

Dodaj komentar (8)


  • Vitae...

    Pridružio si se, a da i nisi htio simfoniji, dragi moj umni prijatelju!
    Već dugo nešto tako do vrha puno ljubavi i nade ne nađoh na ovim prostorima....
    hehehehehheeh na istom ti valu brodiš, ma kako se skrivao i ne mogu reći da mi je žao zbog toga!
    Ostani okupan svim što si nabrojao :-)


    29.08.2007. (02:37)    -   -   -   -  



    Zemlja se okreće oko svoje osi. Noću je ova točka na kojoj se mi nalazimo i živimo okrenuta od sunca prema vanjskom svemiru. Tamo iz dubina svemira, pri tome mislim daleko izvan sunčeva sustava, djeluje stanovita radijacija. Nemojte me tako čudno gledati, to će vam reći svaki astrofizičar. E pa, na neki način ja osjećam djelovanje te duboke praznine i to me ispuni nemirom, pa se bojim zaspati. Na nas zrači neljudski i stravično. Nemojte misliti da to uzimam osobno, kao da je neka nepoznata sila uzela mene na pik. Ni blizu tome! Strava i neljudskost jest upravo u tome što nas ta sila niti ne primjećuje, ona nije neljudska jer bi imala štogod protiv ljudi, već je neljudska jer joj ni izvor ni opseg nisu ljudski i da nas ne štiti sunčev utjecaj već bi nas zgazila kako vi ne gledajući zgazite kukca na putu, pomela bi nas ledena praznina...
    Do ovog mjesta sam se već malo zanio...
    - Nadam se da ste svjesni da vam je ideja potpuno sumanuta i da vam trebaju lijekovi? – pitao me neimpresioniran mojim izlaganjem.
    Probam objasniti kako ne vidim nikakvu skrivenu zavjeru iza toga, ali njemu je bilo dovoljno što je čuo. Da. Skrušeno priznam kako bi mi pomogli lijekovi, naravno. Prešutio sam maštariju kojom sam se umirivao i pokušavao uspavati za besanih noći. Bila je to maštarija o nekoj bratovštini koja zna što i ja znam i koja, opremljena dodatnim znanjem i iskustvom bdije noću nad čovječanstvom. Jer, ako sam ja kao pojedinac mogao osjetiti utjecaj Duboke Praznine, valjda su to mogli i drugi ljudi na svijetu, a ako se to događalo i nekad davno, kad radi toga nisu ljude kljukali antipsihoticima, mogli su se i organizirati na dobrobit planete.

    I zaista: pomogli su lijekovi. Spavam kao beba, svaki utjecaj je umrtvljen i više ne brinem je li zaštita vanjskih planeta i plinovitih divova dovoljna. Moji su snovi sad šareni i košmarni, ujutro ih zaboravljam.
    Sad više ne osjećam ni potrese. Prije bih znao skočiti naglo iz sna jer bi me probudio potres, ali ne potres ovdje gdje živim. Ne, negdje u svijetu, samo ako bi bio dovoljno jak. Moja voljena se već bila navikla, jer bih obično jauknuo i probudio je. Ujutro bismo slušali na vijestima da kažu gdje je bio potres. Rekli bi, svaki put.
    I to su potrle pilule. Nije mi žao. Ako sam i bio prirodni seizmograf teško da je od mene moglo biti ikakve koristi. Kakva korist za čovječanstvo ako registriraš potres, a to nije unaprijed? Samo mi je kvarilo san.


    29.08.2007. (03:34)    -   -   -   -  

  • Balkanika

    moje božanstvo je priroda. jednostavnije je reči da sam agnostik nego objašnjavati.
    po mojem, to "ništa" je super, jer znači da postoji i "nešto"
    kako možeš spoznati ili prepoznati ili definirati "nešto"? mora biti u odnosu na "nešto drugo" (u ovom slučaju "ništa")
    ja se zamaram ponekad s tim glupostima, ali nemam ja vremena za to...
    ipak ovo nije iluzija, stvarno je... događa se, nisu to nećiji snovi... postoji! Jer sad imaš nešto ništa - i uz njega spoznaš nešto.


    29.08.2007. (10:37)    -   -   -   -  

  • Reader

    The Fifth Element (The Deep Cold Dark Void – Revolution)

    Everyone who ever wrote, spoke, drew, played, believed and tried to understand had one object only. And they all always agreed that the one thing is – that. And Sagittariusclassic when he states “love is all, and all the rest is nothing”, and Medusa, and Rastavljena22 and Vitae and Grof V and Filip Fuchs who loves Moskva and Moskva who loves Filip, and all bloggers and non-bloggers I read in recent times and the evangelists with Paul, that love which all already entered our ears, and all romantic and less romantic artists and all ardent vagabonds, generals, czars, prophets, and criminals… Every one, even including Gilgamesh!

    Yes, love! Don’t look at me blankly like that. The Fifth Element. That which we all feel as our heart’s being, even if we are also sarcastic postmodern intellectuals lost in pathless communications forests

    I will not join in with the chorus although I heartily experience and support it. I have something else to hand that I must say.

    I must say something about “the Big Nothing” there in the heavens, about which I already wrote two days ago. When the scientists in Minnesota confirmed that it is an anomaly, I rejoiced, and I rejoiced because I had some “confirmation” that I was right.
    I think that it is human. Dr N said that I have possessed ideas, and it turned out that the idea is not unreal. Naturally it did not change anything in the things around my treatment. Naturally it scared me, that there was a Void somewhere or not. At the end of the day, it is not important whether or not only I feel it, even as earthquakes on our planet (they detected it, by signals, with a telescope that detects microwave radiation). Venerina Kap in the comments asks gently: what science can talk about hypersensitivity? I don’t know, and I suppose that science will address itself to just that in its indefinable future. The treatment has helped me one way or another and without that I would not be writing this now.

    But as my imagination never gives me peace, I thought about the newfound Void and on the way I was cheered up by the once again beneficial thing which made knowledge possible: whilst before I had a vague fear, or at least some vague uneasy intuition, now I can wonder freely about whether to gaze into the sky, face to face with that ancient peril. I know that somewhere south of Orion is a bubble with a diameter of thousands of millions of light years. And I am not the only one who knows.

    And imagination helped me to work out how terrible it is to be in the Void may be. I try to imagine that I am in the heart of icy nothingness. That would mean in concrete terms that you must wait 500 million years for just the smallest trace of light from the closest star, the closest galaxy. If by some misfortune or cosmic injustice some demon or alien really found itself there, then it is in the coldest and loneliest place in the whole of known existence. And while the rest of us- people, beasts, stars, planets, animate and inanimate, real and unreal creatures, swim in light and the Fifth Element, in love, fretting about our small worries and adulteries, rejoicing in our joys, both sweet and smaller, sweet selfish or unselfish, spoken or unspoken loves of our children, parents, lovers, siblings or gods, while we swim in the Fifth Element even while we make war, there someone in the heart of the Void must wait 500 million years and who knows how long they have already waited or how long they will have to wait. What would that somebody feel and think? And what else apart from ice, anger, hatred, hunger, pain and darkness. Because if light needs half a billion years to reach you, love needs at least as long. To be without love for half an aeon, must mean one thing, not to be. That is truly death. There, now we also know where it is.

    Because if you think that when you die then that is death, fear not, it isn’t. Eventually you will pour yourself out into the whole basic and single connecting element. And furthermore you pass on the bread of light and love, in this way and that, and in whatever belief, so that you will scarcely quit the Solar System, even as stardust.
    That, brother of brothers, is not what death is like.

    Far from that.
    At least 500 million light years distant, in the place where there is neither love nor fire, in the middle of unbeing which is not even nothing.

    And nobody can be “jinxed” in just that way even if one ever gets there.

    (Once again, I apologise for inaccuracies.)


    29.08.2007. (18:13)    -   -   -   -  

  • sagittariusclassic

    Six foot six stood on the ground, weighted 235 pounds
    But I saw that giant of a man brought down to his knees by love
    He was the kind of man who would gamble on love
    Look you in the eye and never back up
    But I saw him crying like a little whipped pup because of love
    Can't see it with your eyes, hold it in your hands
    Like the rules that govern our land
    Strong enough to rule the heart of every man, this thing called love
    It can lift you up, it can put you down
    Take your world and turn it all around
    Ever since time nothing's ever been found stronger than love
    Men like me they worry and doubt
    Trouble their minds day in and day out
    Too busy a livin' to worry about a thing called love
    And then I see a mother's tenderness
    As she holds her young close to her breast
    Then I say thank God this world will win with the thing called love



    29.08.2007. (21:14)    -   -   -   -  


    joj to ova picka iz 5 elementa , vec sam i zaboravio na taj film
    haha i ti volis gokua ja cu sad da se upustim u skidanje svih epizoda zmajeve kugle sa torenta ima nekih 50 gb heheh potrajat ce al ima da se isplati pozzzzzzzz


    30.08.2007. (00:15)    -   -   -   -  

  • ludlud

    @ Šakić: da to je Diva Plavalaguna...
    @ Sagi: poznato, poznato... man in black & HRM man in silver jacket, pa koja ti je verzija draža...
    @ Nemanja: Care Vaseljene, Vaše Veličanstvo, bojim se da imate problem, politički problem. Imate rupu ničega u Vaseljeni. Tako ispada da vaseljena nije vascela. Nadam se skorom rješenju! ;)))
    @ Vitae: "moja vjera je u mojoj nadi" :))

    @svi: malo kasnim, nedostupan internet....


    31.08.2007. (16:04)    -   -   -   -  

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    22.09.2009. (17:49)    -   -   -   -  
