~20.09.2006.~Loser! Lelas is a looooooooser!~

OK! Prvo da razjasnim naslov... Lelas is NOT a looooooooser!!!!!!! Ovaj naslov tu mora bit jer je tak dogovoreno...al nije istinit! NIJE!!!! A kad ja tak kažem...onda je to tak!!!nut
Evo, upravo slušam jednu pjesmu koju mi je poslo taj "loser" i ZAKON je stvar!!! Zove se "So alone I'm again"...u izvedbi benda The Hemoroids! I sad vi meni recite kak neko ko je LOSER može napravit tak prejebenu pjesmu???? Ma nije to moguće... Napiso je lik tekst i cjelu pjesmu napravio!!!! Sam!!! SVE!!! Stavila bi ja tekst pjesme na bljog...al autor mi je izričito reko da to nesmijem...no No, vjerujte mi na rječ kad velim da je tekst super!yesyesyes

Usput, lik svira bubnjeve već 2 godine(i fakat ih zna svirat...za razliku od nekih koji ih dobiju a nemaju pojma...)...a zna svirat i gitaru! Kak bi neki tam LOSER to mogo??? Nebi, pa naravski da nebi! Dakle...LELAS NIJE LOOOOOOOOSER!!!!
Također osim u bendu "The Hemoroids"(u kojem pjeva), svira bubnjeve u Aspidistri...
(usput, to su vam linkovi...pogledajte malo...)

Eh...da...bješe na koncertu Deftonesa i ulovil je-ne jednu...ma ne...DVIJE PALICE!!!!!!!thumbup To looooooooseri nemogu! Jel se slažete samnom?!?

Evo vam slike Lelasa na probi Aspidistre...

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Evo jos jedne...fancy Lelas
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I sad vi meni recite...dal tak zgleda LOOOOOOOOSER??????

Eto...tolko za sad...ajd ljudofi...komentirajte Lelasa...wave Whisper to 29 more in the Shadows...


Oj ljudovi...nije me bilo neko vrijeme čisto zbog moje ljenosti...al ajde, pošto sam čak u komentarima dobila molbu da napišem novi post...

Ovaj naslov se uopće ne odnosi na moj bljog...
Danas je famozna Treća ekonomska škola na Kennedyevom trgu ŠTRAJKALA! Ali ne profesori...ne, ne...učenici su štrajkali!!! To se bogme ne događa tak često...ali neko mora bit iznimka!
Razlog tog našeg štrajka je bio naime ovaj: Školski odbor, vjeće il kaj već je odlučilo da se vrata škole zatvaraju točno u 8.00!!! Ako netko zakasni 1 minuticu, mora čekat ispred škole 45 minuta...tj. 50(jer nas ne puštaju ni pod malim odmorima van, pa samim time ni unutra)! Dakle, njih se opće ne tiče kaj nekima može doći do zastoja u prometu... Još je to sve sad OK, dok je još toplo vani... Ali kaj kad počne zima?!? Kaj budu se ljudi 50 minuta smrzavali vani dok im ne počne drugi sat??? Izgovor će sigurno bit..."Pa nek ode u kafić, popije kavu..." Jeee, bi ja...al onda mi daj 7 kuna svaki put kad zakasnim par minuta!!! Jooooj!!! Kak su mutavi...headbang Ove dvije godine koje sam provela u toj ustanovi sve je bilo normalno...i sad najednom donesu odluku da se škola mora zaključavat...ma dajte ljudi...nađite si neku zanimaciju u životu!
Eh, da...škola je zaključana sve do navečer! Dakle, kad imamo nastavu do 7.55(Što je većinu tjedna) profesori nas nesmiju pustit ni minutu prije zvona!!! Čak ne puštaju niti one pojedince koji moraju otić 5 minuta ranije da bi stigli na bus u pola 9 naprimjer...da bi došli doma u neko pristojno vrijeme...jer im sljedeći bus ide tek sat vremena kasnije... Ma prestrašno!!! Fakat neam rječi...namcor
Da ne spominjem zakon u kojem piše da u ustanovama jedna vrata UVIJEK moraju bit otvorena...u slučaju požara! Oni nas "štite" a ak izbije požar u školi i nastane panika onda bumo očito morali kroz prozore skakat!bang
I tako smo mi cijeli današnji dan prosjedili i prostajali pred školom...potpisali peticiju...došli su nas slikat! Sutra bumo u Večernjem, a danas smo već bili u 24 sata...onom popodnevnom izdanju!

Eto, tako je moj dan bio proveden...ma bilo je zapravo jebeno... Nije bilo škole, a usput sam se skompala s onom curom koja ide u d razred!
E fakat je cura super...pričale smo cijeli dan i zajebavale se! A ja mislila da je ona ful tiha i povučena...moš mislit! Tak smo se ljepo izbrbljale.... Ima cura i bljog...Graveland...imate ga u linkovima...

Prije školjice(štrajka) bijah u Zvuku...s Renatom(cura s kojom sjedim) i Hendrixicom...i s njima sam se ljepo zajebavala!
Ma, sve u svemu...dan mi je fakat ljepo proveden...

Jedino kaj mi fali My beloved...a nisam ga vidla od jučer...
Sve me strah kak će mi bit ovih 10 dana kad ode sutra...najduže kaj se nismo vidli je bilo 3 dana i to kad je on išo na MetalCamp... Hm...očekujte depresivne ispade sljedećih dana...
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~05.09.2006.~Summer review~

Evo, još jedno ljeto je prošlo i sad ponovo na red dolazi ne-tako-lijepi-dio-godine…ŠKOLA!!! Zanimljivo je to…kad je završavala prošla školska godina mislila sam-«Oooo, pa praznici su tek počeli…imam tolko vremena za odmor!» Moš si mislit…to prođe tak brzo…prebrzo! I sad opet u razred s tim debilima!!! Čast iznimkama…rijetkim… Ali, ajd…bar je u 3.d(razred u koji ide jedina dobra osoba-Čoko) došla jedna ok treba…bar mi se tak čini! Bumo vidli…
Osim te dobre vijesti…ima još jedna ajmo-reć-dobra…Pošto smo 3. razred preselili smo se na 2. kat…s prošlogodišnjeg 1.! Jeeej…osjećaš se nekak privilegirano…a i profaćima treba više vremena da dođu do nas, pa umjesto da kasne na sat 10 minuta ko prošle dvije godine, sad kasne nekih 20….hihihi…

Eto, malo o školi…tek tolko da ju spomenem pošto je počela…
A sad…


Hm…otkud da počnem…? Ovo ljeto mi se desilo puuunooo prejebenih stvari!!!

Za početak…upoznavanje moje ljubavi!!!kiss Iako se to zapravo desilo tjedan dana prije završetka prošlogodišnje školske godine, računam to već kao početak ljeta!
Dakle…od markanja zadnjih dana 2.razreda…do sjedenja za šankom u Zvuku i zajebavajući se s konobarima…upoznavanja Tomislavove frendice…njenog dečka…tako je to počelo… I onda je moja draga prijateljica Antonija učinila ono za što ja nisam imala hrabrosti…rekla im da sam se ja zapalila za Tomislava… I tako ja došla u Runu…upoznala ga…zbarila ga…hm…da…hihihi… Sad mi scene prolaze glavom…još se sjećam osjećaja taj dan kad sam došla doma… To je bilo 12.6., jedan dan prije nego smo službeno profurali! I od tada moj život i uživanje u njemu ide naglo uzlaznom putanjom! Kao što ste mogli primjetiti u postovima(a nadam se da se primjeti) stvarno sam sretna! Ovo mi je zapravo prva prava veza i, iako nisam vjerovala da se tako nešto može desiti meni, desilo se! Ne znam dal je to sreća, sudbina il kaj već…ali uostalom-tko bi se uopće zamarao s takvim stvarima? Nisam osoba koja bi razmišljala o tome što će se dogoditi ili bi se eventualno moglo dogoditi…radije uživam u ovom što imam sada! I mislim da je to najpametnije!
Eto, ovo ljeto sam imala puno predivnih trenutaka s Tomislavom i jako mi je drago da je samnom…zaljubljena sam u njega i volim ga! Ne znam koliko sam mu to puta rekla u ova 3 mjeseca…a bogme i on meni… Obožavam ga, ne znam što bi bez njega…on je prva osoba s kojom sam doživjela neke predivne stvari o kojima sam uvijek maštala… Prva osoba koja mi je rekla stvari…za koje nisam mislila da mi netko može reći… Prva osoba s kojom nisam trebala riječi…
Jednostavno ga volim…

Zatim, vrlo važna vijest je da sam položila oba popravna(povijest i knjigovodstvo) u prvom roku!!! Weeeeee!!!! Tak da sam štrebetala samo prvih pola mjeseca praznika i ostalo je bila čista uživancija!!!!smijehyes

Sljedeća stvar je društvo u s kojim sam provodila vrijeme…
Ovo ljeto sam se odlučila okružiti samo ljudima koje stvarno obožavam a ostale izbjegavati u veeelikooom krugu! I to mi je uspjelo…
Većinu vremena sam provodila u društvu ful bliskih frendova…Ivana, Tena, Antonija, Lelas, Vedrana, Prširka, Sanja, Azra, Lesh, Jana, Čoko, Mislav(najbolji mi frend koji se otišo školovat u Englesku na jednu cijelu godinu…)…i naravno s Tomislavom…
Osim s njima puno bolje sam se upoznala s jednim predivnim parom…Manelys i Decadentom! Tako da sam i s njima provela dosta vremena…a za to je zaslužan blog!
Kad smo već kod zasluga bloga, upoznala sam v4MP1r3-a! Jebena osoba…baš mi je drago kaj smo frendovi!
Eto, brijem da je to to što se ekipe tiče!wink

Hm…zapravo je to sve najvažnije! Eh, da…postala sam ovisnica o netu! Što se baš nije svidjelo mojoj majčici kad joj je račun došo… Al jbg, bar ne zovem ljude na teljefon!

Eto, to bi bilo to zasad…ak se još nečeg sjetim važnog…napišem apdejt il u novom posteku…
Ajd ljudofi, čitamo se!!!!dead

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~02.09.2006.~My Best Friend...~

Ok, prvo da vas pozdravim...EVO v4MP1r3!!!! EVO TI NOVI POST!!!!

Današnji post je posvećen mojoj najboljoj prijateljici...
Naime, prekjućer smo nas dvije bile u Runi, došle smo jer je tamo bio my beloved s frendovima...prvo smo bile u Zvuku jer nam je best frend kojeg znam već 6 godina(ona 10) otišo u Englesku na jednu čitavu godinu...da, da, da...tak duuugoooooo ga nebumo vidle...nonono Kad smo se napokon oprostile s njim ošle smo gore s namjerom da se oraspoložimo malo! I tako mi ljepo uđemo u Runicu, ja odma skužila svog dragog s frendom za đuboksom...kiss...ošle se sjest za stol s njegovim drugim frendom...kad za tim stolom još netko! Neka dva lika...jednog nikad u životu nisam vidla(il ga se bar ne sjećam) a ovaj drugi mi je djelovo ful poznato...znala sam da sam ga negdje zicer već vidjela al nisam znala gdje!?!?! Ja sam sjela prva i lik nije opće reagiro...onda je došla moja best frendica(Ivana)...lik ju pogleda, prepozna ju(100% ju iz viđenja zna) i veli joj "hej!" što je zvučalo ful smješno...zgledo je totalno zbunjeno, bar meni...i tak on nju nastavi pogledavati....
Meni tu neš bilo sumljivo pa sam ko fol išla do klozeta(WC-za neuke), afkors-i Ivanu sam odvukla sa sobom! I tako mi raspravile i došle do zaključka da je taj lik koji je do maloprije zurio u nju(ona je naravno tvrdila suprotno) tip kojeg smo vidjele već dosta puta i komentirale ga kao ful zgodnog...pogotovo Ivana koja se inače pali na kineze i te koji na njih liče! A ovaj je imao kineski look...malo kose okice i tak...I tak ja njoj ljepo rekla istinu...da ju je lik pogledavo cjelo vrijeme... A ona cijelo vrijeme meni tvrdi da to nije istina i takve gluposti! Kad smo izašle iz klozeta i vratile se za stol taj lik je već otišo...

Uglavnom, što je bio THE POINT ove pričice????
The point je u ovome! Lik JE nju gledo a kak se Ivana uvjek ponaša totalno flegmatično...što nekad i nije baš dobro...vjerojatno nikad niš nebu bilo! Mislim, nije da ja sad odma planiram neku veliku ljubav il tak nešt...al nikad se nezna! Ko kaže da on nije The One za Ivanu u ovom trenutku?!? A meni je ko njenoj najboljoj prijateljici zabranjeno učiniti išta jer za to trebam njeno dopuštenje!!! A to nikada neću dobiti... I ne kužim zašt je takva??? Nema kaj za izgubiti...nije s tim likom frendica il nekaj tak...ne poznaje ga...nemre ništ sjebat! Najmanje kaj može dobiti je jedan izlazak i otkriti da se ne klika s njim...a kaj ak se kliknu? Može imati jebenog tipa i vezu kakvu je oduvjek željela...mislim da se nema čega bojat... Kužim da ju je strah da ju neko ne sjebe(ponovo) ali nedam joj da se zatvori u ljušturicu do kraja života! Nadam se da niti ona to ne želi jer mi je puno draža ovakva Ivana nego ona otprije 6 mjeseci... Ak te sjebe, sjebat ćemo i mi njega draga!!!!
Eto, moje mišljenje je da bi trebala neš napravit u vezi njega...tj. dat meni da ja neš napravim...malo se raspitam il neš.... I buš vidla kak bu lepo sve ispalo!thumbup

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Watching Over Me
by:Iced Earth

I had a friend many years ago
One tragic night he died
The saddest time of my life
For weeks and weeks I cried
Through the anger and through the tears
I've felt his spirit through the years
I'd swear, He's watching me
Guiding me through hard times

I feel it once again
It's overwhelming me
His spirit's like the wind
The angel guarding me
Oh, I know, oh, I know
He's watching over me
Oh, I know, oh, I know
He's watching over me

We shared dreams like all best friends
Blood brothers at the age of ten
We lived reckless, he paid the price
But why? Why did he have to die?
It still hurts me to this day
Am I selfish for feeling this way?
I know he's an angel now
Together we'll be someday

I feel it once again
It's overwhelming me
His spirit's like the wind
The angel guarding me
Oh, I know, oh, I know
He's watching over me
Oh, I know, oh, I know
He's watching over me

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Amber Girl
by:Lacrimas Profundere

Yes I want you to
I want you to be mine
To be
Fall through seven seas
One suck you can't deny
For me

Shed ballast tears my dear
For you my Amber Girl
Or set you on fire
Be mine or not I die for you
Sweet Amber Girl
I bleed for us and bask in you

Be my little heart
Flaming lips on mine
To see
Symbols on your tongue
Say it's a begin

Shed ballast tears my dear
For you my Amber Girl
Or set you on fire
Be mine or not I die for you
Sweet Amber Girl
I bleed for us and bask in you

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Random raining, ribbons of melancholy
The moment dies right here, before me
Grey horizons tarred to my days
The curtain fell, still the solitary plays
Dance with me, my dear
The dance of those, who'll never return
Bleeding traces left behind, for the living
Hear life forging with death
It's a gorgeous storm unfurling
I've awaited for so long
Now you taste like honey, dear,
On my rigid tongue
It's soothing as you delve
Into my crescent agony
Your lips of tragedy licking my requiem
I am betrayed by your kiss...
Would you bleed for me again,
For I adore its pounding
On your fetid, lifeless shell, it becomes like satin
No love existing, oh, my darling, see
I am the architect of this bitter-sweet abstract«
A key, a door, a vision, remnants of a dream
Corridor of conclusions thru wide ribbons seen
Like a statue starring with the same cold eyes
Honey, kill me again, for I know now what I am
Lay down with me, my dear
Listen to this requiem, you always loved to hear
Though you knew the words, you sang them wrong
Blood began to clog
Still in the rain,
Some things can't be remembered
And some are harder to forget...

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by: The Sisters Of Mercy

Some people get by
With a little understanding
Some people get by
With a whole lot more
I don´t know
Why you gotta be so undermanding
One thing I know
I want more
Iwant more
(And I need all the love that I can´t get to)
(And I need all the love that I can get)
(And I need all the love that I can´t get to)

D´you get scared to feel so much?
To let somebody touch you?
So hot, so cold, so far out of control
Hard to come by, and harder to hold

Some people get by
With a little understanding
Some people get by
With a whole lot more
I don´t know
Why you gotta be so undermanding
One thing I know
I want more
Iwant more
(And I need all the love that I can´t get to)
(And I need all the love that I can get)
(And I need all the love that I can´t get to)

There are parts of me that don´t get nervous
Not the parts that shake
You wnat get what you deserve
You are what you take
Learning to cry for fun and profit
I´m not done yet
Counterfeit dollars or the English zloty
Anything I can get

(And I need all the love that I can´t get to)
(And I need all the love that I can get)
(And I need all the love that I can´t get to)

All the love that you can get
All the love
That I can get to

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Burn In Hell
By: Dimmu Borgir

Welcome to the abandoned land
Come on in, child; take my hand
Here there's no work or play
Only one bill to pay
There's just five words to say
As you go down, down, down

You're gonna burn in hell
Oh, burn in hell

You can't believe all the things i've done wrong in my life
Without even trying i've lived on the edge of a knife
Well, i've played with fire, but i don't want to get myself burned
To thine own self be true, so i think that it's time for a turn
Before i burn in hell
Oh, burn in hell
Take a good look in your heart; tell me what do you see?
It's black and it's dark, now is that how you want it to be?
It's up to you; what you do will decide your own fate
Make your choice now for tomorrow may be far too late

Hear no evil, don't you
See no evil, don't you
Lay no evil down on me
You're gonna burn in hell
Speak no evil, don't you
Think no evil, don't you
Play with evil, 'cause i'm free

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By:Arch Enemy

The more I see - the less I believe
The more I hear - the less I care
This world we've created, has left me cold
This world is sedated, dying in it's sleep

I feel nothing

Seen it written on a thousand faces
The simple truth we fear
Seen it happen in a thousand places
Instinct brought us here

The more I see - the less I believe
The more I hear - the less I care
We used to be the chosen ones
Second to none
Look at what we've become
A pathetic excuse for life

I feel nothing

I can feel nothing
Nothing at all
Except for the pain
That hits me again

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Synthetic Generation

I play hell, you play heaven
I'm deaths own little star...
Can you trace the sins that haunt you,
And play the devil's cards as I do?
I am all that you see,
I am all that you want me to be!
I am god, and so the antichrist
I'm blessed, yet damned
I'm fallen, yet resurrected
I'm all of nothing!
I play death, you play life,
triple sixes to rise...
Can you see the visions I brought you,
And the devilish games that I taught you?
I am all that you see,
I am all that you want me to be!
I am god, and so the antichrist
I'm blessed, yet damned
I'm fallen, yet resurrected
I'm all of nothing!
Synthetic generation...
Stop not,
it's indifference high you must know...
I am all that you see,
I am all that you want me to be!
I am god, and so the antichrist
I'm blessed, yet damned
I'm fallen, yet resurrected
I'm all of nothing!

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By:Jack Off Jill

He said that he would stay forever
forever wasn't very long
He said that he would take the high road
He thought that I was always wrong

Cause when he lied it meant he loved me
And when he lied it meant he cared
And when he lied it meant he loved me
Cause when he lied it meant that he was there

He said that he would go his own way
wrapped up my leg and down my spine
He said that he would be the fairest
Drenched in blood and turpentine

Cause when he lied it meant he loved me
And when he lied it meant he cared
And when he lied it meant he loved me
Cause when he lied it meant that he was there

I am never going back I don't care what he said
I wish he could see the hate in my head
I am never going back I don't care what he said
I wish he could see the hate in my head
I am never going back I don't care what he said
I wish he could see the hate in my head
I am never going back I don't care what he said
I wish he could see the hate

He said that he would tell no secrets
He said that he would never lie
He said that he would spring eternal
He said that we would never die

Cause when he lied it meant he loved me
And when he lied it meant he cared
And when he lied it meant he loved me
Cause when he cried it meant he cared

Cause when he lied it meant he loved me
And when he lied it meant he cared
And when he lied it meant he loved me
Cause when he lied it meant that
he was
he was
he was
He was there

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Suicide And Other Comforts
By:Cradle Of Filth

I pace, alone
In a place for the dead
Overcome by woe
And here, I've grown
So fond of dread
That I swear it's heaven

Oh sweet Mary,
Dressed in grief
Roll back the stone

With these words scrawled in a severed hand
Tears fall like shards of glass that band
In rivers, like sinners
Swept with me to join the damned

A darkened sky
The day that laughter died
Fell swiftly into night
And stayed within Her sight
Staring at the knife
Oh God, how easy now the sacrifice
My life, to have Her with me

So farewell to distant thunder
Those inept stars I've worshipped under
Fall father, their Father
Lies in wait in flames below
Whilst my love, a blood red flower
Calls to me from verdant bowers
Gravesorrow, I cry
Please save me from this Hell I know

A darkened sky
The day that laughter died
Fell swiftly into night
And stayed within Her sight
Staring at the knife
Oh God, how easy now to sacrifice
My life, to have Her with me

An eye for an eye as espied in the bible
My faith is lost to the burning of idols
One less cross to press upon the survival
Of this lorded agony

And I, (much as I have tried
To bury Her from mind,
Fate's tourniquet was tied, when She died...)
Still sense Her presence so divine
Lithe arms about my throat
Like pining swans entwined
Footfalls at nightfall close to mine

Suicide is a tried and tested formula for release

I snatch Her whisper like the wind through cedars
See Her face in every natural feature
Midst the mist and sleepy hollows of fever...
With glee deceiving me

Suicide is a tried and tested formula for release

I hear Her voice from where the grave defies Her
Sirensong to sing along, no finer
Suicide notes, harmonised in a minor
Strike a chord with misery

No light nor reef
No unsinkable of romance keeps me
Safely from the stormy seas
Now drowning, resounding
Death-knells pound my dreams
Unthinkable to dredge through this
Listless and lonely winter frieze

A darken sky
This day hereafter dies
Falls swiftly into night
And stays within my sight
Staring at the knife
Oh God, how ease it was to sacrifice
My life, to have Her with me

No more a victim of a crusade
Where souls are strung from a moral palisade
I slit my wrists and quickly slip away...
I journey now on jewelled sands
Beneath a moon to Summerlands
To grace Her lips with contraband
The blaze once in my veins

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Seek & Destroy

Scanning the scene
in the city tonight
We are looking for you
to start up a fight
There is an evil feeling
in our brains
But it is nothing new
you know it drives us insane

On our way
You will pay
One thousand deaths
On our way
You will pay
One thousand deaths
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy

There is no escape
and that is for sure
This is the end we won't take any more
Say goodbye
to the world you live in
You have always been taking
but now you're giving

On our way
You will pay
One thousand deaths
On our way
You will pay
One thousand deaths
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy

Our brains are on fire
with the feeling to kill
And it wont go away
until our dreams are fulfilled
There is only one thing
on our minds
Don't try running away
`cause you're the one we will find

On our way
You will pay
One thousand deaths
On our way
You will pay
One thousand deaths
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy


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Dimmu Borgir
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