi sve grlu, svi se ljubu,
svi se smeju s beli zubu,
sve rejveri sve masoni,
svi se volu bez kondomi!

Svi tu belu drogu srću
usred crnu plažu Zrću!
Don Kaćunko brzo javlje:
Na Zrću je pravo slavlje!

Dobra je, a? Tko ovako peva, nemoš da bidne loš čovek!


Auu, "Sve rejveri sve masoni,/sve se kara bez kondomi!", to je bre antologija. To si maznuo Đuri Jakšiću, Aleksi Šantiću ili onom šinteru Neletu Karajliću? Idem sad da spavam, sutra je novi dan za nas što se plašimo boga, nemamo duše, raspadnemo se posle smrti, oholi smo te smo posve svesni lepe činjenice da smo ljudske životinje.

Još samo nešto. Slušaj bre, Don Kaćune, odakle tebi, tako nematerijalističkom, osam hiljada ustašica da platiš onu registracionu tablicu na kolima s ličnim podacima? Znaš ti bre da s osam hiljada ustašica prosečan katolik u Srbiji može da živi celu godinu ko bubreg u loju? Šta te pare nisi poslo nekom u Slankamen, ha pope?


Možda bi trebalo olakšati prepoznavanje ateista.
Dakle, njihov je opis:
Ateist običan domaći blijed je u licu, kako i dolikuje čovjeku na smrt uplašenom gnjevom božjim (" strahom i drhtanjem ostvarujte svoje spasenje...", Filipljani 2,12) . Ima oči crvene poput partijske knjižice, i u njima nekakav rubinšajn, odbljesak paklena žara. Ateist nije pothranjen, ali je gotovo uvijek šlang, nekako mršav i prozračan, izmučen nutarnjim dvojbama i razdrt sumnjom i nevjericom. Uglavnom se nosi po posljednjoj euroatlanskoj modi, pomodno se oblaćeći u živopisne boje i iskazujući prijezir spram skrušene a ponosne patritoske crnine. Kreće se u trojkama, a voli biti i sam. Lako se prikriva i uvlači u naše redove. Nerijetko ima recesivan gen faktor, pa ne može saviti jezik u obliku slova U, a i ušna mu je resica, nakazi!, srasla s bradom. Bradu, jasno, kao Marx ili Čiča - ne brije! Nosi je ponosno, punim poprstjem, kao kakav živi spomenik. Prednost pred isusovkama daje crocsicama. Ateist ne voli djecu, nadasve ne kao pravi vjernik. Unatoč tome doima se neispavano; neprijatelj, naime, nikada ne spava! I to je uglavnom to.

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Udri Done na masone,
ateiste, homoseksualce,
udri Done na morone,
pokidaj im sotonske žalce.

Ti si, Done, naša vera,
ti nas štitiš od pedera,
od lakih žena i pingvina
i njihovih đavolskih čina.

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Atheism is a legacy worth fighting for

Slavoj Žižek

The New York Times


For centuries, we have been told that without religion we are no more than egotistic animals fighting for our share, our only morality that of a pack of wolves; only religion, it is said, can elevate us to a higher spiritual level. Today, when religion is emerging as the wellspring of murderous violence around the world, assurances that Christian or Muslim or Hindu fundamentalists are only abusing and perverting the noble spiritual messages of their creeds ring increasingly hollow. What about restoring the dignity of atheism, one of Europe's greatest legacies and perhaps our only chance for peace?

More than a century ago, in "The Brothers Karamazov" and other works, Dostoyevsky warned against the dangers of godless moral nihilism, arguing in essence that if God doesn't exist, then everything is permitted. The French philosopher André Glucksmann even applied Dostoyevsky's critique of godless nihilism to 9/11, as the title of his book, "Dostoyevsky in Manhattan," suggests.

This argument couldn't have been more wrong: The lesson of today's terrorism is that if God exists, then everything, including blowing up thousands of innocent bystanders, is permitted - at least to those who claim to act directly on behalf of God, since, clearly, a direct link to God justifies the violation of any merely human constraints and considerations. In short, fundamentalists have become no different than the "godless" Stalinist Communists, to whom everything was permitted, since they perceived themselves as direct instruments of their divinity, the Historical Necessity of Progress Toward Communism.

Fundamentalists do what they perceive as good deeds in order to fulfill God's will and to earn salvation; atheists do them simply because it is the right thing to do. Is this also not our most elementary experience of morality? When I do a good deed, I do so not with an eye toward gaining God's favor; I do it because if I did not, I could not look at myself in the mirror. A moral deed is by definition its own reward. David Hume made this point poignantly when he wrote that the only way to show true respect for God is to act morally while ignoring God's existence.

Two years ago, Europeans were debating whether the preamble of the European Constitution should mention Christianity. As usual, a compromise was worked out, a reference in general terms to the "religious inheritance" of Europe. But where was modern Europe's most precious legacy, that of atheism? What makes modern Europe unique is that it is the first and only civilization in which atheism is a fully legitimate option, not an obstacle to any public post.

Atheism is a European legacy worth fighting for, not least because it creates a safe public space for believers. Consider the debate that raged in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, my home country, as the constitutional controversy simmered: should Muslims (mostly immigrant workers from the old Yugoslav republics) be allowed to build a mosque? While conservatives opposed the mosque for cultural, political and even architectural reasons, the liberal weekly journal Mladina was consistently outspoken in its support for the mosque, in keeping with its concern for the rights of those from other former Yugoslav republics.

Not surprisingly, given its liberal attitudes, Mladina was also one of the few Slovenian publications to reprint the caricatures of Muhammad. And, conversely, those who displayed the greatest "understanding" for the violent Muslim protests those cartoons caused were also the ones who regularly expressed their concern for the fate of Christianity in Europe.

These weird alliances confront Europe's Muslims with a difficult choice: The only political force that does not reduce them to second-class citizens and allows them the space to express their religious identity are the "godless" atheist liberals, while those closest to their religious social practice, their Christian mirror-image, are their greatest political enemies.

The paradox is that Muslims' only real allies are not those who first published the caricatures for shock value, but those who, in support of the ideal of freedom of expression, reprinted them.

While a true atheist has no need to bolster his own stance by provoking believers with blasphemy, he also refuses to reduce the problem of the Muhammad caricatures to one of respect for other's beliefs. Respect for other's beliefs as the highest value can mean only one of two things: Either we treat the other in a patronizing way and avoid hurting him in order not to ruin his illusions, or we adopt the relativist stance of multiple "regimes of truth," disqualifying as violent imposition any clear insistence on truth.

What about submitting Islam - together with all other religions - to a respectful, but for that reason no less ruthless, critical analysis? This, and only this, is the way to show a true respect for Muslims: to treat them as adults responsible for their beliefs.

Post je objavljen 21.08.2007. u 01:33 sati.