16.06.2005., četvrtak


Vidim ubili ste se od komentiranja na prošli post:)

Iskreno, ni meni se više ne da. Skužila sam da već neko vrijeme pišem postove tek tolko da neš pišem, i svaki mi je sve gluplji i gluplji. Pogotovo zadnjih par, moram to pobrisat.
Mislim da neću pobrisat blog, samo zamrznut na neko vrijeme.

Jer fakat ne znam više kaj bi, ne da mi se pisat kaj sam radila, ne da mi se filozofirat i stalno cmizdrit kak sam neshvaćena, jer su većina toga gluposti koje ne vjerujem da bi nekog još mogle zanimat.

Therefor, proglašavam ovaj blog obustavljenim. Ili tak nekaj:)

- 10:16 - make my day (11) - Print - #

13.06.2005., ponedjeljak

Does anybody remember laughter?

Previše toga mi ide na živce. Određena vrsta ljudi, određena vrsta glazbe, određena vrsta stajališta…određujem se. A to je upravo ono što nikad nisam htjela. Stalno si tupim o slobodi govora, toleranciji i unutarnjim vrijednostima, a što s druge strane radim?
Ne podnosim toliko stvari da to već prelazi sve granice. Da ne bi bilo zabune, nema veze s mizantropijom, destruktivnosti i suicidalnosti jer sam zla i čru, mrzim to(nice, još jedna stvar na popisu), nego se jednostavno sve više zatvaram u neko glupo stanje mrzovoljnosti i bezvoljnosti. A to stvarno ne želim.

Hoću se iskopati iz svih sranja koja sam sama stvorila i…biti. Čak mi se i patetične poletne uzrečice ne čine tako loše. Spread your wings honey…u teoriji sasvim lijepo izgleda, ali kak da letim kad mi netko konstantno reže krila? Metaforički rečeno:)
Čini se tako jednostavno. A možda stvarno i je. Jer jedno su stvarni problemi kod kuće, u školi, a drugo problemi koje nesvjesno sami stvaramo. Oni možda jesu potaknuti mogućim stvarnim problemima, ali nisu opravdanje za hladno i neljubazno ponašanje.
Ne znam, ne da mi se više ovak. Ne da mi se stalno na sve gledat crno(opet naglašavam da ne govorim o missevil666 wannabe) i zakopavat se sve dublje i dublje u strahove.

Onaj osjećaj unutra...kao recimo kad znaš da si nešto loše napravio i čekaš posljedice. Tak se stalno osjećam. A ne znam zašto, ne mogu shvatiti. Doma mi je relativno podnošljivo, škola je okej (btw dobih 5 iz gitare), društveni žifot ok, prema tome sve bi trebalo bit u redu. Ali nije. I ubija me to što ne znam zakaj.
Najviše mi ide na živce to što ne znam kaj ja to ustvari hoću. Možda glumim nešto što nisam. Ne znam što jesam.

Ne da mi se više. Previše razmišljam, ne dolazim do ničega, zaglupljujem se.

Bila na ispitu, trijumfirala:) Dvije pjesme bez greške, samo sam kod treće neš malo fulala.
Kad sam već kod gitare…jučer sam naučila svirat Stairway, uvod, a kad ovo objavim idem vježbat dalje. Lakše je nego što sam mislila, samo jedan dio mi baš zapinje, to moram sad usavršit:)

A naslov…gledala sam Almost famous na kazeti(zaspala sam kad je bio na tv-u) i u jednom dijelu neka groupie ženska izleti i veli to. Najdraža mi pjesma...

And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forest will echo with laughter…

Really, really….something.
Gledala sam slike od prije nekih 30 godina….zakon. Na vratima moje današnje sobe su bile velike naljepnice od doorsa i zeppelina(koje su btw skinuli prije 10 godina kad sam ja dobila sobu..e da sam znala…nema takvih više za kupit:(

A neeee, uhvatila me nostalgija(jel možeš bit nostalgičan za nečim što nisi doživio?), sad ću opet gledat song remains the same svaki dan:)
I dunno, it makes me smile. And it's been a long time been a long time been a long….
Lonely, lonely, lonely

Hey hey what can I do?
Imam Stairway zastavu preko cijelog zida.
Envy me:)

Singin' in the rain…
What a glorius feeling, I'm happy again...

"Go on, do me in you bastard cowards! I don't want to live anyway,not in a stinking world like this one!
"Oooh? And what's so stinking about it?"


Hell yeah! You're the suave talking kick ass
Alex...You have a taste for classical music and
"ultra-violence"...You got sent to
jail for murder but got out using a new program
only to find your fellow droogs are
revenge-hungry police...But hey, you're cool, a
total hipster, and a cult phenomenon.... Hell,
you even made you're own fashion statement (
you're eyelashes are sexy...even guys
agree)...Welcome to you're new world where
youth rules....CLOCKWORK ORANGE

Which Stanley Kubrick Movie Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Minister: What crime did you commit?
Alex: The accidental killing of a person, sir.

Maj fejvrit:)

- 22:27 - make my day (2) - Print - #

12.06.2005., nedjelja


Resist the words I could never say
Break the doors I was scared to open
Losing the point I chain me
Can't stop from spinning

Don't you look at me
Your answers I cannot see
Blinded by my sight
Mindless I keep on spinning

Endless my cries in your laughter
I choose my own path though it kills
Choking on last pieces of hope
And still spinning

It doesn't have to make a sense
I will deny me when I'm bored
Mind wide open closes us
Away from spinning

Just take me away I can't stand it
I want to die safe in your lies
Should I still try when it drains me
Or just keep on spinning

Bla, bla, bla…nije mi ovo izgledalo ovak glupo kad sam jučer pisala. Al nije da je nekog briga pa ajmo dalje:)
E,da…kolki moraš bit idiot da umjesto da ponizno čekaš da ti dođu popravit glupi carnet(koji, btw, pokvariš svaka 2 tjedna), ti ideš «samo na par minuta» na ht i za 4 dana uspiješ nabit…pa ne znam još kolko, u svakom slučaju nemalo.

E pa ja posjedujem tu količinu idiotizma.
I nadam se čudu.
A kaj sad….

Sutra ne idem u školu, zbogradi ispita. Mislim da ću dobro odsvirat.
Imam 3 pjesme, od kojih ću dvije najvjerojatnije bez greške, al ovu zadnju…ako ću imat tremu neću je odsvirat nikak. Najgore mi je to što se uvijek psihički pripremam na najgore. Oduvijek na sve gledam 'u najgorem slučaju'. Što je često i jako dobro jer kad mi stvari ispadnu iznad očekivanog ugodno se iznenadim.

Gledala sam jučer Bruce almighty, nije bilo potpuno gubljenje vremena. Iako nisam neki fan kreveljenja i fizičke komedije uopće, svidjela mi se ideja filma. Ako i postoji bog, ne bih voljela misliti o njemu kao o 'gospodinu', 'svevišnjem' i sl. I to da sam ja samo jedan mali dio njegovog beskrajnog kraljevstva.
Smiješno mi je na vjeronauku. Dok ostali kreteni zajebavaju jadnog profesora i pričaju, ja uglavnom slušam kaj tip govori. U bilježnicu smo morali napisat da kondomi loše utječu na psihičko stanje muškarca i žene:)))
Kako pitate se?
Pa eto, određen broj muških primjeraka odbija stavljati prezervativ tijekom snošaja s čime se ženska naravno ne slaže, dolazi do razmirice i njihovi krhki živci su nepovratno oštećeni.
Argh gluposti. Učili smo i da su kondomi grijeh.
Mislim da ću ić na etiku u srednjoj.

I nadam se da mi neće opet sakrit modem. Nadam se, samo se nadam.

See you around, I guess:(

- 20:12 - make my day (6) - Print - #

11.06.2005., subota

Hi hi hi there!

Smrt Carnetu.

Smrt HT-24-kune-po-satu-GOSTU.

Nisam bila na netu od 31.5.
(pljesak u pozadini)

I opet neću bit na njemu...pa, više nikad. Bar ne od doma. Al to više nije bitno, imam ja i drugih izvora.
(zlobni smijeh)

Gdje da počnem?
Prvo, ako ću imat 3 iz matematike imam 54 boda, što je još uvijek 4 boda više od praga tak da me boli kurac, rasteretila sam se svog stresa vezanog za školu.
Speaking of school...


Odgovarala sam sve kaj sam trebala i sad još samo čekam rezultate matematike al kao što sam gore istaknula,za to me boli kurac, daklem, sljedeći tjedan ko da ni nema škole.
Ali zato sam se prošla 2 tjedna mučila ko nikad u životu.
Nikad, ali baš nikad nisam bila živčana zbog ocjena, al kad sam sad pogledala kolko sam ih sve pokvarila, uhvatila me panika. Fakat sam počela učit, i skoro sve popravila, ali...

Ovaj četvrtak mi je nedvojbeno bio najgori dan u životu. Morala sam naučit biologiju, njemački i matematiku. A bolila me glava i bila sam živčana, as usual. I zabrijala da ću iz svega toga imat ocjenu niže. I bilo mi je tolko zlo da mi se počelo povraćat. I ne samo to, počela sam i cmizdrit. I kao da to samo po sebi nije bilo dovoljno, umjesto da sjednem i naučim to kaj trebam, počela sam si nabijat kompleks manje vrijednosti. Počela se svađat sama sa sobom. I stvarno mi je bilo užasno loše. Nikad, ali nikad više ne želim proživljavat tak nešto.
Zaključak;ne ostavljajte stvari za zadnji čas.

Trenutno sam dosta dobre volje, kupila sam(svojim krvavo zarađenim novcima od firme..da da, treba stajat 2 sata i ne zrigat se od jeftinih parfema i rozih šoseva)mobitel, motorolu V80.
Ima super kameru i svijetli u raznim bojama kad me neko zove.
I imam Alexija na screen saveru i pozadini:)

U ponedjeljak ne idem u školu, imam ispit iz gitare. U Ilici. Slomit će mi je one ratoborne babe u tramvaju. Dobro je od glupog okretišta, al kad počne najezda što se dalje vozim, nema mi spasa.
E da,u srijedu je bio ispit iz solfeggia i dobila sam 5:)

I posljednje, ali ne i najmanje važno...
Nakon godina muke, patnje i zatupljivanja, mržnje, suza i žvakama ukrašenih klupa, ja napokon, napokon, napokon, NAPOKON završavam......osmoljetku:))))
Tak moj deda veli:)
Pathetic as it may sound, spremna sam za otvaranje novog lista, stranice, votevr u životu.
Jednostavno ne mogu vjerovat da više neću gledat one idiotske face.

Inače...pa ne znam. Imam jedan ozbiljan problem kojeg se nikako ne mogu riješiti. I to me guši u svakom pogledu. Ja sebe ne mogu vidjeti onako kako me drugi vide. I to me ubija. Mogu ja sad tu srat do sutra i napisat pun kurac gluposti i toga kaj stvarno mislim, but on the outside....
Jednostavno nemam snage. Nemam snage smješkati se i biti ljubazna prema svima. Ne mogu se riješiti neprestanog kritiziranja same sebe. U ogledalu vidim ono čega nema. I znam da nema, a ipak radim problem, i svaki dan, svaki jebeni dan se povlačim sve više u sebe. Svaki prokleti dan. Konstantno radim protiv sebe, iscrpljujem se psihički i fizički, vidim milijun mana, a nijednu vrlinu. Radim konflikte unutar sebe. Dijelim se, stalno se dijelim. I ne znam kak, ne znam. Ne znam zašto, bar većim dijelom.
Treba ti netko tko te razumije, right? I dobro je, dok ja serem i netko me uvjerava kako sam sve umislila, ali kad sam sama, kad odem doma. Sve me pogađa, najmanja riječ koju krivo protumačim me tjera da...mislim.O stvarima.I većinu vremena se ne podnosim.

I sad ne mogu više pisat, bila sam dobre volje dok nisam počela o ovom, i mrzim ovaj glupi post sad bi ga najradije cijelog pobrisala, i....

Ne, ne mogu više. Boli me glava i ne mogu izvuć iz sebe ništa bar dijelom suvislo.

It got this way
I don't know how
I just can't figure it out.

I just can't...
Ne mogu ništa. Imam tolko stvari za reći, a nemam vremena.
Nemam ja niš.
- 19:10 - make my day (6) - Print - #

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If you're searching for a silent sky...

don't damn me:












Towards Dead End
Children Of Bodom

No flickering light at the end of the path
Confront repressions of the past
Fear... Prevail... Insanity... Obey!
Draw back in silence to dwell in anxiety
No matter where I am, I'm alone
My dreams are shattered
into thousand running tears
The tears keep dripping down, down,
deep, down from my veins

I'm walking towards dead end I'm walking all alone
Two steps behind insanity
There's no starlight guiding my way throught this downward death row
Soon will be the time I have to go...

Little by little the end is drawing near
Another night and so little blood to spare
(Ya can hurt me... but ya can't possess me 'Y know...)

Kill me, hurt me, fuck me, rape me, you won't have me!

Draw back in silence to dwell in anxiety,
No matter where I am, I'm alone. I'm crying outloud
the tears of blood I bleed, so fuck the world,
I'll go now, I don't care. (Who cares?)

I'm walking towards dead end, and I'm walking all alone
Two steps ago I past insanity
There's no starlight guiding my way out this downward death row
So now is the time I have to go

Artifacts Of The Black Rain
In Flames

Stood there leaning to the city moon,
casting silhouettes tall to grip her white rooms
the black-clad voyeur in his black-clad masque
in the serpentine sun of tragedy basked

Stood there cursing at the soul-dead mass
with their fabled illusions, the vain dreams that passed
splinters of a life rushing by in the whirl
alone, silent warrior in a fantasy world

He cried for night / but night could not come
so, swept in the shroud of misanthropia he went away
and fed the empty galleries
with the artifacts of the black rain
sunken into the shadows with a dry, sardonic smile

He made the footprints a part of his heart
to rouse a sacred confrontation

Stood there carving on the monument to lies
digging of the Earth, making friends with the soil
as the all-mother rises and bares her bleeding thighs
he disappears into her cold, icy womb

Thank You
Led Zeppelin

If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.
When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.

Kind woman, I give you my all, Kind woman, nothing more.

Little drops of rain whisper of the pain, tears of loves lost in the days gone by.
My love is strong, with you there is no wrong,
together we shall go until we die. My, my, my.
An inspiration is what you are to me, inspiration, look... see.

And so today, my world it smiles, your hand in mine, we walk the miles,
Thanks to you it will be done, for you to me are the only one.
Happiness, no more be sad, happiness....I'm glad.
If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.
When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me

The Dreadful Hours
My Dying Bride

Mother will you take me down?
I have become so afraid
Mother please, please take me down
I am sorry, your boy is not brave

Child just hold on. Night will soon be gone
Sleep if you can. But watch your father's hand

We do not want you. No-body loves you
Father of the dark. Tonight will greet you

God in heaven, can you hear me
Help me Oh Lord. They're coming for me
Mother warned me. Father scorned me
Oh my God No. Now I hear him

I claim your life on this night
within sight of your own God

The silence, the waiting then the pain
Oh child, sleep will be here soon
Your life has only ever been shame
And so young boy, my hand brings doom

Child, won't you awake. Father has gone
Child, please come awake. Please my tiny son

Within Temptation

Take away,
These hands of darkness.
Reaching for my soul.
Now, the cold wind,
blows out my candles.
only fear,
without any hopr.

A thousand dark moons.
A thousand winters long.
A million fallen stars,
the candle burns in the womb.

We trie not to forget,
they live through us.
Slowly they die away at every candle's end

A thousand dark moons.
A thousand winters long.
A million fallen stars,
the candle burns in the womb.

We trie not to forget,
they live through us.
Slowly they die away at every candle's end

Everytime I die
Children Of Bodom

The faint blaze of the candle of my life,
slowly dying like a fire in a pouring rain.
No sparks of hope inside,
no shooting stars on my sky.
On broken wings, no flying high...

Another night, another demise,
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice...
I`ll let the wind blow out the light
cuz its gets more painful every time i die.

Out of strenght to fight.
I cannot take another night.
I cannot take it no more.
Lust of light slips through my fingers
like blood on my arms.
Black candle wax has buried me...

Another night, another demise,
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice...
I`ll let the wind blow out the light
cuz its gets more painful every time i die.

December Flower
In Flames

Towards the rich archaic heavens; towards the lack diorama
you are the artist and the texture
that plays with the mantle of the Earth

When the bleakest of powders
lie rooted to the starched stones
and roots that feed the peaking trees
embrace the sleeping shores

Archaic pearls of sleep and death
the voice of December losing its breath
and the floweryard of whit and grey is haunted

White as the down of flaking snow,
the heroic emblems of life

Green is the color of my death
as the winter-guise I swoop towards teh ground
Green is the landscape of my sorrowfilled passing

We are In Flames,
towards the dead archaic heavens
We are the mantle and the texture
the alters the mantle of the Earth

Twilight Zone
Iron Maiden

She lays in bed at night and that is when I make my call.
But when she stares at me, she can't see nothing at all,
Because, you see, I can't take no shape or form.
It's been three long years since I've been gone.

I can't get used to purgatory, you know it really makes me cry.
I'll never know the reason why I had to go.
Oh, oh, I'm crying,
Oh, oh, oh, deep inside of me.
Oh, oh, oh, can't you see me?
Ah can't you see me?

I'm looking forward to her spirit coming over to me.
I feel tempted to bring her over to see just what it's
Like to be hanging on the other side.
I feel so lonely, it's a long time since I died.

I try to show her that she's never gonna be alone,
Because my spirit is imprisoned in the twilight zone.
Oh, oh, I'm crying,
Oh, oh, oh, deep inside of me.
Oh, oh, oh, can't you see me?
Ah can't you see me?

Afraid To Shoot Strangers
Iron Maiden

Lying awake at night I wipe the sweat from my brow
But it's not fear 'cos I'd rather go now
Trying to visualise the horrors that will lay ahead
The desert sand mound a burial ground

When it comes to the time
Are we partners in crime ?
When it comes to the time
We'll be ready to die

God let us go now and finish what's to be done
Thy Kingdom come
Thy shall be done... on earth

Trying to justify to ourselves the reasons to go
Should live and let live
Forget or forgive

But how can we let them go on this way ?
The reign of terror corruption must end
And we know deep down there's no other way
No trust, no reasoning, no more to say

Afraid to shoot strangers
Afraid to shoot strangers.

In Flames

My tears fall like rain
From the longlasting pain
When I look at your eyes
My heart just dies
Beauty divine
I hope you'll be mine
Open your arms
For all time

All dressed in white
Bringer of light
Spend time with me
All through the night

Beauty divine
Your tears taste like wine
Come to me
For all time

My spine shivers with the touch of your lips...
My pale skin turns red when we kiss...
Piercing your nails deep into my back...
As I slowly kiss your ivory neck...

I started to cry after hours of joyful sin...
My tears turned to roses as they embraced your skin...
I gathered them to a bouquet of the most beautiful flowers...
A bouquet of the most secret and ancient powers...

My amber heart started to glow as I died really slow...