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ma jebemti sve...

...kad u svakodnevnim razgovorima moram slušat kojekakvih majmunarija, klimat glavom, te navečer kopat po knjigama tražeći smisao. Ovako postavljeno ne izgleda strašno, a naročito kad se uzme u obzir da sam, kao, studir'o i diplomir'o englesku KNJIŽEVNOST. Nudim na čitanje samo jedan citat pa sami zaključite zašto mi je pun kurac:

"...there is uncertainty surrounding estimates of value and that different valuers have different views, depending on how they interpret information relevant to the property in question.
In a well-functioning market this is what you would expect. It is differences in opinion concerning the value of an asset that causes trades to take place. (...) Legal cases of negligence that focus solely on the margin of error, without reference to the way market conditions affect the difference between valuations, are failing to address some important issues in valuation."

Jeboooo slikuuu svooojuuuu...(š'o bi rek'o Rambo Amadeus Svetski Mega Car)

Zar nije bilo lipše bit siromašan student u tuđini, pričat o umjetnosti, vodit ljubav uvijek i odmah.....

Al da sam još uvijek to, ne bih imao princezu.
A da nemam princezu uopće ne znam što bih....
A mrzim sve oko sebe i istovremeno volim što princeza obožava sve oko sebe

Post je objavljen 05.12.2006. u 15:33 sati.