Croatia Infiltration

19.08.2012., nedjelja

Sanatorij "Brestovac"

Večer sa subote na nedjelju iskoristili smo za istraživanje napuštenog sanatorija "Brestovac". Pošto nitko od nas nije bio gore, po noći je bilo malo teže pronaći lokaciju skrivenu u utrobi šume. Naišli smo na cestu koja bi po lokaciji i visini odgovarala cesti prema bolnici, i bili smo u pravu! Nakon par minuta šetnje kroz šumu dočekao nas je jeziv prizor napuštenog sanatorija...

Text preuzret sa:

"Na gotovo 850 metara nadmorske visine, tik uz nekadašnju trasu žičare, iz šume se nazire gotovo stravičan prizor. Nekadašnji sanatorij Brestovac, hrvatska klinika Schwartzwald, danas je splet ruševina koje su postale idealni poligon za paintball klubove.

Brestovac, otvoren 1909. godine, u sebi čuva priču o nesretnoj ljubavi između Milivoja Dežmana i poznate zagrebačke ljepotice i glumice Ljerke Šram. Dežman je u nju bio toliko zaljubljen da je dao sagraditi cijeli sanatorij za pacijente s tuberkulozom kako bi se njegova draga liječila na svježem zraku. Iako je Ljerka bila udana za drugoga, on se brinuo za nju i njezinog sina sve dok mu nije umrla na rukama, upravo u Brestovcu.

Iz ljubavne je priča nastala jedna od najsuvremenijih bolnica na ovom području, s prvim rendgenom koji je funkcionirao gotovo samostalno. Na Brestovcu su za potrebe bolnice proizvodili kruh, meso, pacijenti su se zabavljali u kinu, a dane kratili i knjigama iz brestovačke knjižnice. U jednom je periodu Brestovac imao i vlastitu radiopostaju.

Idila je trajala do kraja Drugog svjetskog rata kada partizanske postrojbe u jednom danu likvidiraju oko 200 pacijenata, dok je osoblje nakon pregovora pošteđeno. Šuma oko Brestovca i dalje skriva kosti ubijenih, a u planu je i obilježavanje mjesta likvidacije.

Brestovac je živio kao bolnica dok kraja 60-ih, kada je zaključeno da za takvim načinom liječenja više nema potrebe. Do prenamjene nije došlo te Brestovac od tada tone u zaborav..."


This Saturday night we went to explore an abandoned sanatorium "Brestovac." Since none of us had been up there, at night it was a bit more difficult to find a location hidden in the bowels of the forest. We ran into the road which matches the description of the location- and we were right! After a few minutes of walking through the woods we were greeted by a gruesome scene of an abandoned sanitarium ...

"850 meters above the sea level, close to the former route of the cable car, the forest offers a horrifying scene. The former sanatorium Brestovac is today a tangle of ruins that have become a training ground for paintball clubs.

Brestovac, opened in the year 1909, preserves the story of the tragic love between Milivoj and known actress Ljerka Šram. Milivoj was so in love with her that he had built an entire sanatorium for patients with tuberculosis in order to treat his lady in the fresh air. Although Ljerka was married to another man, he cared for her and her son until she died in his arms, in Brestovac.

From the love story bloomed one of the most advanced hospitals in the area, with the first X-ray which has functioned almost independently. In Brestovac they produced their own bread, meat, patients were entertained in the theater and spent their days in the library. At one period Brestovac had its own radio station!

The idyll lasted until the end of the Second World War when partisan units liquidated about 200 patients in a single day, while the staff was spared. Forests around Brestovac still hide the bones of the killed...

Brestovac was a hospital until the end of the 60s, when it was decided that such a course of treatment is no longer necessary. There has been a change of use and Brestovac since then sinks into oblivion ... "

- 19:46 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

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