Liga naroda

srijeda, 22.02.2006.

Caracas Libertarian Declaration // January 26, 2006

Between January 23 – 29, 2006, anarchist activists gathered in Caracas for the Alternative Social Forum, coming from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela. We consider it important to establish a specifically anarchist position that speaks to our experiences and exchanges. In such a spirit we declare the following:

1- In accord with our ideological foundations, we can do no less than confirm our deepest rejection of any and all conceivable form of domination and oppression. Therefore, in order to dispel any doubt, distortion or media manipulation we once again condemn the capitalist regime and the state organization of society, as well as militarism, imperialism, patriarchy, racism, the different forms of captivity, the destruction of the environment, the imposition of a supposedly superior culture and any discourse that implies domination.

2- On the contrary, we are passionate lovers of freedom; we point out and confirm our inspiration in anarchist egalitarianism and the values of solidarity that inform the construction of a genuinely socialist society here and now, a society defined by direct democracy, federalism and self-management that will surpass artificial state boundaries.

3- Likewise, above and beyond the habitual string of good intentions and socialist declarations, we think it appropriate to once again pinpoint that a truly libertarian society can only be the result of conscientious decisions founded in the grassroots and that there is not a single historical example that encourages hope in obscure legalism, engineering from above or strong man messiahs. All of that is nothing more than an anti-emancipatory illusion that must be exposed and discredited.

4- This affirmation is particularly timely and necessary as it seems that a new historical cycle is opening up in Latin America in which the people deposit their anguish and hopes in social-democratic and populist governments, invented to manage the crisis of the dominating system, to perpetuate a cosmeticized and sweetened manifestation of the same. Consequently we reaffirm, with the backing of rich historical experience, that there are no statist or vanguard paths towards a socialist libertarian society. To be credible, such a society must be based on the direct participation of grassroots social movements and their non-negotiable self-managed ascent.

5- We believe that freedom is not merely a destination but also a road and praxis. Therefore, we defend freedoms already won, as well as those yet to be won, during our long journey, resolutely condemning all governments, including those who call themselves revolutionary. Let’s be clear, we oppose all of those who, in Latin America or elsewhere, find their basic inspiration by cutting back on and delaying freedom. We condemn them with absolutely no regards to their “higher” justifications brewed in their delirious imaginations.

6- Lastly, as people belonging to different currents and modalities of anarchist thought and practice, and having shown in real life that it is possible to establish a climate of solidarity and respect among ourselves despite our differences, we wish to emphatically proclaim the possibility and need for our movement to take advantage of the many opportunities to build our network of organization in all ways imaginable. This is and will be our immediate commitment.

by CRA - El Libertario, Venezuela Saturday February 04, 2006 at 06:04 PM

Dva različita foruma-razilaženje kao i uvijek dosad. Ciljevi isti, drugačiji put i sredstva.

# ajme dugo nisam bil tu a vidim da sam i dalje u linkovima...kul (Darvil 22.02.2006. 22:50)
# Slažem se (Da 23.02.2006. 10:52)
# zanimljiv post! (anarhosindikalistica 24.02.2006. 14:11)
# izgleda da je latinska amerika na dobrom putu da postane prvim u povijesti nosiocem pravog socijalizma unutar anarhizma,i zato pozdravljam sva nastojanja naroda latinske amerike da se izbavi iz kapitalističkog ropstva koje ga je ujedno i uništilo...e i aj pliz me stavi pod LJEVICU!!!fight for a better world without capitalism! (cicija-filozof 24.02.2006. 18:02)
# bilo tko svaka cast...zanimljivo..poz (..::TG PUNX::.. 25.02.2006. 13:20)
# slazem se sa cicijom, imamo mnogo toga za nauciti od latinske amerike, a moze se povuci i paralela zmedju pravca u kojem ide nasa ekonomija i onog tamo. zato ih i cijenim, jer znaju sta je prava borba, nadam se da cemo i mi jednom to nauciti. (kktz iliti balkan demon 26.02.2006. 01:58)
# nego jel ti mene bojkotujes il sta, heh. stavi me u linkove pod anarhiste, ok? (kktz iliti balkan demon 26.02.2006. 02:01)
# oi! dobar post,ja bas nisam ni ljevi ni desni,al mi se gade nacizam,rasizam i ta desnicarska sranja. pozdrav (punker-ri,ANTI-FA 26.02.2006. 09:00)
# e i mene pod LJEVICU!!! (cicija-filozof 26.02.2006. 11:45)
# Ej,bok!Nisam dugo čitao.Želim još jednom pohvaliti ideju i blog.Ljevičari se moraju ujediniti pod hitno,a ja ih ne poznam baš puno.Trebaju nam izravne akcije... (Car Haille Sellasie III. 26.02.2006. 12:51)
# Ja ne kužim te glupe naciste , rasiste koji mrze druge narode i druge rase koji je njima kurac pa oni neznaju šta to znači bit. Najbolje mi je bilo kad su rekli da se hrvatski narod borio za Hrvatsku a i pisali su da su svi antikomunsti tj. nacisti bili zatvarani i ubijeni , pa daj mi reci tko su onda bili ti ljudi koji su nas kao branili , svi su oni bili komunisti a kasnije sad kad je Hrvatska samostalna sad su veliki Hrvati . Sad tu neke velike ustaše briju kak su neki veliki Hrvati, a neznaju šta se događalo u Jasenovcu i tko je bio A.P. a o Četnicima bolje da i ne pričam. Bratsto i jedinstvo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (anonim 26.02.2006. 23:02)
# hasta la victoria la siempre, che guevara postoji samo dvje slobode, sloboda duha i tjela, slobodu duha svatko ima i nesmije se oduzeti, a tome teži kapitalizam pretvorit nas sve u jeftinu tj. besplatnu radnu snagu, kad nam to oduzmu najebali smo, a sloboda tjela je već oduzeta i izgubljena davnih dana, možemo je vratit samo borbom protiv kapitalističkih agresora, koji potiskiuju naš svaki pokret i utišavaju naš svaki krik i zov za slobodu (patak 28.02.2006. 10:38)
# E slušaj probaj malo prošvrljat po blogovima..ima nas sve viš stavi i one koje nisi u linkove(moja preporuka...naravno..)...da nas se čuje sve dalje i dalje:-)...O I... (Anarchist 28.02.2006. 23:33)
# ja bi pod crvenu zastavu (jack 02.03.2006. 19:34)
# zakon post!!! (crvenaaa 03.03.2006. 10:10)
# evo samo da te pozdravim. postovi su ti dobri... (Society's Victim 04.03.2006. 15:50)

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