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#11 album news update
Kylie i dalje snima svoj 11. studijski album za kojeg je i sama napisala na Twitteru da se nada da će biti spreman rano/ranije sljedeće godine.
Od kad je završila svoju prvu sjeverno američku turneju većinu vremena provodi u New Yorku gdje snima album.


- Jedno od posljednjih imena koje se spominju je DJ, producent Joel Zimmermana poznati kao Deadmau5.

- Od veome pouzdanog izovra saznalo se i da je jednu pjesmu međuostalim napisao Jeo Echo, naziv pjesme je 'Letting You Go'.

- Britanski pjevač, tekstopisac i producent Taio Cruz u jednom svom intervjuu međuostalim govorio je o suradnji s Kylie na njezinom nadolazećem 11. studijskom albumu.

Poznatiji kao R&B producent za Kylie je promijenio svoj prepoznatljivi zvuk.

"Napravio sam dvije pjesme s Kylie koje zvuče odlično i vrlo plesno, to je zato jer je većina stvari sada takva. Imam određen stil kod pisanja, može se primjetiti kod Tinchy Stryder i na Break Your Heart te također i na pjesmama za Cheryl.
Prestajem s time sada jer ga previše ljudi već prepoznaje."

- Diane Warren za 'Sun Herald' izjavila je da je napisala pjesmu za Kylie.

"...Uzbuđena sam, upravo sam napisala pjesmu za Kylie Minogue. Pisala sam pjesmu i mislila, 'oh, najbolja osoba na svijetu za ovu pjesmu bila bi Kylie'...."

Više o Kylienim avanturama u New Yorku možete pogledati u videima na službenom Kylie Youtube kanalu te na Twitteru gdje Kylie redovito piše!

ponedjeljak, 30.11.2009. • KOMENTARI • (1) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie najzdraviji uzor u posljednjih 50 godina!
Kylie Mingoue Mršava Victoria Beckham ponovo je na udaru pobornika zdravog života. Izabrana je za najnezdraviji uzor, dok je Kylie Minogu dobila same pohvale.

Ako se pitaju fitness treneri i instruktori, veća je korist od Victorije Beckham kao pop pjevačice, nego modne ikone i dizajnerice koja predstavlja svoje modele u veličini broj 34.

Prema nedavno provedenom ispitivanju među nutricionistima i trenerima, Victoria Beckham je najnezdraviji uzor u posljednjih 50 godina.

"Ona je ograničavanje unosa kalorija dovela do posebnog stepena ekstremnosti. Njen konfekcijski broj postignut je manjkom hranjivih tvari potrebnih organizmu i pretjeranim vježbanjem. Ona je stvarno grozan uzor ženama", izjavio je lični trener nekih od holivudskih zvijezda.

Iako Victoria tvrdi kako je jednostavno sitna i niska zbog čega je i tako mršava, gotovo jednake visine je i pop princeza Kylie često hvaljena zbog zdravog izgleda i prekrasne kože.

"Nikad nema taj sivi i obješeni izgled koji se dobije ako ne jedete dovoljno".

KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

New TOUS promo pic | Candids
Pojavila se nova promotivna slika iz Božićne kampanje za TOUS!



Nakon kratkog povratka iz SAD-a u London, Kylie i Andres jučer su se opet vratili u New York!

Kylie Minogue Out and About, London, Britain - 16 Nov 2009


Kylie & Andres at JFK airport in NYC - 17 Nov 2009

četvrtak, 19.11.2009. • KOMENTARI • (1) • # ~ TOP.

#11 album news | NA tour release info!
Za sada sve neslužbeno i nepotvrđeno!


- Iz različitih izvora saznalo se da je prvi singl s nadolazećeg, 11. studijskog Kylienog albuma već izabran te da će biti izdan u veljači sljedeće godine! Prema nekim izvorima moguće da se radi o suradnji s Jakeom Shearsom i Calvinom Harrisom.

Nakon prvog singla album će biti izdan mjesec kasnije, u ožujku!

Imena prvog singla kao i albuma još su uvijek nepoznata.

- Također nepotvrđeno i neslužbeno nešto prije toga - moguće i do kraja godine - kao iTunes ekskluziva biti će objavljena audio snimka nedavne Kyliene prve Sjeverno Američke turneje.
Kako izvor navodi snimka sveukupno traje 140 minuta te će uključivati još tri remixa studio pjesama (vjerojatno studio verzija aranžmana za turneju).

Kylie Minogue Croatian forum
ponedjeljak, 09.11.2009. • KOMENTARI • (2) • # ~ TOP.

Kylie Australian 2nd top earning entertainer!
Usprkos svjetskoj krizi Kylie se ove godine našla da drugom mjestu liste Australskih zabavljača s najvećom godišnjom zaradom. Kyliena zarada procijenjena je na 47 milijuna australskih dolara što je 7 milijuna više nego prošle godine!

AC/DC have been named Australia's top earning entertainers, beating Kylie and Russell Crowe.

Despite never having released a greatest hits compilation album, the ageing rockers - formed in Sydney in 1973 - topped Australian business publication Business Review Weekly's poll, by pocketing an estimated 105 million Australian dollars in 2008 from their comeback album, Black Ice, and an 18-month world tour.

Kylie Minogue came second, with her earnings estimated to be around 47 million Australian dollars, while Oscar-winner Russell Crowe was in fourth place, with around 25 million Australian dollars.

Top 5:

AC/DC $105m

Kylie Minogue $47m

The Wiggles $45m

Russell Crowe $25m

Keith Urban $20m

KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

'Next' magazine scans!
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thanks to oceanbluespiral
KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

Brave Katie feels so lucky to meet Kylie
opis slikeA seriously ill Lincoln girl has had her wish come true by meeting her superstar idol Kylie Minogue.

Katie, eight, was diagnosed with the genetic life-shortening illness cystic fibrosis when she was just 18 months-old.

She has to take between 30 and 40 tablets a day as well as twice daily physiotherapy, sessions with a breathing mask, and has had lots of treatment at Lincoln County Hospital.

It was her consultant paediatrician Dr Robert Groggins who put her name forward to the Starlight Children's Foundation which organised the meeting with Kylie after asking what her wish would be.

The charity heard that despite her continuing treatment Katie remains remarkably upbeat and never complains about her illness even when she is feeling unwell.

Katie, her mum Valerie Allen, 36, and brother Alexander, 13, travelled from Woodfield Avenue, Birchwood, to London's Hyde Park where they chatted to Kylie for 20 minutes backstage at an Abba tribute concert.

And the highlight of the concert was seeing Kylie at the end surrounded by fireworks.

"Kylie was brilliant with us – going right down to Katie's level and talking about everything from Katie's illness to her own family," Katie's mum said.

"Katie was so made up it was unbelievable.

"She talks about it all the time."

Katie, who goes to Hartsholme Primary School, is now even more of a Kylie fan than before and feeling much more confident about the future.

"The best bit about the day was meeting Kylie – and there wasn't a worst bit," Katie, whose favourite Kylie songs are Spinning Around and Can't Get You Out of My Head.

"It was amazing to meet her in person and talk for so long."

To find out how to donate to Starlight, see Monday's Echo.

KOMENTARI • (0) • # ~ TOP.

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Writer: LiMBO

KONTAKTI: jalle_01@hotmail.com

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(Kliknite na naslov albuma za više informacija)

-2 Hearts
-In My Arms
-All I See
-The One

Showgirl Homecoming Live**

Ultimate KYLIE*
-I Believe In You
-Giving You Up

Body Language
-Red Blooded Woman

-Can't Get You Out Of My Head
-Love At First Sight
-In Your Eyes
-Come Into My World

Light Years
-Spinning Around
-On A Night Like This
-Please Stay
-Your Disco Needs You

Intimate & Live **

Impossible Princess
-Some Kind Of Bliss
-Did It Again
-Cowboy Style

Kylie Minogue
-Confide In Me
-Put Yourself In My Place
-Where Is The Feeling?

Greatest Hits *
-What Kind Of Fool

Let's Get To It
-Word Is Out
-If You Were With Me Now
-Give Me Just A Little More Time
-Finer Feelings

Rhythm Of Love
-Better The Devil You Know
-Step Back In Time
-What Do I Have To Do

Enjoy Yourself
-Hand On Your Heart
-Wouldn't Change A Thing
-Never Too Late
-Tears On My Pillow

-I Should Be So Lucky
-Got To Be Certain
-The Loco-Motion
-Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi
-It's No Secret
-Turn It Into Love

* Greatest Hits album
** Live album


- Compilations:
Greatest Hits (1992) · Hits+ (2000) · Confide in Me (2002) · Greatest Hits 1987-1999 (2003) · Greatest Hits 1987-1997 (2003) · Kylie Minogue: Artist Collection (2004) · Ultimate Kylie (2004) · Confide in Me: The Irresistible Kylie (2007)

- Remix albums:
The Kylie Collection (1988) · Kylie's Remixes Volume 1 (1989) · Kylie's Remixes Volume 2 (1992) · Kylie's Non-Stop History 50+1 (1993) · Greatest Remix Hits 1 (1997) · Greatest Remix Hits 2 (1998) · Mixes (1998) · Impossible Remixes (1998) · Greatest Remix Hits 3 (1998) · Greatest Remix Hits 4 (1998) · Boombox (2008)


-Especially For You
-Keep On Pumpin' It
-Where The Wild Roses Grow
-Over The Rainbow


- For You, For Me - 2009
- KYLIEX2008
-Showgirl Homecoming - 2006/2007
-Showgirl - The Greatest Hits Tour - 2005
-Money Can't Buy (samo jedan koncert) - 2003
-Fever - 2002
-On A Night Like This - 2001
-Intimate & Live - 1998
-Let's Get To It - 1991
-Rhythm Of Love - 1991
-Enjoy Yourself - 1990
-The Hitman Roadshow/Disco In Dreams - 1989


1980. Skyways (mini serija)
1980. The Sullivans (TV serija)
1985. The Zoo Family (TV serija)
1985. The Hernderson Kids (TV serija)
1986. Piano / Fame and Misfortune (mini serija)
1986.-1988. Neighbours (TV serija)
1994. The Vicar of Dibley (TV serija)
1997. Men Behaving Badly (TV serija)
2004. Kath & Kim (TV serija)
2007. Doctor Who, Voyage Of The Damned (SF serija)
2009. Horne & Corden (TV show)


The Delinquents (1989)
Streetfighter (1994)
Hayride To Hell (Short) (1995)
Bio-Dome (1996)
Misfit (Short) (1996)
Diana & Me (Cameo) (1997)
Sample People (2000)
Cut (2000)
Moulin Rouge (2001)
The Magic Roundabout (2004)
White Diamond (dokumentarni film) (2007)
Blue (2009)