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  • Reader

    And when I lose the big game I am playing it is completely fair…

    Since I have been on pills I dream in colour. I had heard about the difference between dreaming in black and white and dreaming in colour, but I didn’t attribute any importance to it, I was busy with other things in my dreams. When I first discovered my new coloured dreams I understood the magnificence of the difference. Well, there is no need to give them undue importance. Now, for example, I forget dreams immediately.
    Since I have been on pills other things are more noticeable. I feel sleepy more often during the day, I take two or three naps when I have already slept about ten hours. Now and then my whole face swells and my eyes drop as though I am sitting on the wall of a bridge in windy weather: I have to lie down. I lost several kilograms, which I never had an excess of, I am slow and sleepy and everything is flat to me. There is no excitement, but there is no enthusiasm, Drugged. Successfully sleeping patient in the best sense of the words contemporary medicine.
    Nevertheless I feel, in an odd way, the healing property of all that powerful sleep. And generally slow, now even slower, better I exchange what would otherwise bring me forward, and it is more interesting to me to watch people, which I would rather have avoided.
    They nabbed me. I cooperate. It’s okay for me to be slow. Happy that concurs with my nature and it came to me like ace on ten. Like in some slowed-down film I notice thoughtlessness in all that haste around me and people remind me more than ever of ants. Although that is a false comparison, since in the haste of ants there is a kind of order, and the human anthill is chaotic. Maybe I lack the wider perspective. Humans are more like cattle, a herd, and although I am momentarily isolated by sleep and the biochemical effects of medication I still feel quite well the nervous nudging of my herdmates. A bison calf who stops because he is thinking, and can’t walk and think at the same time, but thinking makes him tired, so he sleeps. That is how I feel.

    But that cooperation did not run quite so smoothly from the very start. Slowly I understood what I understand now. At the start they experimented a little and I could not do other than my already proverbial – gaunt stare.


    25.03.2008. (11:08)    -   -   -   -  

  • Tipster analitičar

    bravo svaka čast


    22.09.2010. (17:28)    -   -   -   -  

  • ludlud

    :) hvala tipster...


    28.09.2010. (00:59)    -   -   -   -  
