

Dodaj komentar (9)


  • zazen

    e moj ludlud.

    nekako te to za moj ukus previše veseli.
    to što nisi službeno lud.
    ja eto, još uvijek jesam.
    i žmirkajući doktor mi je uredno prepisao nilskokonjsku terapiju.
    a ja je lijepo ne pijem i boli me k. za njega i njegove pričice.

    nema čovjeka koji nije pomalo lud.
    i ne kažem to da se utješim, jer nisam zbog ludosti došao psihijatru.
    ali i da jesam, pa što on više zna o meni od mene?

    da mi kaže da sam lud ko šiba,
    došo bi doma, upalio tv, ugledao sanadera.
    i nebi se trebao ni upitati: "tko je ovdje lud?"
    samo bi ugasio tv i izašao van u sunčani dan.
    ako bi bio sunčan.

    lijep pozdrav.


    12.11.2007. (11:06)    -   -   -   -  

  • sagittariusclassic

    ...eto ti ga sad, pa ti sad vrdaj ako možeš, čovjek ti napisao i potpisao se ispod...:)))))))) Zazen ima pravo, nemoj gledat teve još dvadesetak dana, to je prestrašno, ma i Ghandi bi puknul ko kokica...:)))))))))))))


    12.11.2007. (11:13)    -   -   -   -  

  • guest01

    jako lijep uspjeh :)
    cestitam !!!


    12.11.2007. (14:04)    -   -   -   -  

  • neazess

    Drago mi je što si zatvorio i to poglavlje. Makar, priznaj - malo će ti falit Nadležni, barem za časkanje? Čak je i meni već postao drag ;)))).


    12.11.2007. (21:28)    -   -   -   -  

  • ludlud

    @ all: isprika svima na nejavljanju. Malo me pere narkomanska kriza, što god doktor Nadležni rekao o pilulama. Ali večeras je već bolje nego sinoć, a sve zajedno ni blizu kao ono proljetos (vidi post "hajde da se drogiramo" od 19. 5.)
    Sva sreća, imam Zlatobradog na papiriću! :P


    13.11.2007. (00:58)    -   -   -   -  

  • MiniMaxine

    Sva sreća, samo je ova jedna priča završena.
    A već pomislih....no, dobro.


    13.11.2007. (17:45)    -   -   -   -  

  • Reader

    3:10 to Yuma

    A dull and empty Sunday, even in the big hospital complex . Luckily it's a sunny day, and I quickly find Dr N where he is blinking in his little office in the attic.
    How are you, how are we, it's good, we're good, and I immediately start off this time:
    - Doctor, I am nervous!
    - And so?
    - Yes, but it isn't cosmic. Normal, everyday nervous. The look for work, a little part-time job, stocks and shares... these things. On top of that, the pills make me nervy every evening, I sleep too long in the morning, and the day is short.
    I lie, of course, the day is always short for me, and I am always dozy.

    Dr N shakes his head left and right in disbelief.
    Seroquel works as a sedative, yes, but that it would make you sleep till noon, I don't know! That sounds a bit odd to me...

    Dammit! Either he really does read me like Tom and Jerry, or else I am a truly hopeless liar. Or else I gave myself away in the blog about what I need and don't need, and he read it easily, like on a plate.

    Of course, I know he's always like that with me, low pressure, and so on.
    - But how do you think you will find work? Now it is the lunch break, when oooh, here's Ludlud, he's coming, he's woken up? - Now N is also a bit agitated.
    - Ah, but now it's a matter of... a matter of... Discipline. That now. How long I last. Since I also chose a liberal profession. Something else bothers me more.
    - Aha! What?
    - I don't want medication to give me an alibi. It's time for me to live normally, whatever appears in my file. I knock something out : ah, nothing, I'm just under the pills.
    Now he nods wisely.
    - That's hard to contradict. If it's an alibi for you, you'll always be able to pull it out, and without medication "Ah, there you are, it made me worse". But now imagine a little, that's the way it is with any illness that changes your life.It will always be somewhere in the background, whether as an alibi or as a useful lesson.

    Pah, he's right again. But, nothing, they will be a prop. And so we soon find ourselves in a debate about the last thing we read, where it was, what we like to eat, to cook, Interliber book fair, this, that... But wait a bit!
    - Okay Doctor, here we are again, chatting... I clench my fist.
    - Oh, nonono!

    How not, who is mad here, for crying out loud!?

    I'm entering your diagnosis- he says calmly, just like a little earlier. -And tomorrow, my dear Ludlud, I will be at Interliber. And instead of the ancient typewriter he inserts the paper into a printer. Tap tap tap tap on the keyboard of the laptop.

    He's entering my diagnosis. but, well...
    - So, when shall we see each other again? I ask, despondently.
    - In your case, never! I am finished with you, Ludlud. Go nicely home to your wife - he smiled from ear to ear.
    - What? No tests? Now I am confused.
    -What kind of test? You have lived for a month and a half without me, as you can see. That is the test. Goodbye!

    Here.... Expert!!

    - Wait, what about medication?
    - Finished. No medication.


    It's a shame I didn't bring them from home, but I'll leave what's left with you!- I say overjoyed enough to kiss him on the forehead.
    He smiles in astonishment:
    - And what are they to me?
    - What are they to you? so you can traffic them under the table to somebody else who needs them...
    - Ouch, Ludlud, go with god! Before I change my mind!

    And so I set off, officially sane. I already reminded Dr N of one promise, and he said he will gladly fulfil it. But that is already for some other story. Now I am already in the zone where everything depends on me. I already was earlier, I only needed a little help, a handrail against stumbling. Clearly I left him a month and a half ago, and I have just been poisoning my organism. But dammit, we all harm it, in every way, every day.

    Here is a good place to end the story which began many many posts ago, searching for the door. All are discoveries and I have literally left the story just exactly as on a sunny Sunday I left the miniature dispensary and professional career of Dr N.

    And here we are, children. Goodnight!
    End of story!

    Nadam se, Ludlud! Godina dana je dugo. Vidiš kako baš engleskinja spora sazna mnogo za vrijeme godine!
    Hvala prijatelju kto je pomao oko riječova!


    13.11.2007. (18:46)    -   -   -   -  

  • Reader

    A song for the day, if a little late.


    13.11.2007. (18:55)    -   -   -   -  

  • ludlud

    Thank you Reader, so so much for those kind words... :))


    14.11.2007. (14:59)    -   -   -   -  
