Perfect ten

utorak, 31.12.2013.

Being in dreaming;
Florinda Donner Grau
prvi od nekoliko naj - momenata, po mojem izboru

"Sorcerers," he went on, "make one see that the whole nature of reality is different from
what we believe it to be; that is, from what we have been taught it to be.
"Intellectually, we are willing to tease ourselves with the idea that culture predetermines:
who we are, how we behave, what we are willing to know, or what we are able to feel.
"But we are not willing to embody this idea; to accept it as a concrete, practical
"And the reason for that is that we are not willing to accept that culture also
predetermines what we are able to perceive.
"Sorcery makes us aware of different realities; different possibilities, not only about the
world but also about ourselves, to the extent that we no longer are able to believe in even
the most solid assumptions about ourselves and our surroundings."
I was surprised that I could absorb his words so easily, when I didn't really understand
"A sorcerer is not only aware of different realities," he went on, "but he uses that
knowledge in practicalities.
"Sorcerers know- not only intellectually but also practically- that reality, or the world as
we know it, consists only of an agreement extracted out of every one of us.
"That agreement could be made to collapse, since it's only a social phenomenon. And
when it collapses, the whole world collapses with it."
Seeing that I couldn't follow his argument, he tried to present it from another angle.
He said that the social world defines perception to us in proportion to its usefulness in
guiding us through the complexity of experience in everyday life.
The social world sets limits to what we perceive; sets limits to what we are capable of
"To a sorcerer, perception can go beyond these agreed-upon parameters," he stressed.
"These parameters are constructed and buttressed by words, by language, by thoughts.
That is, by agreement."
"And sorcerers don't agree?" I asked tentatively, in an effort to understand his premise.
"They do agree," he said, beaming at me, "but their agreement is different.
"Sorcerers break the normal agreement, not only intellectually but also physically or
practically or whatever one wants to call it.
"Sorcerers collapse the parameters of socially determined perception; and to understand
what sorcerers mean by that, one has to become a practitioner.
"That is, one has to be committed. One has to lend the mind as well as the body.
"It has to be a conscious, fearless surrender."


srijeda, 25.12.2013.

Tanita Tikaram


četvrtak, 19.12.2013.


utorak, 17.12.2013.

paukova mreža - nova fotka
ne smijem zakržljati
pa mijenjam slike
i vrtim im veličine tamo amo
nikad ne znam kaj će ispasti
ljepota je u tome
svaki put iznova nadam se najboljemu

Iako mi se prošl fotka jako sviđala ovdje, ima ih još puuuuno za probati


nedjelja, 15.12.2013.

Draga Ružice, sad kad imaš design, ajde nađi gdje je boja slova KOMENTARA! Ako ti ne nađeš, morat ću redom iskušavati... javi ako znaš...
plejerčić se u ovom dizajnu lijepi odmah ispod prvog "body" a neposredno iznad antioglsa koda. Eto, isprobala....
I još nešto -ima ispod u linkovima, html kodovi POZADINA, fora je i moguće vrlo upotrebljivo!!!!

Pozdrav draga tebi i eventualnim navratiteljima ...



četvrtak, 12.12.2013.

upravo primjetih ,može se cijela fotka pomicati, dizajn nije izrezao sliku na veličinu ekrana, može se scrolati lijevo-desno cijeli blog. Kako fora :)

numero quatro

srijeda, 11.12.2013.

jeeeeeeee! jupi je! uspjeh! ubacila sam fotku svoga podrijetla u dizajn JEEEE!
samo da sad uspijem smjestiti jednu na cijelu pozadinu

jeeeeeeeeeeee ipak je imalo ploda svo ovo čačkanje :)))))))))))))

samo da zapišem, da ne zaboravim, početni dizajn je sa DesignFreaka i zove se 'going home'. Maknuula sam mu slike (u gornjem djelu dizajna sam nekaj nedefinirano pobrisala(to još moram popravljati, bočnu sliku ,za ispod desne trake, sam zasada obrisala; treba naći neku iskropati ju da je dugačka, naći joj mjeru, uploadati u imageshack i ukopirati u dizajn gdje dva navodnika stoje skupa.
A glavnoj slici treba možda točna mjera.

Nemate pojma kako sam ponosna na ovo..imam nula edukacije za ovak nešto, samo sam kliker naprezala .
I HVALA mojoj Ružici na motivaciji, podršci i podijeljenom znanju :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

numero tre

ponedjeljak, 09.12.2013.

The water is silent

The fish in the water is silent,
the animals of the earth are noisy,
the bird in the air is singing.
But man has in him the silence of the sea,
the noise of the earth
and the music of the air.
The meaning of our self
is not to be found in its separateness from God and others,
but in the ceaseless realisation of yoga,
of union.
The newer people,
of this modern age,
are more eager to amass than
to realize.



nedjelja, 08.12.2013.

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