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  • Groove Machine


    Cita san masu definicija zivota,smisla zivota,i slicnog stiva sta dicurlija pise kad se napuse,
    al nijednu ovako jednostavnu a jebeno tocnu i jezgrovitu.


    14.03.2007. (15:04)    -   -   -   -  

  • sanjast

    *teško ostati normalan u svijetu koji nenormalno uzima kao glavni kriterij, standard normalnosti.
    To ti ja zovem PREVOĐENJE.
    Gradim neku svoju novu svijest kojoj neće biti potrebno svakodnevno prevođenje koje mi je sve napornije i sve neizdržljivije.
    Strah me ruši.
    Učim se ne bojati....sad kad više nemam baš nikakvih iluzija o zakonu jačega. Svijet je utemeljen na njemu. Nadam se da postoje enklave gdje nije tako i koje su veće od nekoliko pojedinačnoh svijesti...


    05.05.2007. (19:30)    -   -   -   -  

  • Reader

    Oh, oh, oh, what is life? Dragons in overalls guard it.

    Life is generally over-rated. It is awareness itself that counts. Without awareness, life is little more a slimy, smelly and decay-favouring biological fact with the ability to procreate. This is probably why we fear losing our mind, since mind is quite closely related to awareness.

    But now is not the time for quasi-philosophical definitions. I want to describe how hard it is to stay normal in a life which does not normally take the standard of normality as its main criterion. There exist, thus, certain things that one can never tell a psychiatrist.

    It matters terribly to them that you love life, especially your own life, and if you query that taboo you are in danger of being declared suicidal, although suicide neither occurs to you nor is within your resources.

    However, there is certainly some motivation. God forbid that you are not motivated. You must always want something for yourself, desire something, forge some long term or short term plans or have some ambition. And if you look at things a little differently from others you will end up in a very unfavourable discrepancy between your own mental health and the generally accepted medical opinion. It is no wonder that you will be given a pill and your mental health declared deficient.
    A few global lies occur to me and I would be happy to find one person who did not subscribe to at least one.

    For example:
    Life is priceless. In the beginning it looks as though this is the only thing we have. It is hypocrisy that they continuously repeat to us, and a black chronicle is still always on the front page. Life is not worth an honest meal, people are killed like flies just in accidents, everybody accepts it as though it was a normal occurrence. Gangsters shoot at passers-by, terrorists slay whoever turns up because to them their own life is not more important than the life of some insect. You think I am being banal? Ah, it looks odd written this way, but I tell you what is really banal: life. The rest is a lullaby in self-deception.

    The world is beautiful. It is, in postcards. Nature is brutal and inhuman. Ecologists would survive three days without the infrastructure of civilisation. We live on a planet where we are in the dark half the time and it is still the best place in the universe for us to live. And in order to live as we live, we also waste that little place which we have.

    Universal progress.
    As the sphere of the earth goes about its journey round the sun, after a year it finds itself back in exactly the same place. Nevertheless year on year progress is measured. And okay, I admit that there is some change, but year on year everything is really repeated, with variations. How is the world progressing? Well, nowhere, it is spinning. It seems that the ancient civilisations were wiser and build Stonehenge and the Pyramids and clearly showed that they really existed.


    18.09.2007. (20:56)    -   -   -   -  

  • Reader

    Rich people are also clever.
    That was probably invented by the rich to comfort themselves a little. “Clever people also become rich” is another variant of the lie. I have nothing particular against rich people, but if one of them were able to consider a little, he would never trust in his own superiority in whatever regard. The rich are rich because of a general consensus. Advanced people would, for example, avoid using money in their civilisation.

    Breakfast is the most important meal.
    That is stupid to you from when you know about yourself, everybody from doctors to caring grannies, from childhood to inglorious rest. And well, breakfast is not the most important meal. 60% of Croats are overweight, or excessively overweight. It is still worse in developed (see about progress, above) countries. You don’t have to be Einstein to make the connection: people get fat because everybody stuffs themselves unnecessarily. Who would think such a thing: to eat in empty gorging. And that to proclaim one’s health! I know well-disposed people who fatten themselves every day to avoid eating that evening. They treat the hunger, and curse themselves and life, but persist because it keeps their figure under control. What a mistake! They will suffer hunger in the night, and then eat greedily in the morning, all under the pretence they need strength for an exhausting day. Instead of lunching, as would be normal, when the sun is high and they are really hungry.

    Somewhere something went seriously wrong. In the reception desk at the psychiatric clinic they could not know how I was looking at things in the world around me. We all know that I am all right, but we still make out that I am not, and I, would not normally look for help from representatives of the abnormal section of humanity, to help me become abnormal, so I would fit into their picture. They could not know what I was thinking but they still wanted to refuse me. I turned away without saying I was going, but my beloved grabbed me by the hand and turned back to face the dragon in the blue and white uniform.


    18.09.2007. (20:56)    -   -   -   -  
