petak, 30.03.2012.

Getting Rid Of Gynecomastia With Judith Jenkins

Gynecomastia, the growth of male breasts, is a result of a shift from a masculine hormonal predominance toward a feminine hormonal predominance.

Surgery does nothing to solve this underlying problem, thus it's essential that you work on getting those hormone levels back to what nature intended them to be, regardless of whether or not you're having surgery.

"What techniques can I use to attack the root of the gynecomastia problem?"

The first step to losing those man breasts is to know why we have gynecomastia in the first place. See, gynecomastia was virtually unheard of a hundred years ago, so it isn't just in your genes though your genes do play a role.

In the modern environment thanks to the use of pesticides, preservatives, plastics, the oral contraceptive pill (used by more than 70% of all women in the west) and countless other chemicals, the female hormone oestrogen and oestrogen-like particles are everywhere in your environment!

Your gut, skin and lungs are almost constantly absorbing feminizing oestrogenic chemicals throughout the day! Despite all the evidence in scientific papers that high levels of environmental oestrogens (also known as xeno-oestrogens) are responsible for the rising incidence of various cancers including breast and prostate cancers, nobody seems to be doing anything about it.

Since the government couldn't care less about how miserable you feel with those man boobs, the onus is on you to do what you can to reduce your exposure to feminizing chemicals in your environment.

And the good news is when you do it right, your man boobs will start to shrink and will eventually disappear.

"Ok, tell me about the tactics already"

Getting rid of gynecomastia naturally involves reducing general body fat, not just fat from your chest. This is due to the fact that oestrogen is stored in fat cells, and that fat cells contain an enzyme called aromatase, which converts testosterone to oestrogen.

It's important to stick to the natural and organic variety of food if you can, since preservatives, which are used to extend the shelf-life of the food you eat, contain oestrogen-like particles. It's best to limit your intake of meat also, as in the USA for example (and many other countries), livestock is pumped with oestrogen to make them grow bigger.

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Figure Out How You Can Remove Gynecomastia Once And For Good

Learning how to get rid of man breasts without surgery involves uncovering the triggers that lead to your gynecomastia in the first place, then eradicating them from your system permanently.

The cause of gynecomastia can be boiled down to the two main sex hormones - estrogen and testosterone High estrogen and/or low testosterone can lead to gynecomastia. So if for any reason your body's estrogen levels of elevated continuously for prolonged periods of time (or testosterone is lowered), your body will respond by developing breasts, in just the same way that women develop breasts at puberty.

Estrogen and testosterone are both sex hormones that control sexual characteristics in men and women. In general, during puberty estrogen gives women their breasts and testosterone gives men their extra muscle and bone mass. If for whatever reason these levels are altered and a man finds himself with too much estrogen and lowered levels of testosterone, it will result in the development of breasts.

Below are some of the causes that can lead to an imbalance in these hormones:

Certain medical drugs
Environmental factors
Natural imbalances in sex hormones (usually in puberty)

Working on getting a flat chest using the non-medical or surgical route does not negate the importance of first seeing your physician. I highly encourage you to seek the advice of your doctor, who can play the crucial role of diagnosing any drug-related of natural medical causes. Another thing your doctor can do is check to see if there is any glandular element to your gynecomastia. Hard glandular tissue can only be removed via surgery.

Although there is a small chance you may have a medical cause, it is far more likely that your gynecoamstia has resulted from something in your environment. Before going into surgery or even trying medical drugs, those guys whose man boobs are not caused by a medical illness would greatly benefit by first attempting to reduce their gynecomastia through natural avoidance of such environmental triggers. And even the few guys who DO have glandular tissue in their breasts are advised to reduce the size of their breasts BEFORE having surgery.

Medical pills are actually scientifically documented as being very effective at reducing male breasts, yet it comes with unwanted side-effects and it isn't the first option I would go for, considering that a combination of safe and natural methods can quite easily give better results than these pharmaceutical drugs.

A Ć«naturalĆ­ hormonal imbalance can be caused by the widespread use of estrogen in the modern environment, with female sex hormones being present in food products in even in drinking water. Even cosmetic products contain estrogenic substances that seep through your skin, bypassing the liver and effecting a powerful estrogenic influence on your body - moreso than if you were to consume estrogen.

One important aspect of gynecomastia reduction is to avoid as many of these over-exposures to estrogen as possible, but to get the quickest and most efficient results you must combine these estrogen-avoidance tactics with natural methods that actively inhibit estrogen and increase testosterone in your body.

Natural methods of man boob elimination involve the intake and avoidance of specific food groups, and engaging in particular hormone-manipulating exercises that have been found to bring quick results to the vast majority of man boob sufferers. The most surefire way for you to get rid of those man breasts as quickly as possible, is to take a page out of the book of a guy who has done it already, and has also been helping other guys to do the same for a good number of years. To learn what I know, click the following link: Man Boob Exercises..

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Exposed: The Truth About Eliminating Man Boobs

Imagine if you were to learn how to get rid of manboobs now, how only a couple of weeks from now - you could find yourself walking around in a tight T-shirt with women turning their heads to check you out!

If you do all the right things and follow all the little tactics that are proven to reduce man boobs, then your body will eventually shed away that boob fat.

...and reveal the truly masculine frame you were meant to have.

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why with time, more and more men are growing breasts? Just a few decades ago man boobs were so rare, that almost nobody would have any interest in reading this article!. Could it be that we're mutating? That our genes are changing? Nope! It's far too small a timescale for that to happen. It's more because our environment is changing. Due to a HUGE range of different factors, we're being exposed to a wide array of feminising triggers in the environment.

"How has all this resulted in me having male breasts?"

The reason you've grown breasts as a man is because of a hormone called oestrogen. High levels of oestrogen in your body is the only way you can get man boobs, and with the modern environment the way it is, this hormone is making its way into your body through every known route! Oestrogen is making its way into your body through your food, your water supply, heck you're even breathing it in via your lungs! Car exhaust fumes contain oestrogen-like particles that go straight into your blood supply via your lungs.

The reason man boobs are on the rise is the same reason female breast cancer (male breast cancer too!) rates are shooting up. Oestrogens in the environment have reached dangerous levels, and despite all the evidence to show oestrogen as a fuel for a huge range of common cancers, nobody seems to be doing anything about it.

"So What Do I Do To Get Rid Of My Man Boobs As Quickly As Possible?"

Ok, what you have to do is take part in an intensive oestrogen-reducing regime. Since the use of oestrogen is so widespread, you won't be able to eliminate it completely from your system. This is all the more reason to use every oestrogen-reducing method you can..

It's also very important to engage in regular exercise, with the aim to reduce not just fat from your chest, but fat from all over your body. Body fat does two things to give you man boobs - it is a medium for oestrogen-storage (as oestrogen is fat-soluble), and it contains the enzyme aromatase which converts testosterone to oestrogen, and we sure as hell don't want that happening. This is the very reason why if a man exposed to know artificial environmental oestrogens 500 years ago was to get fat enough, he too would develop man boobs. Therefore reducing those fat levels right down will be of much help in your mission to lose those man boobs, even if the fat you lose is only from your buttocks.

I also advise you check out this article about Ways To Reduce Chest Fat.

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Find Out The Way To Wipe Out Gynecomastia Completely

Getting rid of man boobs in the absence of surgery requires that you find the initial cause of your condition and eliminate it from your system.

The cause of gynecomastia (large male tits) can be boiled down to the two main sex hormones - estrogen and testosterone High estrogen and/or low testosterone can lead to gynecomastia. Levels of estrogen and testosterone can be altered in this way by certain environmental triggers.

The sexual features of a man are set apart from that of a women largely by the action of the sex hormones, estrogen and testosterone. Testosterone is responsible for giving men their extra body hair and muscle during puberty, whereas estrogen gives women their breasts. When a man has too much estrogen in his system (or too little testosterone), he too will develop breasts.

Common causes of gynecomastia due to high estrogen/low testosterone include:

Medical conditions
Drug abuse
Triggers in the environment
Natural imbalances in sex hormones (usually in puberty)
In 25% of cases, the cause is unknown

Working on getting a flat chest using the non-medical or surgical route does not negate the importance of first seeing your physician. I highly encourage you to seek the advice of your doctor, who can play the crucial role of diagnosing any drug-related of natural medical causes. Another thing your doctor can do is check to see if there is any glandular element to your gynecomastia. Hard glandular tissue can only be removed via surgery.

The vast majority of instances occur because of an environmental trigger. Natural tactics on man boob reduction are, for this reason, usually the most appropriate course of action. And even the few guys who DO have glandular tissue in their breasts are advised to reduce the size of their breasts BEFORE having surgery.

I won't lie to you and tell you that pharmaceutical drugs don't work. The fact is that they do, on the other hand it comes with dangers and side effects that are just not worth risking, since you can achieve a perfectly masculine hormonal balance through natural methods alone.

In the modern world, estrogen is widely used in almost EVERYTHING, with both food AND water commonly contaminated with estrogen around the world. Estrogen also makes its way into your body through your skin, and is even BREATHED in especially when youĆ­re fueling up your car.

In order for you to reduce gynecomastia, you not only have to avoid all the excess estrogen in your environment, but for you to get that flat chest you've always wanted in the quickest time possible, you have to in addition, implement active methods of estrogen reduction and natural testosterone enhancement.

These methods include both dietary tactics and exercises that when combined, can eliminate male breasts in just a few short weeks. If you want to learn all that you need on how to get rid of gynecomastia naturally, click the following link: Male Breast Reduction Exercise.

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Give Me A Few Weeks And I'll Give You A Flat Chest!

If you could learn how to get rid of chest fat for men now, suppose I told you that flat chest was just around the corner? That you could have pecs like a male cover model in just a few weeks?

When you make all the necessary changes for chest-fat reduction to occur, those man boobs will eventually dissolve away like a grain of sugar in a hot drink.

...and unleash a body that resembles the statue of a greek god - one that you will show off at every opportunity!.

You see, manboobs are becoming more and more common over time. If you go back a hundred years or so, finding a man with boobs was just unheard of. Could it be that we're mutating? That our genes are changing? Nope! It's far too small a timescale for that to happen. It's more because our environment is changing. Due to a HUGE range of different factors, we're being exposed to a wide array of feminising triggers in the environment.

"How has all this resulted in me having male breasts?"

Well the reason you have man boobs is because there's too much of the female hormone oestrogen in the environment Ʊ and in your body. Oestrogen is making its way into your body through your food, your water supply, heck you're even breathing it in via your lungs! Car exhaust fumes contain oestrogen-like particles that go straight into your blood supply via your lungs.

There are more men with man breasts today than ever, for the same reason cancer rates and heart disease are shooting up. We are being exposed to dangerous levels of oestrogen in our daily lives and no government that I know of has decided to take a stance against it.

"Alright, Understood - So How Do I Eliminate My Man Boobs Before Next Summer?"

Ok, what you have to do is take part in an intensive oestrogen-reducing regime. Since the use of oestrogen is so widespread, you won't be able to eliminate it completely from your system. This is all the more reason to use every oestrogen-reducing method you can..

Doing regular physical exercise is also a key element in learning how to eliminate man boobs. Since fat not only stores oestrogen, it also plays a role in converting testosterone into oestrogen. Hence body fat reduction is a crucial step in eliminating those man boobs.

You might also want to read this article on Moobs Exercise.

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Gynecomastia Treatment Without Surgical Treatment

Treating your gynecomastia without having an operation or taking medical pills, requires that you find the initial cause of your condition and eliminate it from your system.

The cause of gynecomastia can be boiled down to the two main sex hormones - estrogen and testosterone High estrogen and/or low testosterone can lead to gynecomastia. So if for any reason your body's estrogen levels of elevated continuously for prolonged periods of time (or testosterone is lowered), your body will respond by developing breasts, in just the same way that women develop breasts at puberty.

Testosterone and estrogen are hormones that are responsible for deciding the sexual traits of men and women respectively. Normally, an adult male has up to 10 times more testosterone than an adult female. This elevated testosterone (and low estrogen) is what prevents men from developing breasts, and instead gives them extra body hair and muscle mass. Since women can develop breasts in response to estrogen, so can men. All that has to happen is for the level of estrogen to go up in a man and/or the level of testosterone to decrease.

There are a vast range of different factors that can change either one of these hormones and result in the development of breasts. These can fall into any of the following categories.

Drug abuse
Environmental factors
Hormonal fluctuations that happen during puberty

If you want to get rid of your man boobs in the absence of medical drugs or surgery I urge you get a full check-up by your doctor to make sure your man boobs aren't being triggered by some form of internal hormone-altering disease. Sometimes a very small number of guys DO need surgery, and only your doctor will be able to tell if this is the case.

The vast majority of instances occur because of an environmental trigger. Therefore in the vast majority of cases, the best way forward is to reduce those man boobs using natural methods. Addressing the environmental factors that cause hormonal fluctuations leading to man boobs, is still important even if your doctor tells you you need surgery. You must reduce your man boobs first using natural methods BEFORE surgery, otherwise your man boobs will just grow back AFTER surgery.

Medical pills are actually scientifically documented as being very effective at reducing gynecomastia, yet it comes with unwanted side-effects and it isn't the first option I would go for, knowing that medical drugs are just an extraction from natural substances anyway, and using natural methods is generally safer, risk-free, without side effects and generally in this case, far more powerful.

A ā€˜naturalā€™ hormonal imbalance can be caused by the widespread use of estrogen in the modern environment, with high levels of estrogen found in common foods (dairy as one example) and your water supply. As if that wasn't enough, estrogen-like particles are commonly present in cosmetic products and are known to be readily absorbed by the skin.

These environmental estrogens may have caused your man boobs in the first place, and it would do you good to avoid them, but to really benefit from a male-breast-reduction regime, you would have to also use specific methods that are designed to lessen those female hormones and heighten those male hormones.

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