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ZNAJTE, da ste doslovno Ruke Božje na fizičkoj razini i da je Božja Svjetlost koja teče kroz vas beskonačno snažnija od svih izobličenih uzoraka ljudske pogrešne kreacije koja se ovdje manifestira.

Zapamtite, Božansko Svjetlo UVIJEK Pobjeđuje. A VI ste ta Svjetlost.
Nikada ne podcjenjujte svoju sposobnost da budete Sila Božja na ovom Planetu.

Univerzalan zakon je "Traži i dobiti ćeš, Kucaj i Vrata će ti se otvoriti!".

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28.06.2005., utorak

Da li je ovo malo preočito...ili ja brijem???

Poznati "ljudi" pokazuju znak demona - sotone...Možda sam malo paranoičan...no to što pokazuju, opisano je kao: "This gesture is the Satanic salute, a sign of recognition between and allegiance of members of Satanism or other unholy groups. ".

Slika preuzeta s naslovnice "sotonske biblije"

Bill Clinton

George Bush Jr.

King Abdullah i Putin

Tom Ridge, bivši direktor FBI-a

Senator John Edwards


Dan Quayle

...i još dosta njih ovdje.

- 21:55 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

Hmmmm....a možda ipak...?

Ovo je izvod iz transkripta američke radio emisije “Coast to Coast”, održane 2-11-03. Gost voditelja programa, Art Bell-a, bio je John Lear, kapetan američke avijacije. Lear je poznat po tome što je vozio preko 160 različitih tipova aviona i 17 puta obarao rekord u brzini, elitnim Lear-jet avionima, koje je inače konstruisao njegov otac.
Svojevremeno je radio kao pilot za CIA, kao i neke druge agencije američke vlade.
S obzirom da se radi o transkriptu dijela emisije, moram naglasiti da je na samom početku je došlo do neke vrste konflikta između Lear-a i Bell-a, nakon čega je Lear, pomalo indigniran, izvadio neku cedulju iz džepa i počeo da čita…


Zamisli, prebace te limuzinom do Washington DC, do vladine zgrade i kada uđeš unutra, u tu lijepu građevinu, oni ti kažu: “Art, ti si jedina osoba koja to može da uradi. Ako nam ti to dozvoliš, mi ćemo javno objelodaniti sve što smo do sada skrivali od naroda u vezi vanzemaljaca. Ako ti kažeš: “Da”, svim glavnim televizijskim mrežama otkrićemo sve aspekte tajne, koju smo do sada strogo čuvali. Nijedan dio informacije nećemo zadržati za sebe, ukoliko nam se obezbjedi imunitet od bilo kakvog sudskog postupka koji bi se eventualno pokrenuo protiv nas.

Evo šta se dogodilo, Art, koristićemo naravno i par video snimaka u vezi svega ovoga.

Prvi put smo došli u posjed letećih tanjira još tridestih godina, pa još par njih početkom četrdesetih, a onda se dogodio Roswell, o kome je i publika saznala. Zarobili smo dva vanzemaljca u Roswell-u, jedan je umro kratko nakon nesreće, a drugi je živjeo sve do 1956.

Do sada, znamo da postoji 18 različitih vrsta vanzemaljaca, za koje nam je poznato da posmatraju događaje na Zemlji. Neki od njih su dobri, neki su zli, a većina ih je indiferentna.

Otkrili smo da smo mi - eksperimentalni produkt - jedne, da se tako izrazim, vanzemaljske rase, koju nikada do sada nismo sreli niti pouzdano znamo ko su oni, u stvari, niti kako izgledaju. Ono što nam je poznato, to je da su 'greys' kibernetički organizmi, roboti, bolje rečeno, koji se upotrebljavaju od strane svojih vlasnika za intearakciju s nama, u vidu abdukcija. Nikada nam još nije pošlo za rukom da saznamo o kakvom se eksperimentu, u stvari, radi, osim što su nas ovi korigovali već 65 puta, i zašto nas oni, vanzemaljci, nazivaju – ‘kontejnerima’.

Postoje neke teorije kako su 'duše' koje naša tijela sadržavaju stvarni razlog tog eksperimenta, međutim, još uvijek ništa od toga nije dokazano.
Od 1938, izgubili smo preko 200 aviona i oko 1000 vojnika u raznoraznim sukobima sa vanzemaljcima. Od tada pa do danas, bez traga i glasa nestalo je i nekoliko stotina hiljada civila, a nekoliko hiljada ljudi bilo je eliminisano i od naše strane, jer su previše znali a mi si nismo mogli dozvoliti luksuz da se o tome javno priča.

Nešto malo ružnije, to je onaj fenomen, poznat kao 'mutilacija ljudi', koji se stalno dešava, slično kao i mutilacija goveda, s tim što ljude pokupe s ulice, da se tako izrazim, a onda ih vrate nazad na isto područje nakon neki 45 minuta do jednog sata, sa izrezanim rektumom, odstranjenim genitalijama, odstranjenim očima, - i bez kapi krvi.

U svim ovim slučajevima čini se da je unakaživanje obavljano dok je osoba bila još uvijek živa i svjesna. Jedan od naših naučnika tvrdi kako je očigledno da ljudski primjerak mora da bude živ, da bi uzeti uzorci imali, za njih, neku vrijednost.
Abdukcije se odvijaju svakodnevno u USA, otprilike 10% stanovništva se redovno otima.
Kada smo mi postali svjesni ovoga, protestovali smo jednom malom grey-u kojeg smo držali zarobljenog u objektu YY-2 u Los Alamos-u, međutim, prethodno je već bio postignut sporazum između nas i njih da ćemo im mi dozvoliti da abduciraju jedan manji broj ljudi u zamjenu za njihovu naprednu tehnologiju, a uslov je bio i da nam oni, s vremena na vrijeme, daju spisak ljudi koje su abducirali.

Na kraju se ispostavilo da smo dobili mnogo manje tehnologije nego što smo se pogodili a da je broj abdukcija milion puta veći nego što smo mi naivno dogovorili s njima.

1954-te godine, Predsjednik Eisenhower susreo se sa predstavnikom jedne druge vanzemaljske rase u Meerok?? Test Centru, koji se sada zove Edwards Air Force Base (Baza Vazduhoplovnih Snaga, prim prev.) Taj vanzemaljac nam je sugerisao kako nam oni mogu pomoći da se otarasimo greys-a, međutim, Eisenhower je odbio njihovu ponudu jer nam nisu nudili nikakvu tehnologiju.
Tada, tj. u to vrijeme, svima nama koji smo učestvovali u tome, postalo je jasno kako ne postoji takva stvar kao što je bog, tj. bar ne u onom smislu kako to narod zamišlja. Ono što je sigurno to je da ti vanzemaljci imaju neku vrstu kompjuterskog rekordera u kome imaju uskladištene informacije tj. imidže, te ih s vremena na vrijeme projiciraju narodu kao “čuda,” kako bi uticali na određene religiozne skupove.

Kada je Eisenhower to saznao, toliko ga je to iznerviralo da je na kraju stavio 'In God We Trust' na papirne novčanice i kovani novac, kako bi ojačao vjeru naroda u boga.
Kratko nakon toga, na sastancima između USA i Rusije zaključeno je da je situacija toliko ozbiljna da se hitno mora započeti neka vrsta hladnog rata kako bi se odvukla pažnja naroda sa UFO-a prema nekoj novoj pretnji, kao što je npr. atomski rat.

Takođe je bilo odlučeno da se ovo čuva u tajnosti i od svih izabranih predstavnika u američke i ruske vlade, jer bi veoma dugo trajalo kada bi im se cijela situacija morala objašnjavati, a prevaru je mnogo lakše izvesti kada vrhovni službenci vlade ne znaju ništa o tome.

Krajem pedesetih godina, formirana je NASA, kako bi se informacije sa svemirskih platformi i brodova kompartmentalizirale, kontejnerizirale i sanitizirale. Narodu smo prodali laž kako će sve prikupljene informacije biti njegova svojina. U stvarnosti, ljudima je rečeno malo, veoma malo, a i to malo što im je bilo rečeno, takođe je bilo cenzurisano.

Naš prvi zadatak bio je da sakrijemo od ljudi podatak kako je Venera veoma slična Zemlji, kao i to da je tamošnja populacija veoma slična nama ali mnogo tehnološki naprednija. Mi smo saznali dosta toga o njima, uz pomoć ruske "Veneera??" 1 i US Mariner 2, narodu smo rekli kako površina Venere liči na topionicu olova, sa stalno aktivnim vulkanima koji izbacuju sumpornu kiselinu u atmosferu, čiji je pritisak 90 puta veći nego ovaj na Zemlji. Kao što se to u većini slučajeva dešava, i tu smo dobro pretjerali, tako da nas je na kraju čudilo kako niko uopšte nije ni postavio pitanje – kako je to padobran sonde uopšte uspio da izdrži tj. da spusti sonu na temperaturi od 800 stepeni?!

Osnovali smo i bazu u mjestu Pinegap, u Australiji, kako bi spriječili bilo koga da sazna bilo šta u vezi s našim planovima. Cijelo to vrijeme eliminisali smo sve one koji su pokazivali i najmanje nezadovoljstvo ili su imali tendenciju da javno pričaju u vezi naših svemirskih misija, uključujući Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Mariner, Voyager, Clementine, kao i sve ostale. Svi podaci su inicijalno stizali u Pinegap, a onda, nakon sanitacije, prosljeđivani u JPL ili drugdje.

Jedno vrijeme imali smo malo problema sa radio-amaterima, jer su otkrili kako da presreću naše signale, ali smo kasnije uspjeli i njima da stanemo u kraj.

Kada se ruska prijetnja stišala, uveli smo Vijetnam, koji nam je služio za preokupaciju pažnje naroda tokom idućih 10 godina. Cijela ova operacija zataškivanja vremenom je postajala sve veća i veća, zahtjevala je sve više i više ljudstva, kao i mnogo para. Tako smo stalno morali da napuhujemo budžet za odbranu, i kada nismo mogli dalje, onda smo se prebacili na biznis sa drogom. Kada ni to nije bilo dovoljno, opljačkali smo penzione i kreditne fondove, što je imalo i određene implikacije na Wall Street-u.

Sada smo došli u situaciju kada se stvar izmakla kontroli, mnogi od nas žele imunitet i da izađu napolje iz svega ovoga.
Međutim, sada je u svemu tome već toliko tajni, kojekavih zaštitnih mehanizama, itd. da je veoma malo vjerovatno kako se sve ovo može rasformirati bez posljedica.
I sada ako nam ti daš dozvolu da ovo javno objelodanimo, šta će biti? Oni će reći, “da – zarobili smo leteći tanjir; da – bio je vanzemaljac unutra”; i to je sve što će vam reći.

Hajde, Mr. Bell, uključi taj video. Evo, ovo što ovdje vidiš, to je kako izgledaju mutilacije ljudi. Ovo je bio muškarac, star oko 27 godina. Uh, ovo je snimak mrtvih vanzemaljaca koje smo izvukli iz olupine njihovog broda koji se srušio u 'Olantia’? Kalifornija, pedesetih godina. Brod koji se ovdje vidi bio je prečnika preko 250, morali smo da ga zatrpamo na tom istom mjestu.
Ovo je jedno mjesto u Utahu, blizu Dugway Proving Grounds. Objekat koji sada vidiš je 'Kecksburg Acorn' kojeg smo, sredinom šezdesetih, prebacili u bazu Wright-Patersson.

Ono je Frank Drake, pokušava da iznudi informacije od onog bića svezanog za nosila. To biće je, navodno, bilo sa ‘Tau-Ceti'.

Snimci koje sada gledaš su građevine na Mjesecu. Ovo je toranj u regionu "Sidas-Medai"?? – visok je preko 7 milja. A ovo je ono što mi zovemo Kolos sa Agurama, nalazi se na "Merica-Sium"?? Ne znamo čemu je služila, ali ta mašina je veća nego Brooklyn, u New York-u. Ovo, sada, su video snimci kupola koje prekrivaju kratere. Kako vidiš neki od njih su u u krajnjoj fazi raspada.

Ovo što sada gledaš su snimci 18 različitih vrsta vanzemaljaca, svaki traje po 5 sekundi. Ovaj je jedno od najružnijih bića koje postoji. Čuvare objekta u kome smo ga držali morali smo psihički pripremati, tokom nekoliko mjeseci, na ono što će vidjeti, pokazujući im slike sličnih bića. Tek nakon što se dobro aklimatiziraju, dozvoljavali smo im da zauzmu neku od pozicija obezbjeđenja tog objekta. Prije nego što smo počeli sa tim “aklimatizacijama” dvojica radnika obezbjeđenja umrla su od srčanog udara, kada su se neočekivano sreli s ovim bićem.

Ovaj poslednji snimak je atanetat na Kenedija. Sigurno si već čuo onu teoriju o drugom snajperisti. Vidiš, ovo je druga kamera koja pokazuje šta se tačno desilo. Mi smo imali četvoricu snajperista. Stvar je bila u tome što je Kenedi morao da bude uklonjen, jer je htjeo da objavi narodu ono malo informacija koje smo mu mi dali, a htjeo je i da povuče trupe iz Vijetnama, kojeg smo mi koristili za odvlačenje pažnje naroda.

Nakon Kenedija, nikada više nismo obavještavali predsjednike o ovome. Nixon je znao, jer je bio upoznat s tim kao VP, još 1952.g. To je i zašto je znao gdje da povede Jackie Gleason, u Homestead Air Force, bazu, kako bi ona vidjela tijela vanzemaljaca koje smo tamo držali.

I to je to. Šta sada kažeš Art Bell, da li da kažemo sve ovo narodu...da ili ne?

- 20:14 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

27.06.2005., ponedjeljak

I nas će učipiti...ne samo životinje...

Ne znam koliko ste upoznati sa spravicom zvanom VeriChip. U zadnjih 5-6 godina dosta se o njemu "šuškalo", a od prošle godine ima i svoju službenu stranicu (4VeriChip).

Postoji dosta podataka o njemu na internetu, no za one kojima se ne da tražiti...evo ukratko...

The Associated Press
Updated: 6:38 p.m. ET Oct. 13, 2004
WASHINGTON - Medical milestone or privacy invasion? A tiny computer chip approved Wednesday for implantation in a patient’s arm can speed vital information about a patient’s medical history to doctors and hospitals. But critics warn that it could open new ways to imperil the confidentiality of medical records.

The Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday that Applied Digital Solutions of Delray Beach, Fla., could market the VeriChip, an implantable computer chip about the size of a grain of rice, for medical purposes.

With the pinch of a syringe, the microchip is inserted under the skin in a procedure that takes less than 20 minutes and leaves no stitches. Silently and invisibly, the dormant chip stores a code that releases patient-specific information when a scanner passes over it.

Think UPC code. The identifier, emblazoned on a food item, brings up its name and price on the cashier’s screen.

Chip's dual uses raise alarm

The VeriChip itself contains no medical records, just codes that can be scanned, and revealed, in a doctor’s office or hospital. With that code, the health providers can unlock that portion of a secure database that holds that person’s medical information, including allergies and prior treatment. The electronic database, not the chip, would be updated with each medical visit.

The microchips have already been implanted in 1 million pets. But the chip’s possible dual use for tracking people’s movements — as well as speeding delivery of their medical information to emergency rooms — has raised alarm.

“If privacy protections aren’t built in at the outset, there could be harmful consequences for patients,” said Emily Stewart, a policy analyst at the Health Privacy Project.

...no, kažu neki drugi...

VeriChip is an implantable, 12mm by 2.1mm radio frequency device about the size of the point of a typical ballpoint pen. Each VeriChip will contain a unique identification number and other critical data. Utilizing an external scanner, radio frequency energy passes through the skin energizing the dormant VeriChip, which then emits a radio frequency signal transmitting the identification number and other data contained in the VeriChip. The scanner will display the identification number, but the VeriChip data can also be transmitted, via telephone or the Internet, to an FDA compliant, secure data-storage site. It will then be accessible by authorized personnel. Inserting the VeriChip device is a simple procedure performed in an outpatient, office setting. It requires only local anesthesia, a tiny incision and perhaps a small adhesive bandage. Sutures are not necessary.

...a malo SF-a?...

1. it will be a man's number

2. no one will be able to buy anything without it

3. no one will be able to sell without it

4. those refusing it will be seen "enemies of mankind"

5. it can be implanted in the right hand or the forehead

....pa sad nek si mi mislimo... ;)

- 23:22 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

Uhapšen fotograf koji je snimao seksualno zlostavljanje djece u Bijeloj Kući

Photographer for White House child sex ring arrested after Thompson suicide

WASHINGTON – 13 Mart, 2005 -- TomFlocco.com – Fotograf, Russell E. "Rusty" Nelson nedavno je uhapšen nakon što je prije 4 sedmice novinar Hunter Thompson navodno izvršio samoubistvo, prema podacima iz telefonskog razgovora sa njegovim advokatom John DeCamp-om.

Nelson navodno bio unajmljen od strane republikanskih aktivista da snimi neke sadašnje i penzionisane članove američkog Senata I druge prominentne ličnosti iz američke vlade za vrijeme njihovog upuštana u kriminalne seksualne radnje kao što su sodomija I drugi seksualni akti na djeci, za vrijeme Reagan-Bush 41 administracije.

Nakon smrti Huntera Thompsona i zbog ćutanja medija u vezi sa istovremenim hapšenjem Rusty-ja Nelsona, postavlja se pitanje da li to neko pokušava da eliminiše Nelsona ili izvrši pritisak na njega, jer je na osnovu njihovih svjedočenja poznato da su obojica bili svjedoci homoseksualne prostitucije i pedofilnih kriminalnih djela u zataškanoj ali veoma opsežnoj istrazi u kojoj se usko povezujuje sa članovima Senata kao i sa bivšim predsjednikom George H. W. Bush-om. [U svom svjedočanstvu na sudu (U.S. District Court), Rusty Nelson je rekao sudiji Warrenu Urbomu da je napravio 20-30 hiljada fotografija. 2-5-1999, strana52]

Paul Bonacci, žrtva ovih pedofila, -- koji je bio kidnapovan kada mu je bilo 6 godina i prisiljen na seksualno ropstvo sve do svoje sedamnaeste godine – izjavio je sudiji američkog Oblasnog Suda, Warrenu Urbomu u svom svjedočanstvu [strane:105, 124-126] 5 februara, 1999.g: "Gdje su se održavale te žurke?...tamo u Washingtonu, DC...i to je sve bilo zbog seksa...šest njih je bilo između odraslih muškaraca i drugih odraslih muškaraca, ali većina njih je bila između odraslih i mladih dječaka i djevojčica...obično se radilo o seksu sa maloljetnicima...takođe u Washingtonu, DC, žurke su se organizovale jedna za drugom…bilo je i mnogo žurki na kojima su prisustvovali i neki senatori i kongresmeni koji nisu imali ništa s tim seksom. Ali neki od njih su ostajali do kasnih sati, za pedofilni seks…on nas je vodio često na put, sa sobom, ja sam tu sretao neke ljude čija imena ne smijem da pominjem --- ...Pitanje: Da li se bojiš?...Da..."

DeCamp, bivši senator države Nebraska I odlikovani veteran Vijetnamskog rata, izjavio je za TomFlocco.com "ostale su još uvijek tone tih fotografija; kriminalističa služba ih trenutno traži," I dodaje, "takođe se pretpostavlja da ima I senatora I kongresmena koji su tu umješani; da nije tako, to onda ne bi ni bila neka velika stvar." Ali ni jedan od državnih službenika se nije usudio da zaštiti život Rusty Nelsona, jer će Kongres odbiti da sasluša ili natjera državnog tužioca da istražuje svoje vlastite članove u vezi seksa s djecom, koji je još uvijek kažnjiv zakonom.

Komentar: Da li ste stvarno sigurni da se na pozicijama vlasti na ovoj planeti danas nalaze stvarni ljudi, pod kojima se normalno podrazumjevaju ljudska bića sa dušom?

preuzeto sa:

- 17:43 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #


Kad se lijepo upakirana gomila laži uspije prodati

narodnim masama polako i sistematski tokom nekoliko

tisuća godina - onda se istina smatra totalnom besmislicom

a onaj koji ju propovjeda - totalnim luđakom

J. Dresden

- 17:34 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

Dokle ovako zbog šačice pohlepnih "ljudi"????

U svakodnevnom životu pokušavaju nas uvjeriti da sve ovo moramo shvatiti kao da je to nešto sasvim normalno i sastavni dio života.

Nekome na ovoj planeti je jako važno da krv stalno teče,

da ljudsko biće živi u neprestanom svjesnom ili podsvjesnom strahu,

da živi i umre u neznanju o svom istinskom porijeklu i potencijalima koje ima.


- 17:23 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

CHEMTRAILS - sistematsko trovanje pučanstva

Evo jedan spooky tekst, najviše zbog toga što su navodno i u nas viđeni isti. Nije za čuditi se, budući smo jedan krasan poligon za ispitivanje svega i svačega (što zbog pomanjkanja pravih zakona, što zbog korumpiranih nam političara)

Već duže od nekih 8 godina, tzv. «tajna vlada» vrši intenzivno "zaprašivanje" stanovništva ove planete iz vazduha. Radi se o za te svrhe specijalno modifikovanim letjelicama koje sa velikih visina izbacuju, odnosno, raspršavaju određene biološke agense čiji je tačan hemijski sastav zasad nepoznat, kao i sama svrha zbog koje se ovakva jedna operacija obavlja.

Bez obzira na mnoge žalbe građana, pogotovo u USA, postojanje ovakve jedne operacije zvanično se negira a svi oni koji o ovome javno pričaju automatski se svrstavaju u kategoriju konspirativnih teoretičara.

Normalne mlaznice nastaju od izduvnih gasova izbačenih iz turbina avionskih motora. One se na visini preko 10000 metara pretvaraju u ledene kristale i normalno se mogu održati u vazduhu najviše 20 minuta.

Za razliku od njih, hemijski mlazovi ostaju da vise u vazduhu veoma dugo i onda se polako šire i poveziju, formirajući oblak tipa cirus. Mlaznice se polažu najčešće u obliku znaka X ili mreže.

U knjigama Death from the Skies i Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, Dr Len Horowitz tvrdi kako se radi o raspršivanju priona, bjelančevina koje su u stanju da se pod određenim okolnostima pretvore u kristale, a onda zavisno od toga kojim se frekvencijama izlože, oni izazivaju određene bolesti kao npr. bolest ludih krava, Creutzfeld Jacobs Sindrom, i cijeli niz drugih zdravstvenih poremećaja kod ljudi i životinja.

Prema Horowitz-u, nakon što se sva populacija planete inficira prionima, onda je dovoljno da se određeni regioni izlože elektromagnetnim talasima specifičnih frekvenicija, uz pomoć tzv. HAARP sistema, preko tornjeva za mobilnu telefoniju, GWEN tornjeva itd. - i da ljudi u tom regionu obole od određenih bolesti ili da se njihov um uz pomoć kristala koji im se nalaze u mozgu - programira.

Postoje i neke indikacije da bi se ovdje moglo raditi i o vještačkom induciranju genetske mutacije kod čovjeka.

Prema nekim teorijama, uz pomoć kemtrejlsa se kreira i tzv. neutralna šupljina između zemlje i stratosfere kroz koju se mnogo lakše mogu emitovati tzv. ELF talasi (ekstremno niskih frekvencija) koji između ostalog utiču na rad mozga i imaju potencijal da promjene stanje svijesti čovjeka.

Mnogi tvrde kako ne možemo ni biti više mentalno programirani nego što to u ovom momentu jesmo, te odbacuju ovaj dio teorije u vezi mentalnog programiranja, dok se namjerno uzrokovanje određenih bolesti uzima u obzir kao jedna od mogućih metoda kojom tzv. «tajna vlada» planira da se riješi suvišne populacije, odnosno, da kontroliše broj stanovništva naše planete, jer je to, navodno, i jedan od glavnih elemenata tzv. Novog Svjetskog Poretka.

Postoji i teorija da se u ovom slučaju radi o onemogućavanju otvaranja portala (između 3D i 4D) koji bi navodno nastali djelovanjem «galaktičkog supertalasa» te obezbjedili većem dijelu populacije da zajedno sa ovom planetom pređe na jednu višu ravan postojanja (tzv. - izlaz iz "podruma"). Istovremeno bi hemijske komponente kao i bakterije, koje se nalaze u kemtrejlsima onemogućile promene na našoj DNA, koje bi prirodno nastale pod uticajem onog talasa i koje su preduslov za jedan takav «kvantni skok».

Uticajem svih ovih hemijskih i bioloških agenasa na čovjekov organizam obezbjedilo bi se da on ostane i dalje da funkcioniše ispod praga svjesnosti. Sa viših ravni postojanja gledajući, ono što mi podrazumjevamo pod «svjesnošću» - sa pravom svjesnošću nema mnogo veze, tj. radi se o našoj kako kolektivnoj, tako i individualnoj – nesvijesti.

(Ovo će već biti malo teže mnogima za razumjeti, jer su sva naša vjerovanja, stanje svijesti, kao i tzv. «koncenzus realitet» veoma vješto inducirani od strane jednog kontrolnog sistema koji se sastoji od dvije komponente, od kojih je jedna hiperdimenzionalne prirode, dok njegova druga komponenta još uvijek spada u tzv. «3D», a nekima je poznata pod imenom - iluminati. Ta naša vjerovanja često nemaju nikakve veze sa objektivnom realnošću.)

U svakom slučaju, kratko nakon raspršivanja ovog spreja iz vazduha mnogo ljudi u zahvaćenim područjima oboli od raznih respiratornih poremećaja kao i bolesti sličnoj gripi. Sve je to praćeno i povećanim mortalitetom kod starijih osoba i djece. Takođe se kod stanovništva javlja i jedna opšta letargija, kao i neki drugi simptomi oboljenja nervnog sistema.

Takođe je primjećeno da područja koja se redovno zaprašuju postaju sušna te je to navelo mnoge da zaključe kako se ovdje radi o modifikaciji klime. Čini se ipak da je izazivanje suše samo jedan od sporednih efekata hemijskih mlazova.

Hemijski Sastav

Već odavno jedna veća grupa ljudi prati ove nebeske aktivnosti, uzima uzorke iz tih kemo-mlaznica i prema nalazima iz nekih privatnih laboratorija, u njima se nalaze različiti biološki i patogeni agensi, od mikroorganizama pa do određenih metala kao što su npr. soli barijuma i aluminijske čestice mikronskih dimenzija.

Do sada u ovim hemijskim mlaznicama pronađeni su sljedeći agensi:

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa – bakterija koja napada većinom respiratorni sistem čovjeka

Pseudomonas fluorescens; izaziva infekcije krvi i respiratornog sistema

Serratia marcescens - upala pluća, upala mozga, upala srčanog mišića

Mycoplasma fermentes incognitus, vrsta patogenog mikroorganizma za koju se pretpostavlja da je bio-inženjerirana u američkim vojnim laboratorijama i koja je pronađena kod 45% američkih vojnika koji boluju od tzv. golfskog sindroma.

Streptomyces i druge vrste gljivice

Neke vrste kvasaca

Određene bakterije koje sadrže specifične enzime koji su u stanju da izmjene
genom čovjeka

Soli barijuma

Aluminijum – čestice mikronskih dimenzija; (interesantno je da ljudi koji pate od Alchajmerove bolesti imaju veću količinu aluminijuma u mozgu)

Ethylene dibromide (dibrometan) C2H4Br2– kancerogeni dodatak za gorivo i insekticid, mirisa sličnog hloroformu; izaziva depresiju CNS-a, edem pluća i nadražava sluznicu respiratornog trakta; čini se da je on uzročnik i karakterističnog kašlja («kemtrejl kašalj») koji se javlja kod ljudi nakon zaprašivanja određenog područja

Dehidrirane ljudske crvene i bijele krvne ćelije (eritrociti i leukociti)

Fibrozni filamenti (njihova uloga je navodno da omoguće određenim mikroorganizmima koji se nalaze u ovoj hemijskoj smjesi da živi stignu do zemlje, jer bi ih normalni atmosferski uslovi uništili. Tako se na područjima zaprašivanja mogu naći smeđe fibrizne niti slične paučini koje su veoma toksične.)
Virusi i prioni nisu zvanično potvrđeni; njihovo prisustvo se samo nagađa

O čemu se tačno radi, za sada možemo samo nagađati. S obzirom na trenutno stanje svijesti većine ljudi, teško je za očekivati da će se u dogledno vrijeme stati na put ovim manipulatorima života na našoj planeti.

preuzeto sa:

- 16:56 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

26.06.2005., nedjelja

Kako otkriti PRANJE MOZGA...

How to Detect Mind Control
from CTRL

Name Calling

This can include being called negative names (used inappropriately) like liar, psychotic, paranoid, crazy, communist, etc. The purpose, intentional or unintentional, of the usage of these names is to discredit the person they are being used on, without discussing the facts of the debate or topic. Sometimes names are used to shock the listener, which may put the listener into a more susceptible mind state and not critically think about the topic but simply accept the negative name or opinion subliminally.

Glittering Generalities

Democracy, capitalism or other ideas are often discussed in these terms. These terms may be described positively without a critical analysis of all sides of the issue.

The important thing is to look at the ideas behind the terms and analyze them critically. A group may also only discuss the positives of the organization, ignoring any negative criticism about the group. The important thing is to check out any group or organization as completely as possible before joining. But I believe it is also important to trust people when they are safe, so that we can recover by sharing and connecting.


A user of propaganda may use terms like "many," "a lot," "numerous," or "a few" without backing up these numbers or statistics. The usage of these words may make a person or organization look better or worse without data or substantial proof.

Emotional Manipulation

Sometimes it is important to look at the argument(s) with as little emotion as possible, and try to see the facts only.
From http://carmen.artsci. washington.edu/propaganda/fear.htm, "...there
are four elements to a successful fear appeal: 1) a threat, 2) a specific recommendation about how the audience should behave, 3) audience perception that the recommendation will be effective in addressing the threat, and 4) audience perception that they are capable of performing the recommended behavior." Groups may also use these techniques on their members. They may say, "If you don’t do this, then the world will end, we will close, etc." For members that are very needy or attached to the organization or person making the statement, this threat may be very difficult to ignore.

In E-mail, this may be caused by the use of capital letters or other techniques. The writer may say things like, "apples are always red," and then, "apples are always blue," to cause confusion in the reader and make them more susceptible to the ideas in the E-mail. While the mind is trying to figure out which statement is true, the reader’s mind may become more susceptible to the suggestion or idea.

Sutphen in his article talks about "Shock and Confusion," how people go into a meditative state when scared and are more likely to be compliant to the second suggestion. If people are made to feel guilty that they were given something, they are more likely to follow the next command, like give money, etc.

For survivors, I think the important thing is to realize when these techniques are being used on us. To fight the second suggestion and not follow it blindly. This may entail leaving the area immediately and going to a safe spot. Online this may mean reading certain E-mails with support people present. And to avoid those that may use these suggestions on us whenever possible. Learning how to develop safe support systems and safe resources can help with this. I believe it is dangerous to believe that we can’t be MC’ed.

Guilt may also be used as a technique, especially on survivors. Making people feel like they haven’t done enough for a particular group or organization, asking people to do things without considering all sides of the issue or their own needs.

Neediness can also be used. Survivors may be looking for approval, acceptance and a place to discuss their feelings. So they may not be able to critically decide what support systems may be the safest for them. Groups will first be very nice or overly nice to them (love bombing), but this will often disappear later and emotional manipulation and threats or guilt may be used to try to cause the desired behavior.

Subliminal Commands

The techniques used to create subliminal commands can vary. I believe they usually create a meditative state in the individual. I have heard that TV can cause these states. "Glassy eyed stares" or "being spaced out" are often used to describe this state. Shock or fear or other extreme emotional states may also be used to create meditative states. These commands may help the writer bypass the reader’s conscious mind.

Specific triggers may be used on survivors. These may sound like the ideas of those that do not believe in the existence of recovered memory or ritual abuse. These can include calling a person paranoid, psychotic or crazy (see "name calling") and allude to the fact that a person’s paranoia is connected to a psychotic disorder, which, I believe, usually isn’t the case. This can be used to try and get the survivor to doubt their own reality and the reality of their memories. (See SMART issue #27 for the low rate (less than 5 percent) of "false" memories.)

Subliminal triggers may also be used intentionally or unintentionally to remind a survivor of a specific ritual or past program. Repeated use (or the one time use) of certain terms, that could be triggering for survivors, could qualify. The writer may be using these terms to scare or trigger the reader.

A colleague of mine wrote me and told me that she uses three criterion to determine online if a person may be a perpetrator of MC.

1) If the person uses guilt.
2) If the person tells them to "f_ off." (Could be considered a technique to shock the reader.)
3) Using lots of triggers to control their actions.
I think the one thing that all 3 above have in common is they entail some sort of emotional manipulation and/or trigger.

Changing the Topic

Rather than deal with the specific topic, a group or person may try to change the topic, or discredit the other side, rather than deal with the criticisms or arguments in the debate. A variety of propaganda techniques may be used to try and do this. This technique has occasionally been used by politicians and others.


One way of remembering something is to constantly repeat it. This is one way we learn to remember new words and songs. Rather than debating the points of the debate, a debater may simply continue calling a person a liar or crazy or a traitor, etc. (see "name calling") without backing up their statements. How often is an idea in an argument presented without a source or logical backing. This is one place in a debate or argument where a debater may show their "true colors." Are they interested in debating the points of the argument or are they using propaganda and mind control techniques?


Individuals that are not qualified to discuss the particulars (the specific facts) of a debate or product may join the debate or ad campaign and make statements that may have little or no logical backing or factual basis. Organizations and companies may use a variety of techniques to encourage such participation.

Band Wagon

The user of propaganda may encourage people to join the cause without asking them to think about the facts and other side of the argument. This may include a kind of hero worship, including fancy clothes, high expenditures, claims of a large following, etc. I think the most important thing is to follow your instincts and recovery, not someone else. Other people may have valid and helpful things to say, but I believe our recovery has to be our own.

Logical Fallacies

These will be intentionally used by the user of propaganda to manipulate opinion.

Example: John likes apples.
Hitler liked apples.
John likes Hitler.

This can be used in politics. Equating communism to fascism because one or several communist governments may have been fascist is an example of this. A person may agree with someone on one topic and disagree with the same person on another topic. The user of propaganda may try to lump the two people or a group of people together that disagree with them, suggesting a conspiracy, when it may only be people agreeing on a certain topic.

You might hear that we can’t trust anyone if certain people aren’t safe. This is a logical fallacy and isn’t true. It may take time for the survivor to trust again, but I think we need to keep trying to trust safe people, so we can heal.

Unwarranted Extrapolation

This is another logical fallacy. A person receiving a criticism may claim that a critique of themselves or their group may cause divisiveness in society or their movement. ("Love it or leave" is an example of this.) The repetition of this idea may reinforce the idea in the reader’s mind. An alternative way of looking at this is that the same critique could also make the movement stronger, by encouraging people to think about their choices and use caution before making those choices. It may encourage all those in the movement to become healthier, making the movement even stronger.

In all logical fallacies, and in terms of propaganda in general, try to see the other possible conclusions of the argument, not simply those presented by the user of propaganda.

How to Avoid Blindly Accepting Propaganda and Being Mind Controlled
(Please note: these are only suggestions. You may want to analyze each of them to see if they have any value to you and if necessary, add some of your own.)

"The subjects easiest to influence are usually young, trusting, gullible, and non-critical people from protective backgrounds or people who may be particularly vulnerable because of some recent unsettled transition (my note: survivors may also fit in this category)...the rejects are likely to be individuals who have easy access to accurate, critical, or counterbalancing information. Insolent, self-centered, street-wise, highly critical or recalcitrant individuals are generally culled out..." Though everyone is susceptible to some degree.

1) Try to find out both sides of the story.
2)Learn about propaganda and mind control techniques and learn how to recognize them. If necessary, learn to avoid those using these techniques (this may be online or offline.) The media and advertisements may be a good place to start either learning about these techniques or avoiding them. At times, advertisements don’t even discuss the product or its attributes at all.
3) When in a potential situation where you can be MC’ed or propagandized, learn how to recognize the feelings of going into a meditative state and learn some of the techniques for getting out of these states. (Details are at "Conference trigger management and safety" are available via E-mail, snail mail (for $1.00 US only) or at http://members.aol.com/ smartnews/page5/NBpresentation99.htm) I believe that avoidance of these situations is usually the best way to keep from being MC’ed or propagandized.
4) The user of propaganda or mind control techniques may exhibit a "lack of morals," lying and/or disregarding the rules of the debate, list, group or society. This is similar to the "us vs them" or may be justified by "the ends justify the means" arguments organizations may use, see SMART #29 (Cult Information Article.)
5) Try to use your gut feelings. If something doesn’t feel right, step back or remove yourself from the situation. I believe that a legitimate group or organization will give an individual the time and room to make their own choices (see "Emotional Manipulation" above).

I believe the following statement also applies to being MC’ed and/or fooled by propaganda. From FactNet, "No one "joins a cult." People recruited into destructive groups think they are doing something else, something beneficial and worthwhile. Anyone can be recruited given the right sales pitch and the right conditions in one’s life. We are all potential victims." While I believe it is necessary to learn from our mistakes, I think that feeling too much guilt doesn’t help. It may be necessary to make an amends when safe. This may be simply by getting healthy and possibly educating others.

As always, please use your own judgement and try to research everything as fully as possible. Don’t accept anything anyone says simply because they say it or claim to be an expert or whatever. Try to check it out for yourself. I am not an expert, and I am continually learning new things about myself and the above topics.

Neil Brick

Monkeys in restraint, wires coming out of top of skull, left image "normal", right image with electric current being fed into the monkey's brain - note pupil sizes and clenched teeth! These images portray Dr. Delgado's ruthless disregard for life, pain, and suffering!

- 16:15 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

Do kada misle šutiti o stvarima koje su očite?

- 16:05 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


“Ništa neće doprinjeti ljudskom zdravlju te povećati šanse za opstanak života na Zemlji koliko će to učiniti evolucija do vegetarijanske prehrane.”
Albert Einstein

“Vjerujem da je mesna hrana neprimjerena našoj vrsti. Ako smo superiorniji od životinjskog svijeta, onda smo time što ga oponašamo skrenuli s pravoga puta.”
Mahatma Ghandi

“Vjerujem da je cijeli život sveta stvar. Na vegetarijanstvo gledam kao na prirodnu prehranu koja može spasiti čovječanstvo od nasilničkih tendencija, te nam pomoći vratiti se u davno izgubljeni raj.”
Richard Wagner

“Onaj tko ne cijeni život, nije ga ni zaslužio.”
Leonardo de Vinci

“Zastrašujuća je ne patnja i smrt životinja, već to što čovjek u sebi zatomljuje najviše duhovne osjećaje samilosti i sažaljenja prema sebi sličnim živim bićima te gazeći vlastita osjećanja postaje okrutan.”
Lav Nikolajević Tolstoj

“Zar da čovjek mojega uma jede leševe?”

Vegetarijanci su takoder bili: Sokrat, Diogen, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Hemingway, Franz Kafka, Platon, Plutarh, George Bernard Shaw, Nikola Tesla, Mark Twain, Voltaire, F. M. Dostojevski, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Martin Luther King, Franjo Asirški, Albert Schweitzer, Rabindarah Tagore, Ovidije, H. G. Wells…

te mnogi uspješni ljudi današnjice: Michael Jackson, Dustin Hoffman, Bryan Adams, Joan Baez, Bridgitte Bardot, Peter Bogdanovich, Jeff Beck, Leonard Cohen, Richard Gere, Annie Lennox, Morrissey, Mel Gipson, Cher, Oprah, Bob Dylon, Sting, Paul i Linda McCartney, Madonna, Stevie Wonder, Prince, Claudia Schiffer, Peter Gabriel, Carl Lewis, David Bowie, George Harrison, Kirk Hammet, Martina Navratilova, Ringo Starr, Kate Bush, Brooke Shields, Demi Moore, Kim Basinger…

Brošure o vegetrijanstvu i zaštiti životinja:

Životinje se tuže (PDF)

Umorstvo životinja je smrt ljudi (PDF)

- 15:13 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

25.06.2005., subota

Prvo pismo upučeno masama

Ne znam koliko ima istine u ovom pismu, niti mi je jasno zašto bi nam se sada obraćali, nakon tisuća godina tišine. No, vremena se mijenjaju, informacije se šire nevjerojatnom brzinom, pa je ovo pismo možda jedna od njihovih manipulacija. Manipulacija strahom od izvjesne budućnosti, u kojoj nema mjesta onima koji ne razmišljaju kao oni. Bilo kako bilo, pročitajte.

Dearest Citizen of the World,
I believe the time has come to reveal to you some of the perplexities you have faced in recent decades. It is well
for you to understand some of these things so that you may be able to become fully involved and integrated into our new society. After all this is for your best interest if you will do. First of all it is well that you understand some of our purposes so that you may more fully cooperate. I cannot tell you the hard times you will face if you resist us. We have ways of dealing with resisters. I am only telling you this now, since it is much too late to turn things around. The days of putting a stop to us have long since past. We now have full control of the earth and its finance, alongwith the major media propaganda, and there is simply no way any nation or power can defeat us. We have eyes in every level of government in every nation of the world. We know what is being planned. State secrets are fully known to us. Europe and Asia recently accused the media in the US of lying about Iraq.
Of course we lie. In this way we can keep the people unbalanced and always facing controversy which is very helpful to us. Have you not seen the talk show spectacle? Some of you believe we are the liberals and the good people are the conservatives. In reality, both serve our purposes. Each camp merely serves with the stamp of our approval but they are not allowed to present
the real issues. By creating controversy on all levels, no one knows what to do. So, in all this confusion, we go ahead and accomplish what we want with no hindrance. Consider President George W. Bush. Even though he regularly breaks every known check on his power, no one can stop him. He goes ahead and does whatever we want him to do anyway. The Congress has no power to stop him. He does what we want since he knows if he does not, because of his
rather dark character, we can have him removed in a moment's time. You cannot take us to court because you can't see us and the courts are our servants as well. We run everything you do not know who to attack. I must say our
hidden hand is wonderfully devised and without any known historical precedent on this scale. We rule the world and the world cannot find out who is ruling them. In or media we present before you exactly what we want you do.
Then, as in a flash, our little servants obey. We can send American, European or Russian troops to where ever we like and for whatever purpose we like, and the dutifully go about our business. How much more evidence do you need?
We can make you desire to leave your homes and family and go to war merely at our command. We only need to present some nonsense to you from the president's desk or in the evening news and we can get you all fired up to
do whatever we like. You can do nothing but what we put before you. And now about your vain resistance, when any of you seek to resist us, we have ways of making you look ridiculous as we have done with your militia movement.
We have delighted to use this movement to show the world how impotent any resistance is. They look pathetic marching around as if they were some match for our military. Look at what we did near Waco. Did the Davidian's little store of weapons help them? We have generously taxed you and used that money to make sophisticated weapons you can no way compete. Your own money has served to forge the chains we bind you with, since we are in control of all money. Some of you think you may escape by buying some land and growing a garden. Let me remind you that you still pay us ground rent. Oh, you may
call it property taxes, but it still goes to us, you know that you need money no matter what you do. If you fail to pay your ground rent to us, we will take your land back and sell it to someone who will pay us. And with your
ground rent we pay for the indoctrination of your children in the public schools we have set up. We want them to grow up well trained into our system of our thinking. Your children will learn what we want them to learn, when we
want them to learn it, and you pay for it through ground rent. Those funds are also used for other projects we have in mind and our contractors are paid handsomely for their work. You may doubt that we own your children, or have such control, but you will find that we do. We can declare that you abuse your children when you spank them and have them confiscated. If they do
not show up for school indoctrination, we can accuse you of neglect, thereby, giving them to us. Your children are not yours. They are ours. You must inoculate them with our so called vaccines, you must give them mind altering drugs to change their disposition if we decree or we will take them from you. You know this and we know this. Through our electronic commerce we are able to see where you are, what you are buying and how much you have to buy things with. Where do you suppose we come up with our monthly financial statements?
Through the Internet and other sources we can even know how you think and what you say. It is not especially important to us what you believe as long as you do what we say. Your beliefs are nonsense anyway. But if you think
you have a following and we perceive that you might be somewhat dangerous to our agenda, we have ways to deal with you. We have a Pandora's Box of mischief with which to snare you. We can have you in court so long you will never get out. We can easily drain away all of your assets over one ridiculous pretext or another. We have an inexhaustible fund with which to draw from to pay our servants the lawyers. These liars are paid by you in the form of taxes.
You do not have this vast supply of wealth. We know how to divide and conquer.
Have we not brought down rulers of countries through our devices? Do you think your tiny self will be any match for us? Puny human resistance is futile you will be assimilated whether you like it or not. And here is a
little about your vain organizations. Let us consider your religions and the "moral majority." The moral majority is neither moral nor is it in the majority. We have delighted to use this wet noodle of a movement to ridicule the Christian faith. The silly men who run that organization always end up with egg on their faces. Have you not read about all the pedophile
priests and outrages cash settlements lately? We have always put them in defense of themselves as we have done so successfully with the NRA. You can now see that we can do whatever we like and you cannot do anything about it. Does it not seem reasonable that you should simply obey and serve us? Otherwise, you get eaten up in the resistance that is supposed to liberate you. You simply cannot be liberated. We supply your fuel for your cars. We can turn it off whenever we like claiming there is a fuel shortages because of the war or any other reason. We supply all the money you use. At any whim of our desire we can stop the money supply or cause a complete crash all together. We can then order the president to declare all money worthless and that we will need new money. By the way have you seen the new colorized bills lately? You should really check them out, They are a major improvement over the old ones. All of your stashes of cash will go up in smoke in a
moment of time. Don't you need food? If necessary we can cause a trucker's strike which would stop deliveries of food to your local store. We can starve you whenever we like, further more if you think you are clever to have some food set aside don't let your neighbors find out about it, if they don't like you now just imagine how they will behave when they are starving. It could turn into the "Lord of the Flies." You only have food now because we have provided it to you from our table. during the last Great Depression we controlled all of the food just like now. We heaped mountains of food behind armed fences and let it rot. They hungry pathetic people were then made to work in our labor camps even though there was more than enough food to feed them. Just wait until you see what we have in store for you this time around.
With our F.E.M.A. camps already in place it will make what Nazi Germany did look like a picnic. After all there are so many more of you around today, about 6 billion last count, but who keeps track of that kind of stuff anyways. You have no idea how to pull out of our influence short of suicide. Go ahead and commit suicide, it will only help us to deal with the excessive population problem and besides that who would care anyways, maybe your pet? Face the cold hard truth your mind has been controlled, we run Hollywood the movies such as "Terminator" and "Armageddon" along with a great host of others were simply created to get you thinking according to our directions. You have been made to delight in violence. Have you ever watched a professional football game and see the crowds reaction to a bone crushing hit? We have placed violent games in your malls to prepare your young minds in the art of battle. We have made you view our armies and police as the good forces as they pummel innocent countries and civilians. You submit to things that were unthinkable just a few decades ago. Our artful programs are all designed to help you submit and even help the New World Order. "Star Trek, Star Wars" and other such creations, have taught you to simply obey orders from the international rulers. You thought you were being entertained while you were actually being educated or should I say brainwashed or would you prefer mind controlled. You see our kingdom is the kingdom of money.
Excuse me, but I must confess that we are the rulers of non-money. You have got to appreciate the humor in that statement. We have given you a piece of paper or some numbers on a computer screen that we alone term as money. It is
backed by nothing and proven by nothing but what we say it is. We create it from nothing, we print it, we loan it, we give it its value, and we take its value away. All things that have to do with money are in our hands. Think about it, what on earth can you get without money, not even love. HA! HA! HA! Some of you think you can get around this by hoarding gold but what you may not realize is that we can pass a law that will make the possession of gold a criminal offense just like we have done in the past. If we find that you have gold in your possession, we will confiscate it and then put you in jail
for breaking the law. While in our prison camp you will be required to work in one of our prison industries. we have formed a picture of the labor camps these days that no one seems to object to them. We tell the good citizens
that the evil criminals should pay for their own keep and everything moves in perfect harmony. we observe no laws when it comes to war. We do what we want, when we want and how we want. We can starve nations to death consider the
Palestinians. We can ruin civilizations consider Africa. You have no idea how to pull out of our influence. There is only glory in following our purposes and doing what we say. If you do you will be rewarded handsomely. If one does not, there will be such a sad and tragic result. I would really have you spared of such an end. You cannot hurt us, find us, or even imagine what
we are up to. I am only throwing you these crumbs now only so that you may, if you have a little good sense, obey and follow our orders after all you have always been our property.

- 12:44 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

HEMP - Industrijska konoplja

Molim koji komentar na ovo….


Hemp has a higher quality fiber than wood fiber. Far fewer caustic chemicals are required to make paper from hemp than from trees. Hemp paper does not turn yellow and is very durable. The plant grows quickly to maturity in a season where trees take a lifetime.


Hempen plastics are biodegradable! Over time, they would break down and not harm the environment. Oil-based plastics, the ones we are very familiar with, help ruin nature; they do not break down and will do great harm in the future. The process to produce the vast array of natural (hempen) plastics will not ruin the rivers as Dupont and other petrochemical companies have done. Ecology does not fit in with the plans of the Oil Industry and the political machine. Hemp products are safe and natural.


We should go back to the days when the AMA supported cannabis cures. 'Medical Marijuana' is given out legally to only a handful of people while the rest of us are forced into a system that relies on chemicals. Pot is only healthy for the human body.
WORLD HUNGER COULD END. A large variety of food products can be generated from hemp. The seeds contain one of the highest sources of protein in nature. ALSO: They have two essential fatty acids that clean your body of cholesterol. These essential fatty acids are not found anywhere else in nature! Consuming pot seeds is the best thing you could do for your body. Eat uncooked hemp seeds.


Hemp clothing is extremely strong and durable over time. You could hand clothing, made from pot, down to your grandchildren. Today, there are American companies that make hemp clothing; usually 50% hemp. Hemp fabrics should be everywhere. Instead, they are almost underground. Superior hemp products are not allowed to advertise on fascist television. Kentucky, once the top hemp producing state, made it ILLEGAL TO WEAR hemp clothing! Can you imagine being thrown into jail for wearing quality jeans?

The world is crazy...but that does not mean you have to join the insanity. Get together. Spread the news. Tell people, and that includes your children, the truth. Use hemp products. Eliminate the word 'marijuana.' Realize the history that created it. Make it politically incorrect to say or print the M-word. Fight against the propaganda (designed to favor the agenda of the super rich) and the bullshit. Hemp must be utilized in the future. We need a clean energy source to save our planet.


The liquor, tobacco and oil companies fund more than a million dollars a day to Partnership for a Drug-Free America and other similar agencies. We have all seen their commercials. Now, their motto is: ‘It's more dangerous than we thought.’ Lies from the powerful corporations, that began with Hearst, are still alive and well today.
The brainwashing continues. Now, the commercials say: If you buy a joint, you contribute to murders and gang wars. The latest anti-pot commercials say: If you buy a joint...you are promoting TERRORISM! The new enemy (terrorism) has paved the road to brainwash you any way THEY see fit.

There is only one enemy; the friendly people you pay your taxes to; the war-makers and nature destroyers. With your funding, they are killing the world right in front of your eyes.


In the entire history of the human race, not one death can be attributed to cannabis. Our society has outlawed grass but condones the use of the KILLERS: TOBACCO and ALCOHOL. Hemp should be declassified and placed in DRUG stores to relieve stress. Hardening and constriction of the arteries are bad; but hemp usage actually enlarges the arteries...which is a healthy condition. We have been so conditioned to think that: Smoking is harmful. That is NOT the case for passive pot.

Ingesting THC, hemp's active agent, has a positive effect; relieving asthma and glaucoma. A joint tends to alleviate the nausea caused by chemotherapy. You are able to eat on hemp. This is a healthy state of being.

{One personal note: During the pregnancy of my wife, she was having some difficulty gaining weight. We were in the hospital. A nurse called us to one side and said: ‘Off the record, if you smoke pot...you'd get something called the munchies and you’ll gain weight.' I swear that is a true story}.

The stereotype for a pothead is similar to a drunk, bubble-brain. Yet, the truth is one’s creative abilities can be enhanced under its influence. The perception of time slightly slows and one can become more sensitive. You can more appreciate all arts; be closer to nature and generally FEEL more under the influence of cannabis. It is, in fact, the exact opposite state of mind and body as the drunken state. You can be more aware with pot.

The pot plant is an ALIEN plant. There is physical evidence that cannabis is not like any other plant on this planet. One could conclude that it was brought here for the benefit of humanity. Hemp is the ONLY plant where the males appear one way and the females appear very different, physically! No one ever speaks of males and females in regard to the plant kingdom because plants do not show their sexes; except for cannabis. To determine what sex a certain, normal, Earthly plant is: You have to look internally, at its DNA. A male blade of grass (physically) looks exactly like a female blade of grass. The hemp plant has an intense sexuallity. Growers know to kill the males before they fertilize the females.

Yes, folks...the most potent pot comes from 'horny females.'

The reason this amazing, very sophisticated, ET plant from the future is illegal has nothing to do with how it physically affects us…..


ps: I think the word ‘DRUGS’ should not be used as an umbrella-word that covers all chemical agents. Drugs have come to be known as something BAD. Are you aware there are LEGAL drugstores?! Yep, in every city. Unbelievable. Each so-called drug should be considered individually. Cannabis is a medicine and not a drug. We should DARE to speak the TRUTH no matter what the law is.

Comments and questions are welcome: dugko@surfside.net

Copyright 2005 by Doug Yurchey (with permission)

- 00:16 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

24.06.2005., petak

Kratak uvod...

Možda će ovo što ću napisati iznenaditi mnoge od vas. Nije mi bitno što vi mislite. Bitno je da informacija bude dostupna.


Već više tisuća godina, ovaj se naš krasni plavi planet nalazi u rukama šačice ljudi. Da bi se narod držao pod kontrolom, formirane su religije, formirani su zakoni i formirane su škole. Sva ova tri dijela našeg društva nalaze se pod kontrolom „ljudi u sivom“. U svim religijama predaju se DOGME – uzmi ili ostavi. U školama se uče TEORIJE izmišljene na takav način da bi se nas smanjilo na veličinu nebitnog zrna pijeska. Uče nas onome što oni žele da budemo naučeni. U pravosuđu se donose zakoni kojima se naše osobne slobode (kojih gotovo da više i nemamo), svode na minimum. Oni stvaraju globalne probleme, ponude rješenje i mi ih izaberemo. Oni nam ponude koga ćemo sljedećeg birati, kao svoga predstavnika, a mi biramo. Oni će nas uvjeravati da ne postoji inteligencija van ovog našeg planeta, oni će nas uvjeravati da je nafta jedini isplativi izvor goriva, oni će nas uvjeravati da fosilnih goriva nema u izobilju, oni će vam oduzeti djecu, ako ih ne pošaljete u njihove škole, oni će vam naplatiti 2 kuće, kada kupujete jednu…i tako dalje….i tako dalje…

Za početak i ovo će biti dovoljno.

- 14:32 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

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