Visina: 177cm2
Debljina (težina): Varira,oko 66kg/h
Mjesto Rođenja: Negdje u Virovitici
Mjesto Prebivališta: Boem(ako netko ne zna što je to, neka pogleda u riječnik), al nekad dođem kod staraca
Okupacija: Na Vukovar
Zanimanje: Ugostiteljstvo i Turizam-Hotelijer-Ugostitelj
Hobi: Biljar, Radim mjuz, Silujem maloljetnice na Crvenom Trgu u Rusiji....joj nisam to trebo reć, a?
Perspektiva: Vertical Reallity
Što mislim dalje: Neki fax, a može i telegram
Ljubav: Slobodan, i to Milošević, osim dok sam na wc-u
Volim: Sex, Odmor, Sex poslije odmora i odmor poslije sexa-nemora nužno biti odmor, može i trošenje
Jaaako volim: Sex sa dobrim curama, zadovoljit određene kriterije kod već spomenutih
Ne Volim: SPONZORUŠE, Celibat, kondome općenito, umišljene droljice i maloumne amebe



Verth-ls: Pjesma Tebi

Sada cu ti pisati rijeci bez svrhe,
mada ne zasluzujes dajem ti do znanja da te zelim jos vise,
dan za danom prolazi sve brze,
a ja stalno mislim na tebe i skrivam svoje gorke suze.

Umjesto da placem, ja se smijem,
umjesto da volim, ja se gadim,
i mozes li mi vjerovati kada ti kazem da mi falis,
mozes li da ostavis mene i ovo na cemu smo stali???

Zar me ne zalis kao ljudsko bice,
kao uveli cvijet i njegove naborane latice,
u odnosu na onaj divan miris i izgled
koji je nekoc imalo.....

Zar me ne postujes kao osobu
koja ti je htjela dati sve,
koja ti je pruzala ruke
kada si padala u duboke ponore.

I sto sada reci,
nakon toliko tige i mnogo suza,
sto da se kaze nakon ovog velikog bola???

Sve mi je strano,
sve mi je vise svejedno...
ne osjecam nista, ne zelim nista,
nista vise nego da patis, kao sto patim Ja!!!

Jos uvijek te volim, zelim i sanjam,
jos uvijek je moje srce tvoje,
a ja zivim samo za tebe...zauvijek



Šta ne idu mi te ljubavne baš, a?

Ajmo onda nešt drugo probat'


Lost Souls-Macabre

Lyrics Interpreter:
Where is this world going to?
It is a question which answer nobody knew,
just take a deep look into the mirror,
and tell me do you see the man who abused the inferior


Person (aka Verth):

In front of my eyes appears a black widdow,
Watchin' me like the cop I see through the window,
I ask myself, why is he staring at me?
Suddenly the strange voice speaks instantly.

Demon (aka Sacros):

I'm the black core of your heart,
I exist of pure dark,
Till the end from the start,
He was the witness of our art.

Person (aka Verth):

What have you done, what kind of art are you talking about?
This is the first time i see that cop,
And who are you, how did you appear like that?
You sound like a frame i've recently met.

Demon (aka Sacros):

I consume your agression, I am your obsession,
You've created me to effectuate your secret passions,
I lead you through your dreams, I arise as the devil,
See my paradise, red sun and black gravels,
We have to sacrefice souls, yesterday was the beginning,
Remember the feeling, what's like to see them suffer,
Every midnight, we have to offer souls to the evil,
We will celebrate in the sequel.

Person (aka Verth):

I woke up this morning, covered with sweat,
Escaped from nightmares, thought it was the end,
Are you trying to tell me that it wasn't a dream?
I've looked on a callender and saw one date was missin'
At the moment, I've realised what have I done,
Three little girls slaughtered and raped just for fun,
I had no control over myself,
It wasn't my will, I was conforting myself,

But anyway my body did that horrible crime,
and when they find me i'll be in a prison till the end of the time.


Put the candles in the circle to summon your dark side,
I can't escape from this Lord, give me a sign,
Now I'm your God, Be prepared for more brutality,
Every day, You're decreasing my mentality,

I'm here for your wish, Your blood betrayes your fear,
You relish my world, I can taste it from your tears,
You've changed my life, now I'm someone else,
I'm runnin' blindfolded through this path of death,

Demon (aka Sacros):

Now we're one, atrocity and madness combined,
wisdom of malignancy, detester of divinity,
you're infected by sin, I took your soul for residence,
so no one is able to find any evidence,
of the horror we cause on earth and it's universe,
we have to kill permanently and besiege every church,
we have to unite our power to open the demonic doors,
so let the moon shine on the altar.

Person (aka Verth):"WAKING UP IN CHURCH"

A weird noise tickled my brain through my ears,
I stood up and found myself surrounded by blood tears,
Something strange was written on the wall,
Some sort of message, like the one I saw in the mall,
I was frightend walking throug those rows,
I've noticed a pool of blood, and saw priest crawls,
Stabbed with a dagger, voicelessly tries to speak,
Lookin' in my eyes, and realised that he was to weak,
To stand up, he just whispered "HELP ME",
I've crossed myself, and send a prayer to God to save me.

Demon (aka Sacros):

God can't help you, I control you from the halls of dispair,
My negativity denies that he recieves this prayer,
You better send him greetings from hell,
this world will rot when we cast the last spell,
Only one victim should be presented to death
and my vision will come true to return to my own SELF,


Put the candles in the circle to summon your dark side,
I can't escape from this lord give me a sign,
Now I'm your God be prepared for more brutality,
Everyday you're decreasing my mentality,

I'm here for your wish, you're blood betrayes your fear,
You relish my world I can taste it from your tears,
You've changed my life, now I'm someone else,
I'm runnin' blindfolded through this path of death,

Person (aka Verth):

All of a sudden, strong brightness blinded me,
I saw some frames within which were frightening me,
Those were angels, came to warn me about the demon inside,
I was still shocked by their arrival so I stood aside.

They've sad I have to say his name to destroy him,
He was too long inside me to avoid him,
I had no solution, It is my life that needs to be sacreficed,
Otherwise, more people will be mortalized,
While I was thinking what could be his name,
He came back to claim his domain.

Demon (aka Sacros):

There is no possibility to exorcise me,
If you want to find out my name you have to search deeply,
My energy is rising, i'm close to my aim,
And your soul will be tortured in the chambers of pain.

Person ( aka Verth):

And now, I'm standin' inside this sacred place,
Havin' an agony with my inner anxiousness,
Begging him to release me with my soul,
To give me peace and let me go.

Once again, Angels shared their whisdom with me,
Sending me a message from the holly trinity,
"If you want to find out that demon's identity,
You must even look closely into vanity".

I've looked aroud and saw that blood message again,
I senced it was that demon's name,
He marked his territory with the blood of the victims,
To finish his art, leaving no witness,

I've step on a piece of a broken glass,
Looked at myself in it and saw the blood message behind my back,
Some weird letters combined, formed his name,
Shit, mine and his are all the same.


Lost Souls (artists: Verth & Sacros) 2006


< rujan, 2007  
          1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Rujan 2007 (5)
Srpanj 2007 (6)

Tračevi sa/bez

Poison Angel Studio Dizajn


E, cure, ajd' kad ste već tu, mogle bi nam i cugu platit'! (Verth_ls)

Mala, očmo se potrošit, pa onda na čevape? Neeeeeee!!!
-Šta, ne voliš čevape???

Jel vjeruješ na ljubav na prvi pogled ili moram opet proci pokraj tebe?

Što sad trebamo postave igledati??? (smz-samozvani, prof. Botić)

Da bog da imo' tvornicu playstationa, a da neimo' prste!!!

Mala, šta ti misliš da je moj kurac revolver, pa da puca na bilo kakve limenke?!!! (to kad je treba umišljena do bola)


Ima ih još, al sad mi se ne da!!!zijev

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malo moje mjuze
Dvije male bolesne
Ostavljena u vremenu
Vision of a witch

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petak, 28.09.2007.

odem ljudi!!!

ma znate šta.....odem ja!!!!


hehe.....najbolji post do sada!!!

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petak, 21.09.2007.

Moj Cyber Svijet!!

HEHEEEEEE....evo ovako....

Nisam nikada ocekivao da cu biti takoreč addict.....odnosno blaga verzija ovisnika o internetu, a naročito nisam nikada mislio da ću upoznati osobe preko interneta do kojih mi je stalo.......

Recimo: MORTIFERA(AKA IVANA): Djevojka koju sam upoznao preko brata....odnosno preko smo se jednog dana odlučili i upoznati u stvarnom svijetu.....hmmmmmm....sve naj bolje o njoj, da se ne selim u opatiju, najvjerovatnije bih se zaljubio u nju i pokušao ju osvojiti:))))))))starka...samo nastavi s takvim ponašanjem, al stvarno si doooooooooobra puuuuuun kurac:))))))))))))))

FATALNA DUCATIGIRL (AKA. MIHAELA)- moja cyber djevojka.....cura s kojom se dopisujem i izmjenjujem puse svaki dan po 5 sati:)))) Upoznali smo se preko mypartyfusiona....kada je bila tužna jer se razvela od veeeeelikog igrača:))))), a ja kao JA odmah sam iskoristio njenu slabost, te pridobio njenu
naklonost:)))) Zapravo, ona me i potakla da pišem ovaj postnaughty:)))))))))
Super-dobrog izgleda i slažemo se u mišljenjima....ah....sve u svemu super:))))

OSTAVLJENA (AKA. I DON'T KNOW JER MI NIJE REKLA SVOJE IME)-Koliko sam skužio o njoj....vrlo inteligentna i nažalost nesretna djevojka.....iz istočne slavonije.......piše izvrsne pjesme koje mi se jaaaaako sviđaju i često je na znam puno o njoj, ali jednoga dana hoću....i hope so!!!:))))))))))))))

iiiiiiiiii dodao bih još i jednu djevojku iz slatine.......moju susjedu naravno, koja još uvjek nije upisala moj msn.......šta čekaš ti mala.....hehe:))))))))
hehe....jedino što sam saznao o njoj je da voli DOBRE DEČKE I AUTE(FERRARI).....nadam se da nije sponzoruša:)))))))))))))

Ostali s kojima se čujem a nisam vas napomenuo u ovom mojte se ljutiti ili sam zaboravio na vas ili ste ona grupa koja želi samo komentare na vašim blogovima.....a to meni nije uopće bitno....dakle sorry.......:))))))

I na kraju bih vas htio informirati da sam od prošlog vikenda u :)))))sretnoj vezi na daljinu...što najvjerovatnije neće uspjeti jer ja nisam osoba za to.......ali je djevojka super, pa se nadam da cemo nakon svega ostati doooobri prijatelji:)))))))))))))))

Eto ljudi, to je to....citamo se!!!!

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srijeda, 12.09.2007.

open your eyes

Evo malo uvrnutog mišljena......osvarenog u rimama

If you open your eyes, you'll see the imagined world,
Someones evil plan, and our lives that have been sold,
My house, body and my town, it is all a fake,
as same as our single move that we have to make,
you don't believe me, i'll prove you're wrong,
tell me, does this world lasts long?
For example: "when did people start to use money"?
if it was too long ago, i think then a man was a dummy!
They ate with their bare hands, lived in caves and hills,
but they've already payed their bills?

We can't know is it false, or is it truth,
and is the history wright that older passed to youth!
We haven't live then, we were born today,
and if we want to find out the truth, we'll have to make a survey....

This world is programmed, and it's designed very well,
but there's some mistakes like paradise and hell,

The bad will go to hell, the good will go to paradise,
and the situation when Abraham needed to make a sacrifice,
of his own son.....He had to put him on a fire.
Because he had to obey God's desire.

That's nonsense, created in the mind of a human being,
All of the lies that Bible have said, for ages we have believed,
and in the end, what's the true story at all?
By whom we've been created I want to know!

Was it the superior creature with his army of darkness,
or the God interrupted with his intelligence?
Was the Jesus Christ for real nailed on a cross,
are we great sinners so we have to die of a holocaust?

I tried to stay calm, but after the ages of lies,
I finally concentrated and opened my eyes.
I realized this life ain't real, therefore I was racked,
But can I make any difference, that's the matter of fact!!!!

Verth_ls 2005

....evo kako ta pjesma zvuči uglazbljeno,,,,....

a ako vam smeta moj Led Zeppelin i ne cujete pjesmu kako treba....idite pod linkove: "malo moje mjuze" i poslušajte pjesmu open your eyes!!!


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ponedjeljak, 10.09.2007.

dok vecina spava, ja pišem.....

Pitam se, zašto sam ja noćna ptica, odnosno osoba koja je budna po noći, a spava po danu.....?

Ima jedno vrlo logicno objašnjenje: ZATO ŠTO VOLIM TIŠINU!

Ide mi na beeeeep kurac ta buka i sva druga sranja koja me okruzuju po danu. Isto tako ni ne volim svijetlost, što je vrlo česta pojava kada je vani dan.....bang
A najviše me je strah onih umiljatih i dragih pticica koje pjevaju na grani i samo čekaju da netko prodje pogodan za nošenje ptičjeg izmeta na svojoj majici ili koži.....

Najljepše mi je kada izađem van poslije ponoći, skinem se gol i trčkaram okolo u polumraku po putevima uz cestu...hehe,,,,,,......ajd' toliko lud ipak nisam:=)mouthwash

Volim slušati klasične pricam sada o mozzartu i drugima, već volim melodije sa klavirom, violinama, cellima, trombonima, tubama, brassovima i ostalim orkestralnim instrumentima, to se zove i filmska muzika. Znači kada se opuštam, ne volim nabijanja i nabrajanja kao što je slučaj u technu i repu.....mad, već da to bude ljepa glazba sa umirujućim tonovima, pa neka mi sada netko kaze da nisam u pravuno!

Iako sam sada skrenuo s teme, još bih nešto želio napomenuti što se tiče muzike......dakle reperi, rnb-ovci, punkeri, metalci, skinheadsi i ostali balegari, što vi mislite, što to vaši idoli, odnosno izvođaći vaših najdražih pjesama poručuju svojim obožavateljima, tj. vama???????

 je bilo samo glupo pitanje, nisam ja mislio dati nikakav odgovorzubo

Ma znate šta, idem ja malo odspavati, pa se čujemo dok se probudite i otvorite oći, te razmislite o ovome postu.......i što sam ja njime htio reći!!!!!

Heheheeesretan serem, nemam više inspiracije, zapravo nisam ni imao, samo mi je bilo dosadno i htio sam napraviti novi post.....yes

eto to je to, bok bokwave

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nedjelja, 02.09.2007.

Alo ljudovi......

Evo mene natrag u svojoj dragoj, miloj i predivnoj slavoniji.

Vracam se iz daleka, tocnije otoka Lošinja.
Radio sam u disco baru Anabela u Malom Lošinju i zaradio podosta kovanica, koje su danas, naravno u rukama neke druge osobe......(to je vjerovatno zato što novac smatram vražjim djelom, pa ne želim zračiti negativnom energijom, te ih se "pošto-poto" rješavam u što kraćem vremenskom razdoblju).belj

Dakle.....HOĆU NATRAAAAAAAAGcryblabla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bilo mi je predivno......tamo sam bio faca, tu nisam........tamo sam se imao gdje potrošiti, ovdje nemam--mislim imam, ali ne u izobilju,.......tamo sam imao para, ovdje nemam,......

ali nije bitno, vazno je to da sam iskusio što znači živjeti high life mjesec dana.

And now we're back to reality, natrag u život!!!!

Još sam nekih 20-ak dana kod kuce, pa odlazim na školovanje.....ću bit pametan.......uh!!!

I taaaaaak-kako kaze jedna moja draga prijateljica, to je to u suštini.


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