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The night people screamed "FF-bend!"

December 2, 2006. Late fall. I was in Zagreb on the "filozofski fakultet brucošijada" to hear the legendary band. I've heard much about them and when a friend told me they were in Zagreb for the weekend I just couldn't miss the opportunity to hear them and find out are all the rumors really true - are they that good?

So far, this is the best sounding live performance I have had the pleasure of listening to in a long while. There was some lack of practice and, more aggravating, the setlist was so short that the fans didn't even get the chance to heat up adequately when the play abruptly ended. But despite the few minor downsides, nothing could outshine the impression of the concert as a whole. Luckily, Hrabren (the guitarist), noticing the reactions of the audience as the band showed signs of conclusion, quickly kicked off a few more great riffs and with the help of the drum'n'bass, the instrumental trio turned this into a top class jam session. That proved to be a very fine ending. This was a great show and my review will proclaim this loudly.

Immigrant song

If I haven't said this before, I will now: I have never been a big fan of Zeppelin's version of this song, despite the fact that we played this song quite often. However, I found this particular version to be quite pleasing to the ear. Again, I must point to the great bass and drum playing of Dražen and Kruno. As a FF-bend fan, I am always amazed at the way these two perform a song. No one can hold a song together better than these guys. That in addition to the quality of the vocal and guitar performance resulted in a great song.

Piece of my heart

As far as I'm concerned, no Janis Joplin cover could ever compare to the original, but this version was VERY good. The sound quality was particularly good in this song and allowed me to really enjoy myself. Hrabren whipped out a wonderful, bluesy solo (sometimes I think his guitar can really sing) and Elena performs this song with a lot of emotion.


This is my favorite song from the concert. Elena's voice is perfect for this Zeppelin classic. I love Kruno - his drumming was incredible and entertaining! I was jelaous when I heard Hrabren's solo - it sounded as if the guitar was on fire. And Dražen - this is a bass player second to none. A great performance of a great song.

This was a great show and every FF-bend fan should have been there. If you were there, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Ultimate FF-bend fury!

- Jimmy Page

P.S. - Thanks once again guys, for being kind enough to let me take a few pictures of you before and after the gig. Rock and roll!

Hrabren & Dražen
Hrabren & Dražen

Kruno, Hrabren & Dražen totem
Kruno, Hrabren & Dražen totem

The band (Elena is in the middle) backstage with another band that played the same night - Zabranjeno Pušenje (Dražen is missing, but the very smart and good-looking girl you see in the left (who just so happens to be the band's manager) is there in his stead)
The band (Elena is in the middle) backstage with another band that played the same night - Zabranjeno Pušenje (Dražen is missing, but the <u>very smart and good-looking</u> girl you see in the left (who just so happens to be t<u>he band's manager</u>) is there in his stead)

Eto odlučio sam taj Jimmyjev izvještaj postati ovdje - vidim da se čovjek potrudio pa sam mislio je to u redu. Uglavnom, updateao sam okvire lijevo i desno ako slučajno niste primjetili pa prošvrljajte malo. Također, kad nađem vremena ću i stranice od Epske do kraja dovesti u red. Žalim što se učestalost postova tako prorijedila, ali šta da kažem - faks, turneja... Znate već :)

Očekujte update ovog posta kad nabavim još slika sa samog koncerta, a možda i snimku nekako objavim preko Youtubea.

Post je objavljen 12.12.2006. u 22:42 sati.