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J STREET FASHION pt. 2 : Kogal ^^

a sad nam slijede Kogal!!


Kogal (???? kogyaru, lit. "mala curica")su subkultura djevojaka u urbanom Japanu Karakterizirane su by stalnim isticanjem njihovih zarada kroz unikatne ukuse u modi, glazbi i socijalnom društvu. Općenito, kogal "izgledaju" ugrubo rečeni, kao potamnjele kalifornijske djevojke, i naravno, sličnosti između ovo dvoje, kako obje subkulture su preuzele punoslang izraza(????? "ko-gyaru-go"). Kogal ne smiju biti proistovječene sa Ganguro, iako su veoma slične.
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Kogal su poznate po nošenju platformki, minisuknjica, brda makeupa, opituranu kosu (uglavnom u plavo), i dizajnerskih accessoriesa. Ako su u školskoj uniformi, look uključuje suknje podignute visoko i olabavljene čarape (velike kesaste čarape što sežu do koljena).Image Hosted by
Kogalovi puni socijalni život i želja za novim stvarima vodi ih među prve konzumente Japanske mobilne tehnologije i njihov ukus u odjeći vodi prema modnim imenima kao što su Burberry šalovi and Louis Vuitton torbice. Kogalke troše puno vremena (i ćaćinu lovu) kupujući, i to uglavnom (gdje je i središte njihove subkulture) oko Shibuye u Tokyu. Tijekom ljeta, kogalke se mogu vidjeti i na plažama(ma zamisli ti to!! lol ).
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evo vam sad ovi dio na engleskom..nisam ga znala prevest :P (nemojte se razočarat ;)

Critics of the Kogal subculture decry its materialism as reflecting a larger psychological or spiritual emptiness in modern Japanese life. Some kogals support their lifestyle with allowances from wealthy parents, living a "freeter" or "parasite single" existence that grates against traditional principles of duty and industry. A small minority appear in pornography to finance their habits. More may engage in the practice of "compensated dating", or enjo kosai, which may at times border on quasi-legal prostitution. Internet-based usage of this term has led some Western observers to the mistake of believing that "kogal" means "prostitute".

The kogal phenomenon emerged in the mid-1990s and its effects can still be seen today in its numerous off-shoots of sub-categories, although conservative tastes in dress and hair color seem to be on the upswing. Interestingly enough, the Gothic Lolita aesthetic has been described as a reaction to the kogal look.

The term's etymology is disputed: the most common theory is that it was derived from the Japanese word for "high school", koko (??), although others claim that it comes from ko (?), the Japanese word for "girl" or "child". The "gal" originates from English....

Post je objavljen 21.03.2007. u 19:07 sati.