Life in cartoon motion..

20.06.2006., utorak


Ponekad smo doista glupi!!!!! Želimo imati ono što ne možemo ,a ono što sam se daje ne vidimo,zanemarujemo.Želimo ono što nam izmiče a ne ono što nam želi biti blizu.Volimo dramu.
Tražimo nešto što će promijeniti naše monotone živote i uvesti malo nereda u svakidašnju rutinu.Bolesno,neki bi si jednostavno trebali kupiti zivot,a ne ga uporopašataviti drugima samo zato što su toliko jadni da gledaju..i ne vide ništa osim vlastitog jadnog,usamljenog odraza u ogledalu.Stanite ispred ogledala ,pogledajte dobro.... to čudovište,to ste vi,to sam ja,to smo mi .Iako vam se ponekad čini da se nema svrhe mijenjati ,varate se,ima....itekako..Istina, ako se promijenimo sami ,svemir ostaje isti,ali naš pogled na taj svemir je drugaciji,bolji.Ponekad vrijedi probati...ponekad....

Za gabriela:

Samo ti želim reći da otkad sam te upoznala da sam puno sretnija osoba, svaki dan se smijem, nisam više toliko ni tužna..jer prije nego sam te upoznala uvijek sam bila u bedu, plakala znaju svi koji su me upoznali prije nego sam ja tebe..I želim ti zahvaliti zato što si uz mene..jer nikad nisam imala nekog takvog..znam da nisi savršen, jer nitko nije..svi imamo svoje mane..ti si jednostavno poseban na svoj način..mislim da će se mnogi složiti sa mnom da ti osoba kojoj svi vjeruju, znaš razveseliti ljude, uz tebe se čovjek jednostavno mora osjećati sigurnim i voljenim..Ja, Flafy,samo sam običan čovjek i ne stremim savršenstvu,ali hvatam svaku zraku sunca! I samo da znaš lijepo je biti u tvom društvu. Moj osmjeh i zagrljaj ti poklanjam!

za mišu:

za tebe vrijedi isto što i za Gabriela...nastavi pisat blog...i nemoj bit u depri..i volim te puno...

- 19:34 - Komentari (18) - Isprintaj - #

05.06.2006., ponedjeljak


nađoh par stvari na netu koje su mi zapele za oko evo...

Tko se ne zna smijati, za njega je život izgubio svoju radost i svoju svježinu; a tko se zapravo smije iz svega srca, taj ne može imati zlu savjest.

Vedrina je u smijehu, a smijeh, ako je i gorak, ipak je vedar, jer smijeh nije toliko gorak da ne bi bio sladak.

Svaki je dan ispit hrabrosti.

Ništa nije nemoguće za čovjeka koji to ne mora uraditi.

Svoju istinu iznosi tiho i jasno; saslušaj druge, čak dosadne i neuke jer i oni imaju svoju priču.

Izbjegavaj glasne i agresivne osobe jer uznemiravaju duh.

Ako se budeš uspoređivao s drugima, možeš postati ohol i ogorčen, jer će uvijek biti i većih i manjih(ja, za početak..wink..) ljudi od tebe.

Uživaj u svojim ostvarenjima i planovima.

..i da ...priča koju sam već prije napisala..ali moram ju objavit...

The darkness around her… covering her shame in this ravaged world where nothing makes sense anymore..covering everything she ever knew..everything she loved gone from her mind..she just want to be left alone now until her life full of hate ends… no one can see one can hear her.. she weeps to be notice..she wants to be part of something..she wants to be someone...
One day gone the next..she can´t imagine never seeing him again..all that she has is the picture of the past..
Digging the hole deeper..never got to say goodbye..wishing she could give him some of her life to
bring him back..just one more laugh, one more smile, one more memory..but she couldn´t...
Seeing the beginning and loseing grip on the veil that is Death's end, her end..
..wanting to be in his heart as he is in her´s, she would die for him, to say goodbye would make her break down and cry her heart out.. It would hurt bad like hell..Their enchanted lives lead to two totally different paths..
He promised her that he would never leave or hurt her..but their love turned sour..
The sadness and pain will eventually faid away.. but the scars will always remain physically an mentally..cause nobody cares,nobody knows what she´s going through.. no one ask's..
Day after day…he couldn´t forget him..she tried..but..the feelings were much stronger than she left it..she just did..
Her dead lifeless body lies flabby on the cold marble floor..still warm..waiting to be found..
Self-hatred taken to the was´n meant to be like was not meant to go this far..
A pool of scarlet blood drips from lacerated wrists.. with not even the sound of a heartbeat
to disturb the fatal silence.. Nobody will know what she has been through..until it will be too late..

She left him a message…:“this is my message of goodbye... I thought you should I lay awake thinking about you..about me..I think: why am I alive? I don´t deserve to
be here..I don´t deserve this life.. why I hate myself so much? I think it´s cause of you…
you´ve been my judge… My future is bleak, just a deep lifeless void..There's no hope for me, there´s no love for me..No one cares for me, hatred flows inside..Fuck all of this shit, my whole life is a lie..
When I was first with you, my life had never been so great..but then you left me with a permanent hole,
straight through my heart.. but now…My time has come..the end is near..As I pick up the old knife..
My blood dips, to the floor..I don't have to more thoughts,going through my was the only thing that kept me alive..but now it´s I´m alone again..this message is my whisper to the nothingness..but anyway..goodbye...“

...i da....puno pozdravljam Gabrijela, Mišu, Vranu, Bleeda, Kety, Šafku, Lonac, i druge ljude koje sam upoznala...wave
- 21:19 - Komentari (19) - Isprintaj - #

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Mr. Jack
Viky, flegma
Pokisli pjesnik
smisao života 42

ICQ : 347-087-033


Ljudi ne vide stvari kakve jesu,
nego ih vide ovisno o tome kakvi oni zapravo jesu..
..čovjek ne vjeruje u sebe sve dok netko ne
otkrije da je to duboko u njemu nešto vrijedno,
vrijedno pažnje, vrijedno slušanja, sveto na dodir.
Jednom kad povjerujemo u sebe možemo riskirati znatiželju,
čuđenje, spontanost i sve drugo sto jest ljudski duh..
Da shvatimo sebe moramo biti shvaceni od Drugog.
Da budemo shvaceni od Drugog moramo shvatiti Drugog…

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Live And Let Die

When you were young
and your heart was an open book
You used to say live and let live
you know you did
you know you did
you know you did
But if this ever changin
in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die
Live and let die

What does it matter to ya
When ya got a job to do
Ya got to do it well
You got to give the other fella hell

You used to say live and let live
you know you did
you know you did
you know you did
But if this ever changin
in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die
Live and let die

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by Edgar Allan Poe, 1830
From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
Then- in my childhood, in the dawn
Of a most stormy life- was drawn
From every depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still:
From the torrent, or the fountain,
From the red cliff of the mountain,
From the sun that round me rolled
In its autumn tint of gold,
From the lightning in the sky
As it passed me flying by,
From the thunder and the storm,
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view.

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Megadeth-a tout le monde

Don't remember where I was
I realized life was a game
The more seriously I took things
The harder the rules became
I had no idea what it'd cost
My life passed before my eyes
I found out how little I accomplished
All my plans denied

So as you read this know my friends
I'd love to stay with you all
Please smile when you think of me
My body's gone that's all

A tout le monde [To all the world]
A tout mes amis [To all my friends]
Je vous aime [I love you]
Je dois partir [I have to leave]
These are the last words
I'll ever speak
And they'll set me free

If my heart was still alive
I know it would surely break
And my memories left with you
There's nothing more to say
Moving on is a simple thing
What it leaves behind is hard
You know the sleeping feel no more pain
And the living are scarred
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# Školovani optimist.

# Čovjek koji od dva zla izabere oba.

# Čovjek koji je sretan kada je nesretan.

# Čovjek koji je najsretniji kada dokaže da radost ne postoji.

# Čovjek kojeg ne može pokolebati ni - vlastiti uspjeh.

# Čovjek koji zna da je sve upola tako dobro ili dvaput tako loše nego što izgleda.

# Čovjek kojem optimisti idu na živce.

# Dobro obaviješten optimist.

# Optimist sa čirem na želucu.

# Čovjek koji, razmišljajući o destruktivnim sposobnostima čovječanstva, pomišlja da je život način kojim galaksija eliminira izvjesne planete.

# Čovjek koji umjesto meda i mlijeka vidi kalorije i kolesterol.

# Onaj koji se žali na buku kad mogućnost zakuca.

# Pesimisti su najsretniji ljudi na svijetu. Oni su 90% vremena u pravu, a preostalih 10% vremena su ugodno iznenađeni.

#Pesimisti nisu dosadni, oni su u pravu.

I close my eyes, and think of home,
Another city goes by, in the night,
Ain't it funny how it is, you never miss it til it's gone away..
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Telegrafski stup,
I smrznuto polje,
I pogled zasićen i tup,
I život bez volje.

Mijenjaju se krajevi i postaje,
Ali tuga, tuga ostaje.
Nosim je od stanice do stanice,
Nosim je od granice do granice.

Osjećam da sam ko kotač vagona,
Koji sila vazda u daljinu nosi
I pokreće,
Ali on se vječno oko svoje osi
Okreće, okreće.

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