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Ime: Noah
Godina: 14
Živim u: Dardi
MSN: kosarkasboy@hotmail.com
Idem u školu: Oš Darda, 7.c razred
Najjelo: Brancin (riba)njami
Najpiće: Spriteparty
Najprijatelji: Josip, Robert, Ivan i Robertinothumbup
Bavim se: košarkomsmijeh
Najigrice: FIFA 2006, NBA 2007, Warcraft...naughty

Sestra: Ivona

Moj Bite Fight
Ovo su moje nove tenisice:)

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A ovo su sada već stare:)
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Ja i moj frend Damjan (CoolerFooler):
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Ovo je grb našeg kluba KK "VROS DARDA":Image Hosted by ImageShack.us


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Superman returns:
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Ja na tekmi:
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Ja na drvetu:
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Pokal za osvojeno 1. mjesto na školskom turniru:
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BTW -By the way -Usput, inače
AFAIK -As far as I know -Koliko je meni poznato
AISB -As I said before -Kao što sam već rekao
AKA -Also known as -Poznat još i kao
ASAP -As soon as possible -Što je moguće prije
ATB -All the best -Sve najbolje
ATM -At the moment -Trenutno
B4 -Before- Prije
BBL -Be back later- Vraćam se kasnije
BCNU -Be seeing you -Vidimo se
BF -Boyfriend -Dečko
BION -Belive it or not -Vjerovao ili ne
BRB -Be right back- Odmah se vraćam
CU -See you -Vidimo se
CMB -Call me back -Nazovi me
CMIW -Correct me if I'm wrong -Ispravi me ako sam u krivu
CUL -Call you later- Nazvat ću te kasnije
Dnt B L8 -Don't be late -Nemoj kasniti
DTS -Don't think so -Ne bih rekao
F2F -Face to face -Licem u lice
FAQ -Frequently asked questions -Često postavljana pitanja
FYI -For your information -Za tvoju informaciju
GF -Girlfriend -Cura
GG -Gotta go -Moram ići

HAGWE -Have a good weekend- Ugodan vikend
HAND -Have a nice day -Ugodan dan
HRU -Have are you -Kako si?
IAC -In any case -U svakom slučaju
IB -I'm back - Evo me natrag
IDK -I don't know -Ne znam
ILU -I love you -Volim te
ILU2 -I love you too- I ja tebe volim
IMO -In my opinion -Po mojem mišljenju
IYSS -If you say so- Ako ti tako kažeš
JK -Just kidding -Samo se šalim
KIT -Keep in touch -Ostani u kontaktu
KOL -Kiss on lips -Poljubac u usta
L8T -Later- Kasnije
LMK -Let me know- Javi mi
LOL -Laughing out loud -Glasno smijanje
MMD -Make my day -Uljepšaj mi dan
Msg -Message -Poruka
NAGI -Not a good idea -Loša ideja, loša zamisao
NP -No problem -Nema problema
NW -No way -Nema šanse
PAW -Parents are watching -Roditelji me gledaju
PCM -Please call me -Molim te, nazovi me
Pls -Please -Molim te
SPST -Same place same time- Na istom mjestu u isto vrijeme
TAFN -That's all for now -To je sve za sada
Thx -Thanks -Hvala
TTYL -Talk to you later -Do sljedećeg razgovora
TYMV -Thank you very much- Puno hvala
Wan2TLK -Want to talk -Želiš li razgovarati?
WAYF -Where are you from- Odakle si?

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"Better Off Alone"

I never gave a reason
of why I didn't call
Now I've grown so tired
of lying to myself
It cannot go unsaid
I regret what they know
Don't think it's all been a waste of time

Are you better off alone? Stop lying to yourself
I regret what was said I deny what they know
Are you better off alone?

Those that we admired
All stood their ground and cried
I didn't start the fire
I just tried to see your eyes
It cannot go unsaid
I only want you to know
I think it's all going to
Work out fine

Are we Better Off Alone (you better off alone?)
Than lying to ourselves
Who cares what they've said?
Who cares what they know?
Are we better off alone

I know that my love I'll send
Could we still be friends?
But this is the end

I think it's all going to work out fine
We're better off alone (You better off alone)
Than lying to ourselves
I regret what you say
I don't care what i know
Don't say it's all been a waste of time
Are you better off alone (send my love)
Stop lying to yourself (send my love)
It cannot go unsaid (send my love)
i only want you to know (to yooou)
It cannot go unsaid,
I only want you to know,
I think it's all going to work out fine.

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Linkin Park-No More Sorrow
Are you lost, In your lies?
Do you tell yourself, I don't realize?
Your crusades, A disguise.
You replaced freedom with fear,
You trade money for lives.

I'm aware of what you've done.

No, No More Sorrow.
I've paid for your mistakes.
Your time is borrowed.
Your time has come to be replaced.

I see pain, I see need.
I see liars and thieves,
Abuse power with greed.
I had hope for you, I believed.
Now I'm beginning to think that I've been deceived.

You will pay for what you've done.


Thieves and hypocrites!
Thieves and hypocrites!
Thieves and hypocrites!

No, No More Sorrow.
I've paid for your mistakes.
Your time is borrowed.
Your time has come to be replaced.

No More Sorrow.
I've paid for your mistakes.
Your time is borrowed.
Your time has come to be replaced.

Your time has come to be replaced.
Your time has come to be replaced.

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Simple Plan- I'm Just A Kid

I woke up it was 7
I waited til 11
Just to figure out that no one would call
I think I've got alot of friends
But I don't hear from them
What's another night all alone
When you're spending every day on your own
And here it goes

I'm just a kid
And life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid
I know that it's not fair
Nobody cares cuz I'm alone and the world is having more fun than me

And maybe when the night is dead
I'll crawl into my bed staring at these 4 walls again
I'll try to think about the last time I had a good time
Everyone's got somewhere to go & they're gonna leave me here on my own
And here it goes

I'm just a kid
And life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid
I know that it's not fair
Nobody cares cuz I'm alone and the world is having more fun than me

What the fuck is wrong with me
Don't fit in with anybody
How did this happen to me?
Wide awake I'm bored & I can't fall asleep
And every night is the worst night ever

I'm just a kid
I'm just a kid
I'm just a kid
I'm just a kid
I'm just a kid

I'm just a kid
And life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid
I know that it's not fair
Nobody cares cuz I'm alone and the world is
Nobody wants to be alone in the world

I'm just a kid
And life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid
I know that it's not fair
Nobody cares cuz I'm alone and the world is
Nobody wants to be alone in the world
Nobody cares cuz I'm alone and the world is having more fun than me tonight
I'm all alone tonight
Nobody cares tonight
Cuz I'm just a kid tonight

srijeda, 04.05.2011.

Darda mi te volimo

Darda ostaje prvoligaš, Dubravi neizvjesnost
Darda je pobjedom 78:70 protiv Dubrave u posljednjem kolu Lige za ostanak osigurala opstanak u A-1 ligi, dok Dubravaši moraju u dodatne kvalifikacije s drugoplasiranom momčadi A-1 kvalifikacija

U ispunjenoj dvorani u Dardi domaća momčad je opterećena osobnim pogreškama te bez učinka najboljeg igrača Ivana Krole (17min, 2p) umalo ispustila 20 poena viška, no na kraju ipak izdržala nalet mladih Dubravaša te zadržala prvoligaški status. S druge strane, Dubravu čekaju odlučne utakmice s drugoplasiranim klubom A-1 kvalifikacija, a pobjednik tih utakmica (igra se na bolji rezultat iz dvije utakmice) ostvaruje pravo igranja u A-1 ligi u sezoni 2011/12.

Baranjci su sjajno krenuli u odlučujuću utakmicu sezone, pred kraj prvog poluvremena nošeni Bičvićem te uz pomoć Ćutuka i Ridla s parcijalnih 22-4 pobjegli su na 45:25. Ali u završnici su ipak morali spašavati pobjedu. No, trica Bakovića u posljednjoj minuti za 73:67 donijela im je prednost koju gosti više nisu mogli stići.

Dubravaši su pola prednosti istopili u trećoj, a ostatak u četvrtoj četvrtini. Brzoja je približio Dubravu na -10, a Primorac je ubacio tricu na kraju treće dionice za 58:49. Krolo je do tada već imao pet osobnih, a Kordić, Mandić i Bičvić su bili na tri faula. Bašić je potom s pet poena (svojom drugom tricom), a Šarić svojim ubačajem približio Dubravu na 64:58, da bi Brzoja tricom postavio 66:65 u 37 .minuti.

Dvije minute prije kraja Dubrava je imala napad za vodstvo, ali Bašić je promašio tricu. Pri 70:68, Baković je pogodio prvo od dva bacanja, a na drugoj strani lopta ide u ruke Šarića koji promašuje šut. Priliku za popravak iskoristio je Baković koji tricom odvaja Dardu na +6. Rikić je nakon minute odmora smanjio na 73:69, ali iskusni domaći košarkaši su u posljednjim sekundama bili mirne ruke s linije slobodnih bacanja.

Baković, Bičvić, Ćutuk i Ridl su ubacili svaki po 15 koševa, dok je mladi Filip Kordić zabio 14. Kod Dubrave je Brzoja ubacio 14, Šarić zabio 12 (šut 4/13) uz 14 skokova, a 12 je ubacio i Bašić.

Tablica Lige za ostanak
1. Kvarner 2010 12-8
2. Dubrovnik 11-9
3. Darda 11-9
4. Brod-Svjetlost 11-9
5. Dubrava 9-11
6. Trogir 6-14

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