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Rihanna - Unfaithful
Story of my life
Searching for the right
But it keeps avoiding me
Sorrow in my soul
Cause it seems that wrong
Really loves my company

Hes more than a man
And this is more than love
The reason that the sky is blue
But clouds are rolling in
Because I'm gone again
And to him I just can't be true

And I know that he knows I'm unfaithful
And it kills him inside
To know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying

I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be...
A murderer

I feel it in the air
As I'm doing my hair
Preparing for another date
A kiss up on my cheek
He's here reluctantly
As if I'm gonna be out late
I say I won't be long
Just hanging with the girls
A lie I didn't have to tell
Because we both know
Where I'm about to go
And we know it very well

Cause I know that he knows I'm unfaithful
And it kills him inside
To know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying

I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be...
A murderer

Our Love, his trust
I might as well take a gun and put it to his head
Get it over with
I don't wanna do this
Anymore (anymore)

I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be...
A murderer (a murderer)

No no no no

Yeah yeah yeah

Lindsay Lohan - Over
I watch the walls around me crumble
but it's not like I wont build them up again
so here's your last chance for redemption
So take it while it lasts cause it will end
And my tears are turning into time
I've wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye

I can't live without you
Can't breathe without you
I'm dreaming about you, honestly
tell me that it's over
cause if the world is spinning and I'm still living
It won't be right if were not in it together
tell me that it's over

And I'll be the first to go
Don't wanna be the last to know

I won't be the one to chase you
but at the same time you're the heart that I call home
I'm always stuck with these emotions
and the more I try to feel the less I'm whole
My tears are turning into time
I've wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye

I can't live without you
Can't breathe without you
I'm dreaming about you, honestly
tell me that it's over
cause if the world is spinning and I'm still living
It won't be right if were not in it together
tell me that it's over

And I'll be the first to go
Yeah, I'll be the first to go
Don't wanna be the last to know

Over... Over... Over...

My tears are turning into time
I've wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye

I can't live without you
Can't breathe without you
I'm dreaming about you, honestly
tell me that it's over
cause if the world is spinning and I'm still living
It won't be right if we're not in it together
tell me that it's over
tell me that it's over

Honestly tell me
Honestly tell me

Don't tell me that it's over
Don't tell me that it's over

Napisano u utorak, 29.08.2006.

Otišlo ljeto...bliži se škola.. eek

Hej svima!Evo ja sam se nedavno probudila.Jučer su cure došle kod mene,pa smo gledale neke dvd-ove do 3h ujutro. Staraca mi nema doma,na moru su..I mogu vam reći da nije baš lako živjeti sam.Dobro,ja imam sestru koja je samnom,ali svejedno. Mogla bih početi spremati kuću,a tako mi se neda. Pa što bi mi bez roditelja..zijev
Dugo nisam pisala, pa neznam od kud da počnem.Za vikend sam bila vani,i vidjela se s Markomcerek A mislim da tu neće ništa više biti, čak i pomišljam da ne budem više s njim. Ali kad on uvijek meni dođe,a meni teško odbitsmijeh
Ovih dana sam tak nervozna,pod nekim pritiskom, valjda to zato što se bliži škola. A tako mi se neda, htijela bih da imamo još bar 2 tjedna praznika,a tko ne bi?rolleyes
Nemam baš neke inspiracije,pa ću vam napisati riječi pjesme koju sam neki dan otkrila i super je..

Kelly Clarkson - You Found Me

Is this a dream
If it is
Please don't wake me from this high

I'd become
Comfortably numb
Until you opened up my eyes

To what it's like
When everything's right
Oh I can't believe

You found me
When no one else was looking
How did you know just where I would be
Yeah you broke through all of my confusion
The ups and the downs and you still didn't leave
I guess that you saw what nobody could see
You found me

So here we are
And that's pretty far
When you think of where we've been

No going back
I'm fading out
All that has faded me within

You're by my side
Now everything's fine
I can believe

I was hiding
Till you came along
And showed me where I belong

You found me
When no one else was looking
How did you know just where I would be
Yeah you broke through all of my confusion
The ups and the downs and you still didn't leave
I guess that you saw what nobody could see
The good and the bad and the things (everything) in between
You found me

Napisano u subota, 19.08.2006.

taj ludi petak....

eeej!! Pa evo došlo vrijeme da napišem novi post. Moram pisati kod tate u uredu jer mi se internet na mom kompu pokvario, tj. adsl, a neda mi se bit na t com-u, prespor je i izgubim živce zbog njega. No nema veze..
Jučer sam bila vani s frendicom koju nisam vidjela mjesec dana, jer je bila u Italiji. I tak smo nas dvije i još jedna cura odlučile kupitit cugu i tam u parkiću na klupici pile i pričale. Kasnije smo otišle do birca i srele druge frendice i tak..i otišle u disko. Bile smo totalno lude. I danas meni frendica priča koje sam joj gluposti ja jučer pričala..ajme,nisam mogla doći k sebi od smjeha.I vidjela sam onog kretena i uopće ga nisam fermala, bila sam zaokupljena drugim stvarima. Ah, da je bar tako uvijek. I tak,krenula sam ja dalje. Ma briga me više za njega, on gubi a ne ja.thumbup
A kako sam jučer zeznula jednog dečka..A baš mi ga je žao,al jebiga. Sve frendice se nekud razbježale i tak ja ostala s njim. Koliko se sječam, htio je biti samnom. Otišla sam s njim van, do sestre da uzmem mobitel i vani pokraj ulaznih vrata je stajao Marko, dečko koji mi se užasno sviđa,i bila sam već par puta s njim prije,onak bez obaveze,a i njemu nije još svejedno.I tak se ja sad našla između dvije vatre.Trebala sam otići za onim unutra,u disko,ali nisam,otišla sam Marku.Neznam zašto,ali ionako nebi ja bila s onim dečkom.
Pričali smo,i tak..dogovorili smo se da ćemo se opet vidjeti. Možda ću i tako izbaciti onog kretena potpuno iz glave.Ma neznam što će tu još biti,pa neću se ničem ni nadati.
Sve u svemu, bilo mi je super jučer vani.Danas opet vanka,i baš me zanima što će danas biti.Ali neću piti,još uvijek me boli glava,eh..
Sada vam neću moći često komentare ostavljati,sve dok mi se taj adsl ne popravi,iako nemam pojma šta je bilo.
Uživajte još dok nema škole.........pussa

Napisano u nedjelja, 13.08.2006.

Sve što je lijepo, jednom završi....

Helloooo!! Evo ja stigla s mora. Znam, rekla sam da se vračam 15.8. ali smo odlučile da se vratimo ranije. A i vrijeme više nije lijepo. Stigle smo jučer rano ujutro. I mogu vam reći da sam se suuuper provela. Ovo ljetovanje ću pamtiti po..ma svemu smijeh

Putovale smo nas 4 busom i to 7 sati. Došle smo ujutro u 6h i onda je frendica zvala svog strica da nas poveze s autobusnog kolodvora da ne vučemo torbe do vikendice. Stigle smo u vikendicu i odmah se počele raspremati. I nakon napornog putovanja, našle smo i vremena da odspavamo malo. Popodne smo napravile ručak koji nismo ni pojele do kraja. Kad smo kuhale za 10 osoba a ne za 4, hehe. Na plažu smo išle svaki dan,i dobila sam i lijepu bojicu. A što se tiće nočnog života, tu je bilo svašta. Sestrin dečko je došao s frendom i donjeli 2 pune vrečice alkohola, tak da nam je frižider bio pun cuge, nismo imale mjesta ni za vodu. Izlazile smo na plažu, pa do diska u kojem sam upoznala Ivana.

Imao je zelene okice, crnu kosu, pune usnice...ma presladak dečko. Prišao mi je, upoznali smo se. I tak je on postao moja mala ljetna ljubav cerek Bio je tako nježan, pažljiv, ljubio me kao nitko do sad. Bili smo cijele večeri zajedno, čak smo se jednom i kupali u moru pod mjesecom. Bilo mi je prekrasno s njim. Ali sve što je lijepo jednom završi. Ja sam morala ići doma, natrag u stvarnost, a on će još ostati par dana. Oprostili smo se, rekao je da se vidimo sljedeće godine i nestao...otišao je kako je i došao.. Nikad ga neću zaboraviti, dok sam bila s njim osjećala sam se tako posebno, on me je takom činio...

I tako..ljeto je skoro pri kraju..Malo sam se razbolila, ali neznam od čega. Možda zbog promjene klime,ma tko će ga znat?!
Još mi je žao što sam morala ostaviti frendicu na moru. Ona je ostala kod tetke sa sestrama i neću je vidjeti još negdje 2 i pol tjedna.. A fali mi puno, mala šaljem ti puno pusaaaaa!!

Jučer sam išla van. I saznala sam da, onaj dečko koji mi se sviđa, je prekinuo s curom. Navodno ju je prevario i ona ga je spucala. A jučer je bio sa curom s kojom su njegova 2 frenda bila. Ma sve manje mi se sviđa, i kad neću više ništa osjećati prema njemu, tad će on htjet samnom,a ja ne..
Hvala vam što ste mi i dalje ostavljali komentare. A kako ste se vi proveli, ili se još provodite?!?
Pusa svimaaaaaaaa kiss

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