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Moj razred, 3.c Pshg

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najbolja rječ za opis mene je Maja. totalno obično moje ime... dijelim ga sa vjerojatno najpoznatijom pčelom na svijetu... tj ona ga dijeli sa mnom jer sam nazvana po Pčelici Maji.../a>

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nisam jedna od onih osoba koje možete odmah skužit na ulici po izgledu... trenutno se malo mučim sa bojom kose, ali oči su mi taamno smeđeImage Hosted by ImageShack.us
, nisam nešto visoka.... nemam neki specijalni stil oblačenja, nosim što mi se svidi....iako mi se to baš ne sviđa nosim naočale (samo po doma-hvala nebesima za leće)
onda... bavim se engleskim i plesom.... volim igrat karte, plesat, gledat formulu i navijat za Ferrari, jest (najviše čokoladu), facebook, itdImage Hosted by ImageShack.us

naj film je Love Actually, pjesma Čudesno jutro u krevetu gđe Petrović (vjerojatno ju zna 5 ljudi na svijetu ukupno)
idem u Sušačku u 2.c i nemam pojma što ću sa sobom kad od tamo otiđem
živim u okolici Rijeke ali nisam od tamo nego iz najdražeg grada naravno Rijeke i mrzim kad me ljudi sprdaju zbog voznog (ne)reda iz buseva iz Viškova

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tako...ne znam šta da još tu pišem.... ljudi koji ove gluposti čitaju iovako me poznaju pa ono....=)=)=)=) a i bit ce jos puno toga o meni negdje pri kraju ovog boxa da malo popunim
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Adna, Ana, Doris, Gina, Iris, Matea Renata su redom abecede naj naj frendice meni a bas ne mislim da nekoga jako mrzim....
uglavnom sam osoba koja voli zivot, pa i sve ono lose sta ide sa njime.... probleme rjesavam kako dođu i cesto sam u komi ali to je zivot i onda se sjetim kako je u stvari lijep i bas me briga za sve zivo....
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od moje muzike, tj onoga sta slusam, ne mogu nista izdvojit jer uglavnom slusam pjesmu po pjesmu i kako mi dode faza koje pjesme, tako stavljam lyricse u drugi box. slusam sve zivo od britney do maksima mrvice jer mi sve ima neku lijepu pjesmicu...Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

slicno je i s filmovima... mogu pogledat sve a kad zaspim onda je stvarno predosadno... nekako mi je naj film zapravo ljubav, pogotovo kad treba plakati, a onda je ovaj link najbolji
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTvccE7HPpIImage Hosted by ImageShack.us

najvise na svijetu volim (opet abecedom jer ne mogu rec sta mi je vaznije)
formulu1, jest, kartat, plesat, radit kolače Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
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kad nemam nista za radit, opet nesto radim, najcesce neke narukvice od perlica, crtam ili citam... najbolje knjigice su mi harry potter (luda sam znam)Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
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, da vincijev kod, parfem, golub, vidovitost, ezav, djeca kapetana granta, kroz pustinju i prasumu, kod kuce je najgore, doktor jojboli, crna torba doktora finlaya, ne dao bog veceg zla

ima nekih stvari kojih se panično bojim, pa kad ih netko spomene ili vidim nešto slično, onda napravim scenu ili histerično plačem... jako se bojim pasa Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
, a histeriziram kad se radi o vanzemaljcima ili apokalipsi.... Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
bojim se svemira i gadi mi se.... kao i rezanje kože... ne kužim jednostavno takve stvari u smisli kamo se svemir širi.... ne kužim ni zašto bi došlo do apokalipse.... ne kužim ni svoje roditelje....

kad sam toliko tuzna da ne mogu plakat, onda radim ono sto inace mrzim, a to je ciscenje kuce, kopanje u vrtu, usisavanje, pospremanje sobe ili peglanje....
volim novce jako puno ali ne mislim da je to najvaznije u zivotu... volim i putovati, a za to treba para pa ide jedno s drugim sretan
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1. Spavanje razuma stvara čudovišta (Goya)
2. Kad ti život donese limune zatraži tekilu i sol i napravi party
3. Pravi su prijatelji kako zvijezde, ne vidiš ih uvjek ali znaš da su tu
4. gdje, pokaži mi, gdje kad tužne sudba ne voli, i čime od svijeta da se braniš kao ruža sa dva smiješna trna ili snom, uzalud sve je protiv nas (Bijelo dugme: Sve će to, o mila moja prekriti ruzmarin, snjegovi i šaš)
5. Money may not buy happiness but it can damn well give it (F. Mercury)Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

6. Time goes by so slowly for those who wait (Madonna: Hung up)
7. Za ostvariti svoje snove treba se prvo probuditi
8. Novac ne može kupiti sreću ali je lakše plakati u Ferrariju nego u Fići

9. Čovječe pazi da ne ideš malen ispod zvijezda(...)na svom koncu mjesto u prah prijeđi sav u zvijezde (A.B.Šimić:Opomena)

10. Stajala je tupa i srvana. Bez ijedne ideje. Duša joj bijaše prazna,ona ju je osjećala kao bol. kao težinu mnogih boli kojima ona ne zna uzroka. Mozda bi ih znala kad bi on bio ovdje. I kad bi sve drugo bilo san. Ali danas je sve okrutno, a opet tako nedokučivo i bolno kao sama ljubav. možda je i bolje da ga nema. Da mu ne mora to reći. Zar bi on bio bolji od onoga drugoga? Pred njom je bio samo on. A ona je bila načistu da ga voli i da ga ne smije pustiti. I opet će sve biti kao prije. A onaj drugi? Ni on nije fantom, sjenka, i on će ostati. Ovaj put je bilo drugačije nego se ona nadala. (Đ. Sudeta: Mor)Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

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It was the night
When best friends had fight
Over something
I felt like a bird with a broken wing
But who thought you’d be there for me

I told her: ‘’sorry, star
Do you know who you are?
You’re the one for him
And we both know it’’

And now she’s home
She told you on the phone
That she is not alone anymore
And that’s why you’re here with me

And I’ll chose everything over you
‘Cause I cannot have you
Not now when she is back again
Oh no
And you say that you love me
Yes, I know that you do
But it will never be we
It will never be me and you

Once when you two were done
I couldn’t smile or cry
Because I was the one who told you: ‘’try’’
And I know that I should’ve been there for you
But I knew
That I won’t get through
So I left, I left you alone

‘Cause I’ll chose everything over you
‘Cause I cannot have you
Not now when she is back again
Oh no
And you say that you love me
Yes, I know that you do
But it will never be we
It will never be me and you

They say: ‘’it wasn’t meant to be’’
But there is no destiny
There is no faith
There is just me without you near

And I’ll chose everything over you
‘Cause I cannot have you
Not now when she is back again
Oh no
And you say that you love me
Yes, I know that you do
But it will never be we
It will never be me and you

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Funny Pictures


Gdje sam rodjen tu je sve sirotinja
vuk je kod nas domaca zivotinja
skrta zemlja nikoga ne hrani
da prezivis moras radit vani

Sljakao sam ja u tudjoj zemlji
sanjao sam o voljenoj zeni
sa arbeita kad bih dosa doma
gledao bi kako raste ona

Mislio sam srecu kupit novcem
sredio sam stvar sa njenim ocem
prenesoh je preko kucnog praga
mislio sam da bice moja draga

Rekla mi je prvo vece rekla mi je sve
Mozes imat moje tijelo ali dusu ne

Samo tijelo nista mi ne znaci
Kraj Banhoffa takve mogu naci
Zelio sam da me stvarno voli
da joj ljubav nije aerobik

Kad je sa mnom da ne skriva pogled
da ne gleda uvijek negdje pored
zagrljeni kada zora svice
da budemo kao jedno bice

Rekla mi je prvo vece rekla mi je sve
Mozes imat moje tijelo ali dusu ne

Nije mogla dugo da zanese
u nas nije bilo graje djece
sporo su nam prolazili dani
za veceru kad bi sjeli sami

Razboli se Bog je mladu uze
pamtim vjecno njene zadnje suze
i saptaje :"ti si covjek vrijedan,
ali zivot,zivot on je bijedan"

Rekla mi je prvo vece rekla mi je sve
Mozes imat moje tijelo ali dusu ne

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Song lyrics | 1973 lyrics


Trouble is her only friend and he's back again
Makes her body older than it really is
And she says it's high time she went away
No ones got much to say in this town
Trouble is the only way is down, down, down

As strong as you were
Tender you go
I'm watching you breathing
For the last time
A song for your heart
But when it is quiet
I know what it means
And I'll carry you home
I'll carry you home

If she had wings she would fly away
And another day god will give her some
Trouble is the only way is down,down,down

As strong as you were
Tender you go
I'm watching you breathing for the last time
A song for your heart
But when it is quiet
I know what it means
I'll carry you home
I'll carry you home

And they're all born pretty
in New York City tonight
and someones little girl
was taken from the world tonight
under the Stars and Stripes

As strong as you were
Tender you go
I'm watching you breathing for the last time
A song for your heart
But when it is quiet
I know what it means
And I'll carry you home

As strong as you were
Tender you go
I'm watching you breathing for the last time
A song for your heart
But when it is quiet
I know what it means
And I'll carry you home

I'll carry you home
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Are they calling for our last dance?
I see it in your eyes. In your eyes.
Same old moves for a new romance.
I could use the same old lies, but I'll sing,
Shine on, just, shine on!
Close your eyes and they'll all be gone.
They can scream and shout that they've been sold out,
But it paid for the cloud that we're dancing on.
So shine on. Just shine on!
With your smile just as bright as the sun.
'Cause they're all just slaves to the gods they made
But you and I just shone.
Just shone.
And when silence greets my last goodbye,
The words I need are in your eyes, and I'll sing.
Shine On, just, shine on!
Close your eyes and they'll all be gone.
They can scream and shout that they've been sold out,
But it paid for the cloud that we're dancing on.
So shine on. Just shine on!
With your smile just as bright as the sun.
'Cause they're all just slaves to the gods they made,
But you and I just shone.
Just shone.
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I don't know what you're looking for
you haven't found it baby, that's for sure
You rip me up and spread me all around
in the dust of the deed of time

And this is not a case of lust, you see
it's not a matter of you versus of me
It's fine the way you want me on your own
but in the end it's always me alone

And I'm losing my favourite game
you're losing your mind again
I'm losing my baby
losing my favourite game

I only know what I've been working for
another you so I could love you more
I really thought that I could take you there
but my experiment is not getting us anywhere

I had a vision I could turn you right
a stupid mission and a lethal fight
I should have seen it when my hope was new
my heart is black and my body is blue

And I'm losing my favourite game
you're losing your mind again
I'm losing my favourite game
I've tried but you're still the same
I'm losing my baby
you're losing a saviour and a saint


Kolko nisko idemo može li uopće niže, možda nam se digo zanos al' standard nam se ne diže, dani ponosa i slave i minusa na tekućim, mi ne živimo mi preživljavamo, šta ostavljamo našem budučem naraštaju, dugove, raćune, rate kredita nas guše, a nemamo ni kune, kombiniramo kako odgodit plačanje bar za desetak dana, jebo život kad na karticu se kupuje hrana, di smo sad? stara štednja se otopila, o'šla na ono bitno, pojela sve i popila, bez svega smo ostali prenaglo nas je pogodilo, ko uopče zna što se to prek' noći dogodilo
Sve te tisuče, hiljadarke, konjanici i rudari stavljani davno na stranu za neki san da se ostvari, nestali u brojkama, brojke ko snijeg okopnile, dok mi smo preživljavali životne stvari poskupile i di smo sad? napokon mirni, napokon slobodni, napokon u svojoj državi al' sad smo siromašni, dali smo svoje snove za ovu zemlju i nije nam žao, al usput se našo domoljub veći od nas pa pokrao, za višak radili, al nisu nas cijenili, mjesecima čekali da plate trud što smo uložili, i di smo sad? opet sve iz početka, za kolko nisko idemo od ponedjeljka do petka, kolko danas vrijedi naš rad imali smo sad nemamo, di smo sad?

Samo živimo iz dana u dan i svaki san davno nestao je, izbrisan
Koga da pitam brate, ko će mi dat odgovore reci bilo šta osim
Da je moglo biti gore 2X

I di smo sad? još čekamo bolje sutra, možda naivno se nadamo istim stvarima dok iznutra cijeli sistem zakazuje, nema pravde da nas štiti, nema poštene vlasti sve sami konvertiti, obečanja su jeftina, a život je tako skup, pa su uzor kriminalci, šta ćeš nije narod glup, 'oće standard. 'oće lovu, 'oće živit, 'oće sve a to čekaju i čekaju i čekaju i popizde, jer nema smisla režije su visoke, minus je preduboko sve to traje predugo, narod puko, jedni kukaju što jučer bilo bolje je nek danas, drugi divljaju, galame, dok ih puca nacionalni zanos, him pitam te, pitam te di smo sad? dalje radimo na crno ispod sjene al do kad, ko će vratit dostojanstvo, ko će platit punu cijenu, dat nam tolko kolko vrijedimo da stvari jednom krenu, više ne gubimo strpljenje samo brojimo probleme, sve što imali smo nemamo i teško nam je breme, pa na kraju svatko zapita se kolko nisko spao sam, kako onda ostat ponosan

Samo živimo iz dana u dan i svaki san davno nestao je, izbrisan
Koga da pitam brate, ko će mi dat odgovore reci bilo šta osim
Da je moglo biti gore
Da je moglo biti gore

Reci mi da smo mogli promijeniti svijet, (reci mi molim te) da će djeca što dolaze imat nasljeđe za bolje (i reci mi da nismo sve dobro uništili) reci mi molim te, (i da ću moći mirno spavati od savjesti) ooooooo reci mi, da možemo izgraditi, da nije prekasno i ako zakažem daj mi snage stvorit nešto prekrasno
(i već sutra volio bi otvorit oći pa da budem zahvalan, al ne mogu pa stisnem zube i hodam iz dana u dan)

Samo živimo iz dana u dan i svaki san davno nestao je, izbrisan
Koga da pitam brate, ko će mi dat odgovore reci bilo šta osim
Da je moglo biti gore
Da je moglo biti gore

Anouk Lyrics
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Kreni sa mnom
Zadnji put
Vjeruj mi
Daleko od mraka bolje ćemo znati
Ništa nije teško
Naša lica još su lijepa
Zatvori mi oči
Neka kraj nas jure, nek se lome prsti
Idemo na ples
I Svijet je opet mlad*

I samo šuti
Gdje su bile riječi kad nije bilo nade za nas
Samo dugi dani nestali u tami
Gdje ništa nije važno
Raširi ruke
Ruke su ti snažne
Upri iz sve snage, nek se cijedi znoj
Nek koža pukne
Mi idemo na ples
I Svijet je opet mlad

Udahni zrak koji dolazi
Sve je gotovo i mi smo spašeni
Naša lica još su lijepa
Zatvori mi oči
Neka kraj nas jure, nek se lome prsti
Idemo na ples
I svijet je opet mlad


Sve ce to mila moja prekriti
Ruzmarin, snjegovi i sas
I dvije ce pokisle ptice
Iz tvoga oka prhnuti na jug
Nijedna suza, nimalo volje,
Nijedna slutnja, ni glas
A moglo je bolje

Reci ces malo je tuzno
A on je bio kopile i jad
I stat cemo goli i sami
Pred ovo ledeno nebo i mrak
Mirise pelin, pusto polje,
Ocvale ruze i med
A moglo je bolje

Gdje, pokazi mi
Gdje, kad tuzne sudba ne voli
I cime od svijeta da se branis
Kao ruza sa dva smijesna trna ili snom
Uzalud, uzalud, sve je protiv nas

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Op, op, op, op, yeah, 'ajmo

Refren 2x
I dok nebo divno je
meni sivo bit ce i bilo je
osjecaj ko pad sa visine je
al' glavno da se rimuje
jeb'o bager, imam sve
rijeci koje ruse zidove

Slusaj, zivot je prekratak za ic' unatrag,
ja sam otis'o malo
i naucio sam taj podatak
svi ostave nesto, meni treba i ostatak
ali vratit cu se kad tad

Im'o neke stvari, sjeb'o sve
kak' se kaze, ali bar sam udeblj'o se
znas, uglavnom, sve u svemu
da na greskama se uci
al' ne na svojim, vec na tudjim

Ili budes prao sudje
kad te sjebe pravosudje
ili budes posten
ali takvog nisam vid'o duze

Zato, druze, zbog tebe i problema
ne pecaj u rijeci koje nema, jesi cuo

Refren 2x

Volim pjevat', al' u studiju
neki vole pjevat' kad svrate i na muriju
zato bolje suti ako brijes nesto sljakat'
da te ne bi sjeb'o neki papak

Tako je i meni jedan slozio sranje
sad zao mi je staraca i zbog toga srame
jer su vjerovali, covjece, sve bi dali da
nisam narko, a ja ovako lijepo

Zavrsim tranu kod Naletilica i ekipe
a sad me moze vadit' samo Papa i Stipe
sreca mi okrenula ledja, ispadam iz igre
ti sad drzis se za malu, ja za kite

Slusaj, mislio sam sranja cu
samo na telki gledat'
nemoguce postalo je moguce
i mo's se jebat'
lijep dan, a na vrata mi banula, ko
buraz, cijela Hainzlova

Refren 2x

I dok gledam u dvoriste
kisa pada, a pod nogama mi gori sve
brate, bar se nadam
da mi barem kaznu poniste
al' to je nemoguce
jos mi vise produze na zalbu
sto sam pred'o jucer

To je strasno, kad budem izas'o
to ne zna ni dragi Bog, i on me tu nas'o
i tad sam ovdje zapeo, zavrsio kao pjesnik
a vani cu izac' kao dusevni bolesnik

Nekad mi je tesko
al' to rijesim vjezbom
jer ne mozes ak' nema struje
brige gasit' pjesmom

Pomalo je tjesno
budem se navik'o na to
al' mozda brijem
jer to ne moze bas niko

I da imam krila, pa da poletim
ne bi ih ni skriv'o, ne bi mogao odoljeti
ovdje ne bi bio, ne bi trosio si godine
ovdje mi je lose, tu se ni's ne vidi s poniske

Kao prvo, ti mi doma sve pozdravi
a odvjetniku javi
ja se raspadam iznutra
kao bivsa Jugoslavija

Ne mozes izac'
kad je zatvorena kapija
na sudu su nam rekli
da tu ne postoji mafija

Ja ne vjerujem njima
ko nijednom tipu
a sumnjam da im vjeruju
Jelavic i Pripluz

Dok iz druge sobe
samo cujes plac i lavez
ko ranjena zivina
sto je strpana u kavez

Kao riba sto ne pliva
jao, braco mila
ja se osjecam ko ptica
koja ne moze rasirit' krila

Mojih ljudi uvijek cu se sjetit'
mislim, jeb'o nebo
kada ne mogu poletit'

Refren 2x
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Nanananana (all together now)

Life (nanananana)
Life is life (nanananana)
Labadab dab dab life (nanananana)
Liiiiiiiife (nanananana)

When we all give the power
We all give the best
Every minute of an hour
Don't think about the rest
And you all get the power
You all get the best
When everyone gets everything
And every song everybody sings

And it's life (nanananana)
Life is life (nanananana)
Life is life (nanananana)
Labadab dab dab life (nanananana)

Life is life when we all feel the power
Life is life come on, stand up and dance
Life is life when the feeling of the people
Life is life is the feeling of the band

When we all give the power
We all give the best
Every minute of an hour
Don't think about the rest
Then you all get the power
You all get the best
When everyone gives everything
And every song everybody sings

And it's life (nanananana)
Life is life (nanananana)
Labadab dab dab life (nanananana)
Life is life (nanananana)

Life (nanananana)

Life (nanananana)
Life is life (nanananana)
Labadab dab dab life (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)

And you call when it's over
You call it should last
Every minute of the future
Is a memory of the past
Cause we all gave the power
We all gave the best
And everyone gave everything
And every song everybody sang

Life is life

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You were never a guy
Who would do a thing to
Make girl like me
Smile or sing

You were always
‘’Take it or leave it’’
But there was no ways
That girl wouldn’t forgive it

But you gave me a chance
Oh if I could only
Look into your blue eyes
For just one more time again
I wouldn’t hesitate for a moment
Oh there is no way that I could do that,
No way
Because I never met a guy like you
Nowhere in this world,
Oh no

You were on of the kind
No one knew what was on your mind
And I haven’t even tried
Oh, I was a fool
When I said you goodbye

But you gave me another chance
Oh if I could only
Look into your blue eyes
For just one more time again
I wouldn’t hesitate for a moment
Oh there is no way that I could do that,
No way
Because I never met a guy like you
Nowhere in this world,
Oh no

And now I’m running away
From everyone
Who could save me

You gave me a chance
Oh if I could only
Look into your blue eyes
For just one more time again
I wouldn’t hesitate for a moment
Oh there is no way that I could do that,
No way
Because I never met a guy like you
Nowhere in this world,
Oh no

Your blue eyes are
Now closed for a lifetime
And no one would
See them ever again
Except me in my dreams
‘Cause since the moment I met you
I didn’t stop thinking of you baby

But you gave me a chance
Oh if I could only
Look into your blue eyes
For just one more time again
I wouldn’t hesitate for a moment
Oh there is no way that I could do that,
No way
Because I never met a guy like you
Nowhere in this world,
Oh no

Yeah, I just wanted to say
Never could find a chance to say
Never made a day to say
Never dare to say
Oh I couldn’t do it
Baby, I love you
Still today


I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure

Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep
'Coz I'd miss you baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Coz even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing

Laying close to you
Feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes
And thank God we're together
I just want to stay with you in this moment forever
Forever and ever

Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep
'Coz I'd miss you baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Coz even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing

I don't wanna miss one smile
I don't wanna miss one kiss
I just wanna be with you
Right here with you just like this
I just wanna hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment for all the rest of time
Baby, baby

Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep
'Coz I'd miss you baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Coz even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing

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You with the sad eyes
don't be discouraged
oh I realize
it's hard to take courage
in a world full of people
you can lose sight of it all
and the darkness inside you
can make you fell so small

But I see your true colors
shining through
I see your true colors
and that's why I love you
so don't be afraid to let them show
your true colors
true colors are beautiful
like a rainbow

Show me a smile then
don't be unhappy, can't remember
when I last saw you laughing
if this world makes you crazy
and you've taken all you can bear
you call me up
because you know I'll be there

And I'll see your true colors
shining through
I see your true colors
and that's why I love you
so don't be afraid to let them show
your true colors
true colors are beautiful
like a rainbow

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- Baccara Lyrics
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- Bryan Adams Lyricslijepa pjesmica jaaaaaako =(

- James Blunt Lyrics

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OneRepublic LyricsImage Hosted by ImageShack.us

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- Madonna LyricsImage Hosted by ImageShack.us


I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night
Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change

The world closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close,like brothers
The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past forever

I fallow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

The wind of change blows straight
Into the face of time
Like a stormwind that will ring
The freedom bell for peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing
What my guitar wants to say

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

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Well he was thailand based
She was an airforce wife
He used to fly weekends
It was the easy life
But then it turned around
And he began to change
She didnt wonder then
She didnt think it strange
But then he got a call
He had to leave that night
He couldnt say too much
But it would be alright
He didnt need to pack
Theyd meet the next night
He had a job to do
Flying to cambodia

And as the nights passed by
She tried to trace the past
The way he used to look
The way he used to laugh
I guess shell never know
What got inside his soul
She couldnt make it out
Just couldnt take it all
He had the saddest eyes
The girl had ever seen
He used to cry some nights
As though he lived a dream
And as she held him close
He used to search her face
As though she knew the truth
Lost inside cambodia

But then a call came through
They said he'd soon be home
She had to pack a case
And they would make a rendez-vous
But now a year has passed
And not a single word
And all the love she knew
Has disappeared out in the haze
Cambodia - dont cry now - no tears now

And now the years have passed
With not a single word
But there is only one thing left
I know for sure
She won't see his face again

I didn't hear you leave
I wonder how am I still here
And I don't want to move a thing
It might change my memory

Oh I am what I am
I do what I want
But I can't hide

And I won't go
I won't sleep
I can't breathe
Until you're resting here with me

And I won't leave
I can't hide
I cannot be
Until you're resting here with me

I don't want to call my friends
For they might wake me from this dream
And I can't leave this bed
Risk forgetting all that's been

Oh I am what I am
I do what I want
But I can't hide

And I won't go
I won't sleep
I can't breathe
Until you're resting here with me

I won't leave
I can't hide
I cannot be
Until you're resting here

I won't go
And I won't sleep
And I can't breathe
Until you're resting here with me

And I won't leave
I can't hide
I cannot be
Until you're resting here with me

Oh I am what I am
I do what I want
But I can't hide

And I won't go
I won't sleep
And I can't breathe
Until you're resting here with me

I won't leave
I can't hide
I cannot be
Until you're resting here

And I won't go
And I won't sleep
And I can't breathe
Until you're resting here with me

I won't leave
I can't hide
I cannot be
Until you're resting here with me


Oh the wind whistles down
The cold dark street tonight
And the people they were dancing to the music vibe
And the boys chase the girls with the curls in their hair
While the shy tormented youth sit way over there
And the songs they get louder
Each one better than before

And you're singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

And you're singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

So your heading down the road in your taxi for four
And you're waiting outside Jimmy's front door
But nobody's in and nobody's home 'til four
So you're sitting there with nothing to do
Talking about Robert Riger and his motley crew
And where you're gonna go and where you're gonna sleep tonight

And you're singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

And you're singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

And you're singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

And you're singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

And you're singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

And you're singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

Where you gonna sleep tonight?

Closed off from love
I didn't need the pain
Once or twice was enough
And it was all in vain
Time starts to pass
Before you know it you're frozen


But something happened
For the very first time with you
My heart melted into the ground
Found something true
And everyone's looking 'round
Thinking I'm going crazy

But I don't care what they say

I'm in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don't know the truth
My heart's crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love

Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open

Trying hard not to hear
But they talk so loud
Their piercing sounds fill my ears
Try to fill me with doubt
Yet I know that the goal
Is to keep me from falling

But nothing's greater
Than the rush that comes with your embrace
And in this world of loneliness
I see your face
Yet everyone around me
Thinks that I'm going crazy
Maybe, maybe

But I don't care what they say
I'm in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don't know the truth
My heart's crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open

And it's draining all of me
Oh they find it hard to believe
I'll be wearing these scars
For everyone to see

I don't care what they say
I'm in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don't know the truth
My heart's crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else

I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
And she will be loved

Tap on my window, knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore
It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls

Tap on my window, knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful

I don't mind spending every day
Out on your corner in the pouring rain, oh
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved

Please don't try so hard to say goodbye
Please don't try so hard to say goodbye

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Please don't try so hard to say goodbye

I live my life in chains
Got my hands in chains
And I can’t stick with the cards
That I got with a deal
Like this I must insist
That a girl’s got more to do
Then be the way you think a woman should
I’m taking it into my own hands
In this man’s land I can understand
Why I’m taking command
Had enough of stuff
And now it’s time to think about me, me yeah

And you can easily gamble your life away
Second after second
And day by day
You play the game or you walk away
It’s a new turn on a blue day
And a cool deal of life for me
And it’s all good

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that’s not the shape of my heart

I’ve always played it safe nothing’s ever safe
Give me the courage to back my own convictions
Every decision I make I pay it back and more
Now turn the cards and let them fall to me
Cos I don’t need to play on with the hand that they have given me
I’ll give it back cos it’s not the way it has to be

And you can easily gamble your life away
Second after second
And day by day
You play the game or you walk away
It’s a new turn on a blue day
And a cool deal of life for me
And it’s all good

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that’s not the shape of my heart

That’s not the shape
The shape of my heart
My heart
That’s not the shape of my heart

And you can easily gamble your life away
Second after second
And day by day
You play the game or you walk away
It’s a new turn on a blue day
And a cool deal of life for me
And it’s all good

And you can easily gamble your life away
Second after second
And day by day
You play the game or you walk away
It’s a new turn on a blue day
And a cool deal of life for me
And it’s all good

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that’s not the shape of my heart

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that’s not the shape
The shape of my heart

It's been the longest winter without you
I didn't know where to turn to
See somehow I can't forget you
After all that we've been through
Going coming thought I heard a knock
Who's there no one
Thinking that I deserve it
Now I realise that I really didn't know
If you didn't notice you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'm gon' be ok

Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time

I couldn't turn on the TV
Without something there to remind me
Was it all that easy
To just put aside your feelings
If I'm dreaming don't wanna laugh
Hurt my feellings but that's the path
I believe in
And I know that time will heal it
If you didn't notice boy you meant

Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'm gon' be ok

Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time

Since there's no more you and me
It's time I let you go
So I can be free
And live my life how it should be
No matter how hard it is I'll be fine
without you
Yes I wïll

First, when there's nothing but a slow glowing dream
That your fear seems to hide deep inside your mind
All alone I have cried silent tears full of pride
In a world made of steel, made of stone

Well I hear the music, close my eyes, feel the rhythm
Wrap around, take a hold of my heart

What a feeling, bein's believin'
I can't have it all, now I'm dancin' for my life
Take your passion, and make it happen
Pictures come alive, you can dance right through your life


Now I hear the music, close my eyes, I am rhythm
In a flash it takes hold of my heart

[chorus (with ... "now I'm dancing through my life")]

What a feeling

What a feeling (I am music now), bein's believin' (I am rhythm now)
Pictures come alive, you can dance right through your life
What a feeling (I can really have it all)
What a feeling (Pictures come alive when I call)
I can have it all (I can really have it all)
Have it all (Pictures come alive when I call)
(call, call, call, call, what a feeling) I can have it all
(Bein's believin') bein's believin'
(Take your passion, make it happen) make it happen
(What a feeling) what a feeling... [to fade]

I sleep all night, right by your side,
I love to hear, your breathing, breathing.
The morning light, opens my eyes,
It's nearly time for leaving leaving.

I know that it's seems, like it's easy for me,
oh I wish you could feel, what's going on inside.. *me*

It's the hardest thing I ever have to do,
to walk away from you, when I wanna hold you.
It's the hardest thing in every single day,
to have to turn away, I want you to know that.
This is the hardest thing.

Another day, Is years away
I close my eyes, to see your face.
The more away, the longer it takes,
it feels like time,is standing still.

Where ever you go, what ever you do,
I want you to know, that you're on my mind.

It's the hardest thing I ever have to do,
to walk away from you, when I wanna hold you.
It's the hardest thing in every single day,
to have to turn away, I want you to know that.
This is the hardest thing.

Just to let go of your hand,(It's the hardest thing)
to make you understand that to love you, feel you,
till the time I see you again, It's the hardest thing.

It's the hardest thing I ever have to do,
to walk away from you, when I wanna hold you.
It's the hardest thing in every single day,
to have to turn away, I want you to know that.
This is the hardest thing.

I sleep all night, right by your side,
I love to hear, your breathing, breathing.

Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Cant you understand
Oh my little girl

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
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Just a small town girl
On a Saturday night
Looking for the fight of her life
In the real time world
No one sees her at all
They all say she's crazy

Locking rhythms to the beat of her heart
Changing movement into light
She has danced into the danger zone
When the dancer becomes the dance

It can cut you like a knife
If the gift becomes the fire
On the wire between will
And what will be

She's a maniac
Maniac on the floor
And she's dancing
Like she's never danced before
She's a maniac
Maniac on the floor
And she's dancing
Like she's never danced before

On the ice blue line of insanity
Is a place most never see
It's a hard won place of mystery
Touch it but can't hold it
You work all your life
For that moment in time
It could come or pass you by
It's a push, shove world
But there's always a chance
If the hunger stays the night

There's a cold kinetic heat
Struggling, stretching for the peak
Never stopping with her head against the wind

She's a maniac, maniac
I sure know
Like she's never danced before
She's a maniac, maniac
I sure know
And she's dancing
Like she's never danced before

[Instrumental Interlude]

It can cut you like a knife
If the gift becomes the fire
On the wire between will
And what will be

She's a maniac, maniac
I sure know
And she's dancing
Like she's never danced before
She's a maniac, maniac

I sure know
And she's dancing
Like she's never danced before
Maniac, maniac
I sure know
And she's dancing
Like she's never danced before


Her hair is Harlow gold, her lips sweet surprise
Her hands are never cold, she's got Better Davis eyes

She'll turn the music on you, you won't have to think twice
She's pure as New York snow, she got Bette Davis eyes

And she'll tease you, she'll unease you
All the better just to please you
She's precocious, and she knows just
What it takes to make a pro blush
She got Greta Garbo's standoff sighs, she's got Bette Davis eyes

She'll let you take her home, it works her appetite
She'll lay you on the throne, she got Bette Davis eyes

She'll take a tumble on you, roll you like you were dice
Until you come out blue, she's got Bette Davis eyes

She'll expose you, when she snows you
Hope you're pleased with the crumbs she throws you
She's ferocious and she knows just
What it takes to make a pro blush
All the boys think she's a spy, she's got Bette Davis eyes

And she'll tease you, she'll unease you
All the better just to please you
She's precocious, and she knows just
What it takes to make a pro blush
All the boys think she's a spy, she's got Bette Davis eyes..

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petak, 18.04.2008.


pa da.................................
ne znam otkud da počnem pisat ovaj post iako od početka nije loša ideja....
pa da. mislim da nisam baš sretna sa dizajnom koji sam stavila, čak od prvog trenutka pa ću opet morat tražit....
u međuvremenu bila ja u firenzi. zajedno sa razredom. prvo hvala Adni, Doris i naravno mom suncu Iris koje su me trpile puna 3 dana.... mislim da već svi znaju kako nam je bilo predobro i sve ali nema veze.... nije baš da sam pratila razgledavanje firenze , ali sienna je super. baš mi je kul onaj trg.... ali najbolje od sveg su bili napadaji smijeha. mislim da sam se nasmijala koliko nisam u svojih jadnih 16 godina ukupno.... naravno bilo je i malo pomoći od hm hm boce iako mislim da nakon svega toga neću primirisat tekilici bar do druge subote.... ipak smo Doki i ja bile tamo najprisebnije i uopće nismo blebetale gluposti.... znam da kažu da je in vino veritas, ali ipak....partypartypartypartypartypartypartypartypartypartypartyparty
ipak sam ja to i sama rekla ali ne mislim da me itko ozbiljno shvatio. nemojte mislit da je trebalo to ozbiljno shvatit....partypartypartyyes
povratak u školu-najgrozniji na svijetu... tuzan
onda sam otkrila facebook (ubit ću vendi) i zapostavila blog....
ovaj sam tjedan imala svakakvih faza, od ljutih, tužnih pa sve do hiperaktivnih..i opet vidim da sam počela pisat gluposti pa idem probat stavit nešto slika sa izleta (mojih je ukupno 20 pa malo od drugih ljudi) ako uspijem....
uspjela sam napravit slajd.... nadam se da će neko napravit i na razrednom blogu malo bolji....

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